Le septième juré (1962) Poster

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Here,Lautner equals Clouzot and Duvivier.
dbdumonteil23 October 2001
I wonder why Lautner got lost in mediocrities all along his long and lucrative career.Dozens of junk movies like"la grande sauterelle" "quelques messieurs trop tranquilles" or "flic ou voyou"...why did he bother with such things when he had a brilliant potential that explodes here?

"Le septième juré" is a psychological thriller of the first order,that actually belongs to the fifties,when the overrated "new wave" had not happened.Blending Duvivier's pessimism with Clouzot's misanthropy, and beating André Cayatte at his own game (justice and trials),it stands as Lautner's finest achievement.

Bernard Blier,excellent as ever,portrays a notable who strangles a semi-whore.Probably because of a sexual frustration.His wife(an excellent Danielle Delorme) is probably a frigid bourgeois woman.The plot thickens when Blier is asked to be a juror when a wrong man is arrested and tried for HIS crime.Then begins a suspenseful and rich story,in which looks tell more than words (the juror and the accused),in which a whole town is involved with its narrow-minded petits bourgeois,its holier-than-thou spinsters,its rotten justice.

And that's not all!In the very last minutes,comes a final revelation that will leave you on the edge of your seat.And logical,at that,because it thoroughly explains Blier's behavior.The black and white cinematography is stunning,and the ambulance light in the final shots mesmerizing.
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Grégoire Duval - The Pharmacist - The 7th Juror.
hitchcockthelegend28 August 2015
Le septième juré (The 7th Juror) is directed by Georges Lautner and adapted to screenplay by Pierre Laroche and Jacques Robert from the Francis Didelot novel. It stars Bernard Blier, Maurice Biraud, Francis Blanche, Danièle Delorme and Jacques Riberolles. Music is by Jean Yatove and cinematography by Maurice Fellous.

Horrible Crime Near Pontarlier!

Overcome by the sight of a nude lady sunbather, Grégoire Duval (Blier) forces himself upon her and in a panic strangles her to death when she begins to scream. Returning back to his hum-drum existence, Duval is shocked to find the victim's boyfriend charged with her murder on circumstantial evidence. He's even more shocked when he is chosen for jury service on that very trial...

Crime of a coward - or a madman?

A caustic and potent piece of French cinema, Le septième juré operates on many narrative levels. In parts it's a cracker-jack legal drama, featuring a court case of dramatic verve, while the observations about the sometimes folly of the law is brutally laid bare. At other parts it's a cutting deconstruction of small town mentality, of class distinction and standings, all of which are not favourably portrayed in the slightest.

First you must save your soul.

Firmly operating in the realm of film noir, the makers produce a clinically atmospheric picture. Georges Lautner opens with an ominous shot of a lone fisherman in his boat, out on a mist covered lake, the accompanying classical music amazingly in sync with the scenes. It's evident from this point we are in for some visual and aural treats. Blier provides a classic noir narration as we move among bohemian architecture, through smoky jazz clubs and clientèle exclusive bars. At night the streets are full of shadows, in daylight there's a muted tone to Maurice Fellous' photography, this is not a happy place to live - unless you be one of the secular bourgeois of course...

Othello was misunderstood too.

Other imagery strikes hard. A confession box sequence is brilliantly filmed, noir nirvana, a tilted mirror used during a key exchange between husband and wife is astute, and the pièce de résistance that involves grotesque reflections on a brandy glass. Haunting scenes drop in and out, normally involving the tortured Duval staring blankly out at someone, while the court case is a hot-bed of hurt and chaos, even turning to the macabre as the crime is reenacted at the actual murder scene. Lautner also likes pull away movements as well, and so do we!

Superbly acted, directed, scored and photographed, this is yet another French film that proves that although the first wave of American film noir had faded cum the start of the 60s, the French were keeping the flame alight well into the decade. From that opening misty lake scene, to the black twist finale that is crowned by a stunning ambulance light sequence, this is black gold cinema. Merry Christmas. 9/10
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A dark universe, indeed
melvelvit-126 December 2011
Grégoire Duval (Bernard Blier), one of the most upstanding citizens in his provincial French town, commits a spur-of-the-moment crime of passion and subsequently gets picked for the jury when a man with a dubious past goes on trial for the murder. Grégoire's probing questions get the man acquitted but in the eyes of the community, the defendant's still a killer and when Grégoire eventually confesses to the crime, nobody wants to hear it...

Director Georges Lautner's extremely satisfying film noir also doubles as an autopsy of cold, cruel, hypocritical bourgeois values and is not unlike "Madame Bovary" in that respect. The philosophically resigned voice-over narration of a man tormented not only by what he's done but by the way his entire life played out has a chilling effect and it's a dark universe, indeed, right down to THE INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS ending (on Christmas Eve, no less). There's bitter irony to spare with a dazed walk through nocturnal city streets present in some of the finest noir such as ELEVATOR TO THE GALLOWS and BLAST OF SILENCE and director Georges Lautner (who'd go on to make the giallo-esque ROAD TO SALINA with Rita Hayworth & Mimsy Farmer) gives the bleak proceedings a grey, misty patina that doesn't go away, even in the daytime. The Francis Didelot novel the film is based on was adapted in the U.S. a year earlier for an episode of THE ALFRED HITCHCOCK HOUR called "The Star Juror" and the timeless tale was also turned into a 2008 TV movie in it's native France. 10/10!
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Trial And Error
writers_reign24 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Georges Lautner is possibly best known outside France for a film he made shortly after this one, Les Tontons flingeurs, which enjoyed something of an international mild success. He compensated by making scads of multiplex fodder but with The Seventh Juror he turned in his piece de resistance. Basically it adds a new wrinkle to such entries as The Big Clock, Mr. Arkadin and Police Python 357, that wrinkle being that a murderer finds himself on the jury when the wrong man is brought to trial. Stumbling across a young woman sleeping topless in the open air the middle aged Blier succumbs to temptation and attempts to rape her. When she begins to scream for help he moves his hands to where they will do the most good and chokes her to death. Remaining undetected he stands by as an innocent (in this case) man is charged with the crime and then winds up on the jury where he does everything he can to secure a not guilty verdict. Never exactly sylph-like even in youth Blier in middle age resembles no one so much as Sydney Greenstreet and performs just as well if not better. It is, of course, really the town itself that is on trial - we are clearly in Le Corbeau and Les Inconnus de la maison country here - and there is a brilliant twist at the end. Made in 1962 it it also sticks two fingers up at the new wavelet brigade. Masterful.
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George Lautner on Claude Chabrol, Sidney Lumet and Andre Cayatte's grounds
searchanddestroy-115 May 2024
Director George Lautner was mostly a comedy provider, except this one and LE PACHA, for the rest, the atmosphere is rather fun, full of punch lines from Michel Audiard's terrific writing style. Here, the plot is absolutely outstanding, jaw dropping, so brilliant that it's impossible not to like it. The deep, accurate analysis of a small town community after the crime committed by the lead Bernard Blier, and this from the early beginning. There is no mystery here, and that's even better, it makes the whole plot even more riveting, gripping, poignant. This film is an absolute masterpiece. There was a B American film directed by Sam Newfield in the forties and the next - and I suppose last - Clint Eastwood's film: THE JUROR, are also close to this very George Lautner's film, which looks like a Claude Chabrol's movie; analysis, study of a small town community. And I won't even speak of the possible TWELVE ANGRY MEN (Sidney Lumet) tribute to.
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Fine premise and fine actors with a wet paint coat of social commentary
vostf20 August 2017
I was curious to track down this movie for all the praise it got by IMDb reviewers. Some were so ecstatic as to rank it as a major directorial effort from journeyman Lautner. They were openly lamenting 'too bad he did not keep up with this kind of bravado'.

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King

I guess these movie buffs must be watching too many bad movies as they compete to review the long tail of IMDb's inventory. This sets their expectations pretty low. Sure 'Le septième juré' has a great cast lead by the magnificent Bernard Blier, although characters are more picturesque than deeply engaging, and its story-line is compelling.

The social commentary does hold it together, but honestly this is really not done masterfully here. Voice-over narration fast turns a nice movie into a verbose hack. All the more so when the voice-over delivers a bitter ironic social commentary. Actually this is very much a literary device: that is why I won't mistake Bernard Blier forceful performance with a directorial tour de force.

I may be forgetting a couple of details but frankly I cannot see where the direction lifts the script and the cast well above their raw potential. Rhythm, suspense, cast interaction (let alone real chemistry): all these rank pretty low here in my scale of expectations.

All in all this is an OK movie, worth watching if you're a fan of Blier (and of Maurice Biraud or Francis Blanche). Don't expect to much and you will be rewarded by the fine performances. Now personally I was much less impressed by Blier here than in Quai des Orfèvres (whose director's ability doesn't call for a lengthy debate) where he has less screen time.

I would rather recommend tracking down Non-coupable (1947) on a similar premise. In this one the work by director Henri Decoin is unmistakably excellent (rather than adequate, at best, in the Le septième juré). There the social commentary is actually blended in the story, not painted over it. And of course on the topic of a juror stepping in for a weak defence you always have the excellent Twelve Angry Men. Le septième juré is nowhere near half as good as any of those 3 movies by Clouzot, Decoin and Lumet, so if this is really the best Lautner could do, no wonder he never came close to acclaimed directors.
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Worthy of Clouzot and Chabrol
tony-70-66792019 March 2016
M.Duval (Blier), bored and out walking, comes upon Catherine, a beauty sunbathing topless. He tries to kiss her and when she resists and screams, strangles her. He feels no great remorse or pangs of conscience, but when he finds himself on the jury at the trial of her main lover (she had several) does all he can to to get the wrongly-accused man acquitted. To say more would spoil your enjoyment. suffice to say the film is thoroughly gripping, and the ending terrific.

Pathe have been issuing DVDs of restored, relatively rare French films like this one. The prints are excellent and have English subtitles: I wish Gaumont would follow suit, as there are so many neglected works from the 50s and 60s by the likes of Cayatte and Hossein, brushed aside by the New Wavers like the abysmal Jean-Luc. "Juror" could have been made by the more prestigious Clouzot or Chabrol, as it shares their disgust at the prejudice and self- protection of the provincial petit bourgeoisie, Duval's wife being a prime example (no wonder he's so frustrated.)

I've seen three Lautner films restored by Pathe, and this is easily the best (probably his masterpiece, but I haven't seen all of his work.) It's a pity he mostly made silly romps with insufferably smug stars like Belmondo and Meurisse, where nothing's at stake. All that prevents me giving this film 10 is that after Duval met the prosecuting counsel in a shop pre-trial and said he believed the accused innocent, said counsel would surely have rejected Duval as a juror: that scene was a mistake.

As an outsider it was fascinating to see how the French legal system works. The juror basically conducted the defence (the defence counsel hardly said a word!) Duval constantly interrupted proceedings to ask questions. He grilled witnesses, called for one to be recalled, argued with the prosecutor and suggested a reconstruction at the crime scene. None of this would be possible in the adversarial system we have in the UK and Us: the French system, which seems focused on trying to find the truth, seems superior.
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Le septième juré
RaulFerreiraZem4 October 2019
Amazing film. amazingly shot, the first sequence got me totally off guard with its overwhelming and amazing soundtrack and its dream like directing style.

Le septième juré was most likely one of the most depressing films i have ever seen, it had no redeemable characters besides Sautral and Catherine and essentially nothing good ever happens, it is almost like a kafkian nightmare. Still, unlike most polar i have seen so far, it manages to be ambiguous enough to keep it from being too preachy and moralistic.i am also really grateful for how, despite how the characters see her, Catherine was treated with a certain distance and lack of judgement by the film. That made the film seem more like a comment on how moralistic and hypocritical are some spheres of society, in this case, the political and bourgeois classes. I also thought it was a really smart way to deal with the issue by making the lead character at the same time regret what he did while not exonerating him of all the guilt. Not to mention that making him, a calm and respectable man rather than a criminal or an angry man or a jealous husband or a drug user commit the crime raises the question of why would someone do that. This unanswered question instead of making the discourse seem incomplete deepens greatly the ideological reach of the film BECAUSE it leaves room for interpretation. So in short, very interesting film and considering how dark it is, quite an easy watch.
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A very fine drama
philjeudy9 June 2020
Bernard Blier is proving on this movie that he was not just a comic actor, but a great actor, at the service of a very fine director, George Lautner who had a great carrer (it was his 6th movie). The scenario describes how a society can be totally absurd, and how to turn justice in a very bizarre frame.
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"Je suis un assassin."
brogmiller9 April 2021
Excellent film-maker André Cayatte is not the only one to take a swipe at the French judicial system and I consider this film of Georges Lautner to be the equal of Cayatte's 'Justice est faite' and 'Les Bonnes Causes' of Christian-Jaque.

Furthermore, it is arguably Lautner's finest film(sincere apologies to devotees of 'Les Tontons Flingueurs')

Francis Didelot had a short career as a lawyer and being descended on his mother's side from Edgar Allan Poe(!) he seemed fated to become a writer of detective fiction. He had already shown his unique imagination in 'Le Monde Tremblera', filmed by Richard Pottier in 1939 but 'The Seventh Juror' is generally regarded as his greatest.

This tale concerns Gregoire Duval who has committed a murder in a moment of madness and is fated to be a member of the jury at the trial of a man wrongly accused of the murder. What is really on trial here is human nature with its prejudice, hypocrisy, double standards and the overriding desire to maintain the status quo.

Even though Gregoire confesses to his wife and the investigating police officer, they will go to any lengths to conceal his guilt so as to save face and reputation.

Jacques Robert's excellent adaptation presents us with a gallery of wonderfully drawn characters superbly played by all. Daniele Delorme is mesmerising as Madame Duval whilst Albert Remy is smugness personified as the detective. The voice of morality crying in the wilderness is that of Maurice Biraud as a veterinarian. No one plays Everyman as well as Bernard Blier whose psychological penetration as Duval is aided by the device of the 'interior monologue'. His performance is stupendous.

Lautner has again used his favoured cinematographer Maurice Fellous to great effect and there is a good score by Jean Yatove with excellent use made of Vivaldi in the opening sequences.

There are films that slowly insinuate themselves but this one grabs you from the outset and never relaxes its grip.

This is superlative film-making and fully deserves dix sur dix.
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"One moments distraction can't wipe out a respectable life."
morrison-dylan-fan11 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Gathering up over 100 French films to watch over the next few months,I started to take a look at French Film Noirs that fellow IMDbers have praised.Whilst reading a review from a IMDBer,I started to wonder about why I had waited to view the title for so long!,which led to me finally going on jury duty.

The plot:

Less than happy with how his mistress has been treating him, (something we can all identify with!) Grégoire Duval gets into a row with mistress Catherine as she sunbathes.Heating up,Duval strangles Catherine to death.Once the red mist has faded,Duval rushes away from the murder scene,and goes back to his quiet small town.

Playing a major part in the town, (which includes standing in local elections) Duval is viewed by the locals as a loyal part of the town,who would never do anything wrong.Thinking that it will be left unsolved,Duval discovers that one of Catherine's other lovers has been arrested for the killing.Caught off guard,Duval is told that he must serve jury duty on the case,which leads to Duval deciding to prove the accused innocent,whilst proving his own guilty verdict.

View on the film:

Sitting down in court for their adaptation of Francis Didelot's novel,the screenplay by Pierre Laroche & Jacques Robert brilliantly turn the heated courtroom Drama into Film Noir shapes,via layering Duval's brittle narration over proceedings,which allows the writers to deconstruct the courtroom Drama "traditions" and to shoulder Duval with unrelenting Film Noir guilt.Spending time with all of the locals who look up to Duval,the writers strangle Duval with a deliciously dark sense of humour which sinks Duval deep into the Film Noir mist,as Duval finds it impossible to crush anyone's belief that it is impossible for him to commit a crime.

Sending ripples across the screen over the gentle credits,director Georges Lautner and cinematographer Maurice Fellous grab Jean Yatove's great jagged score,and smash the peace into Film Noir doom. Stylishly revealing the murderous passion Duval has for Catherine, (played by an alluring Françoise Giret-who appears topless)Lautner buries Duval into Film Noir misery,where a gaze into a glass allows Duval to reflect,whilst the town build a decaying "good" wall of madness around him.Carrying the guilt and closed-minded beliefs of the town like the member of a chain gang, Bernard Blier gives an incredible performance as Duval,thanks to Blier exposing Duval's humble roots in order to drag them into a Film Noir sandpit,where a confession and a final verdict are not able to stop Duval becoming a judge,jury and executioner for his own crimes.
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Critical, cynical, clinical and desperate
ifasmilecanhelp26 September 2007
Sometimes ago, I read the comments on Le 7ème Juré, which opened my interest to have a look on it. Though Bernard Blier has never been someone I liked very much, perhaps only for his cold demeanor...

Possibly not explainable, or just because occasionally you like someone you don't know, and you have no apparent sympathy for another one... it just goes by feeling.

I have still no "ellective affinities" with BB (not Brigitte Bardot, don't get me wrong! :) but his fine performance reminds me his other movies in which he plays. Amici miei (Mario Monicelli 1975) is one example that comes to my mind... (much more enjoyable, only because it's a kind of comedy)

My apologizes to Blier : he's pretty good ! Once more !

They are pretty good, too, in that small town, with the conspiracy of silence, and indulgence for the good society. What can be said, what should not... an so forth!

Lautner is also not known to me to make very funny nor good films, but mildly diverting ones. Sorry for his fan! Now, in that one, possibly his cinematographic achievement, he demonstrates an accurate vision of human society.

And as said by another comment I wonder why he didn't use this creative force to make more ones like Le 7ème Juré.

For me, it is not possible to like this movie: it is too true, to well describing how it goes and functions everywhere... But it's an excellent one!

Critical, cynical, clinical and desperate : great drama/thriller

One may, like me, not like it but still appreciate it, as I did : great cinema !
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lucdrouin7 May 2022
This film is a precursor in court drama and suspense. It is also a clever criticism of French bourgeois society as symbolised by the gatherings of the city notables at the local pub or the main protagonist's wife.
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Condemned by conscience !!!
elo-equipamentos18 June 2019
An unusual French Noir, a respectable Pharmacist of the small city, without apparent reason try kiss a lonely young girl almost naked at lake's shore, the girl screaming and he ends up strangler her, aftermath he see her lover has been charge for the murder, worst he will one of the jury, along the picture his own conscience expressed through his thoughts in every place, on streets, meetings their friends, on the bed, everywhere the guilty pursued his mind, in the Courthouse as seventh jury, he tries help the young guy, he has every detail how the crime was happen, so under this circumstances he got put the suspect outside of the crime scene, the young guy is finally declared not guilty for lack of proves, but upcoming facts will change such matter, Bernard Blier perhaps made the best performance ever, his behavior after the murder changes too much, his look is vague, the life don't make sense, a picture to see alone and quiet to enjoy all its fullness, a French near masterpiece!!


First watch: 2019 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 8.75
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Baldies of the world unite
cjhadfield6 December 2023
This is Existentialism at its best. What is life all about? What happens if I do this or that, or indeed, if I don't do these things? Where do I belong? What is love really? What's the meaning of life? What the f... is it all about? It ticks all those boxes. French cinema at its best.

It reminds me of Jean-Paul Satre's works, furthermore, it revolves around that time of French Existentialism and the need to know the answers to life, the universe and everything. It's not Marxist, it's not even post-Marxist, it's pure homogeneous full on assault and it's a niche Gallic movie that deserves more air time and recognition. I hope this sparks with the fence-sitters to watch it.

PS, it also reminds me of that post-existentialist movie Monsieur Hire, which incidentally also had a baldie dealing with all these existentialist matters. Loved that one also.
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