The Independent (2000) Poster

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Ginger Lynn is my mayor
edgewordwise18 January 2006
For the recently-married reviewer who missed the last 20 minutes: that was my 15 seconds of fame as an extra at the "film festival", dammit! The fictional town of "Chapparal, Nevada" is in fact Colfax, California. The theater interior is that of the old-school Colfax Theater. Never before has the subject of venereal disease been dealt with so classily on the silver screen, army stock or not. Jerry Stiller is a mensch and that Ginger Lynn as the Mayor, well... I don't think dialogue was a strong point in her previous film career, know what i mean? Don't miss this one, especially if you like quirky faux-documentary comedies. Really.
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So much potential...
MKSF14 February 2002
A very funny film and showcase for Jerry Stiller. The highlight, though, is the myriad of crazy and very fun movies, shown in blurbs, that Stiller's Morty supposedly made over the years. These clips are what makes the movie. All the rest is mildly funny, but not nearly as clever. Janeane Garofalo is underused, as well.
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It is boogie nights meets best in show
jacobn19 July 2002
This movie was very funny! It was full of witty and memorable lines. It was crude and rude but never was I offended. The only criticism would be they showed only one time a On the Set Scene. It got very slow in the middle when they had trouble with the bank for an hour. But by all means, the titles and cuts from the movies are worth watching this great movie. I hope this movie will be a cult classic someday soon.
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Bad cinema done with a smile
george.schmidt4 December 2001
THE INDEPENDENT (2001) ** Jerry Stiller, Janeane Garofalo, Max Perlich (Cameos: Anne Meara, Ron Howard, Roger Corman, Peter Bogdanovich, John Lydon, Ben Stiller, Andy Dick, Fred Dryer, Jonathan Katz, Fred Williamson, Karen Black, Nick Cassavetes) (Dir: Stephen Kessler)

Jerry Stiller has made a fine career for himself as a top-notch character actor and the triumphs of his long-standing marriage with comedy partner Anne Meara. But perhaps it is the past decade particularly for his stint as the bellicose Frank Costanza, the brow-beating, bellowing paterfamilias of Jason Alexander's angry George on "Seinfeld" is what he'll be remembered for after all these years ago. Now he's the lead in this quasi-mockumentary a la "This Is Spinal Tap" meets "The Player" by way of "Ed Wood."

Morty Fineman (Stiller), a truly independent filmmaker of questionable taste and lack of skills and talent, is the focus of a documentary film crew shooting the downward spiral of his illustrious career of low, low budget exploitation films the likes of Roger Corman and John Waters but without the knowing wink at the audience. Fineman's downfall is his blind ambition as an artiste whose long-suffering daughter and wind beneath his winds Paloma (Garofalo) has to endure the latest brinks of bankruptcy that has his bank offering to buy out his filmography not for its artistic merit but literally by the pound of celluloid he's burned.

Along for the ride is his protégé and gopher Ivan (the gifted character actor Perlich) who desperately attempts a comeback for Morty by investigating every film festival to showcase his ouevre. Naturally not one is interested save for Chaparral, Nevada whose town's main point of business is prostitution. To add insult to injury Fineman winds up working his new offices of his trade outside a dingy motel.

Stiller acquits himself nicely as the clueless yet empassioned director of dreck whose specialty is message films of his own political bent via busty babes scantily clad with semi-automatic weaponary touted between their ample cleavage. What works for the film on the whole is the tongue-in-cheek sendup of the industry with its accurate depictions of what bad films look like from shoddy stock footage and badly acted scenes to its so-scary -they -seem -real take-offs of trailers to 1960s and 70s junk films. The use of real-life filmmakers like Howard and Bogdanovich tries to lend a hand to its wink-wink/nudge-nudge insider take/satire send-up by giving it an air of authenticity but by the last third the one-joke gimmick runs out of gas and feels flat.

For those who love awful movies and wonder who the heck makes this crap then they have a true hero in Morty Fineman, a man ahead of his times .whenever that was.
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Pretty darn funny.
JamieF8 June 2003
I recorded this when it was on Comedy Central and found myself rewinding and replaying several scenes because they were so funny. Very well directed - good comic timing, everybody was part of the joke, etc. And the movies that Mr. Stiller's character made were very funny as well.

Another thing I liked was that this wasn't a cringe comedy. The humor was about weird people, not about sticky/embarassing situations (I hate cringe comedies). Think Waiting for Guffman rather than American Pie.
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Dull and Pointless
clydefrogg4 April 2000
This movie sure sounded promising, with Jerry Stiller playing an eccentric independent filmmaker and Janeane Garafolo playing his "tanning-bed obsessed" daughter. But alas, the filmmakers spent all their time trying to come up with clever names for Stiller's 400 some movies, meanwhile forgetting to write a script. The dialogue is dull and not funny. The acting by all, including Stiller, is flat and uninvolving. The few times that Jerry Stiller could have been really funny he was not, because of the bad writing. Finally, this mediocre at best movie came to a close and left the audience out to dry. What was the point? All the movie really did was tell a rather boring chapter of a washed-up filmmaker. There was no apparent message, no reason or logic behind what happened. A movie like this needs to have a point, otherwise its a waste of 95 minutes.

Honestly, I don't know how movies like this get made. The idea is great, but I can't imagine anyone being impressed with the treatment, let alone the script. I'm amazed that people as funny and talented as Garafolo and Stiller looked at this script and saw something there. I was more amazed that Alan Smithee didn't direct this film. Grade: "D-".
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This Is Final Cut...
dungeonstudio28 June 2022
Much in the vein of This Is Spinal Tap, following fictitious film maker Morty Fineman's (Jerry Stiller) 'last hurrah' as he tries to make his epic while being on the verge of complete bankruptcy. Great cameos by Hollywood pro's praising Morty's history of work, which includes snippets of gem's like 'Kent State Nurses' and 'Foxy Chocolate Robot'. There's witty dialog throughout, but the movie gets mired in over the top zaniness and/or pseudo dramatic moments. Had it focused solely on a 'realistic' documentary, or just a straight up comedy it would've been a much better movie. But for movie buffs and fans of comedy's like Spinal Tap and Walk Hard, this movie fits nicely in between or either side of them.
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I wanted to like it, but no way!
Tiger_Mark11 February 2002
Wow, I can see why this movie lasted one week in our town. This was an SNL skit for the big screen (that is meant to imply terrible). I love Jerry Stillar, always have. I like Garafalo. I liked several of the support actors. However, I do not love any of them in this movie. The story is just too simplistic and uneventful. I just kept waiting for a movie to develop and it never did. I was bored, I saw script developments five minutes before they happened. What I kept waiting for was Ben Stillar's cameo, which I was sure would be crazy and great. I was wrong! Ben Stillar has one of the least amusing skits ever, in movie history. There are several Mr. Show regulars in the movie, but they are wasted as well. Don't get suckered into seeing this because you think it is going to be Stillar's lunacy from Seinfeld, you will be let down in a major way. As Jerry's boy said in "Meet the Parents", this movie is a "Bomb-b-Bomb-b-Bomb-b-b-Bomb!"
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Incredibly Sublime and Hilarious
seamovieman13 February 2006
This film is hilarious, sublime and simply outstanding - a great example of how a very funny film can be made on a low budget. The adventures of Jerry Stiller's character, Morty, are recorded in this "Mocumentary" with nothing but the absolute best of results. Jerry is in almost every frame and he carries the film in a Herculean effort. Getting less respect than Rodney Dangerfield could have ever described, Morty carries on in his own deluded yet unwavering way. Just watching Morty's morning routine was worth the price of the ticket alone. The previous reviewer compared this to a lame SNL sketch - my advice is to watch it again-sober-and watch for the nuances of Stiller's performance (including the unbelievable deadpan reaction he gives to hearing a brutal criticism of his work) instead of the in-your-face gross-out "humor" that passes for amusement in the mainstream farce released by Hollywood over the past 20 years. Super cameos by a wealth of indie and some not-so-indie directors are fabulous. Great stuff.
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Jerry Stiller is fantastic ..... the film is hilarious .......................
merklekranz29 March 2012
Jerry Stiller is fantastic as legendary schlock film director Morty Fineman. This is a very difficult film to rate on a 1-10 scale. If you are strictly a mainstream movie fan, it is a 1. If on the other hand exploitation and B movies are your thing, then it rates a 7 or even higher, because to the right audience "The Independent" is pure comedy gold. There is so much going on in this frantic funny film, that multiple viewings are mandatory. My closest comparison movie would be "Amazon Women on the Moon", only the story here is much stronger than the sci-fi tying "Amazon' together. Many recognizable actors contribute, with Jeanne Garofalo a standout as Morty's daughter. Be prepared for such zany stuff as Siamese twins drafted into the Vietnam War, casting Jesus Christ in a courtroom drama, and the classic "Moby Dick, Whale of a Cop", featuring Ben Stiller. Hilarious stuff! - MERK
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Spinal Tap of the B movie world
JasonZ12 January 2001
If you liked "This is Spinal Tap," you'll like this movie. It's shot and edited in a part documentary style, part narrative style, but the combination of styles is rarely noticeable; it's just enough to draw you into the world of Morty Fineman (Jerry Stiller). Clips from Morty's films are some of the funniest parts of the movie, and they're included liberally throughout. Cameos from Roger Corman, Ron Howard, and others (playing themselves) discussing Morty Fineman's career and influence were also good. Teaming Jerry Stiller with Janeane Garofalo worked really well, in my opinion. Their different styles of comedy fit their characters very well. To be honest, I liked "Spinal Tap" more, but this is a very close second.
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Satire Worth Seeing
shybiker4 July 2003
This sleeper has been overlooked. It is frequently funny with many illustrations of real wit. If you're a fan of indie-flicks, then there's much to enjoy here, not least of which are unexpected cameos by industry names.

Plus, despite what others have said, there is a narrative based on the characters' familial relations. That, and quality acting from the leads (especially Jerry Stiller, who'll surprise you with his convincing portrayal) make this satire well-worth watching.

I found this on cable and learned it's not been released on DVD. Let's start lobbying for that!
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Brilliant film!
malebox26 December 2001
Ranks with This is Spinal Tap....complemented by a website, comparable to the one for Blair Witch Project, only funnier.

Perhaps the limited distribution is supposed to be part of the joke - the movie seems to be getting the same distribution as Fineman's other films. It deserves a much broader audience, and should find the audience if given a chance.
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MovieReviewDude5 December 2001
Just saw the premier of this film, and I must say that it's one of the funniest comedies I've see in quite a few years. Jerry Stiller is absolutely crazy and had me in tears. Stiller and Garofalo work great together. There are several great scenes in the film including one with three very attractive woman, one I think is Julie Strain, and another is the HUGH busted feature dancer Penelope Pumpkins.

Not sure why they took so long in releasing the film, and why the limited release, but this comedy is definitely a must see movie!

Movie Dude Review (1 - 10) 10
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Dull? Pointless? Did you see the same film as I did!?
Comsat Angel4 March 2003
A comedy that consistently amuses, to the point of being laugh-out loud funny - the hilarious inserts of Monty's oeuvre are some of the high-points: The Foxy Chocolate Robot, anyone? Or the Simplex Complex? Or, my fave, the Eco-Angels? Plus, everything comes together for a happy ending. Result! Stick around for the end credits; someone carried out a labour of love in creating 437 film titles for Monty's career.
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One of the funniest movies I've ever seen
mstivers-229 April 2002
I've seen a number of movies like this with a good satirical premise but they rarely deliver. This one does. It not only has a lot of very funny movie parodies but also good performances by Jerry Stiller and Janeane Garofalo. There's even a story line that holds up all the way through. There are plenty of jokes you'll want to repeat to your friends later.
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Definitely a great film to see!
NTzanavaris6 November 2001
This film was a treat to watch. It was absolutely hysterical, I could not stop laughing during the entire length of the movie! The creativity behind this movie was a top of the line feature! Jerry Stiller was born for this part and he is incredible in it! Janeane Garofalo was spectacular for her part too! I have already recommended it to all of my friends and I am certainly recommending it to all of you!! If and when this comes out on DVD, it is DEFINITELY the one to own!! Please see this movie, I can almost guarantee that it will have you rolling in the aisles. I still have gum in my hair and popcorn on my back!
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Absolutely hilarious
dillrod14 March 2000
I saw this at SXSW this year. Absolutely hilarious. Jerry Stiller is possibly at his finest hour playing the lead role in this film. The writing is terrific as is the direction. Garafalo is good, but clearly Jerry Stiller is the laugh-machine here. This could be the Something About Mary of this year, but without as much gross humor (not that I don't like gross humor). Plenty of wacky cameos by: Andy Dick, Ben Stiller, the entire cast of the Ben Stiller Show, Ron Howard, Roger Corman, and Larry Hankin.
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Worth (almost) missing your own wedding for
bonnynklyd22 July 2003
Trust me, this is a film review. Let me set the scene.

It's my wedding day, and I'm a few thousand miles away from home in a classy hotel, up bright and early and pacing the room on my wedding day. To pass the time I watch some cable. I start watching a film I later discover to be called 'The Independent'.

Is transfixed to big a word? The film is captivating, and the car-crash cliche is not far off the mark, but trust me, the only reason I didn't watch the final 20-or-so minutes is that I was supposed to be at some darn altar or other to marry some chick.

Well, I made it to the wedding and sacrificed the film ending. On balance it was probably the right choice, but it was a close call.

THAT is how good this film is.

n.b. I still need to see the last 20 minutes and the credits that are so highly praised. Knowing my luck it'll be re-shown on the day our first kid chooses to be born.
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Woody Allen's HOLLYWOOD ENDING pales by comparison...
klgretrt16 February 2003
First came Minnelli's THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, then Blake Edward's caustic S.O.B., ...but it took another decade before a great comedic film-maker succeeded on his compelling "take" on Hollywood: Steven Kessler's THE INDEPENDENT!

Although the film's been mired in some degree of legal uncertainty, someday-- as a bar of Ivory Soap rises to the surface, (no matter where you put it!), this riotous look at low-budget, sub-Corman/ par Troma film-making will make it to cable and DVD!

You'll laugh so much..., well, don't forget to pick up the Depends after you leave Blockbuster!

I was lucky enough to see it at a festival screening, and I hope you can, someday, see it, too.
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A great movie!!!
coles11 April 2000
I saw this movie on Sunset at the screening. It was a great movie. It was a very funny, very quirky movie. It kind of reminded me of Ed Wood. And it was really fabulous because there are so many different cameos in the movie! When you least expect them! Hysterical. Great lines. Funny jokes. I highly recommend this movie.
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I laughed so hard my side hurt!
ejturtle13 May 2002
Okay, ANY movie with Janeane Garofalo is great as far as I'm concerned!

This movie was laugh out loud funny -- from the opening sequence, to the closing credits.

Take a good look at the list of movies in the credits.
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Cool Film
fanfilm222 June 2011
The Independent has to be the best film with in a film for me, I have watched around 20 out and out films in this genre so far and this title just edges it for me just from Living in Oblivion. Jerry Stiller is very good as the mad movie director and his frustrations are very realistic to the world of indie film making, I have to say the opening and ending really work for me without giving to much away it is realistic and I would recommend this film to film makers and it's probably the only film of this type that non film makers may get. I think this film did well given the budget, OK Bowfinger has some good comedy moments but The Independent is m ore subtle and for me more funny, my rating is 8 out of 10
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Funny, but room for improvement.
Blueghost2 February 2004
The only criticism I'd make about this film is that the documentary angle wasn't played up to its entirety. There're shots in the film that just don't gybe with documentary film making. An example are some of the lockdown shots, where edited footage of two people having a conversation (a conversation that is supposed captured by a single camera) is shown. It just doesn't wash. And the film suffers because of it. Documentary crews either setup interviews or follow their subjects around. The intercut sequences harken too much to traditional film making. Documentaries have long takes of jittery or mildly shaken hand held shots. Documentaries do not contain lockdown car shots, dolly shots, or other complicated camera moves. It just doesn't happen: It's not what documentary film making is all about. And yet "The Independent" has all of these things.

If the actors had just been allowed to act in front of the camera, possibly ad lib in a long master, then this film would've been much more than what it ultimately became, and would've achieved its goal with sterling aplomb. As it is now it's an attempt at making a mocumentary. Fairly succesful, good, funny, but ultimately a few points shy of a comic masterpiece.

Otherwise it's actually a funny film. Anybody who's worked on any kind of independent production will tell you that this film hits pretty close to home. Artistic license is taken with over the top situations and performances, but the film manages to capture the general feel of how the indy-film maker works, and does so in a comic vein. Stiller plays the exploitation film maker who denies his more base nature, stating that he's an artiste commenting on society, and not a director of hack T&A/slasher/blacksploitation/biker or whatever exploitation genre that he's actually known for.

If you enjoyed "This is Spinal Tap," "Jackie Brown," or "Drop Dead Gorgeous," then you'll warm to this film. Take note of the rating; it's not a comedy for kids.
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you will not be disappointed
AudreyToo6 September 2015
More so than any other film I have ever seen, I just cannot understand why this film has never received a higher level of recognition. It is a true work of genius and is one of the funniest films I know.

I know the 'mockumnetry' genre has been done and done now, but back in 2000 I guess it was still kind of fresh and it works well with this film. Jerry Stiller's facial expressions are just a delight by themselves - whenever I see him in anything else I always think of Morty Fineman. The scene when his son reveals how Morty gave him his name will always make me laugh.

Any B-movie fan will love this film - the trailers we see of Morty's films are just mini works of art within the film.
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