Cutie Honey (2004) Poster


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Super-cutie and super-silly
simon_booth8 November 2004
Saw Cutie Honey at the Leeds Film Festival on Saturday... not sure if James Maruyuma had been paying attention until the last half of the movie, because people breaking into song for no particular reason and "metaphysical" (actually psycho-sociological but nevermind) thoughts about love and opening your heart to people are there throughout. The film is 95% very very very silly, with a couple of curveball moments where things get a bit more serious, then right back into silliness and fluffiness again. The film is shot and edited in a very anime-esque way, with extensive use of CG to enhance the stylisation and "cartooniness" that's already quite abundant from the costumes and overacting. In fact, so much effort has been spent making the live action film feel like an animated film that one sometimes wonders why they didn't just animate it ;) The answer is, of course, the super-cuteness of Sato Eriko (though I was actually more partial to Ichikawa Mikako's super-repressed detective character, make of it what you will).

Overall, very very camp and silly fun with a fluffy message about the power of love n' stuff. Not the stuff classics are made of, but worth seeing if the opportunity arises.
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Zany Live Action Anime, that provides a fun, somewhat guilty pleasure ...
UberNoodle7 July 2005
I remember seeing posters for this in the weeks leading to the cinema release, and well ... Cutey Honey's outfit is pretty darn cute .. I have a figurine on my window that I got with a box of fizzy candy - much to my girlfriend's ire.

Next to ninja's, cute chic's in revealing armour highly rate with me, so I was instantly intrigued. I was familiar with the source material, and the the director (of Evangellion and Nadia fame) and I knew that this film had a very unique visual style, but I still wasn't prepared for what I witnessed when I finally put the disc in the slot and hit play.

This film IS Live Action Anime to the Nth degree! It lives and breaths anime craziness, and over the top silliness. Honey's facial expressions are something straight out of an SD anime. From the opening scene this film is an anime joy - yet live action.

It's a nutty film, and it had me chuckling constantly. I would love to show this to friends of mine, but I know they'd look at me strangely and try and lock me away. Cutey Honey won't be appreciated by everyone, but I think that anime fans, with an open mind will really dig this film.In the back of my mind a voice told me that I was not supposed to like this film, but try as it did, it couldn't pull me away. I was hooked .. right until the end.

It's strange that .. on first look, and without proper perspective, this film look bad. Everyone over-acts, and there are more butt and cleavage shots than you can shake a stick at - very much an exploitative fan service vehicle. Many viewers I assume would get so many bad Power Ranger flash backs that it'd hard for them to keep watching.

Watch it in the right context however and you will see genius! Well maybe that is taking it too far, but Hideaki Anno and the team that worked on this film should be praised for creating the closest live-action rendition of anime I have ever seen. It has all the ingredients, crazy over the top expressions, a VERY cute scantily clad girl, and ultra-surreal bad-guys, including bondage'ish outfits and an androgynous male villain.

It's all there. Until I find out later down the track that the film contained subliminal hypnotising messages, I will say that I really liked this film, but that I still can't really work out why I did so much. Cutey Honey is for anime fans, and I think anyone else would struggle a little to accept this film's wild personality.

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Great First Half but Weak Middle and Ending Spoils Movie
jmaruyama24 October 2004
Taking its cue from similar movies like 'Charlie's Angels' and 'Austin Powers', Anno Hideaki's 'Cutie Honey' is a mixed bag of zany humor, outlandish action, campy acting and psychedelic animation. Based on the cult anime and manga series by iconic Japanese Manga writer Nagai Go, the movie begins with a crowd-pleasing opening sequence that really captures the essence and feel of the 1973 anime cartoon. However, the rest of the movie fails to match up with the awesome first fifteen minutes of the feature.

Sato Eriko is certainly pleasing to the eyes and is absolutely picture perfect as Kisaragi Honey/Cutie Honey, however her constant childlike innocence and carefree attitude becomes somewhat grating during the course of the film. Ichikawa Mikako is also good as Aki Natsuko but unfortunately she too is hampered by the limitations of her character's simplistic and cartoonish characterization.

The action is surprisingly top notch and the so-called 'Honey-mation' (live action footage mixed in with cartoon animation) sequences are really inventive and recalls the flawed movie 'Tank Girl' in some instances.

The movie really bogs down towards the middle with a series of candid scenes of Sato Eriko in a variety of disguises. It was totally unnecessary and was probably done to fulfill the 'Cosplay' (Costume Play) fetishes and fantasies of its target audience.

The movie really gets weird and offbeat when Oikawa Mitsuhiro as Black Claw breaks out in a song and dance number towards the end of the movie for no apparent reason. Perhaps this might have been appropriate in a spoof movie like 'Team America: World Police' but seems totally out-of-place here. In fact Koda Kumi's cameo earlier in film screamed out blatant 'product placement' as she also sings most of the songs for the film soundtrack.

The ending was the biggest disappoint. As with Anno's 'Evangelion' finale, the promise of an exciting, slam-bang finale are quickly dashed and instead we are treated to metaphysical ramblings and pretentious lecturing about the 'meaning of love' and how 'Sister Jill' should embrace love and evolve to the next level.

Being a fan of the 1973 anime series, I really wanted to like 'Cutie Honey' more. It's not a bad film and is at times quite enjoyable. However, I just wish that the movie followed through with the promising beginning opening few minutes and delivered something a bit more rousing and original.
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I also Cutie Honey at the Leeds Film Festival...
aeryn208 November 2004
And I agree with the other reviewer, i think James totally missed the point! The idea as far as I can tell was to make a live action anime, it was a parody not a serious movie. The way the characters are posed, in particular the journalist, and one scene where a character has a megaphone covering her mouth was a nod to the way animation is shot-ie exaggerated poses, and objects over mouths to save on animation costs.It was supposed to be a large poke of fun at the silliness of magic girl anime series and anime standards, like a live action version of excel saga! I enjoyed it greatly, and laughed the whole way through, i suppose if you have seen the original series its difficult not to get precious about it. But for someone who has watched a lot of anime, it was enjoyable for all the references to other series and the way a master of the medium can poke fun at his own creations.The performances were good and in a way perfectly studied, they all acted like anime characters, which was the point, Anno was having a dig at how simplistic a lot of characters in anime are and in particular female characters. I agree the end with Sister Jill was a bit sappy but again i thought he was trying to make a point about soppy endings to anime series, as well as obviously trying to fill his need to have some comment on human nature in all his productions! All in all a highly enjoyable film!
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Lighthearted Fun with Clunky Ending
danfeit2 December 2004
Cutey Honey is a fun adaptation of the animated series into a live-action feature. There's not much depth here; characters are pretty simple and the acting is nothing special. Eriko Sato's main job is to look great, and she does. I'm not complaining here, I'm just forewarning any viewers who might be looking for something that takes itself seriously. Cutey Honey does not.

Well, it doesn't take itself seriously until the ending. The final showdown between the creepy Sister Jill and Honey features a awkwardly-toned message about love. It's a fine message but compared to free-wheeling silliness of the rest of the film, it feels very slow and uncomfortable. After all, this is a few minutes after a villain sings to Cutey Honey before a battle.

Despite the "downer" ending, I still had a lot of fun watching Cutey Honey, and I would recommend it to others who are willing to relax and enjoy it as well.
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An anime come to life
'Cutie Honey' is one of the sillier cutesy, unfocused, exuberant, action/fantasy anime for grade school girls. Usually this is TV show material but here it is a love-conquers-all themed feature length film...and yeah, there's the minor detail that it is a live action movie. But don't think that this is comparable to the Wachowskis' 'Speed Racer' which adapted anime to live action with an overall western understanding of aesthetics and with certain anime-touches only giving it an anime-like FEEL...believe this statement to be true or not now, if you see 'Cutie Honey' you will immediately realize through juxtaposition that it is true. 'Cutie Honey' in contrast is conceived EXACTLY like an anime in all its unapologetic hyperkinetic, fetishistic, shallow silliness, adding nothing to it and subtracting nothing from it. There is no adapting going on whatsoever, it obviously was storyboarded as if it was to become an anime (the behind-the-scenes feature proves this assumption to be true) and then they had to figure out how to realize it in front of a camera.

Composition, mis-en-scene, framing, pacing, acting, music, you name it, there's nothing that distinguishes it from an anime, except of course that by default this has more details than the drawings of an anime. Seeing such an anime played out for real automatically multiplies the inherent silliness making it difficult to bear for probably any adult without the proper fetishes, this especially applies to the acting considering that those characters all have terrible mood swings. All things considered it's all achieved with the aid of relatively little CGI (and animation) which in a way makes it seem like it's ignoring the artificiality of its visuals while 'Speed Racer' is celebrating and actively using it.

It would have been a dreadful experience if only...yes, if only I wouldn't have been so fascinated by the uniqueness of having the visual language of anime and all those well-worn anime conventions transferred into a different medium (basically). The sheer wrongness of the whole endeavor is enough of a reason to be amazed by it and to be fascinated by the experiment that it is. It's interesting to see in practice that what works for anime doesn't work for live action movies, what's stylish in one often comes across as cheap in the other. And so it isn't a particularity successful or enjoyable movie but at least for me it was a fascinating one, akin to the experiment of a certain shot-for-shot remake of 'Psycho'.
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To Cute to be True
emperorone-130 June 2008
I am speechless. I thought this movie will be completely a waste of time. I mean, look at the bad guys.They look so funny and I even laughed when I saw Cutie Honey running in the streets covering her body with a trash bag. The movie was silly but it really delivers entertainment. The ending was not okay, the beginning of the movie it started well and in the middle, medium and in the end you get your treat. But I didn't get bored, better than Casshern. I recommend this movie. But I never saw the anime. I just went directly to the movie, but I understood the story. You gotta love those movies. Now my favourite characters are Gold Claw, Scarlet Claw and Cobalt Claw. Black Claw was good but he is a singer which annoyes me.
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Kind of rubbish
Red-Barracuda2 August 2010
Aww, this is a tricky one. As you can see from the rating I have given this film I did not like it at all. However, writing a bad review for it just seems kind of, y'know, wrong. It feels like kicking a puppy. But the truth of the matter is that I more-or-less hated this film.

The combination of wafer-thin story and characters, with the awful special effects and annoying humour meant that I struggled to find anything redeeming at all. Even the presence of a lingerie model (Sato Eriko) in the title role surprisingly didn't make much difference either. While pretty, she was just too asexual. I guess this is a movie aimed primarily at a younger audience and perhaps that's why I just didn't get it. It reminded me of the Power Rangers. And this was not a good thing. This was a bad thing.

I suppose it helps if you are well-versed in all things Anime to truly appreciate what they were trying to do with this film. It is very comic-like. And it certainly doesn't take itself seriously; in fact it almost came across like it might be a parody of the genre. Although I really think that ultimately they would have been better making an animated version of this rather than a weak live-action interpretation. It was probably done this way purely to showcase the cuteness of Sato Eriko. I suppose if she rocks your boat then this movie might offer something.

But as I said earlier I derive no pleasure in slagging this movie off for some reason. I guess I would like to say at least one kind thing about it but this is just an impossible task for me sadly. Watching it was painful and to be honest I thought it was completely rubbish.
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This movie really shouldn't work...
mastac-15 April 2007
There is simply no way to start this review without stating one simple fact. Cutie Honey absolutely, positively should not work as a movie on any kind of level. It has all the ingredients of celluloid disaster stamped across its hot pink exterior. Let's run off the checklist shall we? Live action version of a popular cartoon? Check. A model turned actress cast in the lead role? Check. Heavy usage of cheap looking CG throughout? Check. Outrageous levels of camp? Check.Acting that belongs in a Loony Toons cartoon? Check.

Yes, Cutie Honey should not work, but much to my surprise and resulting delight, it does on almost every level. Based on ageing anime and manga property that dates back to the 1970's, the movie tells the ludicrous tale of Honey Kisaragi, an almost unbearably cute office worker who leads a double life as the titular spandex clad Cutie Honey, self proclaimed 'warrior of love' and arch nemesis of the evil Panther Claw gang.

Opening with a bizarre sequence that sees Honey sprinting through the streets clad only in her underwear, a bin liner and scoffing Onigiri before leaping into battle against a strangely androgynous warrior in golden armour, the movie starts as it means to go on, namely in as silly a manner as possible. The movie is pure parody from start to finish and was clearly never intended as a straight piece in any way, shape or form. Everything from the costume and set design, through to the special effects and carefully studied but nevertheless broad performances work together surprisingly well. Indeed it is the performances that truly elevate the movie way beyond its early promise of being a big budget Power Rangers knockoff.

The lead trio of Eriko Sato (who I first saw in the TV version of Densha Otoko), Mikako Ichikawa and Jun Murakami as Honey, Detective Natsuko and shady photojournalist Seiji respectively deserve the biggest credit here which is fortunate as they have the lion's share of the screen time.

Sato's performance in particular comes as a surprise considering her relatively short acting career at this point. While the somewhat two dimensional Honey was never going to be a stretch for most actresses, the characters brainless manner and relentless optimism could easily have ruled her and turned our heroine into an excruciatingly annoying one note joke. Instead Sato turns Honey into a staunch and heroic fighter of evil one minute, and adorably dimwitted office girl the next with a steady through line of heart-warming kindness and optimism that ties the two characters together.

Visually Cutie Honey is something of a treat as well, being one of the closest things you will ever see to a live action anime. It even manages to go so far as including several knowing tips of the hat to its animated forefathers, including characters flying through the air, millions of rockets hurtling toward their targets and backgrounds giving way to speed lines when the action shifts into high gear. Even the cheap looking CG effects fit well within the movie. Since the reality of this film is quite plainly not our own, occasionally plastic looking CG characters or lapses in animation standards are more excusable and in their own way, prove to be as charming as the performances.

Of course not to mention the director of this inspired lunacy would be a crime unto itself. Hideaki Anno once again proves to be possessed of unique insight into the emotions of his characters. Some of the emotional beats the movie strums along to are curiously similar to his most famous (or infamous depending on your point of view) work in Neon Genesis Evangelion, although the tone of Honey is infinitely lighter than that of Evangelion. Anno's direction is confident and his playful, sometimes biting sense of humour is clear for all to see. The movie relentlessly mocks not only anime conventions and stereotypes but its own silliness at the same time, coming to a head in a very entertaining drunken Karaoke session involving our three leads.

Flaws are present though. The narrative, while hardly the movie's driving purpose, could still have been clearer and a little more focused. The Claws themselves make fun, if shallow villains, though they lack substantial motivation. The biggest drawback is the chief villain of Sister Jill, who feels more like a plot point presented as a full stop than a truly fun character in keeping with the spirit of the rest of the film. While the narrative does justify this personality (or lack thereof), it still makes for a staid and lacklustre final confrontation.

Overall though, Cutie Honey is such a relentlessly cheerful movie it is hard not to get swept up by its boundless optimism. As an antidote to the countless dour Hollywood action flicks of the near decade since the release of the first Matrix movie, it serves its purpose admirably, and as a movie guaranteed to put a smile on your face there is none better.
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Funny, loveable and enjoyable...
paul_haakonsen18 October 2019
This is the second time I've watched the 2004 Japanese movie "Cutie Honey" (aka "Kyûtî Hanî"). Granted, the first time around was in 2004 or 2005. I dug the movie out and revisited it in 2019, just because I essentially had forgotten what it was about.

Now, I am not familiar with the Manga, in either animated or comic book form, so how true this live action movie is to the source material, I have no idea whatsoever.

Let me just say, first and foremost, that you definitely need to be a fan of the over-the-top Japanese cinema, as this 2004 movie is somewhat of an acquired taste. If you are not familiar with some of the strangely bizarre Japanese movies, then chances are big that you will not like "Cutie Honey". Luckily I do enjoy those movies from the Japanese cinema.

The story told in "Cutie Honey" follows Honey Kisaragi (played by Eriko Satô) who is able to turn into a super heroine by the name of Cutie Honey. Her uncle, a brilliant scientist, has been abducted by the villanous criminal group known as Panther Claw, and Cutie Honey must side with police chief Natsuko Aki (played by Mikako Ichikawa) and reporter Seiji Hayami (played by Jun Murakami) in order to take down Sister Jill and the four henchmen Black Claw, Cobalt Claw, Gold Claw and Scarlet Claw to save her uncle.

"Cutie Honey" is a hilarious movie with whacky characters and odd costumes. And while the CGI at times is quite questionable, it actually fits the movie well enough, as it has a certain offbeat charm to it.

This was by no means a movie that would pull home Oscars, nor was it a movie that particularly revolutionized the Japanese cinema, but it is actually quite entertaining for what it turned out to be. If you haven't already seen "Cutie Honey", then I can recommend you do so. I was genuinely entertained by it even the second time watching it.

I am rating the 2004 movie "Cutie Honey" a six out of ten stars.
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Worse than BAD
ferdmalenfant22 September 2019
Oh man, I've seen bad movies in my day but this one has got to be the worse EVER!
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Works for me
saladeproyectos16 October 2006
Let's put it clear from the beginning, the film is an exercise in style, and the style is anime. If you like anime, this is THE FILM you'd love to see, characters, timing, acting, dialog, cameras, lights, sound...An fan's dream, a film made by a man who loves anime for all the people who love anime. When I found that Anno, the man who made Neon Genesis Evangelion, was in this project, I thought it would be great. When I finally saw it, I found it was better, I kept a smile all time long. If you don't like it, well, try something else. If you don't like blues, you'd protest about repetitive riffs and metrics, long guitar solos and so on. Each kind of art has its codes, and if you share them you understand and appreciate it. For me, this is a masterpiece of live action anime.
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Hideaki Anno meets Noboru Iguchi - and it works!
TooKakkoiiforYou_32127 October 2021
This might be hands down the best work I've seen of the guy, certainly better than the monstruosity known as End of Evangelion if not for the fact that (BEHOLD!) there is a proper ending here. The only complaint I have is that I wish we had seen more of the protagonist wearing her titular suit during combat (no complaints about the panties and bras), but other than that it's highly enjoyable provided you're not expecting Bamboo Dolls of Ezichen (absolutely love that movie) level of direction and acting. Recommended over ANY of the current superhero (or non-superhero) blockbuster crap from Hollywood with ease.
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Anime Gone Wild!
ncc12054 March 2005
I've always had a bit of a love/hate relationship with anime. Quick flashes of artwork reconciled within the plot lines of the larger work have always felt more intrusive than they have integral to the total story, but, as could any reader, there's always something in there worth appreciating. Whether it's the personal history of the lovable lead or the angry clutter of a villain bent on destroying life, some element always gels, fueling the vicarious excitement for as long as I'm willing to suspend disbelief.

Then again … when the lead actress is an absolute knockout having the time of her life chewing scenery, slaying bad guys, and decked in spandex, who am I really kidding? The live-action (the term should be used loosely, as the film is full of heavy CGI sequences) adaptation of "Cutie Honey" feels like an idea that originated from anime but desperately desired to rise above the conventions of the literature. In this story, Honey – an ordinary office girl turned super-powerful android by magical uber-genius of her deceased scientist/father – is granted the chance of, well, her second lifetime: she can avenge dear ole dad's death by bringing an end to the notorious Panther Claw gang … but is she willing to risk the lives of her new-found friend, Detective Natsuko Aki (Mikako Ichikawa), in the process? Of course, androids have never been lovelier than this one embodied by Eriko Sato. As Honey, Eriko bears the weight of the film, delivering a performance of a visual marvel: her features strike an almost perfect balance between doe-eyed-anime-schoolgirl-cuteness and drop-dead-gorgeous-comic-book-heroine-beauty. She's perfectly cast, and it would appear that she knows it! She uses her feminine wiles and impish lunacy from start to finish with nothing short of total commitment. Such dedication should give even the most impotent Scrooge something to admire, if not a resurrection of male blood flow. Yes … she's … just … that … stunning. In her capable hands, what could have been a farce becomes a force to be reckoned with.

"Cutie Honey" is not without its flaws. The high-fashion, sparkly camp design works well most of the time, coupled with some terrific special effects work. Anime sequences – largely used for flashbacks and battlefield filler – are impressive, but these scenes don't offer much to differentiate themselves from straight anime pictures. Despite or to the advantage of the goofy feel-good banter, the actors all seem to enjoy themselves, as it's clear that no one is taking this stuff too seriously.

At some points, I couldn't suppress the "What am I watching?" effect. Normally, a film like "Cutie Honey" is not my cup of tea … but, one scene later, I was drawn up into this goofy world once more, laughing at the campy villains or admiring what little fabric the costume designer refused to waste on Eriko's ordinary-girl-alter-ego outfits.

Did I mention that Cutie is a real cutie? In the end, there's something wholesomely redeeming to watch a group of mismatched heroes take time out from saving the world to drink sake, let loose, and sing karaoke.
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a hormone erupting attack of cartoon silliness...YAY !!
dryadcrow13 August 2005
This film does not need any deep serious in depth is what it is....a weekend popcorn munching, cola swigging, sugary sweet sucking blast of power ranger silliness, glittery costumes, over the top posing villains and a sugary sweet, naive but extremely sexy heroine running around in underwear and skimpy costumes kicking the bad peoples behinds.....all as it should be. Cutie Honey really is a Cutie Honey and for this reason alone males will want watch this film and the females will be hitting them over the head with the nearest non lethal object to try to keep them more than six inches from the screen in case they go blind.............oh by the way.....did i forget to say i totally enjoyed the film. settle down and prepare for some action packed silliness from beginning to the end !! dryadcrow
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Uber-camp or super kitsch???
Bernard_Sinew7 November 2004
Cutie Honey is one of the most entertaining bad films that you are likely probably to see. It looks like its made for minors, yet has elements and philosophy that you just wouldn't get whilst watching Power Rangers. Think sexy, sassy and daft: watch this film with no expectations! Both Cutie Honey and Natty are, well like the films name suggests, exactly that. Interesting cameos from what looked like Sakichi Sato, Boba and Suzuki Matsuo. Huge product placement and some great short scenes involving a cat.

Shake your head in disbelief, yet at the same time grin.

*** (3 stars)
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jholmstrom-15 August 2004
I have to go with the other posters. This was the most amazing and revolutionary action-adventure I have seen since "Road Warrior" way back when! Yes, maybe I sound like a nut after saying that, but the energy from the Fantasia Festival debut of this movie has convinced that I am not insane after all. "Cutie Honey" (the most unlikely action-film title I ever heard or could imagine) deserves to go down in film history as one of the greatest action-adventures of all time. For instance it's 10X better than the Lethal Weapon series, and Quentin Tarantino only wishes he had the talent to create a film like this (rather than steal it).

Then again, since "Hollywood" denigrates films like this? I am not sure what its fate will be. But if it got a US release it could revolutionize the US film industry like nothing people have seen. In the meantime I only hope anyone reading this has a chance to see this amazing film.

It's that F'N good.,
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Sweet, sweet HONEY!!!
rabelasian20 July 2004
I saw this film at the Fantasia Film Festival in Montreal, right after Blueberry. Holy smokes, this movie is totally awesome!!! Why can't north Americans make cool movies like this? It's super happy and action-packed, and it even makes fun of itself = it's perfect!!! For this vein of movies, Cutie Honey is the best I've ever seen!!!

If you have a vague idea what this movie is about, you'll be blown away by the extremes and humour presented on the screen. It's not serious. But a most excellent treat indeed!

All the acting is superficial, there's a constant(but not tumultuous) music track throughout, all the photography is extreme and the story itself is completely retarded. A lot of the humor comes from making fun of stupid little "cutesy" movies --> also, the sexism is exaggerated too: Cutie Honey behaves in a ... "special" way: always innocently making sexy poses wearing only underwear, etc... All the action sequences are completely over the top, super loud, and mixed with cartoons as well.

For what it is, it's unbeatable.
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Only watch if you can just let it go.
flipmonkey7 April 2005
Not to degrade the movie, but if you can't get over a "Power Rangers" feel, then pass this title by. However, if you enjoy humor, weird costumes, crazy action, and insane levels of Cuteness, then this may be the movie for you. Based on an old anime (manga too?) by Go Nagai, this live action version is quite amazingly a live action anime. I was never a huge fan of the original animation, but this move almost makes me want to go back and recheck it out. The movie is fast-paced, and action-oriented. It has decent character development (but don't look for anything too deep) and best of all, it was just silly. If it weren't for that last factor, the movie would have completely sapped an hour an a half from my life. The cast was great, considering the roles, but the thing that stands out is the way they were able to combine the live action with a very cartoony style (watch as Honey dodges all those missiles in the beginning, it a whole new style on it's own.) It was very entertaining, and it was definitely an example of camp gone right.
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Work of art disguised as a campy action/comedy
rooprect20 May 2006
Its brilliance is perhaps its downfall. CUTIE HONEY is a profound and thought-provoking vision disguised in a comic book plot. Unfortunately, those looking for a straight action flick will be put off by the philosophical themes; and those of you looking for an art film will be put off by the flashy theatrics. You'll notice many of the reviewers have panned it for its "sappy ending" (that's the philosophical part), while others have panned it for being too gaudy (as in Black Claw's song & dance fight routine--oh c'mon, who doesn't like a villain who kicks your ass while singing to a string quartet?!). Just keep your minds wide open on this one, folks. Enjoy the colourful action scenes and the quippy humour as well as the thought-provoking themes that run under the surface, and you'll have a great time.

I'm more of an "art film" fan myself, and I was drawn into Hideaki Anno's work by his masterpiece SHIKI-JITSU. Though this is certainly a crowd-pleaser, it's not lacking in Anno's signature poetics. In particular, pay close attention to the dichotomy of Sister Jill & Cutie Honey: two immortal beings who are essentially the same but separated by one key philosophy. If you are in tune with this theme, the ending will be a treat for you.

One other thing I must mention: the music is perfect. It illustrates exactly what I'm talking about; Honey's "themesong" is at first a goofy romp, sung in that high-soprano, staccato j-pop style. But when the scene calls for seriousness, we get the same melody presented on a somber piano. The effect, along with the dynamic cinematography and lighting, shows us the two extremes of Hideaki Anno, a man whose work I'm very much looking forward to exploring in the years to come.
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Manga/Anime come to life with tongue firmly in cheek
dbborroughs16 April 2005
I was never a Cutie Honey fan and the thought of a live action version did not thrill me at all. It wasn't until I had read a couple of reviews that I thought perhaps this was worth a look. Having seen the film I can honestly say that this film is absolutely worth a look or two or six.

Cutie Honey is a cyborg super heroine that is out to stop the Panther Claw Gang which has kidnapped her uncle. A year earlier they had killed her father in order to get secret of her existence. Honey pops in and out of disguises as she is hounded by the bad guys, a reporter and a female cop.

The film plays like Power Rangers on acid, mixed with comedy, drama, animation, J-Pop music videos and at least a dozen other things. Its a blast and a half. If you're not hooked in the first five minutes you'll never be, but odds are you will be, especially if you take it on its own terms. Its not really for small kids since there is death and ample bosoms but if you're knowing teen or adult you're the perfect audience for this gem.

I want to give the movie a 10 on the fun scale but I have to refrain simply because the middle third is rather slow, especially when compared to the action that begins and end this movie. There is something about that slow part that it never recovers from.

If you like comedy, action, spoofs, super heroes or any type of movies short of the heaviest of Bergman or other suicide inducing films give this one a shot, it will probably make you smile from ear to ear.
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Pretty cool movie.
dcmccants3 June 2005
First, I'd like to give a reason for the 8 and not a 10. I didn't like the singing parts with the bad guys. Movie sorta dragged during those parts. Anyway, the two main girls are kinda cute and make the movie fun. I'd like to sing that little theme song over a loud speaker just to make people angry. The karaoke part is funny, nice to see people having fun. I'd get me a karaoke machine, but I'm too hardcore, I'd get too excited and start acting out scenes from action films. The machine would end up being damaged and I don't think the warranty would cover "reenactment abuse". The part before the karaoke scene is kind of sexy, because the cop chick is a little shy and mousy. She has a weird cute little face. She should have been Cutie Honey. But I think they chose the other girl because she has bigger breasts. Anyway, check this film out if you get a chance, its fun and not serious at all.
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Cutie Honey—like a sexy pink power-ranger on amphetamines!
BA_Harrison26 January 2008
As a rule, any film that relies on a glut of special effects and noisy action set-pieces to try and detract from the fact that its plot is either non-existent or virtually indecipherable will receive a critical mauling from me. However, Cutie Honey is an exception to this rule for two reasons: firstly, it is so absolutely, unashamedly, ridiculously over-the-top that it's almost impossible not to enjoy (despite the increasingly difficult to understand story); and secondly, its star, Eriko Sato, is incredibly gorgeous—call me shallow, but the inclusion of a great looking Japanese babe in a series of sexy outfits really helps me forget about trifling details such as a decent narrative.

In this hyper-stylised manga-based movie from director Hideaki Anno, the stunning Eriko plays a super-powered android (equipped with nano-technology), who is capable of transforming her appearance at will. Keen to have this technology for herself, Sister Jill, leader of the evil Panther Claw organisation, sends her minions to kidnap top scientists, but eventually sets her sights on trapping Cutie Honey herself, whom she hopes to assimilate.

Opening with an insane action-packed sequence in which our sexy heroine battles the nasty Golden Glaw and umpteen black-clad henchmen, the film immediately establishes its cartoonish day-glo style; the next hour-and-a-half is a mind-boggling display of visual inventiveness and cheap titillation—perfect entertainment for those who like their action demented and their women seriously tasty.

Sato is excellent as Cutie Honey, perfectly capturing the innocence of her character whilst simultaneously turning up the heat by wearing a variety of revealing get-ups which include her superhero outfit (pink spandex with a strategically placed heart shaped hole to reveal her ample cleavage), a halter-neck/mini skirt combo, and, once or twice, just her underwear.

The action, which starts out crazy and gets sillier as the film progresses, includes the initial encounter with Golden Claw, who is equipped with prehensile hair, an encounter with a scuttling vampiric creature (Cobalt Claw), and a battle atop the giant drill-shaped Panther Claw HQ (which emerges from beneath the Tokyo Tower) against Scarlet Claw and Black Claw (who inexplicably performs an impromptu song-and-dance number mid-fight).

The ending is a bit of a damp squib (some incomprehensible rubbish in which Cutie nearly turns into a plant and love, once again, saves the day), but with so much fun preceding it, this movie still gets a very reasonable 7.5/10 from me, rounded up to 8 for IMDb.
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Hideaki Anno's Camp Masterpiece
danielatala828 March 2023
Say what you want about Cutie Honey, but it's a movie that's characterised by its fun- in very few movies have I felt the joy and vibrancy of its director behind it. Considering Hideaki's past endeavours, the much more serious in tone Love + Pop and Neon Genesis Evangelion one would think this movie impossible in his overall oeuvre but it's not- it fits right there earning its place as one of his greatest films. Or that's what I feel in my heart at least.

So Cutie Honey follows the story of Honey Kisaragi, an immortal human born again by the power of love achieved through her choker that her father made when she got into a car accident. A shady and otherworldly organisation called the Panther Claws are trying to get this collar's technology in order to continue being immortal so Honey meets two other people, serious policewoman Natsuki and journalist Seiji that will get her to the bottom of this organisation.

Now let's start with some positives, I think the people that make all of these new superhero movies nowadays should learn a thing or two about this one- Hideaki isn't concerned with making another "origin story" but instead plants the viewer directly into the drama and action of it all. Even if I didn't knew what Cutie Honey was before watching the movie I still felt that I knew these characters and what the gist of the plot was. We still get some minor exposition dumps here and there but it's nothing that interrupts the experience in my opinion- and it happens naturally too (according to me!).

Another thing that I love about this movie is its commitment to use more practical effects and actual miniature set pieces- there's an extras documentary included in the DVD where Hideaki Anno explained that he wanted to keep any digital VFX to a minimum which is just so amazing, wish moviemakers had that same mindset today! Heck, he even created a new style of animation in this movie, a type of animation that combines the poses and stunts a real life actor does with the movements of an anime and manga panel.

Keeping on with the positives, and that's in the hugely talented cast that supports this movie. It wouldn't work otherwise, everyone is camping it up to the max and I love to see it. It all appears as if they're having maximum fun giving their all to make this movie as fun as possible- even supposed newcomer Eriko Sato (the role of Honey) makes a fun and engaging main role (it's kinda weird tho how in the dvd she's marketed as the top swimsuit model of Japan and not an actress lol!).

Another thing that I love is just how it's filmed, it perhaps doesn't have a lot of the experimental shots that one is accustomed to see in Hideaki's past films (Love + Pop being an excellent example for this), but it still carries style and camp and flair.

Speaking of camp, this movie goes all out in visuals, acting and is why I think it could turn off a lot of people expecting something else, due to it being from Hideaki and such but I think if you just let yourself go and just enjoy it for what it is then it delivers in spades!

And now for a few negatives, namely that this movie can feel quite nonsensical in structure and some characters don't get very fleshed out. I know that's one of the main disadvantages of remaking an anime/manga into a live action movie, in a manga you get the development and fleshing out of characters in many many pages but in a movie it has to be cut down... In this aspect I still think Hideaki does a fine job.

All in all this is a wonderful movie, filled with fun and lots of heart and campness. Check it out!
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A true live action ANIME
lioricsilver25 September 2019
I love the style where the movie contain element from the anime like the first fight scene. Also it's like real people in a cartoon. Although the quality of the special effects weren't all up to "avengers level", any fan of comic anime would enjoy this. I do find the camera to be too slow as anime is filled with fast jerky camera movements, I think this film should have the similar effects. Overall I enjoyed this movie very much
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