Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan (TV Series 2004–2016) Poster

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How Cesar's dogs help us
Irene21213 July 2006
Cesar Millan's show goes well beyond misbehaving dogs and their frustrated but loving owners. It's a fully realized serial documentary-- and a hugely engaging one-- on urban and suburban America. Millan grew up on a farm in Mexico, so he understands a great deal about the behavior of domesticated animals (as well as feral ones), but he specializes in a common household pet that needs the special attention because the well-meaning owners tend to anthropomorphize Fido, treating it as a family member, all but forgetting that dogs are pack animals with altogether different emotional wiring than humans have.

Cesar Millan reconnects people with nature. In show after show, you see that the only connection most of us have to nature is something like a lawn, a garden, maybe a swimming pool-- and a pet. I.e., tamed nature. Millan reminds us in every episode that nature must be confronted on its own terms, and when you do that, the reward is something like peace.
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Must-see for dog lovers
RayBirks13 July 2006
I grew up with well-trained dogs--German shepherds--and after seeing legions of dog owners handle their charges badly, it's a treat to see Cesar Millan demonstrate the basics of dog psychology and pack leadership principles to folks who seem to know nearly nothing about handling dogs.

I particularly enjoy seeing Cesar's own pack of around 40 dogs, all rehabilitation cases, who all get along with one another. Cesar has an amazing ability to exhibit pack leadership. To see his dogs submit--rolling over, legs in the air, ears back--after a mere short "Shhh!" and a pointing of his's absolutely amazing.

You can also see more about his Dog Psychology Center by searching for Cesar Millan on the web.
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Creative and interesting....
MarieGabrielle5 December 2007
Cesar Millan may not be a veterinarian, but he deserves credit for persistence and caring for animals. TV, especially reality TV- need not treat itself so seriously. This show for example, is preferable to the reality shows currently served up by network media.

Millan actually has a website, and helps people who have dog problems. It is entertaining, and anyone who has visited a kill shelter lately, seeing all the puppies who are abandoned due to peoples ignorance, will appreciate his efforts.

I congratulate him for his show, and his ongoing work with difficult dogs. Highly recommended for any animal lovers. 9/10.
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Fun to watch
Bronco4625 March 2005
I stumbled upon this show on the National Geographic channel, and now I Tivo all the new episodes. The host (Ceasar Milan - "The Dog Whisperer") is very engaging, and really knows dogs. He is really amazing with dogs, his techniques should give everyone hope that dogs that seem beyond hope can be saved. Ceasar seems to really enjoy a challenge, as the owners expectations go down Ceasar smile broadens and he proceeds to show the owners how to see their dog in different light. And thereby become better owners and pack leaders to their dogs. Try to catch this show, you won't be sorry. It's a lot of fun seeing all the different breeds of dogs, and Ceasar is a lot fun.
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A very good show!!
rredict31 July 2006
I too was just flipping channels when I came across this show. After that I was hooked. I have been around dogs all my life. Big or small, none of them scared me, and so I never met a dog I didn't like or didn't like me back. I love this show, and think its a MUST SEE for any dog owner. This show goes beyond animal training. Its gives you insight into how a dog thinks and their world, which I never understood. The show is based on animal counseling for dogs and their owners. I love its and never miss it when its on the air!!!!!!. I have learned so much from this show, and it has helped me form a better relationship with my 2 Mini-Schnuazers.
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Interesting show
dungeonpenguin5 May 2006
With so much useless and bad television on the screen today, this is a refreshing change. It's got a narrow focus - dog behavior - but Cesar can get into the mind of a dog faster than anyone I've ever seen.

And yes, it's very often the owners of the dogs that have to be "retrained", but what of it? Owners tend to comment that they had no idea that their actions were causing the negative behaviors of their dogs, and they are thankful to have found the cause behind the effect.

This show is a must for animal lovers - especially those of you who consider yourselves "dog people".

For the rest, Cesar provides insightful glimpses into the psychology of the dog world, that also carry over into the human world - watch and learn.
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The best show on TV!
kooljerk6667 August 2007
I watched this few times on a DVD when I was between dogs.

Man visits family with bad dog man fixes dog & people, ho hum.

I have recently gotten a Pitbull/Chow/Sheperd mix & he was quite a handful. Yelling & the discipline you would use on a human had no effect.

He would run at you and body slam ya & then run by nipping as German Shepherds do to live stock.

After watching just a few episodes I got the gist of pack leadership & it has turned my somewhat crazy dog into a calm submissive member of our pack.

It is amazing to watch him take snarling, biting, bucking, leash crazy rotties & in a matter of minutes get them under control & save them from the pound (and death).

One of my favorites episodes had a women whose parents died within a few weeks of each other & then she suffered 4-5 miscarriages in a row. She subsequently developed a panic disorder & the dog she was trying to train as some sort of Aid Dog (that helped her with her panic attacks) began to suffer emotional problems also.

He was able to help the women get mastery of her fears & help her dog also, it was truly a tear jerking beautiful thing.

Even if your dog is wonderful I heartily recommend this show, it truly is the best thing on television.
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"Pack Leader Energy" -- A state of consciousness whose time has come
Hesper797 August 2006
Would you be interested in watching a program that teaches you how to project a field of "calm, assertive energy" around yourself which will not provoke, attract or engage the aggressive energies of others? Would you tune in if this program demonstrated the effectiveness of this energy projection technique by using some "others" who happen to be Pit Bulls with potentially lethal fangs?

How about a program that teaches you to let go of the negative experiences of the past so that you are no longer imprisoned by that negative energy, that teaches you to change your energy *now*, in the present moment, so that you get a completely different, positive result -- and that manages to convey all of this just by showing you scenes of sometimes scary but mostly cute and entertaining dogs interacting with their people and other dogs?

Would you like to see a live demonstration of the fact that, within the field of "calm, assertive energy" projected by an effective pack leader, any dog from his well-socialized pack can deflate the fear-based aggressive energy and behavior of a visiting, not-pack-socialized dog, just by trusting the pack leader, remaining calm, and pointedly ignoring the violent posturing of the aggressor? And would it make you go "Hmmm..." to see that the more dogs that do this, as happens in a well-socialized pack, the more quickly and effectively the potential aggressor is calmed down and integrated as a peaceful member of the pack? If any of this sounds interesting to you, then you just might be a future "Dog Whisperer" addict.

Maybe it occurs to you now, as it has to me, that some of the skills involved in being an effective pack leader could be really useful no matter how many legs a potential aggressor might have. It's true, as Cesar points out, that dogs are dogs and not people, but energy is energy, and an animal (person or dog) who projects energies on the fear/aggression wavelength will tend to evoke the same response from those around him, whether from dogs or from people. Learning to break that automatic reflex response of fear and aggression and replace it with the "calm, assertive energy" of a good pack leader would be a tremendous skill to have, and the advantage of practicing with your problematic dog would be that their reactions give you instant feedback on how well you're doing.

The producers of "The Dog Whisperer" are appropriately careful to caution viewers not to attempt the techniques shown in the program without consulting a professional, but it seems clear that the principles that Cesar demonstrates will work for anyone who learns to apply them properly. This is demonstrated over the course of every program by ordinary people of all kinds who start out as the demoralized, apparently helpless victims of the out-of-control, sometimes violent behavior of their beloved pets until Cesar teaches them that by properly controlling *their own* energy, they can become quietly effective, peace-creating pack leaders.

So you could say that this program teaches basic techniques which will bring more peace into our lives as we learn how *not* to provoke, attract or engage the aggressive energies of others and learn instead how to cultivate a non-ego-based, calm, benevolent/assertive energy which has the entire "pack's" best interests at heart. And it shows us a physically unimposing man who uses his beautifully centered energy (and knowledge of canine body language) to very effectively disarm the aggression of his large pack of potentially dangerous dogs.

We might also notice that he uses this same energy, in a gentle and good-humored way, to teach his well-meaning but misguided, doggy-whipped human clients that allowing themselves and others to be victimized by out-of-control animal instincts is not really the loving thing to do. It was fun, for example, to watch Cesar carefully catch himself midway into an eye-roll so as not to offend one client couple who had just confessed that the wife had been spending part of most nights in their guest bedroom **for six years** because if she got up during the night, her husband's jealous pet wouldn't let her get back in bed.

It seems to come as a surprise to most of Cesar's human clients that it's actually possible for them to exercise authority in a way that's not "mean", abusive, or some kind of destructive ego-trip that will crush their pet's spirit. I love it that this program is introducing people to the experience of exercising a truly benevolent form of power, the power that a good pack leader has to disarm out-of-control aggression on behalf of the well-being of all pack members, by projecting a "calm, assertive energy" which in no way undermines the loving bond they have with their animal companions.

And if it isn't enough of a recommendation that this program clearly lays out and demonstrates some simple techniques which average people can learn to use to begin to minimize aggression and cultivate more peace in their life experience, then maybe I should also mention, as others here have, that Cesar is a truly interesting, cool person and that the dogs (and the people) in this show are really just a lot of fun to watch.
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Excellent Show!!
Nate872728 April 2009
I am another who stumbled upon this show while flipping through channels. It's been a breath of fresh air. Every single issue my own dogs are having have been in episodes on the Dog Whisperer. Cesar is a genius! To the person who posted that dogs are dogs. Where you get your idea that this show promotes people to treat their dogs like human beings I'll never figure out. You've obviously misunderstood the message that Cesar tries to instill in viewers. If you have a dog, and you don't take the role of pack leader, your dog will naturally and instinct-fully take it instead. No wonder only 2 out of 27 users found your comment helpful. It wasn't!
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One of the BEST things about owning a television!
jax71323 September 2009
This show elevates the role of television to its highest potential for intelligent, informative entertainment. Congratulations to the producers and network that continue to offer this "hall of fame" brand of television to a wide audience. Even though I don't own a dog at present, I find this show smart, touching, amusing, and vastly instructive. Cesar Millan is a charismatic modern-day hero and his love for dogs is so pure, and so productive, as to make the rest of us gaze in awe at his accomplishments. Cesar clearly identifies the source of the dog-plus-human problems and solves them with plain talk and learn-able fixes. His true leadership genius is apparent when both dog & owner are motivated to make the changes that will ultimately bring happiness to both. Ah, imagine the results if only we could find political leaders with the same insight and ability.
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Horrible training methods based on intuition.
moaschtr23 September 2012
The training tactics shown on Dog Whisperer are outdated and improper. Millan shows no qualification -> dog training based on intuition, ignoring scientifically counter-evidence. Modern dog training looks quite different and is not based on punishment and dominance theory. Millans treatment of dogs does not permit them to establish a relationship of trust. No background information of what occurs behind the scenes. Basically just show with dogs being piqued before recording. Contains no valuable information for serious dog training and dog friends. Not suitable for the average TV-watcher who has no knowledge about other (better) training methods and dog behavior.
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One of the most entertaining shows on.
bleath10 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you own a dog, this show is a must.I first saw "The Dog Whisperer" by chance. Just flipping thru the channels. Now I am hooked. Ceasar Milan had to have been a dog in another life. This guy can fix any dog problem and most of the time it is so obvious but the rest of us don't think like a dog. This show is something the family can watch, no bad language or anything like that. I have used a couple of his techniques myself on my dogs and they worked. The guy is a genius. He is very confident in his abilities and sometimes uses his own kids and wife to help him. Its a shame it is on The National Geographic Channel, only because some people don't have access to it.
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Highly recommended dog shows
fchin0018 February 2011
After owning and seeing most episodes from season 1 to 7, I found compel to write a review after reading another "PWNYCNY" reviewer stating that Cesar was or trying to humanize a dog.

Quite the contrary, Cesar keeps reminding owners to treat dogs like dogs and be the pack leader of their pooches in all episodes.

As a matter of fact, Cesar has been teaching dog psychology so owners do not treat dogs like humans and that's the bottom of most if not all dog's unwanted behaviors.

I believed this is a wake up call for all dog owners. We all need to do a bit more than just love our pooches, we also need to provide a balance life for them.
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This guy just REALLY gets dogs...
kerenski2330 January 2011
For anybody interested in dogs and proper interaction with them, this show is a definite treat.

Cesar Millan is a very balanced, friendly and positive person who, even in cases where the sheer incompetence or ignorance of the owner are the only thing standing in the way of the dog behaving correctly, never loses his cool composure and always seems to find just the right way to help both the dogs as well as their humans.

Cesar has a profound understanding of dog behavior and psychology and he puts it to excellent use in this entertaining show; at some few times he might come across as a little condescending, but it is my belief that it is nearly impossible not to come off condescending if you simply know that much more about something than the person you're trying to explain it to, so don't hold that against him...

It's also fun to see over the course of the series, that even a person as knowledgeable as Cesar can always learn something new or how to improve an existing system.

So if you're a dog person, you should definitely give this show a try.
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Properly trained, a man can become dog's best friend. And the pack leader, too!
smtm10 July 2010
"Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan" is a ray of sunshine in latest TV shows and I too became addicted to it the first time I watched an episode.

It's essentially about the "issues" dogs might have, and their frustrated owners. Issues might be repeating, but dogs are different, so one does not get tired watching how the Dog Shrink Cesar deals with the situation in front of astonished owners.

The series is about dogs AND humans, and it shows clearly that so many pets can be put to sleep simply because their owners have no time or skills to walk their dogs, or to train them, or are not responsible enough. Cesar is an excellent shrink and I like his approach to humans.

Just because of this alone, Dog Whisperer really works: Cesar Millan deserves the highest reward for his training of pet owners. Although the show constantly warns us against trying to use same techniques at home, thousands of dogs successfully found peace and joy and continue living in families (packs) thanks to Dog Whisperer and his fans.

I love seeing happy dogs, but I would not last ten seconds with Cesar's pack after he leaves...
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Lesson for all humans more than just for dog lovers
MermaidMelissa27 January 2013
It's not often I find a show and TV personality so inspiring and influential over the years that I find a way to reach out to this level. I believe the entire crew, & all involved with making Cesar a house hold name, deserve credit for something as great as investing time and effort into Cesar Millan, "The Dog Whisperer" show.

After working with animals my self since the age of 16 I still learn new ways to view the psychology behind training dogs from watching this program.

Each season teaches me new ways to overcome obstacles I may face in training and also remaining calm and assertive in every situation that is thrown my way. When you can watch a program that provides entertainment, education, inspiration, motivation, and a sense of dedication to be a better person in your daily routines... Suddenly the shows power becomes a deeper impact -much more than important than just a story line about dogs.

This is more about life lessons and teaching humans how to get back to their roots of understanding and respecting the world around us. I may have worked with several dogs, but I do not even own one! -And yet still regard Cesar's show as a powerful tool that effects me in a very positive way -no dog needed! Thank you to those who are responsible for continuing to be apart of something so much more than just a TV show, but allowing individuals like me to gain knowledge through each episode you make possible to air!

Most of my life has been fulfilled by self motivation to never give up, but with Cesar, I also find a new source of inspiration, and for that, I wish nothing more than to meet the man behind the "Chhh!!" Personally, I am more of a Dolphin Whisper having trained them and killer whales, but I feel his phycology reflects so many of the same guild lines.

In my own out reaches as an animal ambassador, I use the tools "Training Cesar Way" teaches us to apply it in a pay-it-forward manner of reminding people that we as humans must take responsibility and own up to the problems we create for animals... Not the other way around.

As someone who has seen every episode and still amazed by what new things I learn, I hope they run another 5 years of this show.
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We miss dog whisperer
rperkink13 October 2018
We miss dog whisper bring it back on the CW Saturday morning
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Fantastic show not just for dog lovers!
maxamum10 February 2013
Cesar Millan is my favorite person on TV because his methods of dealing with dogs apply to life itself! Basically, his methods are to be calm and assertive! The problem with being calm and assertive is that dogs pick up on your true emotions and you can not fake it! The old saying that dogs can sense fear is absolutely correct but they can sense every emotion that you feel! I have tested this out on my dogs and I am shocked that they do what I want without words! I have had dogs all of my life but Cesar has taught me so much! Cesar shows you how to be authentic and recognize your true feelings and emotions, then address them until you are genuinely calm and relaxed! This is the only way to influence dogs in the right way! Its amazing how dogs become your barometer with emotions and feelings! Cesar is fantastic and the people who criticize him haven't got a clue about dogs! I would recommend this show to anybody who wants a few hints on how to calm down and recognize unstable emotions! If everyone truly understood what Cesar is saying things would be a lot happier!

Love, love, love the show!
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Not Much Reality To It
For ten years, this show has promoted inaccurate and harmful information about dog behavior. No, dogs are not either dominant or submissive, they are much more complex than that. Yes, we do know what causes aggressive behavior and other problems and it's not the owner failing to be a "pack leader."

It's incredibly sad to see so many dog owners get tricked into treating their dogs in a way that is completely unnecessary. It is not necessary to provoke a dog to act aggressively in order to modify aggressive behavior. Sure, it looks super exciting on TV, but it doesn't make it right. Add an airtight confidentiality agreement that all owners must sign, and the show can make all the claims it wants to about success rates, etc. But the stories are coming out as owners on the show seek out other solutions when the cameras leave and the suppression of problem behavior fails.

And, yes, thousands of other trainers around the world work with the same type of cases. Yes, with the same breeds. Yes, we help owners generate long-term change without dragging, jerking, kicking, hanging, shocking, or striking dogs.
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Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan best show on TV
mskoro121 July 2012
In the show Cesar Milan goes door to door helping people with their canine problems. Why did I say he helps people and not the dogs, well, once the people realize what they were doing wrong the dogs surrender with relief to their new pack leaders and all is good.

Is the Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan the best show on TV? For me yes. The Cesars logic and energy brings out the best out of the dogs and the humans! So if you just got a dog or have some issues with you dog and don't really know where to turn for some good advice, the best thing you could possibly do so your dog does not have to be your pack leader, is to get every TV show or DVD from Cesar. Calm and assertive.
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Cesar Millian Dog Whisperer
pedaltofloor5 May 2013
My wife and I saw Ceasar Millian in Santa Rosa, California. Ceasar is a very smart people trainer. Dogs are not the problem, people are the problem with the way we treat our dogs. My wife and I just love Ceaser, I get his magazine and am in the process of getting his book and DVD training disc. It is amazing that there is a person on this earth who really does understand dogs and how to train people. That man's name is Ceaser Millian. We wish him the best. If you have a dog, Ceaser Millian is the program you should watch, and please go to one of his many shows. He is great people trainer. Worth every dollar we paid and more. He is for sure, the Dog Whisperer.
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A dog is a dog.
PWNYCNY6 January 2006
This review is for all the maladjusted and acting out dogs. Woof ... woof ... woof, woof ... grrrrr ... arf, arf, arf ... grrrrr ... arf!! arf!! ... woof! ... arf! ... woof, woof, woof ... arf, woof, growl ... growl, arf, woof ... woof, growl, arf!!!

What do you do when your dog seems to be mentally disturbed? Call Cesar Millan. Now, although this show is intriguing, Mr. Millan, or is it Doctor Millan (is he a veterinarian?) takes on problem dogs that seem to be temperamental but not particularly vicious. It seems that all of the dogs on this show that are "treated" are spoiled by owners who are unwilling to make the effort to place limits on the behavior of their pets. So the problem isn't the dog, it's the people who own the dogs. After all, a dog is ... a dog, and given the chance, a dog will act like a dog. What else is new? Indeed, there's one episode in which the dog is given food and then starts snarling every time someone approaches the bowl. Well, if you were a dog, and someone approached your bowl while you were eating, wouldn't you snarl too? And then there's the episode about the dog that couldn't stop walking. Frankly, who cares?

2 out of 60 readers found my comments useful? Okay. Let's reexamine the pros and cons of this television show. On the pro side, the show is entertaining and the dog-whisperer is a friendly and engaging character who really seems to care about the dogs he is trying to help. Now on the con side, the show suggests that dogs should behave like human beings and these expectations are not only unfair to the dogs, which are not human beings, but generate unrealistic expectations among their human owners who are confused and made to feel inadequate. Dogs are wonderful creatures. Their relationship with man extends back to antiquity. Their place in history is profound. They are man's closest animal companions. But for goodness sake, let's not forget that dogs are animals and not facsimiles of human beings and should be respected and admired for those qualities that make them so special.

A dog is a dog.
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jrp-616444 January 2022
Love the show, all his other shows & books etc.

However I only find up to season 5 on dvd. What ab all the rest - seasons 6-9/10? Anyone have any idea where can purchase said on dvd?
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Just because you disagree doesn't mean it isn't useful
shellwake29 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
How has this show run for so long? It was good at first but then I started to notice that every episode is exactly the same thing with different owners and dogs. It always comes down to being assertive and dominate in the end. In fact, that is so true that I am worried it will count as a spoiler.

There are so many other animal shows now and most of them are about dogs. Ceaser has a lot of competition now. There are a lot of shows to choose from. He needs to mix it up a bit. Maybe add something new? I am open to changing my rating if Ceaser makes changes to keep up. :)

Thank you. Didn't mean to upset anyone. Just trying to be honest and I honestly wish it was still a fun show for me to watch.
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Worthless mutts
ThunderKing629 August 2020
This show is about a guy turning around dangerous mutants into obident mutants.

It's always mutts that need training because they aren't real animals. It's always dog owners that need work.

Real animals don't need to be trained because they know what to do and they are smart animals.

Whereas dogs in these shows they are reckless dangerous mutants.

If you need a dog trainer or Cesar Milan. Then you prove to me that dogs are a big fat problem.

If dogs were so smart then training them to be smart wouldn't be relevant.

Verdict: worthless show about deranged dog owners and their dangerous mutts.
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