Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009) Poster

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I really enjoyed it!
james21196713 May 2009
I payed my money and saw this movie expecting a laugh and to leave with a smile on my face. I wasn't expecting Oscar acting, a great storyline or something that would leave a lasting impression on me.

The performances were good, I especially enjoyed Michael Douglas's glam OTT character. The main actors also impressed and I was drawn into their romance as the film went on. So much so that I shed a little tear at the end.

When I left the cinema I was smiling and during the movie I laughed out loud along

with many other people. I got what I paid for and had a good night.
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Not all bad
Kingslaay1 October 2021
Matthew McConaughey does an alright job at carrying this film. Some decent music as well and does of humour. It's an interesting concept throughout the film but the end always seemed predictable.
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5.8? Lot of stuck up reviews here
ayamizumi28 December 2021
So is it an original concept? Of course not! But nothing is anymore in Hollywood. They've all been done. A talking mouse, dozens of them. A movie with a turd in it. So get real! The story is all right and the movie has heart felt moments. It's an above average rom-com. 5.8?...go do your own movie so everyone else can shoot it to smithereens.
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Nont quite rom-com
JohnDeSando4 May 2009
For a rom-com, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past is as dramatic as it could be, more Dickens than Apatow. Matthew McConaughey as womanizer Connor Mead is type cast as a rake waiting to be changed into a loving human being, The plot with returning dead lovers to teach him a lesson about having feelings is not quite as exotic as it sounds, for it is a device mainly to show him as a callow youth squiring and losing the love of his life, Jenny Perotti (Jennifer Garner). The drama is the disaster he makes of his brother's wedding and the tears he witnesses from the women he has seduced and left.

Since we all know enjoying casual sex is a no-no for descendants of Puritans, the outcome of the ghostly apparitions' lessons is secure in cliché land. Following the party line about scoundrels getting what they deserve is ghost of Uncle Wayne, a sort of Gordon Gekko gone good, an oily ex-Lothario played with relish by another spot-on bit of casting, Michael Douglas. His flowing hair and Hollywood-tinted big glasses call to mind producer Robert Evans (The Kid Stays in the Picture). Although Uncle Wayne is a recovered womanizer, at least for now, his speeches about loneliness and broken hearts ring true only for the moment, but long enough to affect the hero.

It's an enjoyable film with a smart cast, a preposterous story but a serious message about true love and selflessness. Not quite a romantic comedy, but very close indeed.
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A Nutshell Review: Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
DICK STEEL13 June 2009
For those who have played the field and sown some wild oats around town, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past might be a walk down a personal memory lane into why nothing lasts longer than possibly that first, genuine relationship. There are reasons abound why some are either commitment freaks, or just plainly wanting to chalk up a list of conquests to show off, and for top fashion photographer Connor Meat, erm I mean Mead (Matthew McConaughey), it's a run from responsibility, and the fear of never ever wanting to be hurt again.

I'm pretty sure many who have gone through a break-up would admit to having it leave some bad aftertaste, that you'd just want the upper hand the next time around when dealing with that painful, negative emotion, should and if it happens. Call it insurance, or the hardening of the heart, and if you're to subscribe to the tips shared in this film, it's preaching to love a little less if you're to walk away unscathed. This does not apply to those who are for the notion of true love, happiness and that institution called Marriage, and for a film whose protagonist celebrates and actually enjoys his freedom and singlehood, it ends with a cop-out smack in the face.

The trailer would have pretty much shown everything you need to know about the plot. For the ultimate swinger in Connor, nothing is worse than having to attend the wedding of his brother Paul (Breckin Meyer) as his best man, to toast during a ceremony he won't touch with a ten foot pole. Making it worse of course is the attendance of the only girl he has ever had genuine feelings for, his childhood and first girlfriend Jenny Perotti (Jennifer Garner). Then comes the whole shebang of A Christmas Carol proportions where Connor is visited by his dead uncle, Wayne (Michael Douglas), responsible for imparting his techniques to getting laid, who tells him that he'll be visited by three ghosts before the night is up. And for the home run, it's a determination if Connor would become a changed person and end up with the girl of his dreams (the future ghost did look hot though).

Those expecting comedy, you'll be disappointed as the jokes come off rather half-baked, making fun of best mens as nerds and bridesmaids who are horny all the time. Then there's the future father-in-law in war veteran Sergeant Volkom (Robert Forster) and his ex-wife Vonda (Anne Archer) whom Connor tries to hit (no women too young or old it seems). Those in for romance, unfortunately both McConaughey and Garner exhibit no sparks nor chemistry, perhaps the latter being all settled already as a real mom, that she's miscast as the mid-30-something still out there looking for love, and holding a candle for her childhood friend.

Director Mark Waters would be an old hand at handling ghostly apparitions in a romantic comedy, after all he had dealt with Resse Whiterspoon and Mark Ruffalo in Just Like Heaven. But his only saving grace in this movie with little surprises, is that of Michael Douglas' performance as the old-swinger Uncle Wayne, hamming it up as the adult version of Will Smith's Hitch, but with some pluses in not just wanting to establish that first hello, but going all the way for that one night stand, sharing some tips and tricks that you probably might just get lucky with.

Ghosts of Girlfriends Past turns out to be a misnomer, as Emma Stone gets to represent the countless of faceless, nameless women that Connor gets down with. As a date movie it's pretty formula, made worse by its taking a leaf from A Christmas Carol. The only element that kept me entertained, was the blast from the past moments complete with an excellent soundtrack to bring back those 80s and 90s nostalgia. See if you can spot the track 6 Underground by The Sneaker Pimps, and Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper, amongst others.
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A Funny Version of A Christmas Carol and Scrooge
claudio_carvalho7 March 2011
The successful fashion photographer Connor Mead (Matthew McConaughey) is a womanizer without feelings that has casual sex with every possible woman and worships his deceased wolf Uncle Wayne (Michael Douglas). The bachelor Connor travels to Massachusetts to be the best man of his younger brother Paul (Breckin Meyer) on the night before the wedding for the rehearsal. However, he tries to convince Paul to call off the wedding with Sandra (Lacey Chabert). The maid of honor Jenny Perotti (Jennifer Garner) was Connor's sweetheart when he was a teenager and he still likes her. When Connor is visited by the ghost of Uncle Wayne, he advises that Connor's life is completely wrong and he will be visited by the ghosts of his girlfriends from the past, the present and the future along the night. Connor is haunted by the ghosts; learns the causes and consequences of his attitude toward women and reevaluates his life.

"Ghosts of my Girlfriends Past" is a funny and entertaining version of Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" and "Scrooge", with feelings and love replacing greed and money. Jennifer Garner is amazingly gorgeous and the close of her face in the last scene is mesmerizing. Matthew McConaughey is hilarious in the role of a cynical bachelor and shows a great chemistry with Jennifer Garner. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Minhas Adoráveis Ex-Namoradas" ("My Lovely Ex- Girlfriends")
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It has moments but once you know the premise you could write this yourself
dbborroughs3 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Lothario photographer goes to attend his brothers wedding. In the course of the evening he manages to ruin the up coming nuptials. That night as he tries to sleep he's visited by various ghosts who effectively show him, ala Scrooge, the error of his ways and the true love of his life. Unoriginal romantic comedy stars Matthew McConaughey who gives it his best shot but its not quite enough. The problem is that once you know the premise you can pretty much write the rest yourself. Okay you may not have come up with Michael Douglas as one of the ghosts Uncle Wayne (based on Robert Evans?), but you could probably come up with the rest. Its not bad but I couldn't believe that anyone would pay to see it. (Admittedly I wandered in from one theater to another when the movie I paid for proved to be a bust, so I can say I split the cost, but even then I feel a little cheated.) I will say in the films defense that the speech about why the wedding should go on is a great piece of writing. Its a wonderful romantic piece on why we should not run away from love, its probably the best thing in it, and one wishes that more of the film had been up to that level (a couple of other bits are almost that good but they are fleeting). The film has left me wondering about Jennifer Garner. Her role is unremarkable and she has no real presence. Yes she is adequate but there is no star quality. Is it the role? Is it her? I don't know. I'm left to ponder why she's a star. As for the movie, if you like this sort of thing give it a shot, though I'd wait for cable.
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Totally unexpectedly great!
bball_player_302 May 2009
Going into this movie I wasn't quite sure what I was expecting. The trailer looked like a mediocre version of Scrooge and personally I am not a fan of Jennifer Garner. The plot was predictable and the end was of course cheesy, but with these types of movies, you don't watch them for the plot's predictability or cheese factor. You know in the end, the guy will get the girl, so it's not really a shock. You're more there to watch a) McConaughey being shirtless and b) the journey it takes for the characters to get there which in this movie is quite a little funny one. But I must admit despite Garner's performance and the plot's unoriginality, after coming out of the theatre, I was very impressed overall with the movie.

Although McConaughey and Garner's chemistry was lacking and did not seem very convincing, the supporting cast really made the movie a success. I think it's safe to say that Emma Stone (who plays the ghost of girlfriend's past) is going to have a bright future in the movie industry. She was hilariously witty and kept the movie light and fun. She was a major comic relief to the horrible scenes of Garner and McConaughey. Michael Douglas (who plays Uncle Wayne) also drops in for some comic relief and does again quite a good job. I didn't understand the "Dutch" nickname thing, but it wasn't overall important. Lacy Chabert (who plays Sandra) is a complete nut case bridezilla and although you have to sometimes be like "what the heck?" you have to laugh at her insanity. Bridesmaids and ushers were nothing really special and just were there as place holders, but I got a laugh out of the one usher who reminded me of an older McLovin' just by appearance.

It was a bit strange seeing the same girl playing the younger version of Garner's character in 13 Going on 30 and in Ghosts of Girlfriend's past (and both characters' names are similar: Jenna and Jenny). I guess they really liked her for the role the first time around, so why not make her play the younger version of Garner again (with similar horrible 80's clothes).

Overall, I thought this movie was a great movie you can sit down with friends and just thoroughly enjoy a good laugh. Don't expect too much romance with the unbearable chemistry between the two leads, but enjoy the supporting cast and what they have to offer.
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A New Breed Of Film!!! The Dark Romantic Comedy.
Seifer0067 May 2009
When I initially went into the theater I was really excited about seeing this movie, I love Jennifer Garner, I think she is a very underrated actress. So as the movie began I was a little bit disappointed by the 15-20min mar, however after that the movie really picked up. If you are watching this movie stick with it it does get better.

The story does take a little to get into but when it does, it is very good, not what I expected. The story is incredibly cynical which is unlike most chick flicks. I love the odd romantic comedy here and there but sometimes its a little too Hollywood. I feel as though this movie was refreshing and I understand that there will be a lot of people that disagree with me but I thoroughly enjoyed this film.
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Simple, plain and corny
barrys821 June 2009
Ghosts of Girlfriends past is the typical movie about a man in love with his all-time girl friend but he can't accept it and becomes the man that scores with all the women and dumps them the day after. A weird adaptation to Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol, I don't know if he'll be pleased to see what these people did to his novel. Its a romantic comedy that can take you away a few laughs. The idea of a story like this was interesting but they turn it to a very corny movie with a poor plot. The cast is good, the performances not so much, Matthew McConaughey is good but unfortunately he is repeating the same role over and over and its beginning to bore, Michael Douglas is great and so funny but I think he is being wasted with so little participation and Jennifer Garner is convincing enough in her role as Jenny Perotti. But not everything is bad, for example, the locations are great, the landscapes are beautiful. And I like the soundtrack, the 80's music is very cool. In conclusion, it is entertaining and enjoyable but not for a movie theater, please wait for it until it is on DVD.
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one to miss
jchauvin73 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I came into the cinema already having seen the trailer not expecting much from the movie. The first 45 minutes were OK starting with a few funny lines and getting a taster of what was to come of the main character. However the movie became a bit of a shambles as soon as the first ghost came along and the movie never really engaged me from then on.

I know that from the title i wasn't going to get a lot of realism but what i found hard to believe was the way Connor mead (main character) was able to have a life changing moment in one night ,from everything guys would want (most men would agree) to having everything a woman would want from a man, without the woman having to do anything which of course doesn't teach us anything.

the ending was very weak for an already weak storyline with a seemingly impossible wedding being put back on again after Connor has a 2 minute pep talk to the bride ,in which she realises she is wrong for not wanting to marry the man who slept with her best friend still sitting in the same car on the way to the airport. to cap it all off we return to the ghosts chatting each other up and everyone lives happily ever after.

If the producers actually had an idea of when to release the film they should have done it around Christmas because of the closeness to "A Christmas Carol" and people don't mind a corny film or a corny song because it's Christmas...instead it seems like everyone got it wrong with this one
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andres_ge881 June 2020
This movie has a great story line, less than 6/10 seems kind of unfair. Michael Douglas did an amazing job as Uncle Wayne, and is constantly cited by my friend for his wits. I think most of Jennifer Garner's movies are underrated actually. Fools Gold with Mathew and Daredevil with Jennifer Garner are also pretty underrated also.
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A pleasant pastime for fans of romantic comedy but, definitely more good than great
inkblot114 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Connor Mead (Matthew McConaughey) is a fashion photographer known for his revealing photos AND his love-em-and-leave-em practices. Short on time, one day, Connor finds it expedient to break up with three women on a conference call. Needless to say, they are disgusted, but Connor still has a knack for attracting adoring females. His personal assistant has to remind him that he is due at a rehearsal dinner for his brother's wedding and may have to cut short a liaison or two. Arriving at the family home in Connecticut, Connor upsets the wedding party with lightning speed as he propositions an older woman (Anne Archer), who turns out to be the bride's mother, and has an unfortunate accident in the kitchen. But, worst of all, Mr. Mead runs smack into an old flame, Jenny (Jennifer Garner), the designated maid of honor. Friends since childhood, Connor once wooed Jenny but the relationship turned sour, due to Connor's aversion to commitment. Now, as Connor settles into one of the mansion's rooms, he is visited by the ghost of his now-deceased, lothario-like Uncle Wayne (Michael Douglas), as well as the ghost of the teenage girl who was his first "conquest", and an angel-like spirit from the future, a la Christmas Carol. Can they show Connor Mead the important things in life and love? This film is a pleasant pasttime for fans of light, romantic comedy but, it is by no means great, merely good. The two principal players are quite nice, with Garner doing a fine job as the jilted girlfriend of long ago and McConaughey very competent in a role so familiar that he could do it well in his sleep. (Do look for a different type of role soon, Mr. McC, that's this viewer's advice). The supporting cast is even better, with Breckin Meyer, Lacey Chabert, Archer, and especially Robert Forster and Douglas, adding nice animation to a relatively routine script. The sets, costumes, and other production values are very fine. As for the direction, it is acceptable but definitely plays it safe, resulting in a flick that seems far too middle of the road. If you are a fan of romantic comedy, yes, you will be in your element when you sit down for a showing and most others will find the film bearable. But, even so, lower your expectations just a tad, for then you will not be disappointed when you realize it is not in the same company as such classics as Notting Hill or Return to Me.
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A good idea, that quickly dies down fast.
DarkVulcan2910 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Someone thought why don't we take Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol and take tiny bits of last years Maid of Honor, and you get Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. A good idea that quickly goes nowhere, It's not all funny, but mildly amusing at times.

Connor Mead(Matthew McConaughey) a famous photographer that has pretty much slept with a lot of women, some are clients. Is invited to be best man at his brother Pauls(Breckin Meyer) wedding. During that time he meets up with an old child hood friend and former lover Jenna(Jennifer Garner), and pretty much begins hitting on most of the brides maid. But is quickly visited by the ghost of his rich uncle(Michael Douglas), and tells him that he will be visited by three ghosts, in hopes that they will make him see the error of his ways.

Although the idea was good, but it went nowhere, cause it had very little laughs. Matthew McConaughey doesn't show much here in this role, he is so unlikable and makes it impossible to care about him. Jennifer Garner really surprised me here, she gave a real strong performance, and her performance was not week like it was in Catch and Release(2006). And she and McConaughey have very little chemistry. Now Emma Stone is pretty much a scene stealer as the ghost of girlfriends past, she got some laughs. But Michael Douglas's character began to wear out his presence.

A little note: Christa B. Allen who plays teenage Jenna, also starred in 13 going on 30(2004), in which she also played a teenage version of Jennifer Garner character.
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Underrated !
dannykodwani11 August 2021
Its a good story line but only thing is that it revolves around just one subject hence gets a little boring but thats the whole point of the movie. The emotions expressed by Mathew and Jennifer are unparalleled. Worth a watch though.
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Stingy Reviewers
johnharapa7 June 2021
While this won't win any major awards, HELL, it won't ANY AWARDS, however it's very very easy to watch.

Cast does this flick justice, and while the addition of Douglas is a nice touch, the heavy lifting is done by McConaughey and Garner.

Enjoyed thoroughly. Watch it!!
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Don't waste your precious time and money - rent a couple of movies instead.
RayRob823 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this yesterday and I wish I'd saved my £7 and a precious 2 hours of my already valuable time...I'm just glad that I didn't buy any refreshments while I was there too!! I went to see this movie, based on the trailer and the fact that I like Jennifer Garner and I'm a girl who's a stickler for girlie/romantic films.

I usually like these kind of movies, even when the majority of people don't...from movies like Sydney White, Princess Diaries, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and 13 going on 30 to Mean Girls. Other than Mean Girls, the rest aren't hugely clever, witty or original, but nevertheless, they are movies that I enjoy to watch when I feel like a no-brainer movie-watching session.

So, when I saw the trailer for this, I thought, "wow, maybe a slightly original twist for a change...might be worth a couple of hours of my time." So, I went and while only 20 mins into it, my friends turned to me and said, "This isn't very good is it?" to which I responded, "no, it's a bunch of crap." Usually by this point, we have walked out on movies, but silly me decided to continue anyway.

The main worse parts for me, though the whole movie can just be summed up as a whole "worse part", were the crassness and crudity of it which I found completely unbelievable. Do women really continually swoon over a guy who generally treats women like they are nothing? If so, I think those women should take a look at themselves as I'm pretty sure they have issues. Every 5 minutes my eyes, ears and mind were polluted with derogatory comments, sexual innuendos, scenes of a sexual nature. One scene that I shook my head in utter disbelief was when the lead character just groped an older lady's breast at a bar, and yet she made no effort to slap him or talk him down...would women seriously let a guy do this?

The only good parts or vaguely amusing were...and I'm really scraping the barrel here, were the times when Lacy Charbert freaked out in the way she does best a la Mean Girls. They were the only times I felt myself laugh a little.

This movie in the UK was a 12a and as I work with kids younger than this regularly, I would not want them to see this movie...not only because it is really bad but it is littered with smut and vulgarity. In the cinema, there were a number of kids under 12 either who got in but clearly put make-up on to make them look 12 or they were with an adult. If I was watching this with a child by my side, I would be very uncomfortable and escort us both out! I had no feeling for the characters whatsoever. Jennifer Garners character didn't even come across as disliking the main character at all. He supposedly broke her heart, yet she continues to like him and even treat him with some sort of respect, despite the fact he never treats anyone with any respect - not even his own brother at times.

I implore you to rent a movie or two instead of seeing this, or see something else at the movies - anything else.
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Enjoyable and fun.
insomniac_rod10 December 2010
I have to admit that I had a very good time with this one. I didn't expect much but it served for my Sunday's hunger for mindless entertainment/comedy.

I don't like Matthew M. Can't stand the guy nor his accent but still his performance makes the movie funny. Jennifer Garner is as hot as always and is the perfect support.

The high budget of the movie throws funny moments, great atmosphere (loved the 80's settings!), and good punch-lines.

I really like Emma Stone's performance.

To be honest I liked the movie very much because I'm a ladies man. Watching it made me think about my almost null capacity to get into a serious relationship.

Funny and entertaining.
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Waste of decent film stock
io_sono22 May 2009
I'm not a fan of rom-coms but the idea of a Lothario who meets his match in a Dickensian scenario sounded intriguing. Sadly, that was a mistake.

It took all of ten minutes to reach the point where viewing further would seem like a waste of one's life. The Connor Mead character is unbelievably trite and unlovable and the fact that pretty girls want to swoon all over him is an insult to women everywhere.

Far from being amusing or in the slightest way realistic, we have a film based on a totally self-centred character buoyed-up by brain dead bimbos. I appreciate that Americans have a different take on romance, relationships and humour to us Brits but, really, no-one can honestly say this isn't a car crash of a film.

It makes the 1960s and 1970s British 'Carry On' films, full of seaside postcard humour and wonderfully non-PC views on everything, seem like models of sophistication.

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Not a bad movie.
mm-397 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad movie, but I have to watch it another time. I thinks a second viewing will give me a better opinion. The story is a bit weak but Mat is a good actor and makes the film better. Mike D as uncle Wayne adds much comic relief. We see that Uncle Wayne should have never brought up kids, and this is the thesis which drives the story. I would wait and rent the movie or Video on demand it. The movie is not for kids. I would give Ghosts of girlfriends past a six out of ten. Maybe, I would like the movie on a second viewing. I found the characters a little to sleazy for my liking. There was not very likable character in this film.
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It's just a really bad movie.
VinceRocca2 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It completely misses its mark and audience. This is supposed to be a chick flick; therefore it should have characters that are empowering to women. Instead this is filled with the weakest women this side of a sheiks harem. It is insulting to women and completely demeans them.

Spoiler alert

I was most surprised by Jennifer Garner's character. For 7 seasons she played the strong kick ass Sydney Bristow, I would have thought she could spot a weak character. Also Jennifer's character is hardly a starring role, but more of a prop ready to serve the wants of Matthew McConaughey's character.

We are lead to believe that Jennifer and Matthew were childhood sweethearts (that never kissed) who lost touch at 14 then reconnected at 24 when he not only breaks her heart but actually destroys her.

He courts her, she falls for him, then after sex he bails and never speaks to her again. Years later he is the best man and she is the maid of honor at his brothers wedding. When she gets her first glimpse of him (after years of silence), she is all glassy eyed and love struck. The rest of the movie she pines for him. There is no big moment where she unleashes on him. There is no big moment where she realizes he is the one for her. She apparently has been waiting in the wings for him to realize she is the one.

The character played by Lacey Chabert is a bridezilla who is unable to control herself and her emotions. Thankfully the three men in her life are there to knock sense back in her.

The three bridesmaids are dimwits pining to sleep with Matthew and when that fails they scrape the bottom of the barrel groomsmen because they just need a man.

The only strong female character is the mother of the bride played by Anne Archer. She goes toe to toe with Mathew and puts him in his place.

But what is his place? Why is it assumed that a guy who lives life as a player lives an empty life? Matthew was blissfully enjoying his life until the ghosts started pointing out his flaws. And we all have flaws. Not like this guy was date raping girls.

You could claim he mistreated women but he never hid that and the women in the movie like it, so he's got their approval. He breaks up with 3 girls on a conference call in front of a fourth girl and after such a despicable act, the fourth girl still wants to sleep with him.

In another scene he orders a bridesmaid to his room to prepare for sex, she happily obliges. Why does that make him flawed?

Before the ghosts show up he is living a pretty happy life. He gets paid well, loves his job and he loves women. Later we learn that he lived to a ripe old age, so his antics never killed him.

Speaking of his funeral, the scene is laughable. Only one person shows? Please! He was great at his job, a top fashion photographer, and was a hero to all the Players. His funeral would be filled with people.

They try to portray him as a mean ass, because he supposedly gets drunk and shares his real feelings about marriage. The scene is out of his character. Prior to this he says with affection that he wouldn't miss his little brothers wedding, now he's saying mean things about the wedding to everyone? Remember this guy is a high paid professional photographer, he is not a stumbling drunk who just left his blue collar job on the loading docks.

Then they try to make it seem like he ruined the wedding by telling one bridesmaid that another bridesmaid once slept with the groom. After the three bridesmaids discuss it, we're dropped into a scene with a hysterical bride who just found out. Matthew was nowhere near that scene and couldn't have told her, therefore one of the bridesmaids must have told her. So it was the bridesmaids that ruined the wedding NOT Matthew.

Finally there is the photograph that he has apparently been caring in his wallet his whole life (yet it isn't folded). Earlier the plot point of the photo is forced down our throat, in a way that negates the final reveal. With the ghost of the past, he sees himself as a child take the photo, he (as an adult) knows it's in his pocket, so he'd be embarrassed about it and wouldn't call attention to the child saying "forever." Yet he does. Why? Oh yeah, to force the point down our throats.

Oh and when he's taking pictures at the wedding. The Nikon flash never pops up. Such a believable photographer!
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Enjoyable romantic comedy/drama, it borrows "Christmas Carol" ghosts of past, present and future
btm121 March 2010
After being the root cause of his kid brother's wedding being called off, Connor Mead (Matthew McConaughey), a noted womanizer who sees male-female relationships as a strategic game to be enjoyed without becoming ensnared, is visited by the "ghost" of the first girl he ever had sex with. She tells him he will be visited by ghosts of his past, future and present girl friends. These are not ghosts of dead people but possess the shape and memories of the living women.

I found the film to be more enjoyable than I expected it would be. I generally don't care much for Matthew McConaughey films. But he surprised me in this one.

Although generally considered a romantic comedy, it is not a film aiming for laughs. It is a comedy in the sense of not a tragedy, in that it has a happy ending. Instead of funny, the story aims at giving the audience an emotional response.
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I'm gonna have to do this in bulk … Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
jaredmobarak29 April 2009
My research into the new A Christmas Carol rip-off for the rom-com demographic, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, yielded one very interesting tidbit of information—director Mark Waters received a "special thanks" on the production of Requiem for a Dream. No disrespect to the man as I'm a big fan of Mean Girls and have wanted to check out his Spiderwick Chronicles, but how does he know Darren Aronofsky? This has all of a sudden taken over my complete interest pertaining to the new Matthew McConaughey vehicle, (and yes girls, he does eventually have his shirt off, it just takes a little longer than expected—we had a bet going on before viewing in which I said he wouldn't, but alas, a short five minute span ruined my victory). While sadly this is actually how my mind works, letting an innocuous fact about someone in relation to one of my favorite directors overshadow the issue at hand, I did seriously enjoy my time with Ghosts. Sure it was derivative; yes it was obvious; oh lord did it have a horribly orchestrated homage to Ebenezer Scrooge awakening to toss a coin to a young boy out the window in order to buy the Cratchits a turkey; but I literally had a smile on my face for the duration.

On the scale of one to ten as far as originality goes, this thing is below one. Usually that would fill my heads with preconceptions and premature hatred, so call me surprised that I unsuspectingly had a good time. It isn't that the story of unrequited love between McConaughey's Connor Mead, (I'm a bit perturbed that it never does get explained why Uncle Wayne calls him Dutch), and his childhood love Jenny, (Jennifer Garner), resonates at all—sadly it doesn't—but because of the cornucopia of supporting players that outshine the story itself. Mead is a Scrooge when it comes to the conquest of women. He doesn't believe in marriage or even love at all, stemming from a broken heart as a naïve middle-schooler watching Jenny dance with a ninth grader when he choked in asking her himself, and needs the cajoling of three ghosts armed with the reality of the loneliness his future holds to finally open his eyes to what's right in front of him. Years of building a façade over his true feelings start to chip away as the fantastic cast works their magic.

I hate to say that the main plot thread is the least enjoyable part of the film, but it's true. I never believed the connection between Garner's successful, romantic doctor and McConaughey's smarmy, reprehensible glam photographer, as the chemistry just wasn't there. Well, I lie; it was noticeable in one scene at the end when she is locked in a car and he outside. There reactions, done in close-up without the other present in the frame, make you feel their love … only it could be a love for whomever, as they aren't looking directly at the other. Now, I know that their relationship is the impetus for the entire production—he must overcome the indoctrinated ways of the lothario Michael Douglas' Uncle Wayne instilled in him to win her back—but I could have cared less whether they got together or not. It's the journey that kept me in my seat: the one-liners, (loved Douglas' "ten pin" quip), priceless facial expressions, and all around craziness excels. Even absurd moments like the inclusion of an Olympic archer, (used twice!), are so out there that you have to chuckle at least a little bit.

The effects were nicely orchestrated, but again wholly unoriginal. You can't help but reminisce about the brilliant Bill Murray film Scrooged at every turn. From Douglas' ascot wearing partier, (like Murray's once dapper boss), to Noureen DeWulf's ghost of girlfriends present punching and abusing Connor, (exactly like Carol Kane), to the ghosts watching and waving through the window at the end, (although here they do add some laughs with Douglas attempting to pick up the three ghosts … no matter their age), it's a carbon copy. But, like in Scrooged, the ghosts add so much levity to the proceedings. Emma Stone is fantastic as the geeky, braces-wearing, frizz-head who acts as the ghost of girlfriends past. An attractive actress, as seen in the likes of Superbad, she really sinks into the obnoxiousness and juvenility of being a sixteen-year-old outcast. And DeWulf, in a role that seemed a throwaway at the start, adds some sophistication to the world of Connor Mead as the one woman in his life he has not tried to bed—his assistant.

Rounding out the rest of the cast is Breckin Meyer, (more subdued than usual, I would have liked to see more from him), as Mead's brother getting married; Lacey Chabert as the bride, having fun with many over-the-top sequences and reactions; and her parents played by Anne Archer and Robert Forster. Archer steals a couple scenes as the sexy older woman, partaking in a very funny moment with McConaughey at the bar, and Forster is a riot as a Korean War vet utilizing his wartime commands in the wedding rehearsals. Even the three slutty bridesmaids create some laughs on the outskirts of the otherwise boring main plot. It's not that Garner or McConaughey are bad, they just play their roles as though themselves. With all the hustle and bustle going on, the story slowed to a crawl when focusing back on them. I literally sat through their tale in order to see the subplots continue on and the jokes surround them. So, brave the mediocrity of the overall in that you may enjoy the hilarity working on the fringes. It'll be worth the visit even if you won't be completely satisfied. But then I'm sure you didn't really expect to be.
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The only thing haunting me, is the memories of this movie.
RAGEuvFire7919 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I have never given a movie a 2, but I will now. I have seen some bad movies, but have rated them higher than this. Fact is that the other movies didn't hide what they were, and you knew what you were going to see. This movie however, from the previews, made you think you were going to see a chick flick,.... a romantic comedy. Not until you are in there watching, do you have a clue that you are actually going to see a dark comedy. A dark romantic comedy..... The bad thing is, this movie didn't really do any aspect of "dark", "romantic", or "comedy" very good at all. I will admit, the idea or a romantic spoof of "A Christmas Carol" is a good idea. And it probably would have worked as a plain old romantic comedy. However what we get here is a ton of crude humor, that actually isn't funny.... just crude. We also get characters that we don't care about. And due to the way this movie was made,... we never care about. There is also no real romance here either. Granted towards the end, they try to put the romance and the sweetness back into the film. But the truth be told,... by this point we don't care. And no matter what our main character has learned by this point, we still don't like him.

I don't want to go on about this movie. If you feel that you want to see this anyways. Do yourself a favor and rent it when it comes out, at Redbox for $1.
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Absolute Fun!!
jlcdrama6 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of movies whether they be dark and twisty, action packed or sweet and funny. Romantic comedies sure are predictable and lack a shocking ending but sometimes that's what I want.

Matthew McConaughey plays the suave and sleazy debonair, Connor Mead who has a new girl not everyday, but every hour! His rakish ways were taught to him by his Uncle Wayne(Michael Douglas), who he continues to revere as the ultimate bachelor. He returns home to play best man to his kid brother, Paul. While Connor is trying keep Paul away from the alter, the only person who can take his snarky words is Jenny Perotti (Jennifer Garner), his childhood friend and ex-girlfriend. Connor is on the brink of ruining the wedding when the ghost of his beloved Uncle Wayne arrives and tells him he will be visited by three ghosts who will attempt to show him the error of his womanizing ways.

Ghosts of Girlfriend's Past is a typical romantic comedy with a typical romantic ending, but that's not a bad thing. The story made me laugh and want to slap McConaughey's face at times which only proves how good of an actor he is. He and Garner has some good chemistry and some of his monologues seriously left me choked up.

I was a little disappointed with the ending because they kind of skewed away from the happy couple and turned into a sort of silly bit of fun. It was cute, but I think the traditional ending would have suited this better.

All in all, great fun. It's a movie you want to watch with a gallon of ice cream on a rainy day. It's sweet, romantic and just down right hilarious!
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