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This is beyond charming - it has heart
ruby_fff28 January 1999
A seemingly small movie yet it's beyond charming, it has heart. Don't dismiss this as an expanded version of the TV series Jennifer is in, she's what she is, yet she fits into this story so well, playing opposite Jay Mohr and Kevin Bacon, with Ileanna Douglas as her best friend and Olympia Dukakis as her mom – it's Jennifer Aniston perfect.

The heart may not be evident in the beginning, especially with Jennifer's central character, but hang in there, heart becomes more and more ever present as you follow the story closely. My appreciation for the nuances of this movie did not come deeper until I sat through it again on cable over the weekend. I remember I liked the movie in general and that Jay Mohr gave a very good performance – he's just as becoming as Jennifer is. They do seem like a perfect pair.

This could be a date movie: especially for a single young woman with career ambitions (here it is in advertising), who thinks she can be self-sufficient without any ties or warmth from others, including mom. It is very much a city woman movie. It is maybe for the 20 to 30 something's, yet there are lessons in loving that anyone can take away with. Essentially, it is about how we can take for granted the people around us and not realize the little things in life that are free and in abundance for us to receive and enjoy – if we would only open our eyes, pause - truly listen, and let the heart do the rest.

Trivia: There was a play on the movie title as it first appears and appears again. Ha! Have fun and enjoy.
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If you're a fan of the actors, it's reasonable to say you'll find something to enjoy here.
MovieAddict20166 December 2005
I only saw this film because of Kevin Bacon and Jennifer Aniston both being in it. Not a huge fan of either of them, but nevertheless I thought it might be interesting to see Aniston (during the peak of "Friends'" popularity) crossing over into mainstream film. For the most part, it works.

She's basically playing Rachel, her character from the TV show, again. Aniston's character is a shy, awkward business woman who isn't promoted due to the fact that she is considered "unstable" - no husband, family, etc. So she hires a fake boyfriend, Nick (Jay Mohr), to pose as her lover. She ends up winning the affections of a man she has a crush on in her office (Bacon), but then Nick begins to actually fall in love with her.

The title derives from the fact that she works at a picture agency, and that's where a lot of the film's scenes take place. It gets a little weary after a while, and is very predictable - but if you're a fan of the actors, it's reasonable to say you'll find something to enjoy here.
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Predictable but nice
rbverhoef18 January 2003
Jennifer Aniston is not really her Rachel from Friends but she comes close in Picture Perfect as Cate. I like her in Friends and I think because of that I liked her in this film.

The story is even more predictable than movies as Notting Hill and Addicted to love, but I did like it. It is simple, it makes you feel good, there's no real bad guy or girl, there is some chemistry and we all know it will end very happy.

You can like Aniston here, or may be you don´t because she is too much Rachel. I liked her because she is. Kevin Bacon was a little disappointing in a role that might be too easy for him and you will like Jay Mohr. If you want to feel good and sleep with a nice feeling, you might want to watch this. 6/10.
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A lovely, light romance. Aniston is terrific.
nz man4 January 2000
There is quite a bit of divergence here with the Imdb comments for this movie, which may reflect where people's hearts were at when they viewed it. This is not a block buster or Academy Awards winner, but I found it to be very enjoyable and certainly agree with all of the positive comments below. Actually, I was surprised how I liked it, since I am a 50 year old man and do not normally care for 'fluff movies'. The acting by Jennifer Aniston and John Mohr was very good, and the film gives an overall positive message for us all (Hollywood style, but it feels great). Watch it with someone you love, or if you have a warm romantic heart.
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One star away from awful
the-suey14 November 2009
*** contains spoilers *** I watched this as an Instant Play on Netflix. I enjoy the romantic comedy genre, so I gave it a shot.

I won't say that Picture Perfect was completely awful because I did watch it all the way through. I will say that this film paints humanity in an ugly light.

Kate is utterly self-centered, showing the total lack of awareness of others. The entire film is predicated on the decisions she makes out of her self-centeredness. Even the "happy ending" depends on Kate's lack of awareness for anyone else but herself. It doesn't occur to her that she's ruining a stranger's wedding because she can't wait 30 minutes to get out her apologies. The film's writer insults the viewer by assuming that because Kate manages a few tender moments while she's being selfish, we then are supposed to be endeared to her.

Nick shows no dignity for his own self. The more he gets to know the self-centered Kate, the more he falls in love with her?? She insults him with her proposal, she is disrespectful and rude to him, she shows weak moral character by her "affair" with a colleague who is using her for thrill-sex... and yet, he professes that he likes her more and more. The viewers are expected to endear ourselves to him too.

Kate's colleague, played by Kevin Bacon, only sleeps with women who are married or otherwise committed. Enough said.

Kate's boss only shows his female staff respect based on whether or not they are "stable", which in this case is determined by whether or not Kate is showing signs that she's in a committed relationship.

Kate's friend encourages her to lie and cheat in order to fool her boss into thinking she's "stable".

Kate's mom is portrayed as an overbearing mother whose self-worth depends on the constant reassurance that her daughter cares about her.

Kate's other work colleagues are portrayed as gossip-mongering and thoughtless.

Don't be tempted to watch this. Whether it's intended or not, the film ends up being a commentary about the inherent selfishness of and lack of self-dignity in humanity.
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Better than it has any right to be
SKG-226 February 1999
This is yet another romantic comedy that wants to get by on charm rather than anything genuinely funny or romantic, but surprisingly, for the most part, it does. Part of that is due to the fact that everyone in the cast is likable, particularly Jennifer Anniston, who I'm not a big fan of, and Jay Mohr, who I like but aside from JERRY MAGUIRE haven't seen much of. Also, director Glenn Gordon Caron may be working with an outrageous concept, as most romantic comedies these days do, but he tries to keep it grounded, which is nice. I'd recommend it more except I hated the ending; not for who she ends up with, but how.
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Perfect example of why we now have an economic depression
barbecuedbanana2 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A consistent homage to all the 'values' that have brought the credit crunch to the USA and UK.

Selfishness and shallowness portrayed as acceptable and lovable characteristics.

The underlying theme being that it is fine to lie, cheat, get into debt, deceive your closest friends and it will all work out fine - as long as you really really want whatever it is you are prepared to lie, cheat and deceive about.

A career woman, uses a nice person, a stranger she meets at a wedding, shows no interest in him as a human being and despite saying 'I don't want you to feel like a thing' goes on to treat him exactly as a 'thing'. A prop to help her get what she wants.

What she wants is to sleep with a serial womaniser, to get promotion and higher pay and that's about it really.

Then when she gets them she decides they aren't as shiny as she thought they'd be and wants the 'thing/stranger/wedding guy' to be her permanent plaything instead.

She still has no idea about him as a person other than he took the time to get to know her (and for some incomprehensible reason given her behaviour and lack of any redeeming characteristics) and bought her a watch to replace one she lost as a child.

Yet based on this tenuous reason she admits the subterfuge to her bosses and risks her job. Given she has already decided the job isn't all that great - it isn't that much of a sacrifice.

Then the 'new improved' female gatecrashes a strangers wedding, risks the business of her intended 'plaything' by ensuring he will be remembered as the guy who ruined his clients wedding by being stalked by a nut job.

For some reason this selfish, irresponsible act endears the used, abused 'plaything' guy so that he agrees to be 'the one' for her - kiss, kiss, end of film.

The main guy character has in effect fallen in love with a selfish, controlling, manipulative, scheming narcissist and signed up to be treated badly until she finds something more shiny to distract her in the future.

So given how stupid a lot of people are that bit is probably true to life at least.

But touching, funny, heart warming - no it isn't.
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missygoldstein20 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie. I thought it was very charming and well acted by Moore and Anniston. The story of a woman who has almost everything she wants, held back in her career because she doesn't fit the profile of the other executives to upon the advice of a friend she creates a fictitious husband. She coaches Nick (moore) to know everything about her so that when they meet with the big bosses they will be believable as an engaged couple. The ruse is that they are to have a big fight at this business dinner so that she can go on with her life as a single person, but portray herself to her company as someone who is destined for marriage and a more stable life.

Of course this all goes awry when Moore falls for her and tells her he does not want to go through with the plan and "break up" and perhaps they should give each other a shot for real. She is not happy about this and decides that she's going through with her plan with or without Nicks cooperation. He sees she's not backing down so he helps her go through with the plan and it is a success.

What troubled me about this story although very cute was his insistence that she was a manipulator and acted as if he was a victim. While I don't think it's very nice to use people in the way that she used him she DID tell him all about it in advance and gave him the chance to say yes or no. He opted to help her, but clearly he just wanted a chance to get closer to her and had no real intention of following through with the "fake" breakup. He just wanted a chance to be with her.

So while it followed all the rules of the Hollywood formula I found it a bit unfair and manipulated myself.
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This was a horrible and unrealistic movie!
dkhenne26 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
(Spoiler) This was a terrible movie. Along with absolutely unrealistic characters there was an awful plot. The characters all were horrible people. The main character, Kate, was a very superficial, manipulative caricature of a modern working woman. The only "good" character, Nick,was a nice person, but completely spineless and gullible. In what would have been the only intelligent point in the movie, he backed down from doing the right thing and wimped out. One of the worst parts was near the end when Kate totally ruined a couple's wedding to apologize to Nick, who was taping the wedding. When she was done ruining the wedding, all of the guests and the people getting married clapped for them!!! Now please tell me when this happens in real life! I wouldn't waste your time and money watching this movie, unless you like to see selfish people hurt other people's feelings.
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nice moments in a cut-above romcom
LunarPoise29 December 2008
It may be unfair to label Picture Perfect a RomCom. It certainly sits at the less frivolous, more acutely observed end of the spectrum within the genre. There are some small but brilliant moments here, mostly to do with rom rather than com. When Aniston attends the wedding and the bouquet is to be thrown, she steps forward to find herself the only single woman in the room. It is quite poignant, and her retort - "Oh, just hand me the damn thing!" - plays the scene out beautifully. The fight in the restaurant, when it does come, is a masterclass in infusing sub-text into dialogue. Aninston holds it all together with ease, Kevin Bacon is superbly vacuous as the office beefcake, and Jay Mohr does a decent shift, especially when called upon to hint at deeper feelings for career-driven Kate. The ending reverts to by-the-numbers RomCom proceedings, but there is enough in the build-up to have you give up some smiles and tears that you'll feel the film earned.
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Hardly an Original Story, but Aniston is a Pleasure in her Metre
gradyharp15 February 2006
PICTURE PERFECT is truly a bit of fluff, a story that has been posed many times before in other successful date movies, a movie that would easily be dismissed were it not for the reminder that Jennifer Aniston has a finely honed sense of comic timing that keeps her in the top of the league for actresses in this metre today.

Aniston plays a career conscious young woman who hires a wedding photographer to pose as her boyfriend in order to test the interest of a man who has caught her eye and demonstrate to her company her degree of commitment to her job. It all backfires: the poser is the one she falls for and her priorities are reset. The cast includes the under-used Jay Mohr, a wasted role for Kevin Bacon, and only slight nods to the talents of actors such as Olympia Dukakis and Illeana Douglas. But Aniston is a joy to watch, even with a flimsy script and despite a series of 'costumes' that detract from her very natural beauty. The story is so derivative that it may offend the senses, but if an evening of fluff is salve for your tired brain, this excursion will fill the bill. Grady Harp
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Loved It!
xolilcutepandaox3 September 2006
I watched Picture Perfect today. I was expecting an okay movie, nothing special. But the movie I watched wasn't okay. It was GREAT. I'm one of those people that usually stops a movie midway because I'm bored of it. I didn't even want to get up because I was so into the movie.

The movie is basically about Kate who works for a advertising company. Her boss basically says to her that she can't get this promotion because she doesn't have a husband. So Kate and her friend created this crazy plan to pretend that Kate is engaged to a guy she actually barely knows. What happens after that is very exciting and you'll have to watch the movie to find out.

Now I have heard a lot of people say that this movie was predictable. During the entire movie, I had no idea what was going to happen. I guess some people are just good at figuring out that kind of stuff? Well this movie was very good. I recommend it to anyone. It's a great Saturday night film. =)
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A Decent Rom-Com!
namashi_114 March 2012
Glenn Gordon Caron's 'Picture Perfect' is A Decent Rom-Com, that entertains. Also, Jennifer Aniston & The Ever-Amazing Kevin Bacon give spirited performances.

'Picture Perfect' Synopsis: Kate is working on a career at Mercer Advertising but is passed up for promotion because she's not stable enough, still being single and having no ties to the company. A story is made up about her being engaged to Nick, a guy whom she just met at a friend's wedding, and all seems to work out well for Kate. She even gets the attention of a colleague she had always wanted, but events soon take a dramatic turn.

'Picture Perfect' begins & ends on a light note. Being a Rom-Com, this 1997 flick offers good humor & breezy moments. Glenn Gordon Caron's Direction is good.

As mentioned before, Jennifer Aniston & The Ever-Amazing Kevin Bacon give spirited performances. Aniston makes a lovable protagonist, while Bacon once again proves, that he can never disappoint. Another likable performance comes from Jay Mohr.

On the whole, 'Picture Perfect' isn't perfect, but a decent & light film nonetheless.
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So out of touch with reality, it might resemble something created by alien beings...
moonspinner5515 December 2008
Desperately-single advertising employee, who apparently lands all the biggest accounts for the firm based on her sheer talent and drive, is passed over for a promotion because she lives her life like "a college student"; her gal-pal invents a fiancée for her friend, but soon this unkissed honeybunch has to pony up her non-existent boyfriend for a big dinner with the boss. "Picture Perfect" wasn't made to be thought-provoking or insightful--it exists purely to charm and amuse. Unfortunately, there's nothing charming nor amusing about the central idea in this witless script (that a woman who isn't married isn't taking her life seriously, and is therefore not a likely candidate for better pay at work). Jennifer Aniston struggles with creating a character out of absolutely nothing; she has a few nice, quiet moments, but her big scenes fall flat because the writing and directing are so bad. Jay Mohr, as a video-photographer for weddings, probably comes off the best here, even though there are no romantic sparks between him and Aniston (they seem more like brother and sister). Once again, Illeana Douglas is wasted in a second-banana role (she begins the movie calling the shots but then simply evaporates); Kevin Bacon has it even worse in a himbo role (and his long hair looks really unprofessional for an account executive in New York City!). The production values and technical aspects of the film are passable, yet the sitcom set-up renders the picture utterly false. Aniston comes up with an ad campaign to put Cindy Crawford together with a bottle of mustard--but we never get to see the visual results of this! Director and co-writer Glenn Gordon Caron acts like he's working for the Lifetime Network. No wonder 20th Century-Fox pretty much threw this one away. *1/2 from ****
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Almost Perfect!
famousgir114 September 2001
Picture Perfect is my favourite Jennifer Aniston movie. Of course, we all know her as "Rachel from Friends" and that's probably the way it will always be. The same with the rest of the Friends cast. (There's absolutely nothing wrong with that though. Friends is the BEST.) I guess, that's why she's been type-casted for the last few years and why most of her films are of a romantic-comedy nature. Still, even though not many of them do very well on release, (That will change soon though.) she still does a good job in all of them, including this one.

Picture Perfect is about Kate, (Jennifer Aniston.) a woman who really can't find love. She does fancy her work colleague Sam, (Kevin Bacon.) but he doesn't really seem interested in her, as she is with him. One day Kate is at a friends wedding and she meets Nick (Jay Mohr.) who is there to film the wedding. They have a chat, have there picture taken together and that's about it. Until, one day at work, Kate's friend Darcy, (Illeana Douglas.) tells everyone that Kate is engaged to Nick, so Kate can get promoted at her work. Everyone obviously believes it, so now it's up to Kate to ask Nick, if he can pretend to be her fiance, for a while and then later on in the 'relationship' they will have a break up in front of everyone . Nick agrees to do this. The only thing is Nick ends up falling for Kate and whilst Kate is 'seeing him,' she ends up sleeping with the guy she fancied in the first place, Sam. He seems to want her now, she's with someone.

The story in the movie is a little unbelievable, but so what, it's a just a movie and it's a very enjoyable one too. It has one of those stories, where you can guess what's going to happen at the end straight away. Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Bacon and Jay Mohr are all great here too. So, if you fancy seeing a romantic comedy (If you've already seen, classic movies like, Sleepless In Seattle and You've Got Mail, etc.) then Picture Picture is the one for you. I rate Picture Perfect an 8/10.
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Not bad, amusing but formula-type plot.
PyrolyticCarbon12 August 2001
Jennifer Aniston appears to have quite successfully lost the friends tag with this film, and pulls off a successful performance opposite Kevin Bacon's cool support. Amusing and contrived, but before you know it you'll be enjoying it.
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Bright Cast
gcd7012 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
From director Glenn Gordon Caron, "Picture Perfect" is a predictable, everyday romantic comedy that is lifted above the drudgery by the movie's bright cast alone.

Jennifer Aniston is a fresh, enjoyable movie newcomer. She plays well the frustrated career woman who can't get her job or her relationships sorted out. Jay Mohr is the nice guy who tapes weddings for a living and Kevin Bacon is the sleazy Sam, a guy who sticks to unavailable women to avoid commitment. Likable support from Ileana Douglas, Olympia Dukakis (though not at her best) and Kevin Dunn.

Tuesday, April 25, 2000 - Video
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Really dull
psychprofessor22 February 2004
Take nice-looking characters and direct them in super slo-mo, and you have "Picture Perfect." Some of the scenes--e.g., the one in the restaurant to meet Kate's fiancé--might have been funny, but the leaden direction turned them deadly dull. Skip this one and look for something else.
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.. . like a great wine.. takes aging
bjarias28 October 2014
One of 'America's Sweethearts'.. here she's 28 years old, at her charming best. She has great acting skills, too many times not fully evidenced in the films in which she's appearing. These rom-com's are okay, but now, in her mid 40's, and how many has she done.. almost all copies one way or another of each other. Not to say she hasn't done some very challenging work, but here in this film, now 17 years old, she again shows nuances of great acting skills.. to my mind lost in what is just another mediocre script. Many would disagree, as is their right. She's not going anywhere.. she'll be around for quite a long time.. maybe it will change as she gets older. Personal opinion.. we've yet to repeatedly see the depth of just how good an actor she truly is.
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You know what's funny? Not this movie...
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews17 July 2005
Yep, that's it. Cold and hard. You can call this film 'sweet'. You can try to justify its existence through every possible way known to man. You can even claim that it's romantic, rather than dated, derivative and 'been there, done that'. Nothing will change the fact that this film simply is not funny. The humor is just not there. The chemistry between the cast is non-existent. The film reeks of 'could have been'. There's nothing funny about it. While I watched, I tried come up with things less amusing than this film; I couldn't think of a thing. Within the first thirty minutes or so, there's an ethnic wedding. Somehow, I felt that it was supposed to be funny, that I should laugh, but nothing about it was even remotely humorous. Early on, there's a scene where Aniston's character's boss tells her she needs to spend more money than she has if she wants a promotion. I couldn't help but be disgusted at this; in a country where a few people have almost all of the money and so many people have nothing at all, someone actually looks down who doesn't spend more than they need to. Worse even, this is passed off as humor. I felt like turning off the TV at that point, but due to my strong curiosity, in other words, my desire to find out if this garbage got any worse forced me to keep watching. Fortunately, it didn't, but I still couldn't muster up the effort to watch attentively after that first half hour. The plot is so stupid and far-fetched that it's almost a waste of space to put it in writing here, but I feel that I must warn others, deter them from watching this utter mess. Aniston, as just mentioned, can't get a promotion if she doesn't start spending more money. Her friend knows this, so she does what any sensible person would do for their best friend... she uses a big, fat lie to get her the promotion. She tells the boss that Aniston is engaged to be wed. Apparently, this also makes her attractive to a guy she's in love with... like I said, I didn't pay much attention to it. Not much else to say... the acting is fair. Jay Mohr(who I am a fairly big fan of, and because of whom I watched the film at all) does very good, as usual. The film isn't really worth watching, for any reason at all. I recommend this only to huge fans of one of the leads and girls who sob over even the most ridiculous love story. No one else should bother. 1/10
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Decent Rom Com but hey that's a great thing. It means it not cheesy!
xristinad28 April 2021
I put that movie on with the expectation of watching a light movie.

And that's exactly what I got.

A Rom Com with a good story, not that original but it doesn't remind you of every other rom com that you've watched before. So that's a great thing. And yeah they get together at the end duh it's a movie, but in a nice way. I liked it a lot!
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A predictable rom com with zero chemistry between its two main leads
lisafordeay21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Picture Perfect is a 1997 romantic comedy starring Jennifer Aniston,Jay Mohr,Kevin Bacon and Olypkia Dukekis.

A young executive named Kate(Aniston)pretends to be engaged in order to get a promotion as she really has a crush on her boss(Bacon). But will Kate and Nick(Mohr) get together for real.

Overall I thought it was a decent rom com. The chemistry between the two main leads was awkward as both Jennifer Aniston and Jay Mohr despised one another in real life and it really showed.
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A sweet charmer
jjnxn-110 May 2013
The first and best of Jennifer Aniston's string of comedies. She is sprightly and charming and the film light and airy. What really carries this over and makes it better than the host of pale films that have come after is Jay Mohr. He is ingratiating and sweet, he has always been better as sweethearts although he can play a jerk well, and the chemistry between the two of them is much better than she has shared with most of her other leading men. A high grade supporting cast adds to the pleasure of this, Olympia Dukakis is a delight as Jennifer's brassy mom, the always dependable Ileana Douglas fun as her friend, Kevin Bacon has a snarky charm as the office gigolo and Kevin Dunn offers a nice turn as her boss.
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NIce Light Comedy - Picture Perfect
arthur_tafero8 September 2021
This film is not Hamlet. Jennifer Anniston is not Meryl Streep. That said, this film is entertaining and funny. Everyone does a fine job; even the smug, but convincing Kevin Bacon. If you need to forget your troubles for an hour or so, this is the film for you. Recommended.
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Strangely familiar
Ripe Peach11 February 2001
Alternative title, "The 105 minute Friends episode with Kevin Bacon in it". Jennifer Anniston plays the same part (superficially charming bimbo bitch) as she always does, which is a shame as I really suspect there's a versatile actress in there struggling to get out. I'm sure she'll quit starving herself into ever tighter dresses, and pick a decent character role soon. Hopefully she'll make the switch before her cleaving re-arranging affectations becomes sad and tired rather than cute and winning.

Kevin Bacon either read a different script than the one they actually used, or he owed big money to the wrong people, because he's badly underused in this film. The rest of the competent cast say their lines and try not to trip over the furniture, but they're also not given much material to work with.

It's not funny, and Anniston's character is too fundamentally horrid for it to be romantic. So what is it? 105 minutes of fairly harmless backdrop, I suppose, but not anything you'd actually sit down to watch given the choice of anything better.
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