Closing the Ring (2007) Poster

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A Nutshell Review: Closing The Ring
DICK STEEL28 September 2008
Never make promises you can't fulfill, otherwise you'll find that nagging feeling coming back to haunt you, and it can be quite uncomfortable, unless of course it doesn't bother you as far as integrity and trustworthiness are concerned. Then again there's the living a lie, of not being true to yourself, which sometimes can be tricky when it deals with affairs of the heart, where ignorance may be bliss.

Closing the Ring throws its hat into the WWII era inspired romance stories, where boys turn into men, and have to leave their lady love behind at home while they ship off to the warfront. With events that unfold across two different continents, and unfolding between two different timelines with the necessary flash backs, flash forwards, and nicely edited transitions, the movie isn't that bad although the story might be at times clichéd.

Jack (Gregory Smith), Chuck (David Alpay) and Teddy (Stephen Amell) are three buddies who join the air force, and are training to be pilots, navigators and gunners, whatever it takes to bring them to the skies. Mischa Barton stars as young Ethel Ann who's the flower amongst the group, but only having romantic feelings for Teddy, whom she married in secret before the trio got shipped away to join the war.

That's the arc of the past, where we see how their relationship with one another hold up during mankind's darkest hour. The arc of the present has Shirley MacLaine and Christopher Plummer take up the senior roles of Ethel Ann and Jack respectively, and on the other side of the continent in Northern Ireland, we follow Michael Quinlan (Pete Postlethwaite) and Jimmy Reilly (Martin McCann), where the latter is a simple minded teen helping the former fireman dig around Black Mountain in search of something of value.

I guess by now you can piece together a little bit of what could possibly happen, and added to the fray is the IRA's struggle for independence in 1991. Characters interact by crossing continents, mysteries and confirmation of what happened during those faithful and pivotal moments in WWII get revealed and explained, and feelings slowly get revealed, demolishing some long held denial and unawareness. Although given what would transpire, you wonder if it's remotely possible to pine for someone for so long, or to lock away your heart so cruelly that you shut off affections even for your own child.

It's still an enjoyable movie, though not exactly a great one but it does get to its point quickly. You might find yourself being a step ahead of the characters and piece together all the information provided way in advance, but still, if you'd enjoyed movies like Atonement and Evening, then you wouldn't find this that bad at all. Oh, and the English subtitles did help in deciphering some thick Irish accent.
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Lord Attenborough Sentimental With Age
CitizenCaine21 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Closing The Ring has been lambasted by reviewers as too sentimental and mawkish, but those viewers who are past 40 or 50 will recall a more innocent time in movie theaters when great stories were told and films weren't always designed around specific actors and actresses with on cue special effects and computer generated images. Closing The Ring is such a film. It's based on a true story, which I recall reading in the newspaper some years ago. The star of the film is not the actors and actresses who people the film and play the parts. It's the story. Shifting time, loyalties, and dreams lost and found form the core of the film with second chances in life thrown in for good measure. While the screenplay is not always up to muster, it covers the necessary ground for the most part, and for some viewers, it will be a throwback to what was once known as good old fashioned entertainment.

Lord Attenborough has made several better films than Closing The Ring, but few of them have the charm and nostalgia of this one. Mischa Barton is the young lady promised to a soldier who never returns from the war, which is why any viewer who lived through any war years and lost someone dear will identify with the film. Shirley MacLaine is the older Ethel Ann version of the Mischa Barton character, and Christopher Plummer is the older character version of Jack, who has carried a buried torch for Ethel Ann all these years. Just as interesting is the subplot with Pete Postlethwaite as a grown man who is unwillingly faced with exercising his demons. Martin McCann as the young, persistent optimist Jimmy is a scene stealer in the film; he is like a match lighting the torch of healing and carrying it with him where e'er he goes. With healing comes pain and truth. This is Lord Attenborough's last film to date. *** of 4 stars.
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Lord Attenborough does a chick flick
Needfire16 September 2007
I must hand it to Lord Attenborough who is attempting a chick flick to keep up with the times. Can anyone else attract the level of talent in the film: Christopher Plummer, Shirley Maclaine, Neve Campbell, Mischa Barton? The story has great promise. It opens with the funeral of a young woman's beloved daughter who is delivering her eulogy to a church full of veterans who knew and loved her father. Her mother, on the other hand, is sitting out on the church porch, smoking and nursing a hangover.

What develops from this story shows us a time when this mother was young, lively, and optimistic. She is in love with a young farmer who must go off to war. They always go out with two friends who are the best buds a guy could have.

The movie is also interspersed with a story that takes place in Belfast. You know that at some point, the film will have to knit these two elements together. There are numerous light moments to offset the darker experiences of love and loss during war. Ethel Ann (Maclaine)has loved well and was always loved but she is too self-involved to understand that she has used her own tragedies to punctuate her relationship with her daughter (Campbell).

Some of the younger actors in this are Canadian talent. I hope that this film gives them the exposure that they need to continue making their way up the talent ladder. David Alpay from Slings and Arrows is terrific as is Allan Hawco. I wanted to see more of them and less of Mischa Barton whose acting is wooden at the best of times.

At the Toronto Film Festival screening yesterday, the projector had a hiccup during the sow. Stephen Amell who plays Teddy got onto the stage and had an impromptu Q&A to save the day. It was fascinating to hear how he was cast and what kind of experience an actor has when they work with Richard Attenborough.
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The Ring Brings Closure
Chrysanthepop14 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Richard Attenborough's 'Closing The Ring' has quite an unusual cast. I never thought I'd see Shirley MacClaine, Christopher Plummer, Neve Campbell, Pete Postlethwaite and Mischa Barton in one film. The story feels a little contrived and I thought that Attenborough could have developed parts of the plot. For example, how does Ethel Ann resolve her relationship with her almost estranged daughter? Perhaps, it's for the viewer to assume that things went well. Nonetheless, I would have liked to see it. The film shifts back and forth from America to Ireland giving us some beautiful landscape shots of both countries. Attenborough does try to tackle different themes next to the main story and portrays the cultural side of both countries very well (especially the cultural difference between the pubs of Ireland and bars of America). The soundtrack is quite likable as it takes us back in time. Mischa Barton surprisingly delivers a decent performance. I've never liked her TV work but here she's not bad. Likewise with Christopher Plummer. Brenda Fricker has a tiny role but her presence is effective. Allan Hawco does well with what he's given. Pete Postlethwaite is brilliant as usual. Neve Campbell too does a wonderful job. It's been a while since I've seen her work and I liked what I saw. Martin McCann is a delight to watch. He delivers a very natural and humorous performance as Jimmy. 'Closing The Ring', in the end, belongs to Shirley MacClaine. Her character is difficult to sympathise with, especially because of her coldness towards her daughter and husband but at the same time her pain and loneliness is felt. Her Ethel Ann finally gets the closure she needed with the ring and, in the end, thanks to MacClaine's portrayal, one can only feel joy for Ann as she begins to live. On the whole, 'Closing the Ring' has an engaging story, fine acting by an unusual ensemble and refreshing visuals (of the landscapes). Perhaps one can take an elderly relative to watch this film but it also makes for a good date movie.
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A sentimental success
hall8955 August 2010
Closing the Ring opens in a small Michigan town in 1991 with the funeral of a World War II veteran. The dearly departed man's daughter delivers a poignant eulogy to a church full of veterans. It is obvious that this man was rather beloved. But curiously the wife of the deceased seems not at all interested in the proceedings. She's not even in the church, rather sitting outside smoking a cigarette. When offered condolences she acknowledges that her husband was a good man. But she says she won't miss him. She appears to be not the slightest bit bereaved, content to sit there and wait for them to wheel her dead husband out. Obviously there is something going on here that we're not aware of. And we spend the rest of the film jumping back and forth across fifty years of time and across an ocean as long-buried secrets are revealed and everything becomes clear.

The newly widowed woman we meet in the opening scene is Ethel Ann. And after the funeral we are transported back to a much happier time. It's 1941 and young Ethel Ann is in love with a young farmer named Teddy. Complicating matters is the fact that Teddy's not the only one who loves the beautiful, vibrant Ethel Ann. His two close friends Jack and Chuck have a thing for her as well. But she's Teddy's girl. Everybody knows that, everybody accepts that. So Teddy and Ethel Ann should be destined to live happily ever after. But Teddy, Jack and Chuck will soon be going off to war. And lives will be changed. We begin to understand how the young Ethel Ann, so full of life, could become the old Ethel Ann, utterly defeated by life, whom we saw in the film's beginning.

The story constantly jumps back and forth in time from the 1940s to 1991. And it also jumps back and forth between Michigan and Northern Ireland. It is in Belfast in 1991, set against the backdrop of the IRA blowing things up, where the second key strand of the plot unfolds. An old man named Quinlan and a naive young teen named Jimmy dig up the wreckage of a B-17 which crashed there decades ago during the war. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the Teddy/Ethel Ann story and the Quinlan/Jimmy story are somehow intertwined. With all the skipping around in time and place the movie does have a bit of a challenge sustaining its momentum. It's a movie of fits and starts. But ultimately it works.

The movie is helped by a generally excellent cast. Shirley MacLaine, playing the older version of Ethel Ann, and Christopher Plummer, portraying the one character who knows Ethel Ann's secrets, are nominally the leads and they're quite good in their roles. But it's really more of an ensemble piece. Mischa Barton as the young Ethel Ann makes a very good impression. Neve Campbell as Ethel Ann's daughter and Pete Postlethwaite as old Quinlan are good as well. And Martin McCann captures Jimmy's wide-eyed naiveté perfectly. Stephen Amell seems a little forced and unnatural in playing the young Teddy but that's the only minor quibble with the cast.

The story is a good one, very sentimental and told in a unique way. You get the sense the movie would benefit from a second viewing. Once you have all the times and places sorted out in your head you could probably appreciate the story even more. As it is, on a first run through, the story is a little confusing at times. There's a lot going on, at times maybe a little bit too much. Did we really need the IRA storyline for example? In the end I guess that plot point serves its purpose in helping the story to get itself to the finish line. But along the way it slows things down and adds another layer of confusion to the mix. In the end though all's well that ends well. Everything does finally come together well enough to make this an ultimately satisfying movie, an overlooked little gem.
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Christopher Plummer gives a touching performance
HotToastyRag29 June 2017
I don't usually like movies or books that go back and forth constantly between the past and the present. I'm usually frustrated, lamenting over the lost art of a linear storyline. I'm glad I stuck it out and watched Closing the Ring; it was very entertaining.

The film starts at Shirley MacLaine's husband's funeral. Christopher Plummer sits outside with her during the service. Then, a flash to the past, with a young Shirley MacLaine surrounded by three adoring servicemen about to be shipped off to WW2. Which one is young Christopher Plummer? Which one is her husband? As the film continues, more mysteries are introduced. Neve Campbell can't understand her mother's attitude after her father's death. And in Ireland, Pete Postlethwaite is digging in a dangerous area, finding pieces of a wrecked WW2 airplane. Each flashback to the 1940s gives just one more piece to the ever-growing puzzle, and it keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. I kept pressing pause when I rented this movie with my mom to talk about what I thought would be revealed. Sometimes I was right, sometimes I was wrong, and that made the plot even more entertaining.

Probably because one of the first movies I remember seeing Christopher Plummer in was The Lakehouse, I never found him to be a very likable guy. He was so convincingly cold, I had a hard time seeing him as anything else. However, in Closing the Ring, Christopher Plummer gives a very different performance. I'm going to have to rethink my impression of him. In one scene, he burst into tears so naturally, I wanted to reach through the screen and embrace him in a tight hug.

While the younger actors in the movie aren't going to be nominated for Oscars anytime soon, the older folks make up for it. Shirley MacLaine looks beautiful, so if you're one of her fans, don't miss this one! And if you like WW2 movies, or movies that flash back and forth with a little mystery, you'll love it.
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Bizarre film
hunterjpetrick14 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Strange film that seems to heroize idiocracy. The main character (played by Mischa Barton) stays with the same man for 50 years unhappy while fantasizing about a dead guy she hooked up with once. The story was strange, and it followed three separate storylines which seemed somewhat unnecessary.
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A story with heart
nordkvist-evastina14 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled across this movie when I was searching for movies with Shirley MacLaine. I thought the story sounded OK, but I can't say that my expectations were that great. I usually have problems with sitting still when watching a movie, I often tend to pause and go do other stuff. This time I watched the whole thing at once.

I loved this story from beginning to end, because you never really had a clue what really happened or why it happened. I usually don't like movies about the war, but this one wasn't so much about the war as it was about the people involved. When Ethel's heart ached, my heart ached. I haven't found my true love yet, but I can imagine the pain of being parted from the one you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with. If I could have the love that she had for just a second I would be a happy, happy woman. Chick-flick? No, I think everybody can find something in this movie. I definitely learned a lesson. Life is too short to not let things go.
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A Touching Film For Those Who Remember WWII
hjmsia4916 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had never heard of this film because it was never released in the U.S. I happened to see it in a DVD catalog and the story and cast interested me and I got it from my neighborhood library. Having lived through the WWII era, my wife and I really enjoyed this film. We thought the cast were uniformly good and perfectly presented the contrast between the 1940's and the 1990's. How the world has changed in fifty years. Shirley MacLaine and Christopher Plummer are two old pros who I am confident were a revelation to the younger cast members. Watching a DVD such as this in the comfort of your home is such a pleasure compared to going to a theatre to see most of garbage that passes for movies today. We would like to thank Richard Attenborough for bringing this moving story of another time to the screen. The theme of this film can be demonstrated by the lyrics of a very popular WWII song titled, "I'll Be Seeing You." They don't make films or write songs like that anymore.
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worth watching if flawed
phd_travel31 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First of all this movie is worth watching. A historical film with a good director and attractive cast are the redeeming qualities.

Mischa is lovely and her young beaus are fresh faced and earnest. It's a bit of a stretch having Shirley McLaine as her older self. Neve Campbell's character is annoying and she is too sulky looking.

The storyline is a little over ambitious and confusing. The story should have been told without so much flashbacks - it was confusing because so much time and incidents and places are covered. Also the WWII element is a little bit of a let down since no real action takes place its just an accident in Ireland. Maybe it was too much ground to cover with the IRA storyline as well but they were trying for an epic.
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A lot of talent, but most of its wasted
JoeytheBrit5 May 2008
I'd never heard of this movie and, judging from the number of votes and comments it has received, not many other people have either - which is something of a surprise when you consider the cast and director. But then again, when you consider the lazy - and overly-convoluted - nature of the old-fashioned storyline, perhaps the reason nobody has heard of it is that the makers let it go with as little fuss as possible - the way you would a family relative with no chance of waking from a machine-maintained coma.

The film flashes back and forth between the 1940s and the early 90s. Director Attenborough misses no opportunity to demonstrate the inescapable ties of fate that connect the present and the past: doorbells ringing in 1991 and being answered in 1943, that kind of thing. It's a neat enough trick when performed once in a film, but when its done a dozen or more times it just grows tiresome, like a teacher who only knows how to teach by repeating the same learning phrase ad nauseum until it sinks in with even the thickest member of his class. The mystery of why Shirley Maclaine's Ethel-Ann acts so strangely after the death of her long-time husband unfolds so slowly that you lose interest long before its ultimate resolution. Too many characters start coming across as too self-pitying and self-indulgent, while others, such as Martin McCann's Jimmy Reilly, simply aren't interesting enough too hold our attention.

In the end writer Peter Woodward struggles to close the ring without straining credibility, and simply leaves you wondering why you spent so long awaiting an outcome you half-suspected was on the horizon anyway. Undemanding women viewers looking for an old-fashioned, Mills and Boon romance reminiscent of the weepy melodramas of the 50s may find some pleasure in it, but others will be left disappointed
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Older audiences will understand this film.
malcolmi4 September 2008
The story of love lost to death during the second world war will never be tiresome for anyone whose family was touched by the war. The question is, can writers and actors still make the story real? For those of us in the audience tonight at The Screening Room in Kingston, watching Closing the Ring, the answer was a very satisfying 'yes'. Young actors were able to create the unselfconscious optimism and sense of honour of their 1940s counterparts heading off to war; the older cast members knew exactly how to portray the knowledge, understanding, and forgiveness that the present-day characters had learnt from their wartime experience, and kept in with such punishing self-control. If you don't like this film, I suspect you're under thirty. I'd suggest you prepare to discover its truth, and its very fine acting, in your later age. And be thankful if you're not on the verge of great loss in your youth. But then our soldiers are fighting and dying overseas as I write; perhaps young Ethel Anns and Teddys are making promises to each other at this very moment. In that case, open yourself to the possibility that this story might be about to unfold in your own life, even as you reject its apparent unreality.
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Closing the Ring
f_m6712 January 2011
Last film maker Sir Richard Attenborough English major works such as Gandhi and bridge the distance and won two Oscars in 87 years still Namely making a film about a love square.? Film, went back (Flashback) 4 love relationship, including three sons and a daughter at the time of World War II narrative that Boys are sent to war and romance one of them with Ethel Ann (Mischa Barton) will lead to strange incidents. Movie film full of emotional moments, especially with the game is excellent cast includes Shirley MacLaine with her lovely Tiny eyes that still after 75 years, the camera itself is fascinating or play Mischa Barton at all, 22 young boys and does not seem quite the movie after this game and love relationship - emotional 4-player come on. Lord Richard Attenborough with mastery and skill of the Irish World War II is rebuilding While well-being and sense of passion and love to 50 years Present during and after the move. I'm no pro, but his film making style I love this movie.
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Not the Swan-Song Attenborough Might Have Wished For
JamesHitchcock12 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Closing the Ring" was the last film directed by Richard Attenborough, then aged 83, and only the third of his films (after "Magic" and "A Chorus Line") to be based upon an entirely fictitious story. There are three connected plotlines. The first is set in Michigan in 1941. Three friends, Jack, Chuck and Teddy, are all in love with the same girl, Ethel Ann Roberts, although it is Teddy whom she loves and eventually marries. When America enters the war after Pearl Harbour, all three friends join the U.S. Army Air Force.

The other plotlines are both set in 1991. In the first, also set in Michigan, we meet a now elderly Ethel again at her husband's funeral. She appears to have become cynical and disillusioned with life, and is quite clearly indifferent to her husband's death, much to the distress of her daughter Marie, who adored her father. The final plotline is set in Belfast, Northern Ireland. A boy named Jimmy Riley and Michael Quinlan, a retired fireman, are excavating the wreckage of a B-17 bomber which crashed in 1944, killing the crew. Jimmy finds a ring which belonged to one of the dead airmen and determines to track down the man's family. We eventually discover that the owner of the ring was Teddy and that the man who died in Michigan in 1991 was Ethel's second husband, Chuck, whom she married after Teddy's death. (Teddy had made Chuck promise to look after Ethel should anything happen to him in the war).

The film had a mixed response form the critics, but I was not particularly taken with it. I felt that it did not do enough to explore what should have been its central theme, namely how the beautiful, vivacious, optimistic and loving Ethel of 1941 became the embittered, heavy-drinking old woman of fifty years later. The implication is that Ethel felt herself morally bound to marry Chuck because of his promise to Teddy, but did not really want to do so- there is a suggestion that she would have preferred Jack- and carried a hidden burden of resentment for the next five decades, even though, from what we hear about Chuck, we would appear to have had many good qualities. (More so than Jack, who appears to have been something of a womaniser). Because we do not see anything of her marriage to Chuck, however, we are unable to judge how psychologically plausible Ethel's reaction might be.

There is an attempt to tie the Belfast plotline in with the Northern Irish political situation in the early nineties, but I felt that this theme did not fit in well with the rest of the story. I also found it a bit depressing that, nearly a decade after the Good Friday Agreement, film-makers still seemed unable to think about Ulster other than in terms of terrorism and sectarian conflict.

The best acting contribution comes from Shirley MacLaine as the older Ethel; none of the others are particularly distinguished, although none are particularly bad. Attenborough and the scriptwriters, however, seem unable to turn an over-complicated story into a coherent drama. It is not perhaps the end to his career that Attenborough would have wished for, and certainly not in the class of some of his great films like "Magic", "Gandhi", "Chaplin" and "Shadowlands". 5/10
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Swan Song - a dud
lor_25 January 2010
Great filmmakers usually end their careers on a sour note and this is no exception; barring some inept future use of British lottery money it is unlikely that the knight Sir Richard (nay, call me LORD Richard) will get another 15 million pounds or so to blow again.

Pick your favorite: Henry Hathaway bowed out with SUPER DUDE (a blaxploitation film I had the privilege of viewing in Cleveland on a double bill at the Scrumpy Dump Theater (!) some 35 years ago; Billy Wilder ended with BUDDY BUDDY; William Wyler had THE LIBERATION OF L.B. JONES (on paper a step up from SUPER DUDE, but not by all that much); Frank Capra with POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES which he really hated, per his autobiography; Stanley Kubrick's EYES WIDE SHUT (hardly up to his high standards); Otto Preminger had THE HUMAN FACTOR, which I (alone?) liked (I've been a rabid Nicol Williamson fan since seeing him at Stratford as one of the greatest Macbeths, opposite Helen Mirren) and which costarred Attenborough. Even Michael Powell, apart from a look-back docu, culminated his career with an innocuous but hardly impressive Children's Film Foundation effort THE BOY WHO TURNED YELLOW, which I watched once at MoMA for completeness. There are obvious exceptions: Joe Mankiewicz bowed out with SLEUTH, an estimable movie and David Lean's A PASSAGE TO India was a winner.

Per the particularly self-serving (and useless) "making of" featurette on the DVD release titled "Love, Loss & Life", CLOSING THE RING is the folly of several producers who fell in love with a first-timer's screenplay based on the actual finding of an old wedding ring in the Irish hills. The flimsy, yet convoluted, script got funding and, per the interviews, bowled over Attenborough, too. How audience members react, limited to video fans in the U.S. where the Weinsteins thought better of wasting money on a theatrical release, is an individual matter, but the tired blood on screen here is frankly an embarrassment.

Some cinematic lions, notably Shirley MacLaine and Christopher Plummer, as well as from a more recent generation Brenda Fricker and Pete Postlethwaite, are matched against some young talent, but the performances are uniformly poor. Having seen all of Attenborough's theatrical releases in first-run I concede he is capable of very good (Gandhi) but when he is bad, he turns out execrable material, notably the insulting A CHORUS LINE adaptation. I enjoyed YOUNG WINSTON, but then again I liked NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA by Schaffner back then too -pageantry is easy to take. But when Richard tried a genre film MAGIC for Joseph E. Levine, after making A BRIDGE TOO FAR for that once-famous showman, mediocrity ruled -about 10 steps below no-budget maestro Lindsay Shonteff's DEVIL DOLL.

Despite the filmmakers' protests of how moving and inspirational this love story hit them, on the screen it is flat and dull. The young cast, led by Mischa Barton, gives paper-thin performances, and the attempt by Attenborough "to be hip" by having Barton nude a couple of times is beneath contempt. That's as old a ploy as THE YELLOW TEDDY BEARS, a well-meaning (and boring) British exploitation film from 1964 for which I saw a vintage U.S. coming attraction just this past weekend (resuscitated by Something Weird Video) in which extraneous nude scenes were added to release it stateside as GUTTER GIRLS. Now I might accuse the Weinsteins of such ploys, but for Richard to stoop that low -wow!

The back and forth plotting from 1941 (actually 1944 it turns out in the narrative later) and 1991 to shoehorn in the Irish Troubles is undigested screen writing of the worst order. Connections between the two are lame and all the "maybe" and suggestive material goes nowhere. For example, strident Neve Campbell (a performance worse even than her terrible effort in the Alan Rudolph dud about sex INTIMATE AFFAIRS) as Shirley's grown up daughter creates wonderment as to "who's her daddy" but it turns out to be strictly a red herring, time-wise. Ditto casting Fricker of all people as the old-age version of a W.W. II "tart" who slept with all the Yanks -this hook is dangled for the viewer and left unresolved. Postlethwaite is perhaps the best performer in this one, but his role is 100% functional, designed for a big "reveal" only.

I've never seen MacLaine so disinterested (and uninteresting) in a movie- she looks like she's playing under protest. The character of a woman who had basically three beaux but wasted her life attached to the dead one is admittedly unplayable but she doesn't even try. Plummer has more energy, perhaps he alone was given Geritol on the set, but this is a thankless assignment as the "good buddy" who never got the girl. The debuting young Irish thesp Martin McCann is insufferably cheery in what turns out to be the lead role, the boy who found "the ring". Closeups and other emphasis on the object make one think we are living in the shadow of Tolkien, but needless to say this totem is of zero importance.

CLOSING THE RING is so bad one is reminded of the late Frank Perry's disastrously soapy MOMMIE DEAREST and MONSIGNOR, for which a wonderful director ended up being the butt of catcalls from Midnight Movie audiences. Unfortunately, its plotting is too dull and execution too mediocre for this lame RING to end up with any such afterlife, avoiding even the pitiful fate of having Hedda Lettuce lead camp followers in weekly derision at my local Chelsea (NY division, not England) cinema.
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well acted and with a romantic appeal
antoniotierno2 February 2017
This wasn't a successful movie at all. A love story aimed at an older audience, the kind of movie watchers preferring exposition to explosions. It can be defined a quality World War II drama that deserves to be more just another TV broadcast. The promise is the kind that might seem overly melodramatic if heard in a movie set in contemporary times but it is at home with the wartime realities so effectively rendered in Closing the Ring. Attenborough is a past master at this type of drama and shifts a lot between the decades, avoiding the confusion so common to non-linear films like this. The resemblance between the younger and older actors isn't striking, but their performances make this a minor issue.
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Great story, some flaws, but film succeeds
rgcustomer3 April 2010
I liked this film.

The story is easy to follow, and interesting too. I had most of it figured out early on, but that didn't take away from the pleasure of watching it.

I have three complaints, but none of them really sink the film. (Sorry, I did like the film, but I'm much better at complaining, so that's what my review will be. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this film was a good feature, but SHOULD have been great). (1) The acting by the younger Canadian/US actors is abysmal. It's like they all thought they were auditioning for Scary Movie 25 and ended up acting in this. Fortunately the script is able to survive it. (2) The effects are also abysmal. After Lord of the Rings happened (half a decade prior) there was no longer any excuse for crappy CG effects. The rule is: if you can't make it real, don't show it at all. Fortunately the story also survives this, because it's not really about that. (3) The central character is totally unlikeable, young or old. And choosing easily-recognizable actors for that role didn't help. This is probably the one that keeps me from rating this higher.

Anyway, aside from that, it was an interesting and moving story, with good acting by the older set, and those playing Irish roles. The cinematography (aside from the CG) was also good.
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Goof film except for terrible Arrow
guisreis25 February 2022
The film has a good script (except for the romance in the past that has not been carefully developed) and two fantastic narrative branches: the elder friends during and after the burial, and the investigations and political complications in Belfast. There are also many regular actors who do a good job, and five great actors who perform very well: veterans Christopher Plummer, Shirley MacLaine, and Pete Postlethwaite, but also Martin McCann as Jimmy Riley and Gregory Smith as young Jack, both of them very charismatic. The problem is exactly that the past romance, which is in the core of the story, is damaged by the terrible performance of seriously uncharismatic and unskilled Canadian actor Stephen Amell (I am perplex whilt I write it for noticing thst he is the guy who portrays superhero Arrow in several TV shows!!!). The scenes with the young characters before and during World War were nice when he did not appear; besides the aforementioned Gregory Smith, Mischa Barton was a little charming and David Alpay convinced as the shy guy. Amell, however, was a disaster, and it impacted even more in the romance scenes, as he had no credible connection with Barton (though, I may admit that when she exposed her breasts it became much nicer... but only then). It is a shame, because the film would have been quite good, as it was in the other moments, if were not for so important scenes with Stephen Amell...
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Disappointing beginning, great ending
voshdesigns2 January 2010
I enjoyed this movie, but more towards the end. It seems like the beginning was just thrown together so quickly, the love story progressed so fast that for me I didn't believe they were in love or ever in love, but later in the movie you see the love stronger than for me it was in the beginning. It's sort of like okay you see us two or three times, now you are supposed to believe we are in love, and oh yes, and now let's get married and have babies?! I just didn't buy it.

Other than that, the movie is really entertaining and sad at the same time. Just a few of the characters and their stories just for me were not fully put on the table, and issues not resolved, etc...
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closing the ring
Chris Clazie22 October 2007
I saw this movie at the London Film Festival yesterday.It is an incredibly old fashioned piece of film-making that at times seems very contrived and manipulative,but it does contain genuine emotion and a story that keeps you watching from beginning to end.Some of the acting(especially from the 1941 period)is patchy,but in the 1991 period of the film,MacLaine is great,so is Postlewaite but the film is stolen by young Martin McCann as the naive Jimmy Reilly,who is responsible for piecing the lives together of the characters separated by time and oceans.After the showing,Lord Attenborough appeared for a short Q&A and gave us some insight into the making of the film and announced the film will receive it's premiere in Ireland and will be released nationwide on the 28th Dec.My guess is for anyone who has an elderly relative to catch up with over the Christmas period,and wants to take them out,then see this movie.They will love it and you might possibly get hooked.The audience yesterday obviously were.
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Good not great
dmasursky15 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this movie, which I saw on video recently, several years after its theatrical release. I'm a sucker for a romance, but even I found this overly sentimental. I thought the acting was terrific and the casting was genius - having Christopher Plummer and Shirley McLaine played as youngsters by Gregory Smith (from Everwood) and Misha Barton improved the somewhat uneven movie and made it more watchable than it would have been. I liked the way the mystery played out - I liked that the audience had to piece things together. But once you knew what had happened, it wasn't as satisfying as I had hoped. I also found the IRA violence in the modern story strange and out of place - sort of confusing and unnecessary in a movie that was already fairly complicated. Overall it was a pretty affecting romance and family drama about love and forgiveness and all that good stuff, but not quite as good as it could have been.
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Not so good
joaosantos2010 June 2008
First the story it is not bad, it's just predictable and not very challenging, it seems like the author copy past some winning formula but didn't knew what to do with it.

You can clearly guess the ending from 30 minutes into the movie... it's that badly written, and it's to much to believe in... there is just to much corny sap girl appealing stuff in just one movie.

The young actors are really bad, and the old ones are really good. Overall it fails once again.

There are worst films, but there are much better ones, thank god.

Mischa Barton naked saved this mediocre movie... YES!
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Lost Without Your Love
leonardshelby17-129 January 2009
First of all, this didn't deserve the straight to DVD treatment it received for the U.S. It's not perfect by any means, but it's an experience that should have been seen on the big screen. No, it's not action packed, but it's beautiful to watch. It's a romance with dimensions that work very well, and oddly enough I wasn't one step ahead of it the whole way through. Some elements are always a bit predictable for a film like this, but I wasn't always entirely sure where it was heading next. This could have gotten a solid score of 10 had it not been for several severe flaws. The biggest of which is the actor playing Teddy. Now imagine The Notebook if Ryan Gosling was an awful actor, it would have destroyed the movie. Luckily, as important as the Teddy character is, he's not in a massive part of the film, and it's easy to imagine what the character should have been, and believe the key romance behind the film. Mischa worked for me for the most part, although she had a majority of her scenes with the lifeless Teddy character. McClain and Plummer were amazing as they usually always are. Campbell did a believable effort as the daughter lost behind all the secrets, and I loved the actors who played the young friends of Teddy. Lastly, in the end we are treated with one of the most beautiful film songs in years. Watch the credits, you'll here the amazing Lost Without Your Love, which will complete your experience with this flawed but wonderful film.
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Closing the Ring
CinemaSerf30 August 2023
Richard Attenborough has assembled a good cast for this nostalgic wartime drama. In a troubles-torn Belfast, the young Wilbur (Dylan Roberts) finds a ring in a burnt out aircraft left over from WWII. His search for the owner leads him to Shirley MacLaine's "Ethel Ann", and our story slowly reveals, via a mix of current and retrospective scenarios, just what happened when and to whom. The beginning is a bit disjointed, the chopping and changing of timeframes and characters happens too soon after the film starts without us having quite enough information to follow the story easily, but once that settles down and the role of Christopher Plummer ("Jack") becomes clearer, this makes for an engaging story of loves lost and bravery. It also doesn't ignore the fact that bombs continued to fall in Belfast for some years after the end of the War too. It's a simple vehicle for the two stars, that isn't the most plausible of stories, but it has a gentle warmth that just about carries it off.
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Average war drama
Enchorde17 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Recap: A funeral of an old war veteran once again unites his friends. Now only two of them remain, the widow Ethel Ann and her friend Jack. They reminisce about times before the war, when Chuck and Teddy still lived. Times were good, and Ethel Ann were very much in love with Teddy, so much they actually married in secret. But their future didn't become as it was supposed to. Ethel Ann's husband just buried wasn't Teddy, but Chuck. And only Jack and Ethel Ann, not even Ethel Ann's own daughter, know the true love story. But far away, on an hill in Belfast, a young kid finds a ring, Ethel's and Teddy's secret wedding ring, and the secret is slowly revealed. But pain buried for half a century doesn't go easy.

Comments: Not sure what Attenborough and Woodward wanted with this movie. It is a good story, also supposedly inspired by a true event, with a lot of different parts, each contributing to slowly unfold the secret. But there is two problems, the secret is revealed almost immediately, and with so much to tell, from different times and different places, the movie has no time to really explore any part in depth. It becomes shallow. And despite credited as a romance, I didn't find it very romantic. There certainly is no happy love left, and more problematic, it is forced to be too shallow to bring forward any real emotions. All that is left is an OK drama about how young people were affected by the war, and that not every story was a happy one. It makes for an average movie, nothing more.

As this is written, 5 of the 7 keywords of the movie are relating to female nudity. It seems wrong when those relate to just one brief scene, that is rather unnecessary too. This is not a movie with much nudity. It is not sensual in any part, there are barely emotions. It is best described as a war drama, with all that it entails.

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