Prisoners of the Sun (2013) Poster

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Lame and Messy Story
claudio_carvalho3 November 2015
In Egypt, Prof. Hayden Masterton (John Rhys-Davies) organizes an expedition to a pyramid to witness an event that takes place only once every 5000 years. But he needs to buy a key from a local dealer that will awaken aliens from outer space that are hidden inside the pyramid. However the treasure hunter Peter Levitz (Michael Higgs) kills the dealer with Masterton's walking stick and steals the key; then he blackmails Masterton to participate in the expedition. When the team breaks in the pyramid, they find deadly traps and only a few will survive and Masterton uses the blood of his own daughter to activate a system to awaken the aliens. Will Earth be doomed to an apocalypse?

"Prisoners of the Sun" is a movie of action, adventure and horror with a lame and messy unoriginal story. It is funny to see Prof. Hayden Masterton preparing an expedition where a key is necessary but he will only buy it in the last minute. The plot and unpleasant characters are near ridiculous but the acting is reasonable despite the histrionic John Rhys-Davies performing the lead role. The special effects are decent but the disappointing conclusion is awful and this film deserves the IMDb User Rating. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "O Despertar dos Deuses" ("The Awakening of the Gods")
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Prisoners of the Sun
morrigan19822 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to watch this movie when I saw that John Rhys-Davies played in it. He is magnificent as always, the movie on the other hand not that much. To be fair is not that bad either, it could be worse. The whole Egyptian – Alien human race is tasteless and it is a story told too many times. Yeah I know what you'll think. The same thing stands for the mummies. But no it doesn't. Mummies are something classic, like zombies (sorry for that)! You can never have enough mummies, you always want more!

So the story goes like this: an excavation takes place to locate an ancient pyramid. An eerie storm will solve some problems and bad man will play their role…! The problem with this movie is that the story is too long in the beginning, so they probably wanted to finish quickly and the story towards the end is told too fast. My biggest objection with this one is: WHERE ARE MY MUMMIES?????????????
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Brace yourself for a slap in the face after a mediocre venture into an ancient pyramid...
paul_haakonsen21 March 2014
If you don't expect too much from this movie, then "Prisoners of the Sun" is actually entertaining enough for what it is. But just a word of warning, don't get your expectations up too high.

"Prisoners of the Sun" is about professor Masterton (played by John Rhys-Davies) who is uncovering an ancient pyramid, just in time for a celestial event that takes place only once every 5000 years. Deep within the heart of this ancient pyramid is the secrets of the lore of ancient Egypt and the visitors from beyond our world who brought civilization and marvels to mankind. But the trek to the heart of the pyramid is a perilous one.

Essentially, then the storyline was alright, cheesy, yes, but still fun enough to watch. The storyline was very predictable and didn't really offer much in any kind of surprises or grand moments.

The effects in the movie were good enough, although don't expect to be dazzled or blown away.

As far as the acting in the movie went, well, then once again don't get your hopes up too high, because this is most definitely not award-winning performances. People did fair enough jobs with their roles, but it just didn't feel wholeheartedly.

The ending of the movie was really a slap in the face, especially after having sat through an hour and a half only to have the movie end with such an anti-climatic shut down.

And with their constant descent and venture into the pyramid, it was surprisingly amazing that once it all collapsed that they were right back up to the ground level in a blink of an eye.

If you enjoy adventurous movies that include spelunking, treasure-hunting and ancient civilizations, then there are far better movies available.
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Oh dear, poor all round.
klminsure1 February 2014
Decided to watch this on a bored Saturday thinking maybe it'll be a bit like The Mummy, how wrong I was. The editing was amateur, the characters were just unappealing & the acting was either over the top or absent. The use of cheap CGI didn't do it any credit & the "Mummy", well I've been more scared by my cats jumping on my bed while I'm sleeping.

The only appealing thing that got my attention was the "historical" storyline involving Egypt & Osiris which should really have been expanded on & possibly used to great effect. I've given the film 2 out of 10 because of this, but I would advise you to avoid watching as you really won't be missing anything.
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Bad plot
MikaWingate11 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Too predictable, without depth (other than beeing in toombs) pointless ending.

In short: Bad, good and 'other' guys enter a pyramid to unlock it. After it is finally unlocked it with no reason - collapses itself.

The 'other' guys die before unlocking, the bad guys die during unlocking and the good guys escape alive just in time as it colapses. The end.
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Nothing Special
gavin694231 July 2014
A multinational expedition discovers a lost city beneath a pyramid, where they must stop the reawakened gods of ancient Egypt from initiating the apocalypse.

Despite a good cast, decent writers and all that, this is nothing special. I am not sure if it was a made-for-SyFy film, but that is exactly how it comes across. There is an interesting idea (however misguided) about Osiris actually being the Osiri people... I like that, even if it ignores how Egyptian is translated into English...

But overall, this is rather blah and not really worth a viewing, or at least not a second viewing. Could have spent my time better.
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nogodnomasters19 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
From the opening scenes, Egypt was started by aliens lead by Osiris. Their intent was to conquer the world, but somehow they got trapped and buried in a pyramid and can reactivate every 5,000 years when certain stars line up. There is a bronze key that is needed to open it, a bad guy, the professor and Mary Ann all go to the tomb at the right time etc.

The plot was boring. The science has horrible. A few things... There are no stellar alignments that take place every 5,000 years. Sirius was never a pole star. And you can't carbon date bronze, it has no organic carbon.

The movie attempts to be a combination of "The Mummy" "Stargate" and "Indian Jones." And not the good Indian Jones film, the one with the Crystal Skull. The film is too short and formulaic. The characters were shallow. The special effects were above Asylum grade, except for that one insect thing.

Might work for the kids.

Parental Guide: No f-bombs, sex, or nudity.
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Better fun than many free movies
trajanrome5 October 2020
I'm potty about Egypt movies so I couldn't resist this one especially if they have a little bit of monsters and a little bit of SF, which this seems to have both and how can you resist a movie with both Joss Ackland and John Rhys-Davies? But it's a free movie on Prime and as expected the plot is a bit weak, and aside from the two big name actors, well, while the others do a competent job certainly the writing for the dialogue is very weak; but hey it's free and you got a fast forward button so skip some of the corny dialogue and pseudo intrigue and it's not a bad free movie to watch. I suppose one more area to consider is real archaeology; here also the movie is a joke because among other things, a how many thousands of year old stone slab with cartouches blocks their entrance, and they're smashing it with a hammer? Obviously they have the Heinrich Schliemann Playbook, smash first ask questions later. Hey buddy maybe I could take a photo of that first you know and like publish it or something? Nah just smash it! Who cares what it says! Don't show it to your archaeology students but it's a lot of fun. Hey don't miss the hornets who happen to live in a dark totally sealed tomb and they've been there for how long? What's their food source? Wait while I whip out my handy-dandy flamethrower! It might work better with a mystery 3000 overlay audio.
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Oh, dear God!
iceqbeic31 January 2014
Take a healthy dollop of Indiana Jones, a substantial amount of Aliens and Predators and some sprinkling of The Mummy - no, not any of the remakes! The original! I take it that John Rhys-Davies and Joss Ackland are short of cash in their dotage...

This pretends to be a mix of old time adventure and some meager sci-fi and it fails.

Acting is OK. There are no more damsels in distress than what is usual today - meaning none. Gender equality-wise, that's good! Women are quite capable by themselves and they really don't need men with hair on their chests to rescue them from anything.

There's no sex and no nudity - tends to get sort of awkward. Comforting! That means we're "down to some serious action". Ahem... Well...

The plot starts out OK, promising actually, but this production doesn't take off and doesn't deliver. It may be comforting to see old faces amongst all the new ones but wrinkles doesn't cut it.

There's neither hero nor heroine in this concoction.

The CGI is good, but with the software available today, who'd flunk it?

See it if you have to. But you don't, do you? No really!
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Oh this is bad
jokejong27 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think this movie is worth the time even on DVD! The movie brought us to an interesting concept where the undead can be commanded (not unusual) when there's some planetary alignment (not unusual either). It's an adventure, with a little action that I must say, gets me going to want to watch till the end. However so, the way the actors/actresses acted was not somehow convincing. To add matter worse, the way the story goes, especially towards the end, was nothing good too! I was very disappointed at this production, as this has the potential to make it quite interestingly-good. Unfortunately this movie is definitely-definitely not recommended.
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I thought this was pretty good.
srpatterso28 September 2020
Actually goes through some character development, which probably put a lot of people off since it isn't just flash and bang CGI all over the place and no story. Builds towards a pretty dramatic ending.
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A nice little piece of fantasy. Just needs a better ending.
face-819-93372631 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well this was a nice weekend afternoon sort of movie that was mostly well filmed, and written. The acting is all a bit over the top, but that would meet the style of the film. John Rhys-Davies is really the biggest surprise, I know he was in the Rings movies, but otherwise what we have seen of him in the last 10 years has mostly been images of him in rapid decline. However to my great surprise, the man looks as spry as he did in the long ago days of Sliders, and he is just as energetic in his acting as ever. I did Enjoy this movie over all, the plot had holes, and there was a bit to much of a rush to make the ending resolve that the lead up feels like it was almost wasted. The effects are mostly seamless, and for the fact that this does actually almost work is why I would recommend this movie to anyone who has an afternoon to kill. If you have not seen the Mummy movies though go watch them, or some old Allen Quartermain.
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An interesting idea that goes nowhere
ksj87010 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Prisoners of the Sun" starts out with an interesting premise--the idea that elements of Egyptian mythology actually represent extraterrestrial powers who may be brought back to Earth when the signs are right-- but unfortunately fails to develop this idea very well. Admittedly, some of the problems the film has are the result of a low budget, but there are dramatic weaknesses that go beyond that. First and foremost, the script is incredibly tepid, and not much of anything happens for long stretches of time. Even towards the end, when our cast of characters are on the brink of a historic discovery in the haunted catacombs of an ancient pyramid, there is little action or suspense. Naturally, since this is a film about ancient Egyptian mysticism and curses, there is an undead mummy, but despite the mummy's prominent disposition in the film's trailer it actually has only a tiny role in the story and disappears from the proceedings pretty quickly. The screenplay needed a healthy dose of adrenalin to bring the admittedly interesting plot to life, but instead there is simply a lot of unconvincing exposition from one scene to the next. As a result, even the film's relatively short running time seems to go on interminably. One the plus side, the cast is for the most part decent and capable, though regrettably the one exception is the actor playing the part of Dr. Adler, the film's hero, as he is badly miscast as a scholar and is totally unconvincing in the role. Overall, "Prisoners of the Sun" is just too uninvolving and lackluster to recommend. There was the potential to make a respectable movie, but the opportunity is never realized.
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kosmasp15 September 2014
I remember a time, when I used to love movies like this. Low budget, weird characters, easy to follow, clear cut characters, who'd be either good or bad. It does feel like a throwback, but not in a good sense. Of course there have been worse movies and considering the budget this movie (probably) used, this is pretty decent.

Still it would be too much to say, you have to watch this. Even as a party movie it doesn't really work. You have Mr. Davies in it though, who while still acts as if this is something important. Producers got their money worth there. Judging the other actors on this movie alone would be a bit unfair though. Sometimes you have to start small ...
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Modern archeology seeks out ancient astronauts.
suite9213 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
We start from an 'ancient astronaut' theory. The 'Osiris' were (plural) a group of space faring aliens who wished to overtake Earth in ancient Egypt. A cunning pharaoh put them down and imprisoned them. He locked them beneath a pyramid. This includes an elusive key. Every 5000 years, the Osiris can contact home and get re-enforcements. That time is about up again.

The key surfaces on the black market. Professors Masterton and Mendella seek to find the key and unlock the secrets. Peter Levitz gets the key first and frames Masterton for murder, so we have a good start in intrigue and conflict. Levitz is looking for treasure, Masterton is looking for knowledge, Adler replaces Mendella and does not seem up to the job at first. The ancient forces in the pyramid have their own motives. Sarah seems to have some destiny to fulfill.

The pyramid is breached by Masterton's team, which is now swollen with local representatives and members of the military. The entrance is marked with a curse, and nearby within there are dangerous insects. That, of course, is not all, and more deaths occur. Even worse, they are soon sealed in the tomb. Adler and Rohit take point on finding the path for the group. They make their way to Princess Amanphur's tomb. At the bottom of this, they apply the key.

Then the path goes on, and the real discoveries start. There is an active mummy 'guardian' in the tomb. Masterton has unannounced plans for his daughter. There are working alien artifacts deep in the tomb as the 5000 year cycle comes to an end.

Will Masterton's intentions come into fruition, or will the masterstroke of the pharaoh 5000 years before hold sway?


Cinematography: 5/10 The camera work is rather nice. The related CGI was another matter; some was OK, but other parts were just poor.

Sound: 6/10 Fairly good, but could have added more to the overall feeling of suspense or danger.

Acting: 4/10 David Charvet (Baywatch) as a PhD? Give me a break! Carmen Chaplin was moderately good.

Screenplay: 3/10 This was old, tired, recycled material with a layer of not impressive new CGI. The ending was abrupt, and the exposition of motivations was too slim.
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Why did I do this to myself?
tadam-512454 October 2022
I'm a fan of this genre; it's one of those "guilty pleasures" we all have. This one, however, was one I definitely should have skipped.

The movie drags up every possible trope and cliche of other similar films: sneaky bad guy, learned professor with his almost-as-learned assistant (sidekick), and a couple of others who were eminently forgettable. Then there are the ancient curses, resurrected mummies (or are they???), and a sandstorm. John Rhys-Davies is the only actor of note in it, as well as the only one who can act. I have no idea why an actor of his repute would do this film. Was he bored and had nothing else to do? Did he just want an easy paycheck? Even he had to resort to over-acting in some scenes just to give it some energy.

Short version? Don't bother. M.
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Just Bad. Very Bad. Don't Do It!
wandernn1-81-68327420 October 2022
Oh dear. A made for TV movie starring David Charvet. They tried to apparently do some kind of cool archeology movie and failed horribly. John Rhys Davies should have asked for his name to be stricken from the record of this one. It is just completely horrible.

And IMDB has now made it so a review has to have 600 characters before it can be entered. I really don't expect that to last very long because people are sure to complain about it. But until that happens I guess we have to expect reviews to be long winded and sometimes about absolutely nothing to do with the show in question.

This one gets a 3/10.
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This Movie seems to be in 1960
aamermohamed-1898718 February 2021
The director knows nothing about the egyption society
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Intriguing premise; less than compelling movie
david-64-99809627 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Drawn in by the premise, appetite whetted by the opening sequences promising the possibility of a cool battle between aliens who had been here thousands of years ago and scrappy present-day humans for the domination of earth, I found myself taken ever deeper into a journey of ancient dangers, wondering mostly which character would die next and by what predictable means, although the millions of wasps was a novel idea. Too bad that death also killed any further expectation of something new in this well-traveled genre, as the wasps were duly conquered with flame-throwers that could easily have been used before the young soldier volunteered his life for the greater good of the mission. It was clear this crew of boundless treasure seekers was inept when they went in but this lowered expectations to nil.

I was still waiting for the battle to ensue when eight shots were fired from a six-shooter, ending any such possibility.

Only Emily Holmes as the clairvoyant Claire Becket who declares "I don't have a good feeling about this" (truer words have rarely been spoken) pulls off her role with some aplomb. David Charvet appears never to have left the set of Melrose Place and Carmen Chaplin almost pulls off the role of mistreated daughter descended from ancient princess but misfires, just like the romance between her and Charvet. John Rhys-Davis has, of course, been here before so he knew his lines but introduces nothing new to the role.

This would have been a good sci-fi read as a short novel. Alas, books don't get funded these days, but less than optimal films do. Listen to Emily: don't go there.
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Millenia old secrets
bkoganbing25 December 2018
Prisoners Of The Sun has Professor John Rhys-Davies astronomer organizing an expedition to Egypt to view from the pyramids or one specific pyramid a celestial event that only takes place every 5000 years or so. A perfect alignment of some stars. Since they're going in the tomb itself or will attempt same he's needing an archaeologist. The one he has in mind is Joss Ackland.

But Ackland suffers a heart attack and he sends his young assistant David Charvet in his place. Reluctantly the rest agree to have him along.

Others in this merry band are Gulshan Grower,, Michael Higgs, Nick Moran, and Mohamed Akszham and one of them killed for the privilege of going along.

Prisoners Of The Sun borrows from several other sources including Indiana Jones and all the mummy films you can name going back to Boris Karloff. Any cliche you can think of is there.

John Rhys-Davies must have been in competition for an award in overacting because he trundles and bellows his way through most of the scenes. He makes this whatever else it is, not dull.

Still it's one lame movie for Mummies.
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Naf fo naitpygE erutluC
fujisonen820 December 2020
9 mins to go to view. you don't have to understand everything to enjoy this movie. If one is awake, you will see without knowing! Great flick!!
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BandSAboutMovies8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A multinational expedition discovers a lost city beneath a pyramid and the reawakened gods of ancient Egypt want to end the world. John Rhys-Davies plays Professor Hayden Masterson, the academic who believes that every 5,000 years a celestial event happens and that it's connected to the pyramids of Egypt. He's also way too driven, so he needs some balance from his co-adventurer Doug Adler (David Charvet). So yes, we have someone known for being on treasure hunts from the Indiana Jones movies and someone known for being around sand from Baywatch.

Joss Ackland also ends up being in this, as well as a psychic named Claire (Emily Holmes), Carmen Chaplin as Masterson's daughter and Michael Higgins as Peter Levitz, who blackmailed his way into this quest. There's also a dude named Adam Prime (Nick Moran) who is not a robot nor made in a lab with a sobriquet like that.

The effects look kind of good, the lasers are cool but this was made in 2006 and sat for seven years, which is never a good thing. What else? Well, Uwe Boll co-produced it. It's directed by Roger Christian, who in addition to making The Sender also directed Arcadia's video for "Election Day." It was written by Peter Atkins (Wishmaster, Hellraiser II: Hellbound) and Anthony Hickox, who directed Waxwork.

That said, this was also known as Dawn of the Mummy and there's a rumor that it was a remake of a more famous movie with that title, the video nasty Dawn of the Mummy. I think that's just wishful thinking, as while both of those movies are kind of boring in parts, at least the 1981 mummy movie has Fulci-like shambling gore driven tomb dwellers.
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An Expedition into Monotony
findersen7 November 2023
"Prisoners of the Sun" attempts an ambitious blend of action, adventure, and horror, yet falters at each genre it tries to embody. The story, aiming for grandeur, descends into a maze of clichés and improbable scenarios with a key-buying fiasco and pyramid adventures that strain credulity. While John Rhys-Davies lends his talent, the characters' development is as barren as the deserts of Egypt, and the special effects, while decent, cannot distract from the disjointed plot and the anti-climactic finale. If you seek the thrill of archaeological adventures, your quest will continue past this film. For those who find intrigue in dissecting cinematic flops, the youtube channel @SerialsUniverse might offer solace with its analytical deep-dives into such unfortunate misfires.
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A "B" movie that is good, not great, but good.
nlk8728 May 2023
If u like certain B movies & u see others did not like the B movie u liked, this movie is just like that. The story has potential, the actors could've been better & if this movie had a higher budget, it would've been a really good movie. & below is how I explain my rating system.. Now I say this alot in my imdB movie ratings. My rating system is different than most. For example, I've never rated any movie or show a 9/10 or 10/10 cause come on nothings perfect, & that includes movies & TV shows. If I rate something 1-3/10 that means it was horribly stupid & I'll never watch it again. Most of my ratings are 4/10, including this movie. Which means I enjoyed & will watch it again someday. Ratings of 5-6/10 means I liked it a great deal, & then ratings of 7-8/10 means I loved the movie or show alot. For example movies like Titanic, Gone with the Wind, Armageddon & Ever After: A Cinderella Story, I believe I rated them 7-8/10. Movies or shows I gave 1/10 are Top Gun, Matrixs, Star Wars, Terminators, etc... This film is certainly better than like Avatar or Star Wars.. So if u agree w/ everything I just wrote go ahead & watch this movie!
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