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Do what? Av it.
hitchcockthelegend29 January 2010
I read a review of The Football Factory that said the characters are so "orrible" and "hateful" it was impossible to like them at all! You have to think that that particular reviewer knows nothing about the subject matter of the film he was writing about. Does he think that hoards of footie hooligans, who delight in knocking seven bells of tar out of each other, want to be liked?

The Football Factory is directed by Nick Love and based on the book of the same name written by John King. It stars Danny Dyer {who else really?}, Frank Harper, Neil Maskell and Tamer Hassan {Hassan fans should note he's rarely in it tho}. The story is about what was termed The English Disease, a disease where like minded adults from various walks of life, religiously took to fighting like minded adults, in the name of what football team they happened to support. There's been a ream of books written on the subject, from those involved and by those who haven't a clue outside of reading their Sunday Times articles back in the day. There's also been one or two films about the subject, from pretty ace efforts like Phillip Davis' ID, to middling tellings such as Elijah Wood starrer Green Street. It's a subject that people seem hell bent on dissecting and attempting to get to the bottom of.

So with that in mind, Love's movie is something of a triumph in that it tries the hardest to understand its topic. To those on the outside of football hooliganism, it looks like a bunch of blokes mindlessly inflicting harm on each other whilst simultaneously damaging the good name of the national sport. But Love, with help from King's source, explores ego led tribalism, male bonding, male conformity and dissatisfaction of life in general. Throw in the punches and a ream of genuine laughs and you got a film that is easy to like if you belong to a certain demographic. Here is the problem if you are not a geezer, a tribal footie fan or a mindless thug, The Football Factory holds no appeal to the casual observer, which is a shame, because as stated previously, it's trying hard to reason and understand. There's for instance a cracking plot-strand involving two old fella's, Tommy's {Dyer} granddad Bill {Dudley Sutton} & Albert {John Junkin}. Both lifelong pals who have grown tired of what "their" Britain has become, thus they are in the process of emigrating to Australia. This dovetails smartly with the unfolding story of football violence perpetrated by the kids of the day. Generational differences? Perhaps, maybe?

The cast are strong, either fitting the mean profile perfectly {Harper/Hassan} or delivering the needed cocky swagger line {Dyer}, Love has assembled, what is for the material at hand, the perfect cast. OK we probably could have done with Vinnie Jones or Ross Kemp in there somewhere, but it's a low budget movie you know!. The fight scenes are grim and look authentic and the soundtrack rocks the large one too. So is it glamorising a touchy subject? Well yes it is, if you are a football hooligan yourself that is. It's not a perfect film by any stretch of the imagination, but it has good intentions in there, even if not all of them are fully realised. To which it leaves us with an impacting, intriguing and uneasily enjoyable movie. 7.5/10
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Realistic view of a scary world.
ieuan_johns3 December 2004
The hooligan culture is and never was a class thing, people from all walks of life participated, from local council flat drug users to people with well paid office and professional jobs to ex-army types on a very nice pension. This film shows that in true fashion.

Whilst I never took part in any of that crap I have met, seen and known many who have in my time, most are fairly normal people away from all that, in fact I knew one guy for over a year before I found out that after standing on the terraces with the rest of us on a Saturday afternoon he used to go and get pissed, filled up with E's and go on a rampage with his other mates in other nearby towns looking for Cardiff City supporters.

This film is a fairly accurate reflection on the type and mix of people who became hooligans in the first place, especially poignant is the guy who got away from it all, made something half decent of himself and puts it down to simply growing up. Most of the people I have seen in the past are like that, the ones who aren't tend to be those who were put away before they got to that maturing stage, and I'm not talking about end of puberty maturing I'm talking about the day you wake up and think to yourself is this really going to be the rest of my life kind of maturing.

Full marks to all involved for not taking the easy way out and producing a sack full of morally correct/incorrect bullcrap and instead giving a realistic insight into a very scary world.

Yes the film does not really flow or have a connected plot line, but then it isn't meant to, it is meant to be a film about real life, real life does not have a set up stage, middle bit and happy conclusion. In fact this film could probably loop around for another few years of Tommy's life before he either ends up in jail or shakes himself out into the happy ending scenario that I'm sure many were expecting all along.

The film is at times brutal, unsubtle and the language is extremely tasteless, however these are all thing you would have seen in that reality and it is to the credit of the makers and actors that this did not bog the film down at all. Every scene had a purpose no matter how obscure it may have seen at the first watching.

At every scene from about 10 minutes in I felt emotionally involved in a way that not many films manage to do to me, I actually had empathy for these people if not sympathy, I could se how they could get pleasure from the things that they do even if they turn my own stomach to think of anyone I really care about being involved in them.

Even today in what is a golden age of film making (and don't let any stuck up critic tell you it is not) very few films really make you feel connected to the characters in this way, films like Trainspotting, Twin Town, Human Traffic and now Football Factory are a very unusual thing and seem to be specific to the British film industry right at the moment. Maybe it's just I am personally more able to relate to them having grown up around such cultures, I don't know, I just know that I am glad I bought this film and would recommend anyone watch it if only for a better understanding of the culture at that time, something I am proud to say we have made huge strides to eradicate in this country.
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An Honest Film
cure_the_sorrow15 July 2005
Hoologanism in football has been an controversial over past decade or so especially with it is concerned with English fans. This film has presented this dilemma quite well and in style as most British films do these days. Danny Dyer is brilliant, the last film i saw him in was Human Traffic. There is some terrific dialogue in this film... definitely one of the better football films to be released. I never knew Dyer voiced in some GTA games, how interesting. This film takes on no real plot (except for Chelsea's fixture list) which didn't really bother because it reflects a culture not a 'storyline'. British films never cease to amaze me, the acting is brilliant and script are always so clever and hilarious.

Although the film was good, it scared the hell out of me at times... the reality of it. Watching and thinking that this really does happen every weekend, I guess that is the intention of Nick Love. As a football fan and someone who has never experienced the full wrath of football hooliganism, i throroughly enjoyed and recommend it to anyone who is wondering whether to watch it or not.
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Good movie
AKS-629 January 2005
The Football Factory is movie about football (soccer) fans. Since they seem to be more interested in fighting than in actually watching the games this is certainly no sports film so don't let the title fool you. It's also based upon a novel that I haven't even heard of, but that could perhaps be because I'm in Sweden.

The Football Factory is a very episodic movie. Mostly it works, but sometimes I felt like I wanted to spend more time with main character Tommy Johnson or that they should at least had focused on fewer characters. Sometimes I felt that a scene was working really well, but the story quickly focused on other things. As I said, more often than not the episodic feel works fine, but not all the time.

As in almost all English movies the acting's great. From minor characters to main characters... they feel real. I especially think the voice over sounds very authentic: it's Tommy speaking, not actor Danny Dryer reading.

I think this is a good movie, it's rather violent and upsetting at times, but also funny and entertaining.
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Is it Worth Watching? Course it is, love it!!
MarcMV1217 October 2004
A Fantastic Movie from start to finish, with brilliant acting, script, dialogue, poignancy and laughs. Danny Dyer proves that there is more to young British Actors that Jude "Pretty Boy" Law and Orlando "acts with his eyes" Bloom with a stirring performance as Tommy Johnston. The social critique is as prominent in the film as the football hooliganism, and the bathos that runs throughout is definitely a strong point. The Film is similar to Trainspotting in its feel and story-telling style, and the soundtrack expertly tries to give you the buzz the guys are feeling as they are marching towards a ruck. Scenes to look out for are the Junior Football Match, the 3rd Round Draw, and Rod Meeting his girlfriend's parents. Ultimately the film asks more questions about the society that breeds the need for arranged violence than the actual link to football, and ultimately leaves you on a high note after many lows during the film.

I would recommend this to anyone, not just football fans, but anyone who wishes to see a film out heterosexual male relationships, and the state of the British Male mindset in the year 2004.

Love It!!
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The harbinger of Green Street Hooligans...
Thanos_Alfie5 February 2016
"The Football Factory" is a Crime movie in which we watch football from a different perspective. Our main character is a male man who has a boring life. Although he is a hooligan and lives in a violent and hostile environment full of drugs and alcohol.

I liked this movie because I believe it shows the truth of football from the sight of hooligans. It shows the truth that no one wants to admit and believe that it exists. The interpretation of Danny Dyer who played as Tommy Johnson it was very good and also the interpretation of Frank Harper who played as Billy Bright.

Finally I have to say that I watched "The Football Factory" after I watched the "Green Street Hooligans" movie. So, unwittingly I made a comparison between these two movies and I believe that "Green Street Hooligans" is better. In my opinion you have to watch first "The Football Factory" and after the "Green Street Hooligans" because with this way you will be more satisfied.
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Was it all worth it?...'course it f***ing was!
bodiedoyle29 March 2005
Being German I'm not really into the Hooligan way of life. I'm just fond of the Brit way of making films and this one is just brilliant. Of course you can argue about whether the director Nick Love is showing the life of some football thugs too positive and without the "never do this, kids" attitude, but...this is just a great piece of film. It has terrific acting (especially Frank Harper does a great job), splendid camera and editing and a more than suiting soundtrack. Watched it with some pals and it was just great fun. The scene where Rod tells his girlfriend's parents about his inner thoughts is a highlight. So if you're able to shut out all thoughts of moral and you're just interested in 90 minutes of quality film-making of this. It's definitely all worth it!
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Confused men looking for a place to fit in
calexand-39 August 2006
Football Factory does not shamelessly glorify violence like many have said. Violence is obviously a focal part of the movie, but i feel the violence of this movie is shown in a negative light. Through out the movie football hooligans of Chelsea FC are followed in a number of different situations. The turf of other football firms, and the local pubs are where many of the scenes are shot, but despite following the violence of football hooligans, this film is a lot deeper than that. It is about trying to feel a part of something. It is about confused individuals that are looking for something to believe in, and throughout the movie there are internal struggles where the characters battle within their own minds as to what's more important; growing up, or football hooliganism. The violence in this movie isn't gratuitous. It is necessary and factual, and is needed to show the internal struggles of the movies' many confused individuals. Not a bad film, although it is a little rough around the edges.
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This is reality, folks
Phrankster16330 January 2006
Football violence is a horrible thing. Period. What "The football factory" shows us is a bit of reasoning behind why, seemingly normal go out and beat the crap out of each other because of a game with 22 guys and a ball. The truth is, it has nothing to do with the game. How the team actually does really doesn't matter, as long as you get to play your rivals because it's about togetherness and escaping the dreariness of everyday life. In a sick a twisted way of course, but it's the only way for these guys. The movie itself goes by at a million miles an hour and gives us characters that seem both believable and real, and a really touching story of a friendship that has lasted through the ages. The main character Tommy is a really interesting one: He knows he's on the path to destruction and through visions of his own demise, he realizes that it's all going to hell and that he (along with the other hang-arounds) are along for the ride. It's a movie that is definitely worth an hour and a half of your time and you Americans should praise yourself lucky that at least you got one thing right: You know how to behave at sporting events (hell, at NFL games they have barbecues out in the parking lot where fans of the opposing teams eat and hang out together. Just imagine that at a Tottenham-Chelsea or Roma-Lazio game!)
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One of the best Football Hooligan films
timmypearl14 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First of all if your going to watch this film than you must realise that its about football hooligans and their way of life from the 90s to present day era.So there's no point watching it and than bitching about how its full of Chav's, yobbos, scum and fat lagboats. What the hell do you expect. I didn't go watch boys to men than come out of the cinema moaning that it was full of blacks, hoes, crack heads, and drive by shootings, that would be stupid.

Anyway this is a realistic hooligan flick about a group of Chelsea hooligans (the headhunters)and their exploits around the country following their football club. They than finally get the dream cup draw half way through the season against Millwall.I doubt many people need to know what Millwall are famous for.The film is about the build up to this game.

I found it funny and entertaining to watch with a few beers with my mates its not really a film to watch with your missus or the family. I think most young men from anywhere will enjoy this film and relate to different parts of it, its defiantly worth a watch.
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Tedious, predictable piece of film-making.
octoberth197519 January 2007
The Football Factory, is poorly written, poorly acted and crammed full of lazy, half-hearted political statements that try to give weight to what is really just another glamourisation of violent idiots. How strange that a study of people who use football as the catalyst for fervent, tribal head-kicking features absolutely no football! It's a low-budget mish-mash of every other mockney hardman film, directed by someone with delusions of being Martin Scorsese - see freeze-frame/voice-over, manic editing or, worst of all, the scene in the pub between Billy and Zeberdee, which is basically a carbon copy of Joe Pesci's 'How am I funny?' scene in Goodfellas, except with all the real tension removed. There are no characters that provoke any sympathy, unless you're the type of brainless Neanderthal who idolises football hooligans. If you are, then crack open a few cans, put your true-crime book down and enjoy the film; probably fastforwading some of the boring 'talking' bits. If you expect more from a film than a bunch of Guy Ritchie extras slurring gangsterisms and punching each other, look elsewhere. I suggest The Firm, starring Gary Oldman, which tackles the same subject but is a superior film in every way.
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Nick Love's First And Perhaps Last Great Film
Theo Robertson11 November 2007
An auteur is regarded as a director who has a running theme throughout their resume . For example Robert Aldrich is considered a " sadistic " director and whileis films may be tame compared to the video nasty era the likes of TOO LATE THE HERO and ULZANA'S RAID do still come across as compellingly blood thirsty and violent . The films of Martin Scorsese usually involve protagonists being caught in an existentialist quicksand where the more they try and find their goal in life the more they sink into a problem of their own making . Let's not get too caught up in the auteur theory however because much of it is simply down to movie studios assigning scripts to well suited directors " Hey Marty , we've got a script here featuring a deranged loner wanting to join the mob . Bob and Leonardo have already signed on the dotted line . You interested ? " . Nevertheless it's obvious that Nick Love in the years ahead will be honoured in this fashion if only because his films feature blackly comical stories of working class British males fed up with the state of the nation

In terms of style and execution THE FOOTBALL FACTORY isn't a million miles away from the likes of TRAINSPOTTING and TWO SMOKING BARALLS . It's very quirky , rather episodic , fairly violent and oh so bloody entertaining . You could say it contains all the flaws of recent British movies like an overuse of the words " FAHKIN' " and " KANT " but we are talking about the notorious Chelsea headhunters football hooligans and there are admittedly some unlikely coincidences involved such as two of the headhunters burgling a house that belongs to... but unlike Love's later OUTLAW you never feel at how contrived these plot twists are which probably says much of the film's entertainment factor . It could also be that the original source was strong in the first place since I get the feeling that Love totally fails as a screenwriter of original material , certainly the problem with OUTLAW was an underdeveloped script with very underwritten characters who lacked a recognisable motive . Here it's obvious but never overstated that the motivation of becoming a hooligan is to belong to something . And unlike in OUTLAW when something funny happens in THE FOOTBALL FACTORY you genuinely do laugh instead of scratching your head wondering if in fact it's supposed to be funny

I have to confess that I've seen the feature films of Love back to front . I saw OUTLAW when it opened in the cinema in March , I saw THE BUSINESS a couple of months after that and saw THE FOOTBALL FACTORY for the first time last week . If Nick Love had released his films in that order then I would have said that here is a film maker who is really hitting his stride as his films just get better and better . Unfortunately what this means in reality is that Love is on a downhill curve and that nothing has come close to matching THE FOOTBALL FACTORY . One can only hope that the big screen remake of THE SWEENEY , a TV show well remembered for its mixture of black comedy and violence , will see a return to form for an underrated auteur
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The Beautiful Game? Do me a lemon!
MartynGryphon17 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm ashamed to say that I found The Football Factory to be perversely enjoyable, despite the fact that it depicts England's worst ever contribution to world culture - Football hooliganism.

The film follows a group of Chelsea fans who for some strange and as yet unexplained reason, take sadistic glee by going around and beating seven bells of s*** out of rival football supporters just for jollies. Personally I like to watch the football, munch a steak pie (or two) at half time, neck a few (or more) beers and then sod off home.

Football hooliganism was the cancer of Britain's inner cities throughout the 1980's, and was solely responsible for the total expulsion of ALL English football clubs from European competition for a number of seasons. In fact, I froth with rabid anger even today when I think of Coventry City's historic FA cup win in 1987, which would of allowed us, (and for the FIRST time may I add), to participate in the following season's 'Cup Winner's Cup' tournament, HAD WE NOT BEEN BANNED FROM IT! As the 80's gave way to the 90's, hooliganism started to decline and English teams were allowed back onto the European stage. However, the new millennium has seen a new dawn in football related violence and sadly, the cancer we all thought was in remission is back, and it is this re-emergence, that The Football Factory uncompromisingly addresses.

Sadly, there are too many British film directors today, who are happy to churn out movies that contain a severe pornography of violence, drug abuse and potty mouthed profanity. The Football Factory has all three in very large and very obscene portions. It's violence is unparallelled, it contains more white powder than a talc factory and MUST hold the record for the amount of C word's used in a fictional motion picture, and I'm not referring to the word CHELSEA if you know what I mean.

Director Nick Love rekindles his love affair with urban London, ala 'Goodbye Charlie Bright' and entices a fantastic and believable performance out of Danny Dyer, because those of us who actually come from British Inner Cities will ALL know, or have known, a Tommy Johnson at one time or another. However, the accolade for best performance is reserved for Frank Harper as the psychotic Billy Bright. I thought Harper was absolutely fantastic as Michael Caine's tough bodyguard Stoney in 'Shiner', but his performance as Billy Bright makes Stoney look like a ladies hairdresser in comparison, to the point that if I saw Billy Bright walking down the street I would literally s*** myself.

Is it one for the family?, definitely not. Does it glorify Football violence?, maybe. Is it a great movie?, abso-bloody-lutely.

However, One day I would love to see one of these gritty urban movies made somewhere other than London, as I am now convinced that most British filmmakers think that there is nothing north of Watford Gap.

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It's nothing brilliant, but it's a pretty good watch.
ryshpr24 March 2010
To be honest, movies like The Football Factory aren't usually ones I enjoy. But this one really surprised me. The Football Factory is a study of the English obsession with football violence and hooliganism, but there's so much more here. It's documentary-like presentation gives the film more charm than if it was presented as just a generic movie.

Although I do have to say that Danny Dyer seems to play the same character in every movie he's in (Doghouse, Severance and Mean Machine are just a few examples) you can't fault him for it because he does it well and believably. His character, Tommy Johnson, is a typical British football fan who just, as he puts it, "loves to f*cking fight".

Dyer also narrates the movie, giving it that documentary vibe, making you think you're actually watching a retelling of events that have actually happened. Dyer's narration also gives his character a little more depth and does a good job of effectively separating him from the rest of the cast.

The Football Factory is essentially played out as a serious approach to the issue of football hooliganism, but there's something more there. The sub-plot of Tommy's granddad and his war-time friend moving abroad together with Tommy's recurring dreams that play out like sort of Final Destination-esquire premonitions give the story that little bit more depth.

The Football Factory is a hugely entertaining and funny movie that isn't exclusively for only football fans. It's nothing brilliant, but it's a pretty good watch.
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Underinspiring but still interesting.
jpt2716 October 2004
MY VERDICT: **/*****

The logic resulting in the production of this film is not hard to follow. The scathing social satire and searingly counter-cultural Trainspotting was a brilliant British film. The flash-talking, fast-plotted, gun-wielding, hard-brawling Lock Stock was a good British film. So why not combine aspects of both? Predictably, the result is a mess, but flashes of good film-making keep the viewer interested for the 1 hour and 20 minutes or so of football 'n' fights.

The opening sequence closely follows the Trainspotting format. A narrator, later we discover called Tommy, delivers his criticism on how we live our lives and how he has found excitement and meaning by flying right off the rails. The soundtrack moves from one Brit hit to the next as we are introduced to his gang in some snappy montages. Again, the Trainspotting skool of film-making isn't so much an influence as a screenplay, storyboard and script.

Soon, we get to know the gang, and learn that the love of their lives is violence, especially (but not exclusively) surrounding their football team, Chelsea, and particularly focused against their arch-rivals Millwall. I was preparing myself for some gruesome violence as geezers started drinking pints and looking for a fight. And then, the film ... just ... chickens out. A film which is supposedly about football violence should, um, contain some football violence maybe, but Football Factory becomes a film version of one of its thugs - all bluster and intimidation, and no bite. Supposedly hard-hitting action sequences have soap opera-like qualities. Never do we seem to see a fist connect in anger, or teeth shatter, or bones crack. Just some bad pantomime blood and incompetent camera-work. This inadequacy seriously undermines the film's impact - it fails to pump up the audience to the next big fight, and thus has no discernible pace. Just scenes, shots and cuts.

Instead, the focus of the film falls (rather disastrously) on the uninteresting, homogenous characters. With a sigh, I realized this wasn't going to get any better, and began to take mental notes of names, story lines etc so I could at least follow the plot. Tommy and Rod are the central duo, the thugs with brains, imagination, and perhaps the insight that will lift them out of this life. Bill is meant to be the ultra-nasty psycho - Robert Carlyle in Trainspotting was clearly what they were trying to emulate - but some unconvincing acting gives him all the terror of a particularly in-your-face door to door salesman. Zebedee is there for exposition on the cocaine-fuelled lifestyle that all youths supposedly lead (is this true? I was a teenager for years, and I never remember being offered cocaine.) There's also an organised violence ringleader, although I don't have to worry about his name because he brings absolutely nothing to the plot at all.

In brief, the plot follows the gang on the buildup to a particularly bruising clash - Millwall versus Chelsea, and particularly how Tommy begins to get cold feet about his thuggery and starts considering his options. This isn't helped by some heavy-handedly (almost bludgeoningly) symbolic dream sequences. I quite liked the film-making device of giving no warning or visual clues to as what was a dream and what wasn't. It's not put to an ultimate good use though, much like the rest of the handful or so of original ideas in the film. I like the dope-smoking old men though.

So is this worth viewing or not? Certainly, it's got more to chew on than another awful CGI-overkill-marathon like Van Helsing or Catwoman. But don't expect it to truly open your eyes to another world, or indeed, still be with you a month later.
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Not sure what to make of this
rchrdshelt8 November 2004
Being a big football fan of West Brom, I heard about this film and borrowed it today. I knew it was about football violence and its certainly featured in all its gruesome detail in this. However, it ended rather disappointingly. There was an interesting subplot but in the end several plot holes were left and the main question in the film at the end and the main characters feelings about what he does are completely forgotten. I was also diappointed by the end of this film overall. It basically promotes football violence and when the characters are beaten up you don't feel for them as they do it all the time to hundreds of other men. I'm sure football hooligans themselves will love this, but I ain't one and there must be more swear words in this film than any i've ever seen in my life. The characters don't talk any sense whatsoever. There probably didn't even need to be a script for this film as the actors could just improvise all their swear words for every scene as they didn't have much else to say. At the end of the day these men live for nothing. They're just a bunch of thugs who go round beating people up and thats it. Nothing else. Some life. So I must say although this film was well made in some respects there is no sentiment whatsoever and I actually felt as though it was a waste of time in the end. I give it a 6/10 and thats being very generous because it probably deserves much lower.
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Violent entertainment
daniel-49713 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If you want brilliant social commentary or an insight into the psyche of men addicted to adrenalin, look elsewhere. If, however, you want to have a laugh with your mates (presumably, this film attracts about as many female viewers as your average Jenna Jameson flick) and have a taste for "immoral" pastimes, this is quite an enjoyable film.

The producers behind The Football Factory are Rockstar Games. Yes, the Rockstar Games who gave the world the PS2 game Grand Theft Auto. This should give you a hint of what the film is about. Just like leading actor Danny Dyer's previous film Human Traffic, Football Factory sets out to exploit a subculture. Both films rely heavily on in-jokes for the initiated about what they do on the weekend, be they clubbers gobbling down ecstasy like candy and dancing, or football lads snorting cocaine and fighting.

And, destructive as drug abuse and violence may be, there is no denying that when you're right in the middle of it, it can be fun as hell. If you have ever ran down a city street with a hundred man strong mob chasing the opposition you will understand what I mean, and you will probably love The Football Factory.

This being in essence an exploitation film, I can't help but feeling that the recurring nightmares of Dyer's character and the pathetic ending have been added by somebody to take the edge of the exploitation aspect. That part of the film is really poorly and unconvincingly done, in contrast to the "immoral" parts that focus on the joy of drinking, snorting and fighting – they are for most part fun and spot-on.
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best British film ever
patrick_campbell14 March 2013
i can honestly say this is by far the best British film I've ever seen. takes an honest look at the working class people. could have made this a horrible film with no story just violence but while there is a bit of that there's still a good back story.. if this kind of thing interest's you then this film is for you. have seen this film many many times and id still watch it happily, does not get better than this. couldn't say a bad word about this film.. great mix of football violence, humour and comradary between brothers and some of the best quotes i have ever heard and will never forget. the film is also cast brilliantly with great work from danny dyer, frank harper and of course tamar hassan, thats not to mention the great supporting roles. a film a promise you wont forget
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A lively and realistic portrayal of a continuing problem that should not be swept under the carpet
david_tomlinson10017 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The earlier comments about this work greatly vary. You either love it or loathe it, and some of the criticisms are understandable and are probably fair. Few films qualify as being really original. Yes this one has at least one scene that shamelessly copies Ray Liotta and Joe Pesci in 'Goodfellas' but then you could say the same about 'Lockstock and Two Smoking Barrels' copying 'Casino'. I watched TFF (courtesy of Film Four) on 16.08.06. It didn't require the brains of a rocket scientist to immediately see that it was about football hooliganism. Having been given a book called 'Tottenham Massive' for my Birthday by my wife - she genuinely didn't realise it had nothing to do with the glory, glory days of my beloved Spurs, I was aiming to switch off TFF thinking it would be more of the same. Something made me continue watching and I was not disappointed. There IS a moral to this film although it is really deferred until the twist right at the end. Dyer's recurring nightmare in the face of the looming confrontation between the Chelsea and Millwall crews is a legitimate example of dramatic license, although the implication that one only becomes psychic on a cocktail of lager and cocaine could be dangerously misleading! The cocaine and alcohol abuse is suitably unglamourous. Having had a premonition that he will himself get a really serious kicking, Dyer does indeed wake up in hospital where he immediately enquires about Zeberdee's welfare. Welcoming the good news that Zeberdee came through, Dyer feels that his none too certain defiance of superstition has been vindicated and gloats in his lack of remorse and regret. Then his instincts turn out to have been right all along, and the viewer is left with a very real sense of just deserts particularly for Harper but also for Dyer who will be devastated by Zeberdee's death. We are left with a very strong sense of the whole pathetic futility of their way of life. The film also depicts in a very effective way the pecking order of bullies, and how the weak when picked on, go on to pick on others who are even weaker. We are reminded that very few bullies would never have been bullied themselves. There are some very realistic performances. The two main thugs played by Harper and Denham are frighteningly credible: the greater respect afforded to Denham because of his better sense of strategy alarming, but not bogus. The inclusion of the two elderly heroes of WWII who fought Hitler to defeat racism provides a powerful balance to the intolerable attitudes demonstrated by the main protagonists and by Jamie Foreman's cab driver. Dudley Sutton's virtuous and tactical attempts to inject a bit of moral backbone into his errant grandson also provide welcome and touching relief. Foreman's objectionable lines are just a little too like the satirical utterances of the Private Eye taxi driver to allow his character to be really believable, but he delivers them with his usual panache. The film moves at a great pace, a desirable quality that not all British film makers really appreciate as much as their American counterparts.
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Surprisingly Good Movie
paulthemagnificent013 January 2008
I found the DVD of this in a bargain bin and decided to pick it up as i have an interest in football and enjoy English films. I was expecting an average film but was really surprised. The characters were likable and funny (i don't mean to say beating people up makes a likable character i meant that they're good mates that value friendships, camaraderie, enjoy a laugh and a beer etc etc i guess i can relate to that), the story was well paced and enjoyable, the soundtrack was great, and the fighting scenes weren't too graphically violent or prolonged which suited me just fine. I don't know what else to say rather than that i was entertained and satisfied by this story (im a fan of movies which tell you what happens to all the characters at the end). A Little similar to trainspotting and lock stock, both of which i think are superb films. So if you like those be sure to check this out.

Definitely glad i picked it up seen it a few times and is a DVD to re-watch every now and again, very nice movie.
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Who are ya' who are ya' who are ya'....a good movie, that's what.
GiraffeDoor18 September 2019
As perfect an evocation of the ultra-masculinity of the england football hooligan scene as anyone really needs. I'm very outside looking in at this but even a footy-hater like me got enchanted by the romance of the scene.

Handled with humor, brutality and a strange lyricism.
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yes it is what you think
findesigns6 October 2004
I was wondering why there weren't many comments on this even though it's on the front page of a few popular internet DVD shops, so I rented it out a few nights ago. Now I know why the lack of interest:

This film is not about football and I wasn't expecting a football film. Basically this is a proper "lads" film, and like most films that fit into that category it is pretty bad. Sure some of the characters are interesting, and the acting from most of the cast is very good, but the overall feeling is that this film is trying to be a bit of a joyride for guys who have similar interests to those portrayed in the film. So, there's lots of violence, lots of shots of people stamping on each other etc, and a good deal of attention is paid to the pre-fight bonding sessions that the characters go through (including lots of drug taking and shouting). Well done for presenting it realistically, but to me its just not interesting.

There are a couple of very unsubtle attempts to make the viewer think this film might be going somewhere interesting, when the main character seems to begin to question the dodgy way he's choosing to live, once at the start of the film and once mid way through. Then, nothing! we see a few more fights, the characters don't develop and nothing is learnt. There's a good scene where the scariest of the group acts insulted to frighten one of the smaller guys, but even this is ripped straight from Joe Pesci's brilliant scene in Goodfellas. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't hoping for all the characters to see the error of their ways or anything, but I wanted to learn something or see something original.

The style was Snatch meets Human Traffic... so kind of fast and snappy, but not very original, and not at all interesting, at least to me. That said, due to the quality acting and totally realistic storyline, if you're a football hooligan or are in general into street violence this may be well worth a look.
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Genre Defining Classic
samandyjohn30 December 2013
For me , Love's emergence as an auteur represents a watershed moment for early twenty-first century British cinema. After the storms of Leigh and Loach have mellowed in recent years, the public awaited , day by day, hour by hour, anxious for a new cinematic messiah to ease their collective cultural consciousness, and to provide adequate imagery for the post thatcher years.

I believe the dyer/love collaboration will eventually bear fruit similar to the cross continental greatness of de niro and scorsese, and this visceral, intellectually and emotionally engaging picture will convince others of the revolution of minds love is clearly pursuing.
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Blows the cobwebs away
neil_ward29 March 2005
Adapted from John King's novel, The Football Factory is a vibrant synthesis of Snatch, Trainspotting and that episode of Grange Hill where the boys organised a fight with another school. The story concentrates on three members of the infamous Chelsea Headhunter's 'firm', who use their team's matches as an excuse to brawl with rival pseudo-supporters; narrator and stereotypical twenty-something lad Tommy, dimwitted hardman Billy and repugnant rat-boy Zebedee (so-called because he likes 'white powder').

Although Tommy enjoys the adrenaline-rush of fighting, he is plagued by visions of a serious beating and starts to question whether the lifestyle is 'worth it'. Along with friend Rod, he has inadvertently upset several Millwall fans, just when the FC Cup has pitched their two teams, and thus firms, against each other.

All the staples of British cinema are evident; the insightful voice-over, pumping Britpop soundtrack and defiance of social-conformity (jobs and girlfriends are for losers, etc). Token comedy interludes are provided by two drug-addicted pensioners and a hilariously blinkered, Hoxton-like portrayal of Liverpool (apparently just a deserted wasteland, consisting of five scallies and a burned-out car).

The hooligans are portrayed as surprisingly intelligent, misunderstood people, embodying the brave, noble spirit of St. George and disillusioned by a dystopia society that doesn't understand them; which may be somewhat difficult to accept if you've ever spent a train-journey desperately trying to avoid eye-contact with drunken 'casuals'. Otherwise the film is gleeful exploitation and extends two-fingers to any expected moral allegories.

Director Nick Love's stylish cinematography and the young cast's accurate, energetic performances are sufficient to transcend the dated subject-matter. The Football Factory is an undemanding 90-minutes that blows the cobwebs away.
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Unspeakably bad
a_f_hinchliffe5 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is, in all probability, the most irritating film of all time. The reasons for this sorry state of affairs are threefold. Firstly there is no actual football action in the entire film. The film would have been slightly bearable if they interspersed the "gritty realism" (yeah right) with clips from classic football matches, alas, this isn't the case. Instead we get a bunch of idiots whose message seems to be that if you're not a football hooligan you don't have a life - make of that what you will. Secondly the cast is made up almost entirely of cockneys - scally cockneys at that (Zeberdee's death couldn't come soon enough). Worse, the films release seemed to inspire people to copy them to the nth degree - why? Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the film glorifies football hooliganism as a good thing, and I'm sorry but it just isn't. In conclusion my hatred of this film is matched only by my disappointment at not being allowed to give a film no stars, which is what this film, undoubtedly, deserves.
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