Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (2009) Poster

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Not worth the time
Farstrider27 February 2009
This movie was terrible to put it simply. I wasn't expecting it to be great, but I wasn't expecting it to be as bad as it was. It seemed that they took a really bad, wannabe Kung-Fu movie added some Street Fighter names and thought that would good enough to pass it off as a Street Fighter movie. Horrible, almost nonexistent plot, bad acting, and terrible fight scenes make this movie not worth the time it takes to watch it. At times it was funny though, but not intentionally. When certain characters try to be serious or they throw out some line they think would be good catch phrase you can't help but laugh at how poor the acting was.
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Ridden of it's goodness
on_the_can4 March 2009
If you think my heading is cheesy and stupid you're absolutely right and I heartily agree...unfortunately that vary statement is the crux of the latest Street Fighter attempt's plot.

Ignoring the 1994 Van Damme version of the franchise this film starts anew, focusing on the character of Chun Li, a young Asian woman highly skilled in both piano and martial arts. Her dad gets taken away from her at a young age by M. Bison who uses him in his criminal plot to overthrow Bangkok. Unfortunately for Bison Chun Li grows up, meets a mystic who teaches her some freaky stuff and sets out to kick his ass. While the Van Damme version was far from spectacular it had a sense of humor about itself and wasn't afraid to have fun with the material, which was at the very least entertaining for a lazy hour and a half. The Legend of Chun Li tries to be a dark brooding action thriller with something like Batman Begins as its model...but the material just doesn't support it. The plot goes back and forth between clichés and just plan dumb hokey sci-fi stuff. Yes, being "rid of your goodness" is actually a plot point.

The script is loaded with cheesy dialog and flat characters which doesn't make the actors' jobs any easier and they really don't live up to the challenge. Chris Klein is particularly bad in his attempt to be the bad ass.

You would think the action would at least make it worth the time but even that is nothing to brag about. The fights are far too staged and obviously fake. They throw in some signature moves from the video games that are beyond reality. If they'd been shot differently they would've been cool, but here they just look ridiculous. These are things that would fit at home in a more cartoony film like its predecessor...but sorry, no go.
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A Legend Worth Forgetting.
jamylie28 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
**May be a spoiler or two but probably not**

"Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li" is about a Chinese/American girl who goes from being a gifted concert pianist to Wushu master and savior of Bangkok Thailand's slums. And that is pretty much all that is discernible from a plot that bounces around more than the heroine when she battles bad guys...and girls. The movie's downfall is its attempt to cram too much of everything into a world and story that is a lot more simple.

The film starts off earnestly enough. The sweet tunes of a grand piano gently transport us into an ordinary world that is soon going to come crashing down. And crashing down it does and not in the good 'bashing your opponents face into the pavement' way, but rather in the bland character's, bad acting, convoluted and totally unbelievable story kind of way. Now, before I get into how bad this movie really is I will start with what is good about it. But 'good' certainly does not mean redeemable. The cinematography and camera work are great and truly capture the essence of the places the story takes us. The fight scenes are well-choreographed and well-shot for the most part, which is more than most Hollywood martial arts heavy films can say these days(I am glaring at the insanely hard to follow 'static-cam' of the "Bourne" films and Bond's latest foray into an unwelcoming action-genre).

And that, viewers, is where the goodness of this hack ends. What follows is a lot of over-acting to the point of hilarity, cheap and pointless one-liners, too many implausible scenarios that don't have any basis in anything related to reality. And yes, I know, this is 'Street Fighter' and it is based on a mildly supernatural video game but some of the events that occur in this film are just too over-the-top(Bison 'delivering' baby scene...enough said). The film raises questions we as viewers shouldn't need to ask...and then we never get answers to those questions! Chun-Li and Gen are the films 'strong' points. Bison is nowhere near as imposing as he should be. And even though his Irish(yes, apparently Bison is Irish) parents died just after he was born and he was raised on the streets of Bangkok with nothing but Thai people, adult Bison somehow managed to retain a spot-on Irish accent. Balrog is just plain hokey. Vega (who is supposed to be a Spaniard, but certainly is not in the film) is...well he just is. His character is neither cool nor threatening and not even as arrogant as he is supposed to be. The characters of Nash and Det. Sunee are totally forgettable and as a matter-of-fact totally unbelievable as well. No decent high-ranking detective, like Sunee claims to be, walks around as scantily clad as she does when she's at work.

Oh my God, ladies and gentlemen, I could go on and pick this film apart piece by piece but that would entail me giving away spoilers...and this film has spoiled having only been released yesterday. You wouldn't waste your money on spoiled food would you? I think not, so don't waste it on this tripe.

And for the record I am a fan of the games and I have seen the animes and read the graphic novels. I think I speak for all real fans that we want Ryu and we want Ken. We want their journey from children to brothers to karate street fighting masters. We want their revenge on Akuma and Ryu's scarring bout with Sagat. Simple. Right? No Interpol, no sexy cops, and no Shadaloo (supposed to be Shadow Law btw). You don't need those things to have a great fan pleasing 'Stree Fighter' film do you? I didn't think so. Simple. Simple. Simple. God, I am writer...I should just write the damn thing. It would certainly be better than what has been so far.

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The god-awful, the bad, and the ugly
kels-errific2 March 2009
So this movie has been on my radar for quite a while. I was smooth talked by Justin Mark's assurance that his treatment of the movie was respectful and to be prepared for a new era of gaming films. I was pumped and on board, and then... I saw the film. THE GOD-AWFUL The script from this movie was a joke. When Bison utters something about milk and expiry dates, I laughed. It was a nervous laugh, but it was laughter. This movie makes no sense to me at all. The pitch was it was a Chun Li story about looking beyond revenge. In the end, she gets her revenge and the moral is? Revenge is the answer. THE BAD The costumes in this movie can also suck it. I felt terrible for Kristin in the night club scene, wearing a ridiculous dress and using her feminine wiles ( primo top dollar dancing to the unaware) to lure Cantana, a lesbian associate of Bison, into a bathroom. The pacing of this movie was dreadful, and we are hand-held for every scene, if Chun Li is walking on the screen she will undoubtedly inform us "I was walking.." ... REALLY? Really. THE UGLY The truth is this movie insults movie goers, gamers, and people, in general. Am I supposed to feel for Chun Li, even though she had a privileged life, and a loving mother? How is she a victim of circumstance? Am I supposed to feel Vega's threatening persona through five minutes of him getting the crap kicked out of him? Am I supposed to believe Bison is all evil when he continues to nurture his daughter? I think this movie was seriously edited so terribly, whatever good there was to salvage was lost on the cutting room floor. Whoever edited this needs to be bird kicked in the throat. It just makes no sense to me how the editor could do his job, watch the movie and allow this to enter the theaters. The best parts of the movie involved subtitles, and a sunset. That is it. So there you go, street fighter 2? Most assuredly, not.
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-or- How to Make the Worst Movie Ever
gale_winters2 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
WOW. Where do we begin? It's been ages since I have seen a film of such poor quality, so much so that the many parts of the whole have come together to form a movie so insipid, so completely devoid of merit that only a team of evil geniuses, locked away in an isolated mountain fortress, driven mad by loneliness, despair, and bad TV sitcoms could have ever created such an atrocity.

So, the film opens with a a lengthy, completely unnecessary monologue by Chun-Li that is supposed to set the story and give neophytes into the Street Fighter saga some background into her life. Great. This part proceeds with the pacing and depth of a newbie film student's freshman project, and is completely unremarkable. WHat is TRULY terrible, however, is that she NEVER SHUTS UP! Usually a narration is present to help you discern elements of a story that you might otherwise miss, such as a character's thoughts and feelings...but when she goes on and on talking about everything that you the viewer are already seeing on screen, well...someone was definitely trying to pad their script.

Oh yeah, the script...let's talk about that for a little bit, shall we? Right from the get-go, you are amazed at the flat, base dialog that would only impress those who had just discovered the joys of reading - the speech is flat, stilted, and poorly acted by all in the cast. M. Bison's entry into the early set was particularly painful to listen to, and Balrog's cheesy entrance into the scene was so god-awful that I was actually pining for the time when he held a video camera as Chun-Li's cameraman back in 94! Oh, and let's talk about one plot point that just angered me off from the get-go: M. Bison's origin. So, supposedly, in order to drive out his "conscience," (which is supposed to make him more powerful? Heh...okay...) he must rip his unborn daughter from her mother's womb in a spooky cave where evil spirits dwell.

Huh. Riiiight.

Now, it's bad enough that they made up such a stupid plot point to begin with, but can someone please explain something to me: just how is it that M. Bison could have actually even HAD a conscience in the first place if he was willing to go through with killing his wife and ripping out his daughter from her womb? Further, HOW IS THIS SUPPOSED TO MAKE HIM MORE POWERFUL?! ...



...yeah. It's a lot of this "I stole these plot ideas from my ten year old son" crap throughout the whole film.

Oh, and if anyone EVER defends Chris Klein as an actor after this film, they lose all credibility...not just as a film critic, but as a human being with ANY opinion whatsoever. My God...that man brings suck to a previously unheard of level that actually elevates Sci-Fi channel original movie D-listers...

How's this for a succinct clincher: Street Fighter: the Legend of Chun-Li actually gives Manos: the Hands of Fate some healthy competition for worst film ever.
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This movie is the worst movie I have ever seen
barretto_chris1 March 2009
I don't even know where to start. For anyone who knows anything about Street Fighter, set yourself up for disappointment because the movie has absolutely nothing to do with the game. There are little to zero special effects and the ones that are in the movie do not revolve around the fighters special powers. Let's talk about the characters....I realize the movie is suppose to be about Chun-Li, but that does not mean exclude every other character in the game. The ONLY characters are Chun-Li, Balrog, Bison, and Vega. None of the characters have the same power or skill that they display in the game. There are also a lot of over played scenes by useless characters such as Chris Klein's Interpol character and the other Asian chick that also has no purpose. They only serve as pawns in making the movie more irritating. If there was ever a punishment you wanted to dish out to anyone or revenge you wanted to take upon somebody, just have them watch this movie.
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Holy shi-- what was that?
srkooijman18 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As a big fan of the Street Fighter franchise from it's original conception I had high hopes for this movie. I expected it to provide a cinematic version of what I already knew of the Chun Li persona, and it failed to provide in every way.

First off, Kristen Kreuk as Chun Li. What where they thinking! There are hundreds of highly skilled Asian actors that could have been casted in a better fashion. Bison/Balrog (lol confusing) kept reminding me of the Green Mile, the death sentenced good guy with a heart of gold. Now he is some buffed punchbag, mmm. This leads to the horrible, horrible accents that the actors had when they were talking in an Asian language. Seriously, UGH!.

The story itself was shallow, bad bad special effects. (Spinning Bird Kick in the club scene, are you serious? 20 years ago they were able to make it look better in a video game. 30 years ago they made it look better in a Kung Fu movie, get real.

The story about her revenge on Bison is shallow. She gets her revenge in a way, but it's not satisfying at all.

Top it all off with cheesy one-liner upon one-liner, bad acting, bad casting and you got yourself a turdcake that the entire audience has to take a bite off.

F--, see me after class.
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Bad Movie. Big Disappointment.
the_final_ninja2 March 2009
This movie is very terrible in many ways.

First off, the choice of characters is the worst possible ever for a game movie. Chun Li is meant to be Chinese yet you've chosen an actress who has problem speaking the language in the movie (when for example she asks for help which she asked in a terrible accent).

Game movies are not really easy to be pulled off along with good reviews, not many are out there. The reason is shown very clear in this movie. The director ALWAYS misses the point of what the movie should be about; I mean fair enough you don't want a movie about Ryu fighting Ken or Bison, and want a Legend of Chun Li, But you could've put a better story in it, or give the movie better actors (I can't believe the acting in this movie). Take Marvel for example, their world interacts a lot of different marvel characters, but when it comes to their own movie/cartoon, they actually make the story relevant to the characters life(e.g just because Bison was the boss, it doesn't mean that Chun Li's life has to be revolved around killing him (which is what Ryu does)).

The choice of camera shots used to try and show the story was also done badly. For example when Bison was trying to show the camera that he had a picture of his wife and daughter, which were dear to him; First off, would Bison do this? Secondly, this is very very corny.

This movie had made me dislike street fighter. I would highly recommend better actors and directors AND story writers if another street fighter movie comes out.

P.S Didn't finish the movie, it was that bad.
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very disappointing
Floated27 March 2009
When i first saw the trailers of this movie, i thought that it was gonna be great and entertaining. I remember playing the video games of street fighter while growing up and remembering the characters so i got excited for this. But this was a big disappointment. I can honestly say that the script was just plain awful. Since the script was crap i cant blame the actors for there performances. Except for Nash (Chris Klein) he was truly terrible, how the hell is he able to be an actor and who is the idiot that decided to pay him for it. they should of really ran through the script and made sure it all made sense. The first fight scene was actually good so i thought it was going to be a good movie, all though i did not like the intro to the movie since it dragged on. I hate movies where the characters tell their story and when their telling it from their prospective. That was how it started for street fighter. Vega was over too quick and not great, the club scene was all right until Chun-Li did her upside down kick it was way poorly done. And the ending was really weird. While Chun-Li and Gem are talking, Gem mentions Ryu's must be a hint that there will be a sequel. Hopefully if there is one, it will be better than this.

The movie was very confusing to watch and I just didn't understand what exactly was the point. I just got cheesed off at a point. They ruined another video game movie...way to go. I would not recommend this movie to anyone, seriously bad
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Street Fighter ....disappointing.
ed_die_master28 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
From the start it looked to be a good movie, we got a look into the Chun-Li history, followed by a good fight sequence with her father, Micheal Clark Duncan and 3 henchmen. The story continues, and slows down a bit and we follow Chun-Li's journey. Then we are introduced to Charlie Nash (Chris Klein) and Det. Maya Sunee (Moon Bloodgood), who's corny and horrible one line's make you wonder why they are even in the story. Their presence in the Movie ruined anything good in the movie. At one pint Chris Klein delivered a line and sounded like a funny punchline; it wasn't, neither was anything that came out from him. Another disappointment to fan's was the short fight scene between Chun-Li and Vega, the fight was not worth the slight build up for it. In general, I enjoyed a bit of the movie, mainly watching Chun-Li's journey and Bison (Neal McDonough) playing a cold blooded villain; which was the only character that was fun to watch. The opening fight was the best through the movie, after that the rest just are plain. The end give's us a nice little hook to see the next one as they mention Ryu and the Street Fighter Tournament, but if the same writer and director are to do it, I rather save my money and avoid watching it, especially if Charlie Nash (Chris Klein)will be in it.

I was disappointed, as a fan and a movie goer.
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Definitely no masterpiece, but still a nicely entertaining action movie
sami-somermaki10 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching this movie today, because it was the most interesting stuff that was on TV that moment. I saw it pretty much from the beginning, and the beginning of the movie had fast pace to setting up the "starting blocks" of the story. Chun Li's father is kidnapped and her mother dies because of an illness and she gets a old mysterious roll that has a message for her to leave her past behind and get on a "new adventure". There's some great overacting in this movie by Chris Klein and Michael Clarke Duncan (sorry about the overacting part Chris and Michael). The story is very simple, but I don't think there's nothing wrong with that, if your just looking for something pretty entertaining to watch. I like Kristin Kreuk, so that's a plus for this movie :) and I like the action in it. The action seems that you've seen it before, but if your not looking to "invent the wheel" again, it's good action. So maybe this movie isn't something that will be watched for ages, but it's still a very watchable movie.
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What i saw is not the worst movie ever.
helmutty18 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There are people saying that this is the worst movie ever, obviously they have not seen the recent spoof movies and some movies made by Uwe Boll. Street fighter: the legend of Chun-Li is actually entertaining, it has actually some great music to follow the story and from my point, it makes the movie more entertaining. Acting is not that good especially Chris Klein's. The fighting scenes are not that bad, though they do have some confusing and sloppy stunts. It is based on the popular fighting game.

The story: Chun-Li's father was kidnapped by some bad guys who are Bison and Barog. Few years later, she sets out a journey to find her father. The cops led by Charlie Nash and Maya. Blah, the story is typical. Fight scenes are slotted in between the action-packed journey. Charlie Nash(Chris Klein) makes the acting unintentionally funny. Even the way he walks. One word I can describe his acting: Lame. It seems that he is bored plus he is over-acting. I got to admit that some of his looks are priceless. He makes the story less serious. But whatever it is, I was entertained.

Overall: It is not that bad as what other people commented on it. If you want an enjoyable movie, leave your brain at home. Don't take this movie seriously. If you do that, you will be groaning all the way plus it may seem to you that you are sitting on the sofa for more than 2 hours. This is the first video-game adaptation for the year. Be prepared for more are coming.
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grenmonkey5 October 2009
How can a movie that runs for a hour and a half feel so long? Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (2009) is a horrible, unimaginative, cheesy and just plain stupid movie. The dialog made me laugh at the movie, not with the movie – the actors didn't pull through with the cheesy material. The acting is agonizing along with the script that makes very little sense if any, even the action is dull.

The whole movie is just one big pile of rotten cheesy clichés sewn together without any idea of what is being made. The first Street Fighter movie (1994) at least made me smile once here and there with it's "camp" -attitude, Legend of Chun-Li tries too hard to be a seriously taken "growing-up" drama that the fail is twice as bad that it could've been. I felt ashamed even just watching the movie, must've been tough to be actually a part of it. Well, at least they all got paid.

I really don't have anything positive to say about the film. 1/4
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You'd Think Capcom Would Make It MORE Accurate
dark_mullet27 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
So one would think that this movie would be more accurate to the video games and Anime movies since Capcom had direct hands in this. Nope! This is even worse than the 1994 film. But unlike that one, this one isn't fun. This one isn'y laughably bad. It's just bad. I'll basically go through it, so spoilers if you actually wanted to be surprised.

I went into it expecting crap based on the trailers. But at first, I'm pleasantly surprised! Duncan is Balrog and portrays him very well. Big black boxer, working for Bison, enjoys killing people. Spot on characterization and acting. The opening fight with Chun Li's dad against Balrog and his henchmen was good fun all the way through. I was having a great time! Then M. Bison comes in. Who appears to be the nicest British man in the world. I don't think he's actually British, but that's how he feels. He is not fueled by Psycho Power, he is not the be all end all badass. He's a guy in a suit. Now at first I thought this is how he would start, then later in the movie he would get his Psycho Powers. This never happens.

Chun-Li's actress isn't a bad actress. She plays the role very well. But there's a big major problem, she looks nothing like Chun-Li. This is a glaring issue if for no other reason than it being so distracting to a fan of the games. She's barely Asian, more meek than the most powerful woman in the world, and her legs are NOT super duper awesome. Speaking of which, Chun Li never does her kick attack in this movie. Her trademark move is nowhere to be seen. She does something similar to a Spinning Bird Kick and a Kikoken. In fact, the focus of making Chun Li so awesome in this movie is her learning and performing the Kikoken. Nevermind that this move has never been the focus of Chun Li's character ever, it's her lightning fast kicks. But I'm glad there was a fireball in this movie, that was the main down note of the original live action Street Fighter movie. Also she's not a cop. At all.

Robin Shou finally pops back up into movies playing Gen. Of course, the character is portrayed completely wrong. He's not an old assassin, he's a middle aged former criminal. He also teaches Chun Li the Kikoken. But since Gen hasn't been such a staple character like say most of the SF2 characters, it isn't as obvious. It's nice to see Robin again, as well.

Charlie Nash appears in this as well. The name is pretty much all you get though. He doesn't fight, doesn't Sonic Boom, and doesn't really look like Charlie.

Vega is a waste of Vega. He's dressed in all black and has long black hair, making him look like a ninja as opposed to a Spaniard fighter. Sure, he's the "Spanish Ninja", but his costume is ridiculous. The mask looks like a really cheap prop, especially even compared to the 1994 film. The actor, as well, is a horrible cast for Vega. Vega is beautiful. The Vega in this movie is a tough guy and sounds more like a black man than Michael Clark Duncan. Plus his appearance is horribly short both times, which is worse the second time around. You expect Chun Li vs. Vega to be the first really big fight and it's actually the shortest.

The movie itself has serious pacing issues. Chun Li starts fighting about 15 minutes too late. A large chunk of the first act is based on Chun Li "living amongst the people of Bangkok". Something which could have been wrapped up in a few minutes, we would have gotten the point. Instead we're treated to what feels like a half an hour of boring narration and Chun Li walking around streets.

Most of the time when Chun Li is kicking ass, it's entertaining. The problem is how little it happens. And how boring the rest of the movie is. Whenever we cut to Nash, we just don't care about that storyline. When Chun Li dances, it's un-needed, as is the borderline lesbian scene. The movie just crawls along trying to make its way to an ending you probably don't care about anymore.

When we finally get to the end, Bison starts kicking ass. He is able to punch Gen across a room with little effort, but never does anything you would expect M. Bison to do. He fairs more poorly against Chun Li, while in a very nice suit, but keeps the upper hand until Chun Li performs her epic Kikoken technique, which hurts him way more than it should. And after it's been drilled into our heads that Bison put his soul into his daughter and that's his ONLY weakness, Chun Li kills him by snapping his neck 180 degrees. Thus adding another weakness Bison has, having his neck snapped 180 degrees.

So both Balrog and Bison are killed in this movie, before the tournament even occurs.

The film ends with Gen meeting Chun Li with an ad for the "Street Fighter" tournament, hinting that Bison is behind it even though he was (seemingly?) killed. He mentions that there's a great fighter in Japan they must recruit, "His name is Ryu...something." And the film ends.

So instead of properly making a Street Fighter movie, the filmmakers behind this opted to make a prequel to what the audience would care about. A poor prequel at that, which nobody will like, so we may never get a real/good Street Fighter movie (with Ryu as the main character). I would avoid this in theaters, or giving it money at all. The only reason to give it money would be so there's hope of a sequel about the tournament.
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decent kung fu action flick
ninja209-127 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
PROS decent story, a lot of action and fight scenes well choreographed and aggressive, kristin kreuk surprisingly good as chun-li, robin shou as gen (i really liked him a lot in this one) a hot club scene with kristin kreuk and josie ho (awww yeaahhhh) =)

CONS (and there are more than a few) not much character development, story seemed kinda rushed just to get to the action/fight scenes. the fights themselves while good they were a bit short. Vega shows up only once in the whole movie only to get his ass beat by chun-li in less than a min. (i mean i thought there was gonna be a 2nd fight with him at least before facing bison) speaking of bison i think (FANS THIS GOES TO YOU) you're gonna be disappointed at the end =) i sure was.

all in all a decent fun kung fu flick and video game adaptation. Better than the Van Damme version i'd say.
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Round.... One....... FIGHT! Warning: Spoilers
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li wasn't the worst movie I've seen based on a video game. Uwe Boll is still accredited for creating a bunch of them. Movies based on video games are generally at a disadvantage for not being liked.

The strengths in this movie are the fights scenes, and that's about it. The formless projectiles don't really make sense. (Ryu and Ken's Hadouken's?) None the less, the fights were the only reason why I didn't really hate this movie.

I also liked the background settings of Bangkok, seeing the characters weave around and chase each other through the market places, the back alleys and the housing was actually memorable.

The writers at least tried to make a good story but fell flat on the concept of implementing Vega, M. Bison and Balrog into the story line.

The acting was sub par, all the characters were practically mismatched. Michael Clarke Duncan looked like he was about to cry every time he spoke. I mean this is the guy who is known for his cheery/weepy emotional attitude in the Green Mile and Armageddon, and hearing his voice was annoying as a villain. (BTW-I don't recall him ever boxing here). Neal McDonough didn't fit the M. Bison role at all. At least Raul Julia looked like him in the uber crappy predecessor, and Vega was supposed to be Spanish. The Cantana character was somewhat intriguing with her lesbian tendencies, but she didn't have enough screen time that really mattered.

Chris Kline was mismatched in that he acted too perverse to be an Interpol agent, maybe if he turned out to be an evil Interpol agent, it would have made the movie interesting; however, he and Moon Bloodgood do nothing but ponder upon M. Bisons would-be conspiracies and hog up too much screen time. When in-fact these two useless characters DON'T DO ANYTHING but theorize! (okay there WAS an exception at the end.) Gen reminded me of a generic character of the cheesy Englished dubbed kung fu movie. Saying things like "Impress me with your training" or "You will know when you are ready to face him" to Chun Li. It was laughable. Kristin Kreuk, was okay as an actress, she was more effective in her choreography than in words. She looked too much like the girl next door rather than a serious fighter.

The story obviously doesn't fit with the story of the game. The title should have been called: The Girl-Next-Door Takes On THE MAN instead of Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li.

Overall, I can't be serious on recommending this movie. There are much better martial arts films, and even movies based on video games. But it could have been much worse, but its flaws are rather noticeable.
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Don't Wast Your Time
allanthewrestler27 February 2009
This movie was bellow par. Horrible graphics and bad dialog. I would rather have payed to watch the original movie with Jean Claude. If they make another one they really need to step it up and use the original back ground stories on characters. Chun-Li's dad was a lead detective in China not a business man! Hopefully Capcom will actually screen the next movie and not let it suck so bad. All in all just a bad bad movie that didn't stick with the video game/ cartoon background info on these characters. But play Street Fighter 4 the game is awesome. All the great old characters and handful of good new ones. Make the next on better please!!!!
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A good popcorn flick
maxiam_us3 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I marked this with a spoiler, just in case i accidentally "spill" something:).

I found this movie to be surprisingly enjoyable, a decent B-movie karate flick. This movie is very much better than "Street Fighter", and while the story isn't clever or has depth, it is taken seriously, more than its hamtacular predecessor.

It's amazing to see Kristen Kreuk as Chun-Li, with some actual decent martial art skill. Of course, i'm no expert in real-life martial arts...only its cinematic counterpart. Girl got some moves here. The only big minus for me is we never see her in any skimpy outfits. I would have loved if she simply stayed in that green dress she wore in the club scene, treating that as her "battle outfit".

The rest of the cast is decent for the material, and Neal's M.Bison seems much more believable and menacing to me than Raul Julia's Cobra Commander wannabe.

If you want a simple popcorn flick with a heroine, this movie is for you. If you want a truly serious Street Fighter film exploring the mythology...its not here.
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Okay, but I'd wait for cable
dbborroughs22 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There is at least two earlier live action films based on the video game of Street Fighter. One with Simon Yam and Andy Lau and one that was made a year later with Jean Claude Van Damme and Raul Julia.(I won't get into the numerous animated films/series) This is a prequel of sorts that tells the story of Chun Li who goes off to fight the evil Bison many years after her father was carried off by the foul villain. Good but not great film is an okay time killer. Seeing this in close proximity to the much inferior Dragonball Evolution I know raised the enjoyment level a great deal since this is a film that not only doesn't seem aimed at kids but also has some pretty good fight scenes.(I know my saying that may come as a surprise since I was less then thrilled with how the making of show on Fox Movie Channel showed the fights). Of course what I can decipher of the plot is cliché and of course it would have helped had I had a working knowledge of the various story lines and characters from the other incarnations, but at the same time I could follow it enough that this was a good rainy Sunday afternoon popcorn movie. I don't know if I would have plunked down 12 bucks to see this in a theater during peak movie going times, but for a bargain matinée (6 bucks all day Tuesday) or, better, afternoon on the couch I wouldn't have minded the outlay of cash as a rental.
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An Abomination!
Ramascreen8 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
O, man.. if there's an Razzie Award category for the worst game-based movie of the year, it should go to STREET FIGHTER: THE LEGEND OF CHUN-LI, I mean I kid you not.. I don't even know what idiot would think this could make it well on the big screen. This should've been a… direct-to-trash can movie. The only good thing about it is Kristin Kreuk and you can't help but feel sad that she's associated herself with this poor excuse for a reboot. I wanted to hit my head into a wall repeatedly, it's that awful.

Kristin Kreuk is a cutie, no doubt. That fair complexion and smooth legs and big hazel eyes and her long exotic dark hair, she's a goddess to behold but she is not chun-li. And this movie's attempt to make her Chun-Li is pathetic, every effort fails and what you get is a hilarity guaranteed to make you shake your head in embarrassment. I hate the narration.. why the hell do they have to make her narrate the story?! And sometimes it would come in the most unnecessary moments ever… she goes to an Internet Cafe and she says 'I know now that I have to do some research'.. do we really need her explaining that?! That scene could've gone just fine without her rambling.

Neil McDonough is not too shabby as a bad guy but once again, he's not much a Bison as Michael Clarke Dunken is a Balroq, who also by the way will get you to wonder.. "didn't he get nominated for Oscar for The Green Mile? What has happened to him?!' Don't even get me started with the story.. the only action scene worth enjoying is the beginning parts, after that it goes downhill for some reason. Nothing exciting about the fight choreography, They make it seem too easy to beat Vega. Fans of the video game will not be satisfied by this re-imagining.

Very slow-paced, countless inconsistencies, terrible acting, crappy direction and it's downright ridiculous in all levels. Typically, when somebody blows up your house with an RPG and you're in it when it happens.. you won't survive.. but nope, this movie is so far fetched,.. you can come out of the disaster unharmed. The dialogue is cheesy especially the lines said by Chris Klein playing Nash. What the hell is up with his character anyway?! He's cocky but in a very unrealistic way, he overdoes it and it comes off laughable. Moon Bloodgood is drop dead gorgeous, especially when she bends down to talk to you and her cleavage all up in your face but she's as terrible as Chris Klein is and their supposedly detective work is sh*tty and unorganized

After watching this, you will lose faith in game-based movies and there's no way of reviving it. The movie's ending tries to give you a hint that there might be a sequel but I hope to heaven above that somebody up there would listen to my prayer and stop any effort of making this into a new franchise. God help us all.

--Rama's SCREEN--
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Enjoyable romp
earlsy26 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I went with several friends and family to watch this movie as I have a small part in it (the conductor) and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

I felt that Balrog came over as very one dimensional, which is a shame, as I usually like Michael Clarke-Duncan. I was not impressed with the relationship between Nash and the Thai Detective, but later in the story, Nash came across better.

I thought the fight scenes were very well done and they managed to portray the immense power of Bison and Balrog very effectively with slow motion and sound.

All in all an enjoyable romp.

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Some thrills for fans, but sadly uneven...
Filmverse27 February 2009
Having enjoyed the game as I a kid, I was excited to see Chun Li in a new feature adaptation. The cast showed signs of "mixing it up," with its choices and I was willing for the ride.

While the overall origin story is strong (the piano playing a very nice touch for depth) unfortunately many scenes come off as campy. On a scale, the strongest scenes are easily those between Kristin Kreuk and Robin Shou as Chun Li and Gen, and sadly the weakest being Michael Clark Duncan and Chris Klein's characters of Balrog and Nash.

That was the central problem for me here, there is an exciting action piece at work but is jumbled with various other plot lines and set pieces that really feel out of place. The feeling of the film comes off as uneven as was also the case with Director Andrzej Bartkowiak's previous works in CRADLE 2 THE GRAVE and DOOM. This film unfortunately continues Bartkowiak's pattern.

Nevertheless, Chun Li was carried well by Ms. Kreuk and the effort was well mounted.

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How come no one looks their part?
funnyartist22002 August 2009
Seriously, I rather watch the first live-action streetfighter just because some of the cast actually looked like the role they played.*(Zangief, Sagat, Bison, Blanka ..a bit, etc) In this movie, NO ONE LOOKED ANYTHING LIKE WHO THEY WERE SUPPOSE TO BE!! (except maybe Vega and Balrog. I only recognize him from his mask and claws) Honestly, I couldn't tell who was who until they say their name. I was so disappointed in Bison. He's looked nothing like the one from the game. The effects were pretty awful. Anything good? Well Michael Clarke Duncan as Balrog (he did a good job) and Kristin Kreuk looks really hot. =) Well I watched this movie after playing good old Streetfighter so I'm basically comparing this to the game. Overall, don't watch this movie. Sorry Kristin Kreuk. You're hot but this movie is not. (sorry bad pun)
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Street Fighter in name only
beobnoxious25 May 2009
A wonderful and beloved franchise dies with the creation of this film. From reading the tittle you start thinking maybe this will be an origins type of movie and it is but its horribly lacking in cameos, special effects and meaning fullness.a complete disappointment. The only thing going for this film is the lead actors/actresses try there best with the garbage there given and the martial arts sequences are well put to gather and powerful looking. Basically the street fighter name is used to garner sales if was named Streets of Bangkok I probably would have given the movie a 6.5 because character names and martial arts is the only thing this film has in resemblance to Street Fighter.
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Just as bad the second time around
Wizard-813 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The same video store clerk who warned me about the remake of "The Wicker Man" (you can read my user comment on it) warned me about "Street Fighter: The Legend Of Chun-Li" when I brought it up to the counter. So why did I rent it, when you also add the fact that I thought the first "Street Fighter" movie was terrible. Well, I had heard that this movie was so bad it was good, and I'm usually in the mood for laughable ineptness.

This movie isn't so bad it's good. It's so bad it's BAD. Let me count the ways. The screenplay has a number of holes in it (Why was there no investigation for the kidnapping of Chun-Li's father? Why did Bison let his daughter get out of his grasp?) The screenplay also has a number of clichéd scenes - you'll be saying, "I've seen this before!" a number of times while watching the movie. The biggest sin the movie makes is that it's pretty dull. There's less martial arts action than you may think, and the martial arts scenes that are there are ineptly choreographed - a surprise, since there was some Asian control on this movie.

I admit there was one thing I found amusing, and that was that the main villain strongly resembles Neil Patrick Harris. But other than that, I seriously regret renting this movie. Next time I'll listen to that video store clerk.
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