9 Dead Gay Guys (2002) Poster

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a seriously cheeky affair
Rogue-3224 November 2003
Nine Dead Gay Guys - the title says it all. You can tell from the title that the film is going to be irreverent and humorous. It is. I literally smiled through the entire 85-or-so minutes of this outrageously ballsy offering from first-time director Ky Mo Lab. Raymond Griffiths pretty much steals the show as "the desperate dwarf" (for some reason he kept reminding me of Val Kilmer), although everyone involved definitely pulls their weight. Looking forward to the next one to emerge from the Lab.
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not for the squeamish
pony_boy_roger6 April 2005
Nine Dead Gay Guys is a hilarious movie, make no mistake, but it is definitely not for everyone. It's crude, shameless, direct, and hard to ignore once you've seen it. I've sat through the movie with different types of crowds. Some thought it was laugh-out-loud funny, some thought it was gross, some even tried to look away for portions of it. They all agreed on one thing, though. It's a bit of a shocker! Not in a way that makes you jump out of your seat, but in a way that makes you think "whoa, I wasn't ready for that one!". Enjoying the film depends on what your attitude is while seeing it. If you choose to be "up-tight" and unopen, then the movie will come across to you as lewd and inappropriate. If you go into it knowing you're going to see something off-the-wall, different, funny, and alternative, you're more likely to have a good time. If you see the movie once and thought it was a little too much but thought it was funny, I encourage you to watch it again because be then the initial shock will be over and you can take the film for what it is. For it's boldness, uniqueness, and humor, I give the film 7 out of 10.
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Funny, but...
tevanson27 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** Anyway....

"9 Dead Gay Guys" is a British film by first-time writer-director Ky Lab Mo. It follows the tale of Irish boy Kenny (the handsome Glenn Mulhern), who has traveled to London to hook up with his friend, Byron (the sharp-featured and hot-bodied Brendan Mackey). It turns out that Brendan's been unable to make much of himself, so he earns money by performing oral sex on old gay men he meets in a local bar. Kenny, naturally, is a more than a little nonplussed by Brendan's "day job."

The plot actually when The Queen -- a local flaming homosexual with a huge penis (played with understated femininity by Michael Praed, who some might remember as Prince Michael on the old TV show "Dynasty") -- is found dead. His lover, the Orthodox rabbi known only as "Golders Green" (because he lives on Golders Green), is rumored to have paid The Queen for sex out of a gigantic stash of money kept under his mattress.

The Queen is Dead Gay Guy #1.

Byron and Kenny soon embark on quest to loot Golders Green's mattress of money. Through a quirk of fate, Byron discovers that the murderer was a man with a 3.5 inch penis. The search is on for this man. But nothing is ever that easy.

As they conduct their search for the man with the tiny penis, Kenny and Byron manage to kill two more gay men. When it is discovered that Kenny, too, has a huge penis ("I always thought I was normal!"), Byron concocts a scheme to have Kenny sleep with Golders Green and find out if the money is still in the mattress.

Before long, however, another six dead gay men lay on various floors -- along with one dead lesbian.

By film's end, Kenny and Byron discover that Golders Green and The Queen had not simply exchanged sex for money. They had truly been in love. Kenny and Byron themselves soon realize that they not only share the same (homo)sexuality, but that they, too, may be in love.

I'm not really sure what to make of this movie. Most of the gags in the film are extremely un-PC, but very funny nonetheless. Depicting Golders Green as a greedy Jew, for instance, may offend as easily as it makes you laugh. Depicting the three West African brothers as the stereotypical "hypersexed black male" is just as offensive, and just as funny (especially when one of them turns out to be a well-educated, well-spoken, intellectual philosopher). Dick-Cheese Deepak plays solely off offensive stereotypes of Indian sing-song accents, gay Indian men's supposed problems with foreskins, and the predominance of Indians among cab drivers in London. These jokes -- visual and verbal -- certainly elicit a lot of laughter.

Kenny's fear of gay sex and Byron's easy-going acceptance of "gay for pay" is funny. Later, when Kenny thinks he's gay, it's Byron's turn to play up the "gay panic" jokes. And by film's end, both men appear to be gay after they kiss.

It's funny, but...

The plot twists, too, are funny. Father Ted probably plays better in the United States -- where the Catholic Church's pedophile scandal is much bigger news than in Europe. The way the Iron Lady kills him, too, is pretty funny. There is a scene where Kenny and Byron debate which gay men may have Golders Green's money. They unwittingly talk in front of three little old ladies. The little old ladies turn out to have mouths like truck drivers, and are not miffed one bit by the overtly sexual talk of the two men.

It's funny, but...

Aren't these just cheap laughs? It's very easy to set up stereotypes and then play against them. It's easy to let your actors ham it up, and then get skewered. Some of the visual gags -- such as showing dead Dick-Cheese Deepak lying on top of the smoking hood of his car, scene after scene after scene -- come right out of "The Naked Gun" or "Airplane" and aren't terribly inventive. They're funny, but...

In some ways, the film's over-the-top humor gets stale after a while. The laughter had definitely ebbed by the time the Desperate Dwarf kills the Iron Lady and the three West African brothers. It's funny, but...

And the film's more gentle moments seem out of place. Kenny's emerging homosexuality is almost dealt with tenderly in the picture, making for an odd contrast with the blatantly cruel, dark humor of the rest of the film. The bittersweet revelation about the true nature of the relationship between Golders Green and The Queen also doesn't quite fit. After inducing the audience to guffaw at the most horrific of events, it's disconcerting to try to get us to feel warmth and compassion for Kenny or for Golders Green.

"9 Dead Gay Guys" probably would fare better if I'd had a couple beers in me. It's that sort of movie -- one where you can't feel or think too much about the film, because it breaks down if you do. Had it stuck to the pure-comedy formula of films like "The Naked Gun," I wouldn't have any quarrel with the picture (aside from the extremely offensive stereotypes used). But by mixing in elements of compassion, it's much more difficult to like the film.
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More hard-on than right-on!
patrickduncan6094 December 2003
Byron and Kenny find themselves in a Greek tragedy of horrendous proportions as the gay guys that the cynical, drunken one of this Irish pair of 'working' lads has persuaded his more innocent friend to make money from start dropping dead. Ripped clothes and rent boys are in evidence as the lads start looking for the loot in the orthodox jew's bed, and they need a tool as big as two cans of Red Bull to get there. Luckily one is endowed with good fortune! The twits stumble through plot twists amid a succession of caricature characters and the film looks like South Park in live-action Brixton. Since every sensibility is deliberately offended, it reminds me of the attitude in Stephen Pickles' brilliant book of the pre-AIDS eighties, 'Queens.' No visible dicks may upset gays more than seeing themselves portrayed for laughs, but the lads are quite engaging, and humour not pornography dominates. It has won at gay as well as straight comedy film festivals (notably Montreal and Dublin) and the anxious straight critics needn't worry that they ought to be offended for their gay sisters. It's a tease: there are a couple of good twists about stereotypes near the end, and one of the lads realises he is enjoying the sex with men, while the other goes home to his mammy. In other words the film's biggest stereotypical statement is less about queens, dwarves, vicars, fat women, minicab drivers or black men than it is about Irishmen!
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Quentin Tarantino presents a Guy Ritchie film: Bicuriosity Killed the Cats
thesar-28 April 2018
The Queen is dead. Long live the queens.

9 Dead Gay Guys is so out there, it works. The relationship between our "heroes" still needs some work, but not necessarily in a sequel. I don't think we can make it to double digits - we're dropping like flies!

Two best blokes will do anything for money. Yeah. Anything. After a few "scores," they have their sights set on an even larger wad...but they'll have to go through 9 dead gay guys. (Roll credits!)

Not that they kill them, well not intentionally. You definitely have to suspend your disbelief here and think of those crime-filled, smart-ass British films with flare. A ton of flare.

I suspect this was a comedy and while some of it was funny, most of it was, ahhh, straight-filmmaking to me. The three Matrix Oracle Women were actually my favorite characters and made me laugh the loudest. They seemed hip to the squares behind them.

I'm kind of indifferent to the stereotypes portrayed here. Nothing was really offensive and even the Matt Damon-Dwarf was game for his short-comings.

Enough puns. Recommended, but not groundbreaking. Changes nothing and yet, entertained me.


Final thoughts: I wish I had a best bud like our main character had growing up. Certainly would've made things more...interesting. Maybe prepared me for...what was to come. (I never made a promise on the puns.)
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pogostiks20 February 2007
Is there anything less sexy than a British sex comedy? Just because it isn't serious isn't a reason not to have a decent amount of real nudity, sensuality, HOT guys and at least a modicum of bite to whatever jokes you are trying to make. This was so adolescent that it was not only embarrassingly bad, it wasn't even funny. I think I laughed twice in the entire movie. If you want to have REAL fun - rent out an American gay parody called Another Gay Movie...side-splittingly funny, brilliantly acted, sensual, REAL nudity and even erections...is there any reason to even compare? The best thing in Nine Dead Gay Guys was the colourful sets. The rest is just not worth it.
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A great, silly, hysterical waste of time
Ashley_Kamine26 July 2005
This movie is a completely pointless work of art. It's hysterical, silly, and lewd, and everything that could possibly be related to those words. However, it never makes any claims to be anything BUT hysterical, silly, and lewd. There are a few moments where it might drift into a realm a bit more serious, but then someone will say or do something to bring it right back into crazyland.

While some people may feel that this is a tasteless work of stereotypical junk, and it does make use of a surprising number of stereotypes, it doesn't do it in a way that is offensive. It's more of an affectionate mocking between friends (much the way that Kenny and Byron mock each other from time to time). All in all, this movie is absolutely hysterical, and a great movie to watch with your friends, straight or not. Just... no small children or old people not as accommodating as the three park bench biddies.
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paj289 August 2006
I just caught this movie on the here! channel. What a waste of time. I guess it was supposed to be funny and cheeky, but I didn't find it in any way funny. The plot was so ludicrous that I found it hard to care about what was going on. The "zaniness" of the characters and story was so forced that it came across as just plain dumb. And the endless music samples were thoroughly annoying! The leads were kind of endearing, and they could have made something interesting out of their friendship and their uncertain sexuality, but the makers of the film went for the Guy-Ritchie wannabe crap instead. Yet another really bad indie gay movie.
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Highly Underrated
deadlikeoscar4 January 2005
I rented Nine Dead Gay Guys on a whim. I thought that, judging by the title alone, it should be funny. I was right. This movie impressed me very much, the same way Clerks did when I first watched it. Like that movie, this movie gets better every time you watch it. I don't know why this movie was reviewed so poorly. Perhaps it made people uncomfortable to watch it. I will admit that the first time I watched it, I was unable to connect with the movie and characters until about 1/3 of the way through it. After I watched it for a while I found it quite enjoyable. This movie has a wonderful amount of memorable quotes to keep you interested. I pity anyone who misses out on "Golders Green's Really Hard Red Bull Test" All in all a fantastic movie that hopefully time will not forget.
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69 Dead Gay Minutes
Franco-LA29 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The DVD of this film compares it to John Waters, from a Los Angeles Times article that, after constant research, I could not locate: it certainly wasn't the review, since it got a ROTTEN rating from Kevin Thomas, the Times critic, during it's brief, theatrical run. It doesn't quite have the charm, nor the outrageousness, of a good (or bad) John Waters flick, certainly not the cleverness of say Serial Mom nor any truly great lines such as Who Wants To Die For Art. Rather, this movie is merely a collection of unconnected stereotypes, from a money- grubbing apparently sex-less dyke who smothers a priest with her huge breast (something we know every dyke just longs to do) to three potty mouthed old ladies perpetually sitting outside a public restroom in London.

The script and direction are by a first time man who clearly limited his research to anecdotal stories told him by a gay friend, some reading and few trips to a gay pub. It's obvious that the adage to write about what you know was never shared with him. In the director's commentary, he talks about one scene being based upon his visits to a real home of his gay friend's (and the director repeatedly takes pains to point out, verbally and otherwise, that he was not gay -- only his friend was) friend and how the flat was littered with phallic symbols, such as a phallic coat rack. To convey this in the film is what appears to be a large papier mache penis in the entry way and then a number of black dildos on a kitchen counter. Now, perhaps to an unsophisticated Chinese-Irish first time director on a very shoe string budget, most gay men would decorate their kitchens with black dildo's, but more apparently, this is just another example of poor execution of ill-defined, not particularly well-thought out gags in the script.

From items previously mentioned, such as the crashing of the taxi, to the shooting of the second dead gay guy's scene (being "shagged to death" when the actor actually convinced the other actor to strangle him instead), it's obvious the director either didn't have control over the scenes or his actors, who did what they wanted and not always necessarily to the advancement of the plot or betterment of the film. Nor did the director have the ability to visualize how to advance his script or plot with the limitations present. One need only see early John Waters to see how truly inventive and creative people could, at minimal expense, portray what was needed to truly move the plot or truly create genuine outrageous and humor.

The people who gave this high marks are obviously the kind of people who think cardboard cutouts ala South Park and fart and death jokes are the height of amusement. The only thing the movie has are good performances from the leads and some of the supporting characters, a few (very few seconds) of really mild humor. Otherwise, it reads like a ripoff of a lot of movies with no idea that none of them really mean anything or come across as anything worthwhile.
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Some genuinely funny moments in what can be called on loooong dirty joke movie.
Gary-J-Vidmar11 May 2004
This picture generally works for what it is, a rather silly dirty joke pleasantly pulled off by the well-played leads on an eccentric cast of Felliniesque gays. The assortment of grotesques give it enough sparkle to keep it amusing for 82 minutes, and a couple of the bits are first-rate crude. This seedy British comedy certainly wins out over the stupid frat-boy comedies that glut the American movie market trying to give out the same dose of offensive humor. It amazes me that some reviewers used the stupid term "politically incorrect" when making their analysis of such a harmless, rather cartoonish sex comedy like this one. The Iron Lady bits were the best and the colorist did a notably terrific job with the saturated look of the picture.
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Jon Kolenchak25 June 2005
I loved the silliness of the premise. I thought the male leads were quite engaging. I enjoyed the editing. I liked the pacing. I did not like the movie.

I kept thinking that there was an abundance of possibilities with this movie, and as I watched it not many were realized.

There are a handful of moments that are funny, and a few that are outrageously funny for those in the gay community, but as a whole the film just simply didn't work for me. A pity.

This is a film to view from cable or satellite service the first time you see it. You can always buy it later if you really enjoy it.
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refreshingly irreverent in-house gay humour
jvframe17 June 2003
9 Dead Gay Guys is fast paced - looks and sounds great - and has plenty of intrigue and genuinely funny moments. It's best point is in being totally non-apologetic in basing it's humour firmly on in-house gay and lesbian "lifestyle" scenarios. So there may be plenty of gays and lesbians (without a sense of humour) who will be finding insults galore - and there will also be plenty of straights who miss the point of some of the jokes completely.

I think it's great that a high class product such as this has been made especially for a niche target. Now the big test is whether gay movie-goers give it the support that the film-makers deserve, and whether straight audiences can laugh along with us as we squirm in our seats.

10 stars (screened at Brisbane's Queer Film Festival in April 2003)
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Laughed my ... off!
succotash27 April 2004
This film may seem politically incorrect on the surface, but a closer look will reveal that through the use of comedy, the film forces the viewer to examine one's views toward people who are different than one's self, and then the script very skillfully makes the point of reminding the audience that stereotypes are simply not true and just a bunch of BS. Not only does the film teach us a lesson, but it is absolutely hilarious! Campy and raucous to the hilt, it's like a John Waters movie on steroids. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. A Great film! (Note: this film is definitely for mature audiences and not suitable for general family viewing.)
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Babylon206330 June 2004
Just saw this on DVD and now have to buy it. I absolutely loved it, the characters were believable. A lot of the action identifiable and overall it was a great time. Distinctly off the wall, but right on track, great casting and a fabulous assortment of characters. There are a lot of unknowns in the film, but I'm glad to see that several have new projects. This film really showed off their uniqueness and more or less picked on everyone. This film gives a new meaning to being "politically incorrect", and takes it's jabs at everyone. There are so many silly stereotypes and generalizations that it has the potential to either offend the world or have the world laughing and rolling on the floors.

A must see!!!!!!!!!!!!
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good silly entertainment
c_live_n11 December 2003
This is a very frivolous and enjoyable film, and pokes fun at just about everyone. I particularly enjoyed Glen Mulhurn and hope to see more of him in the future. Even when the film occasionally dragged, he was always there to bring it back in line again.
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What a very funny comment on human nature
ApolloBoy10925 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this with a friend who simply couldn't understand the story because of the thick accents used throughout the film. I didn't have the problem -- as an actor I've done all those accents and have been watching British related TV since I was nine. Therein lies the problem with an average American watching this film. But as I say, I understood the slang and the language easily. I loved it for the very thin line it danced on. A comment on stereotypes: (all men giving oral sex to other men, are not gay, black men don't always have the biggest, women who hang around gay men are not all cheesecake loving fag hags and the butch-est guy in the room can be gay and want to shag another dude.

Part social commentary: Argo The west African's speech Part murder mystery: Hence the search for the murderer with the 3.5 inch willy. Part Buddy movie. "What's with you and dead people" "I guess we're gonna do it."

If you can keep up with the driven pace, the MTV layout, the accents, the drawf's naked ass, super sissy men and the lesbian from hell -- you'll enjoy it a lot. I loved it.

My friend was so confused, so you gotta have brains to like this movie.
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Outrageously funny! I cried!
patsy-1729 May 2003
I had no idea what to expect when I walked in and was still wiping tears from my eyes when I came out! This film is the funniest I've seen for ages. "Politically incorrect" just doesn't do it justice - it pokes wicked fun at almost every minority group and most of the majority ones as well! The audience was creased! I might not recommend it to my Mum, but I know all my friends will love it. Steven Berkoff and Michael Praed are great, the music is really good - I even liked the front credits. I should have given it 10 instead of 9!
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A must-see for all South Park and Viz fans!
9films3 June 2003
This is that rare animal - a comedic film SO original, and So outrageous, that it should be embraced by cineastes everywhere, political correctness notwithstanding; definitely one for anyone who loves South Park and Viz. A cheer for fun cinema!
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Definitely the most original, and one of the funniest gay films in a long time.10/10
cdelator13 February 2003
I just saw this at the Sydney gay & lesbian film festival and felt that I had to leave a comment. The story centres on two supposedly straight lads from Ireland who move to London in hope of finding the "streets paved with gold" only to find themselves prostituting themselves to support there drunkard ways. Now although this sounds somewhat dark and possibly depressing trust me the hysterical and often bizarre situations these lads get themselves into, and the twisted characters they encounter will have laughing out loud.

With a faultless production, great script and brilliant acting I could not recommend this film enough. Think of a funnier, less violent, gay version of Snatch and you've almost got the picture.
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So funny!
Gordon-1128 January 2010
This film is about two Irish guys in London, who embarks on a quest to find a supposed stash of money hidden in a gay man's huge bed somewhere in Golders Green.

"9 Dead Gay Guys" is a nicely made comedy. It probably had a low budget but it did not appear crappy. The story is well paced and engaging. The title of the film gives away what would happen in the film, but that did not stop viewers from wanting to know what happened. The story is fun, light hearted and very funny. It makes you laugh by using plenty of stereotypes, and yet it does not come across as offensive. I enjoyed watching "9 Dead Gay Guys".
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A Scream
tonyhic14 February 2003
I saw this at the same session as cdelator and share his/her opinion. I was grinning from start to finish. This is a fantastic gay take on "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels."

I'd recommend it to anyone who appreciates brutal honesty. This film has NO euphemisms.
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A long, unfunny gay joke.
FryCrayola16 October 2003
It seems to be one long gay joke, it really does. Over the top queens, guys at a toilet checking each other out, and no scene is complete with out some sort of homosexual reference.

Of course, what do you expect when the film is called Nine Dead Gay Guys...?

The film's not funny. It has rare moments which can raise a smile but ultimately each joke is as cringeworthy as the last. The film's barely got a story - each scene seems like it's been added in to add another joke, another bizarre character or just as filler. It copies it's style almost so blatantly from the likes of Lock, Stock.... but fails to capture what made such films great - character.

Byron has character, so does Kenny. After that? Stereotype after one-joke-pony after stereotype. It doesn't work, I couldn't care less about who these people are. So I become disinterested, the worst thing a film could possibly do.
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Not so Glad to be Gay
info-170823 October 2003
After having looked at IMDb for several months without ever wanting to get involved, so to speak, this film has so moved me I immediately registered. 9 DEAD GAY GUYS IS THE WORST FILM OF THE LAST 10 YEARS. Never mind foreign art house excesses, made for TV dreck, even Bad Boys II, this is diabolical. Twee, derivative, embarrassing, howlingly unfunny and an insult to straight and gay movie goers everywhere. I'd give you a more detailed write-up except that I walked out of the cinema. (Last time I did that was Fassbinder's "Germany in Autumn" about 15 years ago. And that was a real laugh riot compared to this). Are the people posting good reviews from the film company? Under 5 years old and insane? 0 Stars
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