Murder Most Likely (TV Movie 1999) Poster

(1999 TV Movie)

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Kelly gets his comeuppance
ipswich-221 May 2000
An engaging TV thriller-drama that traces the ruthlessness of an Canadian undercover cop who has more to hide than what his occupation reveals. What's even more astonishing is that this is based on the true life story of Patrick Kelly, who's now still serving sentence for allegedly throwing his wife off a balcony. The acting is a bit slow moving but this is made up by the tension throughout. Kelly certainly gave the authorities the run, jetsetting from place to place all over the world. The chase in which the authorities mount to nail their man takes several years, but it's all worth at the end. The movie takes the stand that Patrick Kelly is guilty, even though the key witness in his conviction has recanted what she originally said. Guilty or not, you still want Kelly to go to jail -- for all the deceit and lies, and the way he duped the many women and friends who trusted him.
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Most likely but not for certain
sol-kay27 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
****SPOILERS*** Based on Michael Harris' book The "Judas Kiss" the movie spotlights the sleazy and criminal lifestyle of former Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman Patrick Kelly, Paul Gross, who hit the jackpot of sorts in his criminal activities in the murder of his French born wife Marie, Marie Josee Croze. It was Marie who was found on the ground flood of the couples luxury high rise condo after allegedly trying to fix a wall panel that was keeping her from falling asleep. Because Marie's husband was such a sleazy guy the local police didn't believe his what they thought was made up and BS story and indited him for her murder. The movie keys us in more on Kelly's life before and after his wife's death then in her death itself. We get to see what a low life creep he was that makes us watching lose any sympathy for him that we would have had even if in fact he was innocent!

That guy Partick Kelly was a double talking shyster and sc*m-bag but a murderer? Well we'll have to let the facts not our emotions prove that to us as well as the jury that what seems like falsely convicted him. As an undercover cop Kelly dealt with the lowest scum in society and in fact after years of doing his job it started to rub off on him. Before you know it Kelly was drummed out of the police department and was living on his own as a shake down and con artist as well as drug money courier for the mob. But for the crime of murdering his wife Marie all the evidence was based on the bird brained and madly in love with him April Trent, Janine Theriault. A woman subjected to either drug alcohol or love induced illusions. One of that being the uneven testimony she gave to the court that eventually hung her, in April's mind, lover Patrick Kelly out to dry!

****SPOILERS**** As we soon find out April later recanted her testimony in being an eye witness to the murder, in throwing her off a 12 floor balcony, of Marie Kelly. In fact during a nation wide talk show April not only admitted that she didn't see Kelly commit the crime but wasn't even present when he committed it! Even in the movie when we see April in the apartment watching Kelly drop his wife, after knocking her out, to her death it looks as phony as a three dollar bill and a bit ridiculous as well. How the hell did she get in the apartment and what was she doing there in the first place? But as of now, 2013, Kelly is still serving a life sentence for what has now apparently been a crime that he didn't commit. That despite all the other crimes he committed in real life as well as in the movie.
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Neato Canadian thriller that's really quite fun
mikemdp21 January 2013
This neato Canadian thriller's Columbo-esque conceit is that the audience knows whodunit all along, and the fun is in watching the jig unravel for the bad guy.

And it really is quite fun, even though there's no Columbo-type detective in the show. Instead, at the center is dirty cop Patrick Kelly, who uses acting skills honed as an undercover operative to hide his true self from just about everybody who knows him. His true self being, of course, a murderer.

The story is told in a series of flashbacks and flash-forwards that may be a bit confusing for the inattentive, but the style works. Watching Kelly screw with people in the past, then hearing those same people testify about having been screwed with, is entertaining in a reality show sort of way.

As Patrick Kelly, Paul Gross manages to convey an unsettling creepiness that's an about-face from his more comedic role in the mid-'90s series "Due South." His performance is captivating, and that's important, because he's in practically every scene. He's taking us for a ride in much the same way his character does everyone else in the movie.

A few petty things detract a little bit from the fun. Occasionally, the Canadian TV origin of the picture is obvious in its framing and contrast. And the director has apparently never met a Mexican person, because Kelly's blue-eyed Mexican wife and redhead mother-in-law seem to have stepped right out of Toronto Central Casting and been told to speak like Penelope Cruz.

Overall, it's a worthy addition to your Netflix cue, and a value when purchased as part of that nifty "Murder at Midnight" eight-movie set for five bucks.
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He Promised the World & He Delivered A Lot of It
JasonDanielBaker26 March 2014
A big criticism I have of Canadian cinema is that our auteurs don't generally think big and seek to make films about the larger than life characters and difficult to believe stories of the Canadian experience. In fact a great deal of real life people, heroes & villains, and their lives would be excellent fodder for feature film and have been.

One of the most infamous Canadians ever was our version of a fed i.e. RCMP (In a modern context Canada's FBI, in a symbolic context Canada's Texas Rangers) i.e. a 'Mountie'. Foreigners think of Dudley Do-Right or Nelson Eddy, Sgt.Preston of the Yukon or Benton Fraser - the character Paul Gross played on the TV series 'Due South' when they think of a Mountie.

Paul Gross also played this very different kind of Mountie - a real-life cocky, smooth-talking, womanising, pretty-boy undercover narcotics cop by the name of Patrick Kelly who was only occasionally seen in the trademark dress uniform of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Kelly himself dressed in street clothes and acted like a sleazo to get drug dealers to sell to him and, in all probability, never did so on horseback.

This film details the questions raised about Kelly suggesting he committed arson for insurance money. At various times he was accused of drug-dealing, smuggling, money-laundering, defrauding business associates and cheating on his taxes. All whilst juggling affairs with multiple women including one who would claim to have witnessed him kill his wife throwing her from the balcony of their luxury lakeshore condo on Toronto's Palace Pier in 1981, a year after he quit the force.

Kelly was convicted of the murder years later. What makes the case and this film about it all so compelling for Canadians goes beyond the sensationalistic and at times salacious revelations about Kelly's personal life which the writing only superficially touches upon. The lingering question is whether he really did it.

Some doubt has hung over the verdict for 30 years now punctuated by the fact that the only supposed eyewitness recanted her testimony years later on a nationally-televised American talk show. The inconclusiveness of it all is touched upon by the script and alluded to by the title.

Preconceived notions persist in Canada when it comes to Mounties. The mainstream view is one which not only holds the RCMP in highest esteem for what it does to 'Maintain the Right' but for its proud history and symbolic significance in our culture. The vision of this stalwart defender of law and order riding across a rugged landscape remains compelling. In such a vision an innocent face like Patrick Kelly's is what is pictured wearing the 'Red Serge'.

There is also the reverse view. Many Aboriginal people view Mounties as an occupation force holding land stolen from them. Leftist intelligentsia here tend see it as a union-busting force. Numerous individual Canadians have specific personal grievances and a fair number of them used to be Mounties. A lot of people want to deflate the appealing myth.

Patrick Kelly was a master at cultivating the benefit of the doubt and Paul Gross's performance shows how Kelly did it in some very shocking scenes. It is a remarkable characterisation which suggests that Kelly was an icy creature masquerading as different things to different people. Gross and the rest of the cast convey the effect of the man's personalism.

The context of this character, his place in Canadian society and the events leading to his subsequent downfall make for fascinating viewing. The story raises a lot of questions. Gross as Kelly offers only a perfunctory, truncated summation of Kelly's side of it - a side most rational adults wouldn't think was worth hearing. Yet from a personal standpoint, deep down I want to believe Kelly is innocent.

Multiple names have been changed in this film and not all for dramatic license. It is clear some of this was done for legal reasons.
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Effective Story
refinedsugar7 December 2023
'Murder Most Likely' has a true crime title that also paints a picture behind the conviction of an ex-RCMP officer accused of killing his wife. It wasn't an air tight case and the sole witness later recanted. This made for tv movie covers this detail amongst many others - some factual, some fiction - in a "true story" package with proper pacing & some standout acting from it's Canadian cast.

In the early 70's Patrick Kelly (Paul Gross) is an exceptional candidate for the RCMP undercover work. It's a nature fit for the man with good looks, charm. He meets Marie (Marie-Josee Croze) while on vacation in Mexico and they get married. A cop's salary isn't much and to afford a luxury lifestyle he'll go to any lengths. Borrow, steal, do jobs for crime figure Sammy (Beau Starr). With the force closing in on him - suspicions about living beyond his means - he resigns amidst a crumbling marriage. When his wife falls from their highrise condo - with a big life insurance policy - was it an accident or cold blooded murder.

I'd read the 1996 book 'The Judas Kiss' so it was easy to see the fabricated parts they added here. There was no "Sammy". Patrick never remarried. Otherwise this effectively shows you a master manipulator who knew how to game friends, lovers, the system. Names have been changed but it still captures the essence of the people involved.

Paul Gross is great in the lead role able to pass between warm & arrogant. Janine Theriault does justice to a damaged woman in the grips of love, brainwashed or mental illness. Maybe all three. Plus you get good spots from Tom McCamus (I Love A Man in Uniform) and William B. Davis (X Files) as a Toronto homicide detective & an RCMP superior respectively.

I saw 'Murder Most Likely' when it originally aired on CTV and thought I might not ever see it again. For the longest time, it was hard to get a copy. Luckily it's now popping up on streaming services. If you like this genre, this well filmed Canadian entry hits all the right notes.
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There is Faint Hope in Getting Through this Movie
lavatch9 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In "Murder Most Likely," a Canadian principle of jurisprudence is that of "faint hope" in having a guilty verdict overturned. But the true meaning of that expression for this film is the slim chance that the viewer will make it to the closing credits.

As noted at the start, the film was based on true events about a scammer and a charmer named Patrick Kelly, a crooked member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. A problem with the film is that we do not see enough of Kelly to make a determination about his guilt or innocence in the death of his wife. The main focus is on his philandering and the women who succumb so quickly and so stupidly to his charms. The star witness is the kookie character named April Trent. The film makes clear that she was grossly inconsistent in her testimony and unreliable as an eyewitness.

SPOILERS FOLLOWS HERE: When April appeared on the Phil Donohue show after the trial, she recanted her testimony. It was then that Kelly applied for a "faint hope" ruling. His appeal was denied and he returned to prison.

The film was made in 1999. But, by the year 2010, Kelly was given parole. However, in 2012, he was remanded once again to prison. His main problem was "too many secretive relationships with women." Apparently, some guys never learn!
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Breaks Ground
lucas-221 December 1999
Murder Most Likely was riveting. I think it's groundbreaking in its quality. Superb performances from Paul Gross and Janine Theriault whose acting style is a breath of fresh air from what you normally get from big name actors.

Thumbs up.
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Awesome. A Must See.
cg111 September 2001
For a TV movie? This is astounding. The quality of the production is amazing. The details in the acting and the unique style of the film make this one to watch out for. And the story? Based on a very intriguing true story. Thanks everyone for making this movie, and showing us how good "made for TV productions can be".
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two thumbs up
mflibra5 December 1999
I didn't find Murder Most Likely deathly scary. But the scene with Kelly's wife (Marie-Josee Croze, wonderful actress I've never seen before) falling from the balcony did scare me and are all memorable. The bad Mountie played by Paul Gross is also memorable. The ways in which Marie-Jose Croze eyes change when she first met Kelly is incredible.

Chapple claimed "Murder most likely" is a chilling drama. He was exaggerating, but some of it is--the first half is suspenseful and mysterious, especially the relation between Kelly and his first wife.

The last part explain Patrick Kelly to us, but to bring us into scepticism.

Finally the cast in this TV movie is very good. I know zero about film criticism, but I can see the beauty and symmetry of every camera shot. The sets are clean and free of distractions. This TV movie is two thumbs up. Hope we can enjoy the Croze-Gross duo very soon.
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An excellent portrayal of a complex character
Carole-1213 February 2000
Patrick Kelley is a fascinating character - this film portrays his complexities and ambiguities with superb insight. Unlike many made-for-TV movies, there are no easy answers given and certainly no happy ending. The tension is well-drawn and the acting throughout excellent - especially Paul Gross, who manages to convey an array of emotions in a few seconds. Masterful.
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Murder Most Likely Is A Masterpiece
climbingivy29 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Murder Most Likely is a real masterpiece.I saw this movie for the very first time years ago on television.I loved it.The writing was excellent.The setting was very good too.This is a chilling piece of film making that will hold your interest through the entire production.I had heard that this is suppose to be a true story.That fact makes it more compelling.I am trying to imagine what the husband was thinking when he murdered his wife.My favorite aspect of this film is the actor Tom McCamus who played the character of Detective Sean Exley.Mr McCamus gave a very powerful riveting portrayal of a detective who knows the husband committed murder, and he is bound and determined to get his man.Paul Gross who played the husband was excellent.I recommend this movie.This movie comes on the court TV channel on cable and satellite sometimes.I decided to tape it in case they stop showing this movie.
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A narc Mountie goes very, very bad...
lunargirl25 March 2006
Riveting, chilling performance by Paul Gross -- who plays the creepily charming evil twin to the Due South incorruptible decent Mountie he played on TV for years. Did I say chilling? Also disturbing, without needing to have gratuitous violence or a serial killer in it! Based on the book about Patrick Kelly, a real undercover RCMP officer accused of murdering his first wife -- one of the only things they could even try pinning on him.

The story and performances are worthy of a feature film -- production values decent, too, so you won't be distracted by lack thereof, as often happens in MOW. The title is lousy, however -- this is anything but an Agatha Christie novel, although you will be wondering if, indeed, he "dunnit" or not. Worth your two hours.
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very intriguing
jacky7030 March 2000
I have been a fan of Paul Gross since the Due South series - I think he is great. I am a fan of any type of mystery and even tho' it took about 20 min of viewing the movie to get the personality of Constable Fraser out of mind, I loved the entire thing.
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Simply Amazing
hamstergirl721 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The acting in this movie was simply amazing! It followed the book really well. Paul Gross is so good at that character and makes it incredibly believable. Beua Starr even though he plays a smaller role carries it off perfectly. My one little problem was that in the book (an I'm assuming real life) his wife's name was Jeanette, but in the movie was Marie. And the whole blood package to hide the drugs bit was Patrick Kelly's idea. But those things can easily be overlooked. Paul Gross played the part so well you actually believed that he was Patrick Kelly. I love how they did the wedding scene with the music and snapshots instead of actual moving film, it worked well. Patrick Kelly is a creepy guy, but you are never really sure if he actually did it or not, that was smart because nobody knows for sure in real life if he did it or not. He is quick to anger and just as quick to cover his butt.
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vickimtubridy13 May 2007
This was truly a brilliant piece of acting on all accounts . I am a huge Paul Gross fan so was intrigued to see his performance in this. The way the story of Patrick Kelly an undercover RCMP officer. It was brought to life and left so many questions that had to be answered. It keeps you gripped right to the end. I was thinking all the time. It's a film that will definitely keep you watching to see how it comes out. The knowledge of knowing it's a true story left me with goose bumps a film that can cause so many different emotions is always good lets you see how people can see things so differently. It's always good to see your favourite actor play so many roles so good. A truly gripping film that you will enjoy very much.
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An Interesting Case with Great Performances!
theworldastage30 April 2006
I first came across this movie because I was looking up Paul Gross' work. I saw my TV listings and noticed it was on CTV (today)! I didn't quite know what to expect. The beginning blurb of the movie explained that it took the facts of the case, but also added bits of fiction. What I liked was how a number of different circumstances brought the whole story together, and showed many sides of the characters and case, for it made it all the more interesting. It moves in chronological order, but does have a bit of straying (with good reason). Obviously, with this type of movie, it had to explain why and how things were occurring with the corresponding scene of a past moment. The ending made me feel like the whole case is still a mystery, and maybe it is. On another note, the casting was flawless, everyone played their part very well, for it was quite believable and realistic.
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