A Merry Friggin' Christmas (2014) Poster

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A Sore Spot in the Last Chapter of a Great Comedian's Life
MinistryofDoom12 November 2019
As a Robin Williams fan, I'm sad to say that this, one of his last films before he died, was not a good one. This is not the film by which you should remember the late great Robin Williams. It is an affront to his legacy as a great comedian and actor. This is a forgettable film that will forever be overshadowed by his much better performances, and relegated to the dustbin of sub-par forgotten Christmas films, of which there are many. Now I'm not criticizing Williams, I think he was a wonderful actor but this film thoroughly stinks and, well, he signed on to play a role in it.

The writing was pretty bad and the dialogue felt forced and unnatural. It felt like the actors were playing parodies of dysfunctional characters from other family films. Joel McHale was very dry and awkward throughout the film. His delivery did not come across as genuine and the scenes where he was supposed to be emotional felt fake. I felt the highlight of the film was actually the interactions between two side characters: Luann played by Lauren Graham, who you know as the mom from Gilmore Girls, and the always delightful Candice Bergen infamously known for her character Murphy Brown. There is a section of the film where these two, annoyed by the antics of their respective spouses, decide to drink until intoxication while reminiscing and goofing off. It is genuinely the highlight of otherwise dreary 88 minute mess.
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Not Really a Comedy More like a Drama
gerry_barnaby8 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This was pretty hard to watch as it star one of my idols the late Robin Williams who dose a fantastic job a playing this grump old former alcoholic father who was never really there for he's kids, he's performance is as away perfect its such a sad time to see a great actor pass from us. Although i wouldn't really say this is a comedy in a way as it very depressing & bleak at time's but you get why this is as it set a tone more as a drama than a comedy as you see the son Boyd Mitchler played by Joel McHale who seem to hate his father for never being around & always being drunk. The story goes along at a stead pace as you see the character's develop, it soon becomes this family bonding time with his father as he force to go back home to get something for he own son. What clever is this film show just how damaging curtain bad thing happen in family's can be this is where this film start to take on a bleak dark tone of sadness, it not really a funny comedy its more of a black comedy drama type film in a way but still worth watching.

Dislikes : Comedy's are meant to lift you up & make you feel good, this just ended up making me depressed just because of the tone of the film, although i thought it was good film, but this is far from a comedy lack the laughter & light humour.
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What a mix of emotions this one brings out
monkeygirlsmama1 December 2014
I can't quite say if I enjoyed this movie or not. I initially wanted to see it because of it starring Robin Williams. (RIP) But then I saw the rest of the cast listing and was locked in on my decision. However, the movie itself left me with a mix of emotions. For a movie staring two hilarious actors, Hale and Williams, the mood was just a little too serious throughout. And even the humor was clouded in a way by something more depressing. There were funny parts to be sure, but it wasn't nearly as funny as I'd have hoped for. The storyline was decent except for the underlying current of utter despair that simply oozed out of this movie's pores. So, yeah, not my favorite movie by any means, but it had its moments. I'm really sad to think of it as being the last one we'll get from the great Robin Williams. I was hoping for something at the end of the credits, and in that I was not disappointed. The dedication to Williams was very touching and sweet.
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A waste of comedic talent and great premise
jpelc-2485511 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie having never really heard of it and knowing nothing of the plot. That's the way I like it. I had fairly low expectations because I considered that if it flew under the radar for so long despite the stellar cast, it's probably a dud, but I gave it a chance regardless. I really wanted to like it as I love the cast, unfortunately this film gives you nothing to like.

I won't spend too much time in the details of the plot, it's similar to a lot of Christmas movies, it's about a family that doesn't like each other but tries to make it work for Christmas. I think the mix of characters and the premise is a great setup for some excellent comedy, however both the writing and directing completely suck out any opportunity at humor. After about 15 minutes without a single joke I began to wonder if this was even supposed to be a comedy.

As for the script: The writer, Phil Johnston, seemed to sabotage the plot with the road trip angle. What should be crazy, chaotic holiday hijinks with everyone packed into a tiny house is turned into a slow, awkward, overnight road trip with a father and son who lob the same cliche, uninspired insults at each other throughout the movie. Maybe they were afraid of making it too similar to Christmas Vacation, but separating all the characters destroyed any chance of added comedy by bouncing the zaniness off each other.

The brother, played by the hilarious Clark Duke, would provide some more laughs except he's hidden in the back of the truck for most of the trip. Then suddenly both the father and son have a change of heart, with virtually no lead-up to the character change. The whole moment is so forced and unbelievable that it would be offensive if it weren't for the fact that by this point of the movie you've lost what little interest in the characters you had to begin with. Johnston ultimately decided not to put his name on the film. I wonder if he presented this to a studio as a rough draft, and they shot it as his, leading to his embarrassment. The script reads like an early draft, each scene just starts and characters go through plot points methodically, with no heart and no interest, and certainly no jokes or physical comedy. It's like the next draft is when they were going to go in to each scene and write all the jokes, but they forgot that stage of the writing.

As for the acting: Joel McHale is a great comedic actor, but his character is barely given anything to work with. Robin Williams, despite being a great actor, is just a little too warm-natured to be believed as an alcoholic, angry, macho-man boomer. All of his angry rants are neither funny nor intimidating. They're like this film, just kind of there, unclear if it's supposed to be funny or dramatic, and you keep watching for clues as to which one it's supposed to be, but ultimately it creates no emotional reaction other than boredom. The kids, despite having a few good one-liners, deliver them so poorly that you have to force yourself to laugh. Tim Heidecker is probably the funniest character in this movie, and he's not even let loose. He's probably only 1/5th as funny as he normally is. I didn't even recognize him until the 3rd scene he was in!

Which brings me to the director: While the script is bad, you would think even a bad director could gather a few laughs out of all this comedic talent playing all these wild characters shoved into a house. Yet every opportunity seems missed. It's like he tried to get every comedic actor to shy away from what they're best at. Heidecker could have been HILARIOUS as a dirty gross redneck, and his character is married to Wendi McLendon-Covey's who we've already seen for years play hilarious trailer trash. Yet both were way too turned down.

Robin Williams and Joel McHale should have been let loose to improv at the dinner table, but instead the scene is given to a kid just for him to shove rolls in his mouth.

Candice Bergen's and Lauren Graham's characters were in an attic slamming Vodka looking at old stuff from the past, and nothing funny comes of this.

Overall, the director seemed to get the worst possible performance out of all the actors. No one had any chemistry and each scene was so uninspiring and lifeless, it was like they were reading the script for the first time ever off the cue cards.

So many wasted opportunities. My wife fell asleep about an hour in. She woke up and didn't ask a single thing about the end of the movie because she couldn't have cared less. Use her as an inspiration: if you want to fall asleep, put this movie on.
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A fitting end for Robin Williams
Simply-Red13 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
***contains very slight spoilers***

I don't know what to say about the exasperated haters of this movie, so I'll just explain the movie…and life… This movie is rated PG. The Motion Picture Association of America created the ratings in response to people's desire to look at a simple rating to quickly determine if a movie is suitable for children…or tender little sensitive adult minds.

The MPAA rating PG is stated as: Some material may not be suitable for children. Parents urged to give "parental guidance". May contain some material parents might not like for their young children.

If you want all puppies and perfect Christmas fantasies/stories you should stick with G-rated movies and the Hallmark Channel where all the movies are nearly exactly the same…and safe for the sensitive.

Christmas is not all mulled cider, puppies under the tree and red rider BB guns to everyone. For a lot of people, Christmas brings apprehension, family arguments and even depression and big let downs. People are so sensitive to having their little "Christmas Bubble" burst, that if they encounter negativity they want to plug their ears and yell…la la la la la… so they don't have to be exposed to it. When you set expectations so high, you are bound to be disappointed…that's life.

That's life…this is the movie:

This flick covers the not so perfect…perfection in the end. It's is a harsh, stark reality blast that culminates in a good ending with lessons learned. It's not a feel good move and the comedy is built deep in to the depression and dysfunction.

The movie has most of the usual suspects, the bah humbug old man, the kids that already know Santa was a lie all along and the one young boy that still desperately wants to believe in Santa and the dad that desperately wants to provide that Santa for him because HIS dad squashed the idea of Santa for him at a young age.

Through all the dysfunction, there is a deeper lesson learned and a reconciliation between a dad and son's long time difficult relationship. The grumpy dad learns a harsh but good lesson in the end.

It really is a decent flick and very fitting for Robin Williams' last contribution. Everybody wants to remember him as that nutsy zany character with way too much energy. But, it turns out, like a lot of entertainers, that happy, crazy exterior concealed a dark depression within…and we all know he eventually took his own life in a very unflattering way to the shock of so many. This character of the unhappy old man fits the ending of Robin's life perfectly for me…it all makes more sense now.
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An awful friggin' movie
jodynh28 November 2014
I'm a huge fan of Robin Williams, Candace Bergen and Joel McHale. This story line had potential, but the way it was written was downright depressing. If I had seen this movie before Robin Williams killed himself, his death wouldn't have come as such a shock. He looked and acted like he was ready to do it all the way through the film. Candace Bergen's character was lame and not very smart. She seemed to be out of touch with reality most of the time. Joel McHale's character was so filled with hate throughout most of the movie that he didn't seem appropriate for a Christmas film. I realize that holidays are horrible times for a lot of people who feel a need to spend time with people they can't stand because they're "family". But that's not the sort of thing I want to see in a holiday movie.
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I liked it! Ok
meyeryan-564-77474322 December 2019
Family is not pretty all the time and Movies with a great cast dont always make a great movie. It was a good movie though and it ended better than it started. I'd watch it again next Christmas.
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A great cast..but .a big disappointment of a film
billkexel12 December 2014
I found this movie on Netflix, and I wondered how come I didn't see a trailer for this in the theaters or on TV? With such a solid cast, it should be good? After watching it, the best word that comes to mind is "disappointing".

Whomever wrote & directed this clunker shouldn't quit their day job. I would imagine that they lost big money after paying this cast. The story is terrible and stupid. Such a waste of great talent like Candice Bergen and Robin Williams. They aren't even believable as a married couple.

It's very sad that this was Robin Williams' last films. Especially when you think of all the classic characters that he played over the years, that he would choose such a badly written/directed film. The movie is depressing & lame.

Now I know why it wasn't successful in the theaters. A total clunker.
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Surprisingly Good
emilykeeter12 December 2016
First, let me say, this is the best Christmas movie I've seen in a long time. While the idea behind it seems to be a stereotypical Hallmark Christmas movie, the movie addresses the issues in a decidedly non- Hallmark way. It doesn't just resolve with everyone forgiving each other because of "Christmas Magic" and it doesn't treat serious issues in a heavy handed way.

While it has plenty of comedic moments, you shouldn't consider it a comedy. If you do, then it fails because, while the antics of the characters are pretty funny, it isn't a fall-off-your-seat-laughing sort of movie. It is a genuinely good movie about a dysfunctional family, children questioning the magic of the world, and a father who is desperately trying to be a better dad than his was.

It is extremely well written and the performances by Joel McHale, Lauren Graham, Candice Bergen, and (of course) Robin Williams make this movie a must see for any Christmas or Robin Williams fans.
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One of our captain's last movies is truly awful.
JayShermanStinksYoooooo192030 November 2014
I know you're only paying attention to this movie because of one of the greatest actors and comedians of all time, who recently died (Robin Williams if you didn't know) is in it. That's the only reason I even watched this Christmas comedy. Or, I'm actually a fan of some Christmas movies like Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, Miracle on 34th Street and I even thought Jingle All The Way kind of worked. However, A Merry Friggin Christmas is a poorly made comedy with a very bad cast. I like most of the actors in the film like Clark Duke , but they all did an awful job. The absolute horrible script. doesn't really help.

The story centers around a father who accidentally leaves all his son's Christmas presents at home, and attempts to make the 8-hour round trip before sunrise to get the presents, with his dad who's played by Robin Williams. Since I grew up with Robin Williams, I had to watch this. His death hit me so hard even though I never knew him or met him. I ignored the awful plot at first, but everything is just so bad about this film.

The main problem is that it's supposed to be a comedy with a few touching moments. I can't remember laughing while watching this. All the jokes were either very childish or just dumb. I don't think Robin Williams improvised any of his lines in this film, because I have never watched a movie with him there I didn't laugh at least twice. Since you weren't introduced to the characters in this comedy at all, you didn't really care about them.

This is just an awful Christmas movie everyone should at least try to avoid. I'm giving the movie a 3/10 because I still thought it was nice to see Robin Williams and Oliver Platt (who also starred together in the very good sci-fi film Bicentennial Man). Except for that, there's nothing worth mentioning here. The last years of Robin Williams consisted of poorly made comedies (except for a few movies like World's Greatest Dad), and A Merry Friggin Christmas just proves it.
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What's everyone's problem?
borchtj25 November 2018
If you liked Four Christmases, this is like an entire movie set at Brad's dad's house, and that's a good thing. This is a dark comedy about a family with past hurts. We loved it. Disfunction is real life people. If you like Four Christmases, Bad Santa, or Surviving Christmas then give this a go. Life is ugly. Stop pretending Christmas is a just like a Hallmark movie and have fun.
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finally a good Xmas comedy besides bad santa
wycherleyp-960-4706587 November 2014
Going to start this review of by saying that the world is at such a loss without robin Williams as this feel good xmas comedy shows just how great of a actor he was. the film starts off bit slow but then once robin Williams character comes into the plot it becomes interesting. the plot is a simple one which I feel helped this film evan more and you can read the plot above in the info next to the picture. The jokes and one liners are great and funny and despite all the mishaps it gives off a nice message and just in time for xmas as let's face it films like "jessabelle, horns, dumb and dumber too" don't really give you a festive feel. So if you want a original xmas comedy with a great cast a funny drunk santa and a overall feel good film for this time of year then be sure to go watch this film.
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Gordon-119 July 2015
This film tells the story of a hedge fund manager who goes home to spend the Christmas with his estranged family. He forgets to bring along with him the Christmas present for his son, and has to go on a long journey to rectify his mistake.

I watched this because it's one of Robin Williams' final films. He plays a grumpy old man who seems to know how to enjoy life, as opposed to his son, who goes a long way to try to be a good father. The plot is very weak, however, and I don't really care for any of the characters. The jokes, which include Nelson the supposedly a war hero, and the recurrent police encounters, are simply not funny. I find "A Merry Friggin' Christmas" a huge disappointment. The only good thing is that the main bulk of the film only runs for 73 minutes.
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lisapem16 December 2014
This is one of the most depressing Christmas movies ever made. There was not one thing truly funny or redeeming about the movie. The movie had a good plot and the potential to be a decent Christmas movie, but it was difficult to watch for many reasons. The dysfunctional family was pitiful. I don't know if they were suppose to be funny or not. They were not! Good actors/actresses wasted their time making this movie. There were too many curse words for a family movie. What else can I say except, disappointing and depressing? Not a holiday classic. Nice to see Candace Bergen in the movie. Great acting from Candace and Robin Williams as well as the other actors.
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god bless robin
mikavicakohl18 November 2014
This is not trolling, neither do i want this comment to sound disrespectful in any way.

Watched the movie for robins sake, as it was one of his last movies. Family Christmas themed comedy, yay! Though, what it really was, is just an awfully written drama.

First thing that came to my mind after finishing the movie was disturbing, but i think there's a lot of truth in it. Basically what i thought was that this movie took a part in what killed him. If i casted in such movie, i'd want to kill myself too.

I didn't find single scene even slightly funny. All it has been is marathon of sadness. Robin dedicated his life to laughter and making people around happy and the opportunities and surroundings have just thrown bricks beneath his feet. If i met the person that wrote this script in person, i'd throw in a few punches. I'm not a violent person, but how can one make Christmas themed comedy with robin williams in cast this sad?

I'm not even going to comment the movie/plot itself, as it's not worthy of words.

I give this movie 2/10, and that one point goes purely to robin and his utter genius. I adored robin while he was around, and forever will.
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A movie that is very funny but contains an unintentional tinge of sadness
cosmo_tiger23 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Get in the truck Gladys, we've got Christmas to save." Boyd (McHale) has just learned that he will be spending Christmas with his father Mitch (Williams) and the rest of his family. What should be a happy time becomes stressful for everyone when Boyd realizes that he left his son's presents at home. After his car breaks down Mitch and Boyd set out on a road trip to save Christmas. I've thought of ways to start this review without starting with the obvious but I can't. Robin Williams was my 2nd favorite actor (behind Al Pacino) and I was devastated at the news. That both helps and hurt the movie. I think it helps because (right or wrong) the movie will get more exposure than it probably would have got otherwise. On the other hand it is impossible to watch this without thinking of what happened and that takes you out of the movie. All that said I thought the movie was very funny and I recommend it, but the comedy is hurt knowing that this is one of the last times you will get to see the genius of Robin Williams at work. Seeing him play a crotchety old man paired with the McHale who plays a father trying way to hard is a perfect combination and the chemistry really works. This is one of those movies where things seem to just get worse and worse but at the same time funnier and funnier. Every member of the family adds something different and that makes it very fun to watch. Overall, a movie that is very funny but contains an unintentional tinge of sadness. I give it a B.
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With all that Talent, I get this?
OneOldTruck10 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
While the premise is so often overdone, family drama (exploited for comedy), I still had hopes that there would be something here to enjoy. Joel McHale plays the successful son who is embarrassed by his family and moves states away (did that myself!) to avoid the conflict. He is so embarrassed, he cuts his father's picture out of the family portrait. Ouch.

Robin Williams and Candice Bergen play the parents who seem to be living through a delusional dysfunction. Neither is given enough room to be funny, and come off looking a bit tired and wishing it was over. I sort of expected the giant Christmas miracle at the end to fulfill the schmaltz, but even that is lacking. The mysterious 'Santa' turns out to be a drunk, homeless guy. Nothing magical about it.

I wish they would have played more along the family issues. The family pervert really is just another drunk member of the family. The son with PTSD is really just overly weird as a defense mechanism, and the successful son hates his job and wishes he were an artist. Cue the eye rolling.
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Tons of potential with sub-par delivery
Robert_duder8 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was a little hesitant going into this film. I had to wonder why it didn't get a theatrical release and came out with a definitive whimper to the point where I had never heard of it but happened across it on demand. It had a solid cast, one of Robin Williams' last films, sounded like a decent story and looked like a sort of dark "Bad Santa" mixed with National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. It seemed like the perfect adult Holiday hit. So why not? Well I wasn't disappointed because fortunately I kept my expectations mediocre. It is definitely dark and much more of an indie film than I was expecting but it was absolutely and noticeably lacking in passion or heart. This cast has a few truly talented actors/comedians but they just don't seem to be into it and the script which is decent is lacking in a certain polish. I will say there were a few scenes that were definitely reminiscent of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and any comparison to that stone cold classic is a good one! It also goes to show how much they could have gotten out of this. Still it was a decent watch with a decent story and its hard to say anything bad about Robin Williams.

The late great master of comedy, Mr. Robin Williams, was a personal hero of mine. The man defined comedy period. It is unlikely we will ever see a talent like him again. He is subdued in this role and seems to not be giving it his all and its too bad because its potentially a great role as the cantankerous, often harsh patriarch of the family. He doesn't get nearly the great lines he should but he definitely brings something to the table. Joel McHale is someone I have become a fan of since Community but I also think he has some definite talent as a comedian. He and Williams are good together (I think they could have been great with a better script) and McHale leads the cast very well. Lauren Graham seems somehow out of place as McHale's wife. Their chemistry together is completely off and seems awkward and that's too bad because I enjoy Graham as an actress. Candice Bergen has a great comedy style too. She was amazing in Murphy Brown and proved herself to be more than that in Miss Congeniality. I feel like she is underused in this and once again gets terrible dialogue to deal with. Her and Williams should be magnificent together and instead they are sort of...yawn... The supporting cast are decent including Wendi McLendon-Covey (whom I LOVE from The Goldbergs), Clark Duke and Tim Heidecker.

I just feel like this film had all kinds of really great potential and you sit down to see it unfold and it feels so incredibly flat. It isn't a bad film but its an okay one at best and despite a few chuckles, its far from laugh out loud and as a writer myself I saw where the script could use some serious polish. And then the cast just seems so bored with it and like none of them are giving it what they could, should and usually do. I expected the director to be someone without experience, and expected that this would be their first film but that isn't the case. Tristram Shapeero has a ton of experience on Television in various hit sitcoms (probably how he brought together this cast) but writer Michael Brown has only this to his credit. Maybe it was done as a favour to someone but its mostly forgettable unfortunately and I certainly wouldn't add it to my yearly holiday film collection. For an adult Holiday comedy it just barely passes the mark. 6/10
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A merry okay Christmas movie.
MattBrady09916 November 2014
Boyd Mitchler: "Look kids it's snowing". Mitch: "It might be ashes".

Boyd (Played by Joel McHale) and his family (Played Robin Williams) who are forced to spend a dreaded Christmas at his parents' house with his eccentric father that he has been avoiding for years. When he realizes that he left his son's gifts at home.

This movie has it's good, it's bad and lot of scenes that made me go "No way, I can't believe they did that". Some of the acting in this was pretty good: Joel McHale, Clark Duke and the great Robin Williams all do fantastic job in their roles. While watching this movie I go that sense of the Christmas spirit in side of me, which I always like when movies or TV shows get that sense of feeling of whatever season it's celebrating right.

This movie has it's bad like: Some of the acting in this movie wasn't all that good and the movies message about the true meaning of Christmas got lost in it's messy script and it's numbing characters. Joel McHale character in this movie was such a Jerk and a peace of work. I hated his character so much, because he was so annoying and so rude to his father, and yes I know his father abused him when he was a little kid but we never see that, even in the the flash backs when he was a little boy and his father didn't abuse him at all. At times his father seems really nice and really caring for his son, at one point he tries to his son and the son pretty much says "F'ck off!", to him.

A Merry Friggin' Christmas has it's ups and downs, but the three good actors really done carry this movie for me making it a merry Christmas indeed.
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Decent Christmas movie, mix of comedy and some drama
destroyerwod15 December 2023
I live in a small town where there is still a video store left. Its in the basement of a big convenience store who also serve as an ice crime bar the summer, basically they are a bit like the general store of the town. Anyway they cut a lot on their movies, especially older ones, a few years ago and i pick this one for like 1$ in a bin. I saw Robin Williams on the cover as well as Joel McHale (from Stargirl) and Lauren Graham on the back (Gilmore Girls, Bad Santa, The Mighty Ducks Show) who i always enjoy so for 1$ it was a no brainer. Wanted to watch it last year but eventually i didn't so i made sure to do this year.

This long intro done, well its a fine but nothing special Christmas movie. Its very short for a start so it never overstay its welcome. Maybe even a BIT too short? There is a few gags with the kids and the "weird uncle" to not use a banned term, but its minimal. Movie focuss mainly on the father and his 2 son while Lauren Graham and the mom have a little bit of a side angle. I think they could had done more with other characters.

I would say the movie gave me a few chuckles here and there, but it didn't made me laugh loudly much. The "familly story" tough is fine and Robin Williams put on a good performance. Apparently it was release after his death. I am not too familiar with the later part of his career. I mean like everyone i loved Mrs Doubtfire, Jumanji and Hook but those were all in the 90s. I looked at his acting credit on IMDB and most movies pass VR, i never saw and in some case never even heard of them.

All of this to say it felt a bit different than what i am use to see him into but it was well acted. Sadly the french dubbing is one of those "cheap dubb" where the company reuse the same voice actors for just about everything and the voices don't really match the actors. Williams do not have his 90s voice and Graham do not have her Gilmore Girls voice either. I guess for native english speaker it does not matter obviously, but for us Quebecers who watch in french, it did break a bit the immersion.

Well i did a much longer review than i expected. Yeah overall it was decent, it pass my 76ish minutes good enough. Glad i saw it. But will not be a classic for me.
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Dysfunctional Christmas Blaah
julonsworld25 December 2021
This is not for any kids who believe in Santa. It seems hell bent on spoiling beliefs in Santa. Robin William seems like one of few people who could be both too sharp tongued and too soft to play the character of a psychologically abusive father/grandfather and make it work as a comedy. Robin William's keeps rolling out the jokes in his usual improvised comedy style, but the plot of abusive history and intentional awkwardness doesn't pay off well. Watch away from the kids. You have to have a dark since of humor and maybe a few drinks to really love this one.
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Good Christmas drama comedy.
mosnorrebo26 December 2019
Great and entertaining drama comedy. Really enjoyed it. If you expected a Christmas comedy with all the Hollywood joy then this is not for you. This is more like a real Christmas reunion with tension between family members.
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Very Cute Holiday Film.
tomjackson-6563223 December 2015
A very enjoyable holiday film with great casting. It did remind me of a TV movie, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. A man, played by Joel McHale, who suffered through an alcoholic father and less than great holidays, is determined to make his son's holidays as terrific as possible. He also wants his son to believe in Santa for as long as possible. After they make the long drive to his parent's home for Christmas, the parents realize they've left the son's gifts all back at their house. So McHale decides to drive back home overnight and get the gifts, so that his son can still believe in Santa Claus. When his car dies, he's forced to make the drive with his father. I'm sure you can guess how it all ends up, but it was still fun and charming, with a few laugh out loud moments. The end is very cute and just what you'd want in a holiday film.
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Waste of an incredible cast
jezziebezzie26 November 2016
I'm so glad I waited until a couple of years after Williams passed to watch this. I love nothing more than to DVR a couple of sappy Holiday Movies in the time between US Thanksgiving & Christmas Eve. Williams, Candice Bergin, Joel McHale, Lauren Graham, Clark Duke, Wendy McLendon-Covey & Oliver Platt? It took 0 convincing to queue this one up. It's 88 minutes of grumbling & groaning & whining & unfunny. I'm not sure how it's even POSSIBLE to make an UNFUNNY movie with that cast. Although the movie is so oddly disjointed (are the kids sleeping or awake? When did they go to bed & who put them there?), it's obvious they person in the editing bay had no clue what they were doing. Also, no disrespect to lovely actresses, but WHEN was this movie actually made? I've seen movies several years ago with both McLendon-Covey & Especially Bergen looking MUCH more ... "Experienced?" "Distinguished?" Darn, what's the correct (polite) word for a woman? It almost feels like this movie had been shelved (for good reasons) and then perhaps was 'dredged' up when Williams passed away. Sad. Sad. Sad.
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nogodnomasters20 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Boyd (Joel McHale) runs a successful hedge fund in Chicago. He is on the neat and orderly side, raising his children in a slightly sheltered world. His brother Nelson (Clark Duke) has requested he come home to Wisconsin to be the Godparent to the boy that was left to him by his wife and her Latino ballplayer lover. Nelson also suffers from PTSD he got while he was still in training. The rest of the dysfunctional family includes Dad (Robin Williams) who drinks too much and has a rough exterior. There is also his sister Shauna (Wendi McLendon-Covey) who is married to "the pervert" (Tim Heidecker) and blames her mother(Candice Bergen) for her low self esteem. Their kids are unruly too.

The scenes tried to be clever but didn't seem well developed. I would watch something and say, that could be funny, but it really wasn't funny here and now. The film seemed like it was running with a "check engine" light.
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