Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman (TV Movie 1993) Poster

(1993 TV Movie)

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ATTACK OF THE 50 FOOT WOMAN (TV) (Christopher Guest, 1993) **
Bunuel197612 May 2008
A smartly feminist reading of the 1958 camp classic is the basis of this made-for-TV remake which needlessly opens up the proceedings by adding some 25 minutes of “character development” – which, basically, means new personalities who further traumatize or assist the distressed titular female. Daryl Hannah has trouble coping with the ugly duckling part of the story but grows nicely into her role once the gigantic transformation comes along and in which she is curiously but attractively decked out in cavewoman garb!

Excepting the rather obnoxious Daniel Baldwin (as Hannah’s philandering husband), the rest of the cast is capable enough: Frances Fisher is Hannah’s helpful shrink, William Windom is her greedy tycoon father and, best of all, Cristi Conaway is Baldwin’s sexy mistress who practically changes to a more outrageous wig with every new scene she’s in; I knew nothing of her going in but, being sufficiently impressed I looked up her resume' on IMB and, what do you know, she was once married to an actor of presumably Maltese origins named Salvator Xuereb!!

This is all well and good, perhaps, but I still wouldn’t say that this is an improvement on the unjustly maligned original; for one thing, there are no giant aliens to be seen here and, worse still, the goofy fat deputy is (predictably, under the circumstances) replaced by a squeaky, tomboyish girl. The sheriff and his deputy are here depicted as being avid drive-in cinema-goers and, at one point, Hannah rips off the roof of a cinema which is screening the 1958 original! The new coda is also quite amusing: having been received inside the spaceship which caused her enormous growth, Hannah is joined by two other gigantic beauties who, sure enough, look upon their tiny hubbies as they go confessing to their various infidelities in interstellar group therapy!
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Slightly funny bad weird remake
SkullScreamerReturns15 July 2022
I bought a 4-movie pack that has this movie. I expected it to be the original from the 50s but instead got this remake. Well... it's a campy bad movie but surprisingly not as annoying it could have been. Something about the vibe was fun enough to not be too boring. Giant Daryl Hannah is nice to look at, and Daniel Baldwin is having at least a little bit fun performing the boyfriend/husband/whatever guy he is.

The only thing I was disappointed there was not horror at all. The giant girl doesn't do much rampaging you would expect from this kind of movie. I guess there was no budget to destroy buildings. However, it's not a very long movie, so it's easy to watch if you want something weird.
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I'm a person, not a chair
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews27 April 2010
I haven't seen the original; I can imagine that it isn't as feminist as, or at least less overtly so than, this. Guest gets the tone, and this largely delivers what it promises. I know he can direct something hilarious, since I've seen Best in Show; this doesn't have the benefits of a cast full of proved comedic talent, and the writing is inferior, though not without chuckle-inducing moments. There are a couple of lines that are downright quotable. You probably know the plot already; Daniel Baldwin, a bastard merely by virtue of the fact that he's cheating on Darryl Hannah(even if the squeeze he found is also a sight for sore eyes), and several others (all male) talk down to her, and once she begins to grow in size, she attempts to exact vengeance upon them. The FX are cheesy, dated and obvious, and I would wager this was an intentional decision. This is both a spoof and an homage. There is brief suspense. The characters and acting aren't half bad. There is some sexuality(and eye-candy) and brief nudity in this. The DVD comes with a theatrical trailer. I recommend this to fans of the concept. 5/10
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Giantess Hannah Rocks
george.schmidt20 November 2001
ATTACK OF THE 50 FT. WOMAN (1993-MADE FOR CABLE TV) ** 1/2 Daryl Hannah, Daniel Baldwin, Cristi Conaway, William Windom, Frances Fisher, Paul Benedict. Special effects laden remake of the campy sci-fi classic about a troubled woman whose close encounter with a UFO transforms her into a giantess. Easily head and shoulders above its laughable predecessor, Hannah makes the most of her towering performance in a film that tries to mix feminism with kitsch. She gives Allison Hayes a run for her money in her behemoth bikini. Directed by comedian/"Spinal Tap" star Christopher Guest (too bad he didn't think of this as a vehicle for his wife Jamie Lee Curtis. Yowsa!!)
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A Failed Attempt at a Campy Parody of the 1950s Horror Genre
jonathanruano6 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"Attack of the 50 foot Woman" was intended as a parody of the 1958 cult classic and in the beginning it does succeed on that level. Dr. Victor Loeb (Paul Benedict) tells his audience, "Everything that you are about to see is true," even though it is hard to imagine someone having the foresight to film the entire unabridged life story of the 50 foot woman, Nancy Archer (Daryl Hannah), including shots of her cheating husband Harry Archer (Daniel Baldwin).

But from the moment that we see Nancy Archer driving down the highway with her car, this movie falls apart. There are gags, but the gags get old and tired very quickly. Daniel Baldwin as mean- spirited, promiscuous husband Harry Archer is funny in a couple of scenes, but annoying in others. The two police officers -- a fat cop and a skinny partner -- engage in banter that is intended to be funny, but what transpires between them does not payoff. This is the pattern throughout the film where one joke after the other is attempted and yet fails to generate any laughs. A part of the reason for the absence of laughs is that the jokes are lacking in any imagination and the other reason is that you can see the gags from a mile away.

A good parody of a fifty foot woman could still be made, but this is not the film that does that. The film-makers seemed to have thought that putting a flying saucer, a fifty foot woman, some fake footage of a town, a mean husband, and two boring police officers would be enough to create a campy comedy. But they were wrong. "Attack of the 50 foot woman" is a primary example of the screenplay simply not being ready for production.
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You Just Don't Get Postmodernism, Do You?
JamesHitchcock23 August 2013
A friend of mine once said that "a happy wife may have the best husband, but more often makes the best of the husband she has". Nancy Archer, the main character in this film, is another wife struggling to make the best of a bad job. She's just not a happy one. Her husband, Harry, is frequently unfaithful to her, but she tries hard to convince herself that she still loves him and that, in spite of appearances, he really still loves her. Nancy's problems don't end with Harry. She is an heiress who has inherited considerable wealth from her mother, but her father, Hamilton Cobb, a ruthless and ambitious property speculator, bullies her into allowing him to use the money to fund his business ventures. Nancy's one source of comfort is her psychiatrist, Dr. Cushing, whom she sees frequently.

And then, following an encounter with a UFO one night, Nancy finds herself growing to gigantic size, not stopping until she is 50 feet tall. She realises that her new height, and corresponding strength, have given her the opportunity to get even with her father and Harry.

When I recently reviewed "Roxanne", also starring Daryl Hannah, I pointed out that, although she was regarded as one of Hollywood's rising stars of the eighties, her career seemed to go into something of a decline and few of her films from this century, apart from the two "Kill Bill" episodes, have aroused much attention. Part of the reason may have been Hollywood has had something of a surplus of lookalike leggy blondes in the last two or three decades (Kim Basinger, Uma Thurman, Cameron Diaz, Gwyneth Paltrow, etc.), but another part of the reason may have been too many films like this one.

Actually, Daryl's performance here is not a particularly bad one, and she makes Nancy into a rather sweet and lovable heroine. My problem was that I just couldn't see why the film was made in the first place. The original 1958 version of "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" is frequently described as a "cult movie". Now this expression sometimes means "unjustly neglected masterpiece", or at least "a film regarded by its cultists, if by nobody else, as an unjustly neglected masterpiece", but in the context of low-budget fifties sci-fi it generally means "complete rubbish which some people enjoy watching for the pleasure of sniggering at how bad it is". Indeed, "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" is sometimes listed among the "worst films ever made", although in my opinion it cannot really compete with the true classics of that particular genre such as "Plan 9 from Outer Space". It's bad, certainly, but not quite that bad.

So why on earth would anyone want to remake it? Possibly because of its very reputation for badness. After all, devotees of cult movies of this variety frequently claim to watch them in a spirit of postmodern ironic detachment, and so if accused of making a bad movie the film-makers will always have a retort handy. "But it's not a bad movie! It's an ironic movie! You just don't get postmodernism, do you?"

Unfortunately, to paraphrase Edith Cavell, irony is not enough. The 1993 film does not really add anything to its less-than-illustrious predecessor. Certainly, the art of special effects had advanced during the intervening three and a half decades, so this aspect of the film is certainly better than in the original, but that's only "better" in the sense that "mediocre" is better than "embarrassingly bad". The remake's one indisputably new feature is that it adds a heavy-handed feminist message along the lines of "men are all bastards". It is notable that at the end Nancy takes revenge in full on her husband and father while Harry's mistress Honey is forgiven. (Yeah, she might have played her part in breaking up Nancy's marriage, but as a woman she is automatically counted as part of the "sisterhood").

Part of the incongruity of the original was the way in which it combined a domestic melodrama about a cheating husband with a science-fiction theme and did so in a completely straight-laced, humourless way. People may have laughed at the original; they didn't laugh with it. One way of remaking it, therefore, would have been to do so as a comedy which attempted to get laughs out of this incongruity, but the remake never achieves this. It may have been made in an ironic, tongue-in-cheek spirit, but "tongue-in-cheek" does not always equate to "funny". It's not an ironic movie. It's just a bad movie. I just don't get postmodernism, do I? 4/10
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Not nearly as fun as it sounds
squirrel_burst20 November 2014
This version of "Attack of the 50 foot Woman" isn't as much fun as the title may suggest. The main problem is that the film can't make up its mind on what it wants to be. Is it a spoof/homage to the cheesy 50's giant monster horror movies, or is a serious, but bizarre fantasy-drama about a woman who needs to break out of her shell? I know this sounds absolutely baffling, but the film actually kind of works as a quirky drama. We've got this woman who is suddenly 50 feet tall and has more than enough power to stand up to the men that would objectify and abuse her. Mixed in with that we have some standard giant monster stuff that feels really out of place, and this is coming from a big fan of Kaiju/giant monster movies. If the film had picked either direction and stuck with it, this could have been a very entertaining film but instead the audience is left disappointed. I found that technically the movie is pretty good, with some convincing special effects (well, for the most part; overall they are still convincing) and it features a good cast. How or when you're going to watch this, I really don't know because this is neither a "so bad it's good" cheesy horror flick you can laugh at and it isn't a clever twist on the films that inspired it either. I mistook this version for the original "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" when I bought the VHS tape. Sure it only cost me a buck but I was still disappointed. (On VHS, September 21, 2012)
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Lousy Remake to a Classic Sci-Fi
aesgaard4129 November 2000
I was really excited to hear that there was going to be a remake of my favorite movie, but bitterly disappointed when I realized that it would be starring Daryl Hannah in the title role. She's not a very sexy actress nor is she very good-looking by my standards. I've always thought she was a bit on the skinny side. This role needs someone with a certain amount of sex appeal like Markie Post, Emma Samms, Victoria Principal or maybe even the actress playing Honey Parker, Cristi Conaway. I think this movie was just made to show off a new special effect technique, but even then, she still just looks like a normal woman on one of those table top train sets like I used to own. They could have used more of the extreme camera shots like used in Eddie Murphy's godzilla scene in "The Nutty Professor." Much of the movie's script has been updated though and two of the all male roles are now played by actresses [the deputy and one doctor].Some of the lines from the first movie are repeated verbatim, but the attack is still less than a true attack as seen on the original's movie poster. The violence is played down instead of up. The ending, though, is a bigger let down and a far cry from the historical last scene from the original. That strange grinding noise you hear through the movie is actually Allison Hayes rolling over in her grave.
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Leofwine_draca23 September 2013
This 1993 TV movie is a remake of a classic, campy bit of '50s sci-fi cinema and it's an absolute dog of a film. Perhaps understandably, the makes of this pitiful nonsense have gone for a comic, equally campy approach because there's no way the elements of this movie could ever be taken seriously, comedy or otherwise.

ATTACK OF THE 50 FT. WOMAN is a film filled with horrible actors reading from a horrible script. It's diabolically bad, the script is puerile and at times it gets so bad that I actually felt embarrassed for those involved. Yes, this stuff could pass muster in the long-gone 1950s, but not in the early '90s when TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY had revolutionised the sci-fi genre just two years previously.

Daryl Hannah lives up to her blonde bimbo reputation as the titular character, who doesn't even grow until an inordinate time of boring small-talk and excruciating attempts at character development have taken place. Meanwhile, the Baldwin clan have a reputation for playing sleazy, slimy and obnoxious characters and sibling Daniel takes the biscuit with his adulterous husband here - a character who's literally oozing grease and stupidity.

The special effects are poor, and only appear "special" in a couple of scenes in the whole movie, and the sight of a wobbly, poorly-animated UFO is the barrel-scraping nadir, really. The idea of a scorned wife grown to gigantic proportions and wreaking havoc on an unsuspecting town in search of her slimeball husband is an outlandish one and something you think would be difficult to mess up; there's the spectacle if nothing else, but everything about this movie is screwed up in the worst way.
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The worst movie of the century!!!!
pikkupioneeri17 November 1999
I can honestly say that this is the worst movie I have ever seen. The plot was stupid, the special effects looked ridiculous, and worst of all, every single character was simply annoying. Well, maybe Nancy´s husband wasn´t that bad, at least he was mean to Nancy, who was the most disgusting of all characters. Besides I hated the ending. Maybe this film was supposed to be funny, like the new Blob was, but it was not. It was simply lousy and annoying. Now you might ask that why did I watch the movie at all if it was so terrible, and that´s a very good question. I really have no idea...
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Mediocre remake of a mediocre movie
mritchie-219 June 2001
While it is an amusing movie and a good way to "waste" a couple hours. The plot is outdated and the acting quality is right out of the 1950s, hasn't changed a bit, however, you have to give it credit, after all, what do you expect out of a movie with the title Attack of the 50 ft. Woman, by the way, they can't even get that one right, if you look at her while she's standing next to certain objects, you can see she's over 100 feet rather than 50 feet. This is a movie to see only once. If you are a fan of the 50's movies, or if you don't mind movies with silly plots and bad acting, you'll enjoy this one, otherwise, steer clear of this one by all costs.
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Don't miss this, providing you think irony isn't like coppery and tinny...
garethmt27 September 2012
I get really amused by the reviews from people who think this is a serious film - please grow up, people!

A real tongue in cheek remake of a 50's B Movie, the sort of thing Rodrigues and Tarantino did later with Planet Terror, but this was WAY before that. Wonderful one liners and parodies of the fifties, loved the catering wagon with "Arkoff & Corman" on the side, a great tribute to the masters of the 50's B Movie genre. Loved it, Daryl Hannah is wonderful but so are the whole cast,the sleazy husband, uncaring father and the beautician mistress with the interchangeable hair ( a different wig in every scene) are classic characters you'll recognise immediately. looks like they really had fun making this. Well worth your time, don't forget the popcorn!
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Hall hath no fury like a woman grown....
LeathermanCraig19 April 2004
OK, so it's a cheesy remake of a camp classic.... But it is all good, harmless fun....

Darryl Hannah stars as the titular character - a wealthy heiress who grows to 50 foot tall after she gets angry. After a freak encounter with aliens, she grows to an enormous size after an argument with her husband (Daniel Baldwin) and her father. It's a perfect remake of the 50's classic, updated to match the current 90's time frame - with big business and big bucks hanging in the balance.

Some argue that another actress could have been cast as the lead, but Darryl was at the height of her popularity during the early 90s and is perfect in this role. Others argue that this b-rated made-for-cable release was a case of her slumming in her career. Either way, this stands as a cheesy remake of the camp b-movie classic...

A definite afternoon cheezer pleaser...
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nothing new added, just a camp remake
trashgang29 February 2012
Maybe I didn't got the idea behind this remake of the 1958 classic but I found it a pure waist of time. It all looked very cheap, maybe it was intended but for me it didn't work. If you are remaking a flick then I suppose that you add something new towards it but by just using the same cheap effects for me it's a pity that it was made.

The acting was also a bit exaggerated just like in the fifties but I just couldn't get into the characters. The main lead by Daryll Hannah was okay and she moved further to play in Kill Bill 1 and 2 and is supposed to return in part 3. Daniel Baldwin couldn't convince me at all but then again, so many failed in this flick. It's girl galore because Cristi Conaway was good too.

But it is really so slow, too much of talking and nothing really happens until the last 15 minutes. I'm not digging flicks from the fifties but if you remake them the same way as then then I leave it as it is.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 1/5
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AppleAsylum27 December 2002
Of course it is! This is the type of B-movie that you'll enjoy. I didn't expect to see HANNAH in this role. But it was fun in a corny kind of way. Although it is still the classic story just like the original, it is "made for tv." But thats okay because Hannah leads that "glamor blonde bombshell life" that her beauty stops the film from falling apart. (5)
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"Prepare your minds for a new scale of experience..."
classicsoncall18 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'd have to say this flick was kind of trippy, much in the same way the original film was back in 1958, which I still maintain was the very best year for all of the sci-fi and horror schlock that ever came out. It was gratifying to see a tribute to the earlier version of "Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman" when Daryl Hannah dropped in on the El Monte and a few brief clips made it onto the screen. As well as a nod to a year earlier classic when Nancy Archer (Hannah) asked Dr. Loeb (Paul Benedict) about his out-sized hypodermic needle - "So what's in that amazing colossal spike?" If you're a fan of this stuff, you'll know the writers threw in that reference to "The Amazing Colossal Man".

The choice of William Windom was a good one to portray Nancy's father, Hamilton Cobb. In a bit of role reversal, Windom portrays a father who tries to have his daughter committed for insanity so he can proceed with his empire building, but if you go all the way back to the original Star Trek TV series, Windom was actually the crazy one as Commodore Decker, a madman at the helm of the Starship Enterprise in the episode "The Doomsday Machine". It's one of the few, if not the only time, that a guest star took over that show.

Now I'm a big fan of this stuff as long as it stays relegated to the B Movie genre of the Forties and Fifties. A picture like this loses some resonance when done in color with a better known cast. And even so, it looked and sounded to me like the players were being terrible on purpose. The acting and dialog were below B grade, and Hannah was particularly wooden in her normal sized Nancy guise. But things did pick up a notch once she got into her angry mode. Anyone wonder how she came across those expertly tailored gigantic woman clothes? I know you're not supposed to think about stuff like that, but really, where did the duds come from?

Well it started out as kinky sci-fi and turned into a feminist manifesto near the finale, but for all that it's a fun flick if you go for this kind of stuff. The story line probably could have used a bit more of Dr. Loeb and Hard Luck Eddie (Hamilton Camp), but what the heck, you get what you get. If you could handle this and haven't seen the original, you owe it to yourself to see a classic that breaks the mold of the 'so bad it's good' genre.
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Laclustre sci-fi cheese
Red-Barracuda26 August 2009
This is a remake of a film I have never seen so it's impossible to compare but I guess it was commissioned back in the early 90's because remakes of 50's sci-fi films were then in vogue. The idea I imagine was that those old movies could benefit from the new special effects technology of the time. It has to be said, however, that some of the special effects used in this version of Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman are not much better than those used in the original King Kong sixty years previously. Maybe it's because this is a made for TV production and the budget isn't too high. That's possible certainly but I'm still sure they could've done better. Special effects aside, they could definitely have written the movie better that's for sure. The central idea of a giant woman terrorizing a town is silly and trashy and that's fine, but the problem is that she doesn't get to properly attack anything really. The final showdown effectively amounts to a domestic situation between the 50 Ft. woman and her philandering husband. It's not really the best way to showcase the central character. A little bit more destruction would not have gone amiss. Admittedly the National Guard do show up and battle with the giantess at the end but it's extremely half-hearted at best.

Another problem is the way that the supporting cast react to the fact that Daryl Hannah has suddenly grown to a gigantic size. No one really seems very surprised and they all basically carry on acting as if nothing out of the ordinary has happened. A little shock and awe would not have done any harm. It might've helped us have a little empathy with some of the characters. As it was, it was difficult to care too much about anybody, seeing as everyone was so poorly written. Daryl Hannah isn't very good as the lead character but Cristi Conaway is actually not bad as the mistress; maybe she'd have been better in the title role.

At the end of the day this is meant to be a cheesy film, so it has to be judged on its cheese value and it does provide some entertainment in a completely throwaway kind of way. It thankfully doesn't take itself at all seriously. At the end of the day the idea of a 50 Ft. woman going on the rampage can only be taken so far so I suppose it's not entirely surprising that this one isn't very good.
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This is movie is not good
axel3356 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie its not good. The hole idea of a superbigwomen is stupid. The actor is at its most doing there job and not more. They really don't have much to work with, Daryl Hannah looks god but that's it. One keeps thinking why anyone would do a remake of a film that was not good in the first place. The 1993 version did not add anything to the 1958 version.

The special effects are lousy. Probably they couldn't do better than this 20 years ago but that's makes it only looks cheesy today. Another thing that's strikes me is that the movie is extremely slow. Not very much happens. Sometimes the director tries to be funny. I wish he hadn't. The jokes fell flat to the ground.

All in all the movie is not awful but not good either. Its rather boring and I could not recommend this to anyone.
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The whole movie feels like a ripoff what it promises us
musamatthew-1134819 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So this remake of the 1958 film is utter trash the charcters are all generic and dull and stupid at one point in the movie Daryl Hannah says that she wants to kill her husband and the person he's dating but for some reason whe doesn't kill then why don't you just kill them which was stupid mind you and speaking of stupid the ending was really dumb like when the helicopters arrive and chase Daryl Hannah she just simply walks and doesn't even run or at least speedwalk also there's no way that she can't just get over or go under an electric tower like girl you could do that also she's so weak she can't even punch down a helicopter despite being a giant, also if the movie began with a bunch of tour guides watching the document from the scientists about this why couldn't the movie just end with the projector ending and the guest all leaving and the ending was ridiculous how once Daryl Hannahs chsrcter got abbudcuted by the Ufo that made her to a giant it just turn into Star Trek and i was just laughing at it because of how absolutely stupid it was, the only things I liked about it was when they played the original 1958, some of the destruction looked cool and Daryl Hannah was ok playing Nancy despite sucking at getting her revenge.
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Size isn't everything.
parry_na29 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Wronged woman Nancy (Daryl Hannah) gets zapped by a laser from a flying saucer and as a result, grows to giant size whenever she gets angry. With a premise like that, how could so much of the running time have turned out to be such dull viewing?

And yet, all the ingredients spell better things. There is a phoney, tongue-in-cheek recreation of 1950s America, in which actors are encouraged to overplay events to make it clear we're not to take them too seriously. There are some (presumably) deliberately cheesy effects to replicate the style of B-movies of that era (a genre in which the original 1958 version of this snugly fitted). Problem is, whilst everything is competent, the script isn't terribly funny, nor is it poignant despite Hannah's vulnerable appeal. Chunky philandering liar and cartoon husband Harry (Danny Baldwin) balances well a hateful and comedic persona.

As you may imagine, her increased stature gives Nancy a sense of empowerment. No longer a wallflower, she still makes it her business to track down her errant husband. Yet it isn't solely personal empowerment she feels, but a strength on behalf of all women, giving this a feminist flavour, all the while looking great in a cavewoman-style outfit. Hannah carries the fifty-foot look very well, and is lithe enough to actually convince. She isn't perhaps the most personable actress, and it occurs to me from time to time, for someone of her renewed gravitas, she underplays it somewhat. The image of this towering, haunted victim of circumstance dazedly and pathetically scanning the streets and calling out her husband's name in the doomed hope he can help her, however, is effective.

The ending sees Harry, and a handful of other presumably deceitful/unfaithful men put very much in their place by Nancy, who has now been reclaimed by the flying saucer and is in the company of other 50 foot women. Whether this is supposed to be seen as one 'in the eye' for menfolk or philanderers everywhere, is unclear.
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Ain't spandex great?
Bernie444410 October 2023
This is an HBO remake of the original '50s 50 footers. Naturally, there had to be some adjustments for the new era. However, it still captures the thrills and chills. You may also marvel at the spandex clothing that stretches forever (rats.)

Nancy, the little woman, (Daryl Hannah) does not have quite the devoted husband (Daniel Baldwin.) Here life is not quite ideal. Soon a chance encounter with aliens (the space type) leaves her feeling bigger about the situation. 50 feet bigger. Now it is Nancy's turn for a little revenge. The ending is a little unnerving.

Be sure to see Daryl is just as serious of a role in "High spirits" (1998)
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Loved this ironic, post feminist film
mlaforet18 August 2002
Very funny B flick. Tried a bit to hard to stay a B movie but a wonderful lark of hit you over the head metaphor of a woman "growing into her power". Ms Hanna was the right choice for this transformative awakening.

I'd live in Nancy Archer's pocket any day!
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Not bad
neil-4761 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Put-upon poor little rich girl Nancy is constantly put down by her obnoxious businessman dad, and cheated on by her oily deceitful husband. A chance encounter with aliens makes her grow to outlandish size, and she begins to find herself as her personality begins to catch up with her height.

The original was a cheap 50s drive-in movie. This revisitation cleverly takes key aspects of the original - the miniature sets and not-entirely-convincing special effects, and couples them with a gentle feminist subtext: social commentary meets darkish humour in a sci-fi setting.

It's nicely done. Darryl Hannah's Nancy is sympathetic, and all the supporting cast is good.

And the ending is great!
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Attack of the 50 Foot Woman
jboothmillard27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The original 1958 cult classic is a silly movie, I didn't have high hopes for this made-for-TV remake either, directed by Christopher Guest (Best in Show, A Mighty Wind). Basically, Nancy Archer (Daryl Hannah) is a wealthy socialite who inherited her fortune from her late mother, and her father Hamilton Cobb (William Windom) hopes to use the money to gain control over their town. Nancy has been seeing psychiatrist Dr. Theodora Cushing (Titanic's Frances Fisher) to talk about her low self-esteem and bad marriage with her husband Harry (Stephen Baldwin). She is unaware he is having an affair with town beautician Louise "Honey" Parker (Batman Returns' Cristi Conaway), and together they discuss plans to steal the family's business away from Nancy's father. Despite her attempts to confront Harry, Nancy cannot healthily express her anger, allowing both her husband and father to take advantage of her. Nancy is driving in the desert at night when she sees a UFO that crash-lands on the deserted highway in front of her, causing her to veer off the road. After driving away, she decides to keep it to herself, concerned she will not be believed. Eventually, she tells Harry about what she saw and convinces him to accompany her to drive back to the desert and find the flying saucer. They drive around for some time with no hope, but then as night falls, Nancy is excited when the spaceship appears, and she is proven right. Getting out of the car to investigate, Nancy is trapped by a bright light. Harry runs away and Nancy disappears along with the UFO. Returning to town, Harry does not report what happened to the local authorities, Sheriff Denby (O'Neal Compton) and Deputy Charlotte "Charlie" Spooner (Victoria Haas). A dazed Nancy is later found on the roof of Honey's salon and is brought home. Hamilton is suspicious that Harry left her out in the desert, but he denies any wrongdoing. Harry accuses Hamilton of neglecting his own wife after she was locked away at an institution, which he ironically considered for Nancy after she told him about the UFO. As the two men argue, Nancy loses her temper, shouting that she can speak for herself and her mother. Suddenly, she starts growing to a gigantic size, her clothes are torn and her head smashes through the ceiling into the attic. The next morning, Nancy has been taken to a large stable. Specialist scientist Dr. Victor Loeb (Paul Benedict) is brought to observe Nancy, he deduces that a hormonal surge caused her growth. Nancy is scared and wants to find a cure, but the doctors have no idea how to treat their giant patient. Dr. Loeb tells Harry he is convinced that her increased size and anything that could cause stress is too dangerous. As she grows, Nancy becomes more self-confident and strong-willed, and she invites Harry to dinner to discuss the situation. Nancy believes her growth can make their marriage stronger. But Harry, who intends to get rid of her, speculates that stress will overload her heart and blood pressure and kill her, leaving the family business and its money to him. Harry pretends to be angered by Nancy's suggestions and reveals his affair with Honey and being with other women. He deliberately insults and angers her so much that she faints from the stress, and she falls, crashing into the stable. Believing she is dead, Harry goes to see Honey to celebrate, offering her Nancy's diamond necklace. But Nancy wakes up and walks through the town searching for Harry. She passes a drive-through cinema showing a classic movie (the original Attack of the 50 Foot Woman). Finding Honey and Harry, she grabs Honey but decides to spare her. Harry hides under a desk in fear and tries to crawl away. But Nancy, seeking revenge for his infidelity, follows him to his car. Capturing Harry, she flees into the desert with National Guard helicopters pursuing her. Stopping next to a high-voltage power mast, she is confronted by her father, the authorities, and Dr. Cushing. She asserts herself and tells everyone she knows her father's ambitions to buy out the town using her money. The sheriff tries to speak to the sniper in the helicopter, causing a miscommunication. The sniper shoots Nancy, directly hitting her, and she falls into the power cables, but she is rescued and taken away, along with Harry, in the UFO. As people gathered walk away, Honey and Hamilton decide to make a business agreement. Dr. Cushing remarks that "She finally got Harry all to herself". Inside the UFO, Harry is forced to undergo therapy with two other men, watched over by the giant Nancy and two other giantesses (Berta Waagfjord and Kye Benson), and the spaceship flies away into the night. Also starring Lewis Arquette as Mr. Ingersol, Xander Berkeley as Second Man, and Hamilton Camp as Prospector Eddie. Hannah is reasonable as the unhappy wife growing into a confident vengeful woman, Baldwin is lame as the unfaithful husband, and although she tries Fisher cannot be taken seriously. This is just as laughably terrible as the original film, in terms of some of the script of silly dialogue and half-hearted direction by Guest. On the positive side, the plot involving female empowerment is interesting enough, and the special effects, especially the UFO and Hannah looking oversized, sexy, and stomping through the streets is much better, overall though, it is a pointless, silly science-fiction comedy horror. Pretty poor!
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Very funny and deliberately campy remake of the 50's schlock classic
Woodyanders17 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Beautiful and wealthy, but meek and unhappy Nancy Archer (a fine and appealing performance by Daryl Hannah) becomes more assertive and self-assured after an encounter with a UFO causes her to grow fifty feet tall. However, her unfaithful conniving husband Harry (a nicely sleazy portrayal by Daniel Baldwin) tries to have Nancy committed to an asylum so he can collect her sizable fortune. Director Christopher Guest, working from a sharp and witty script by Joseph Dougherty, maintains a snappy pace and an engaging tongue-in-cheek tone while putting a knowing 90's feminist female empowerment spin on the material: Nancy gets more gutsy and confidant due to her increased size, thereby encouraging herself and other distaff characters to surmount the smarmy male oppression around them. Moreover, it's acted with zest by a spirited cast: William Windom as Nancy's domineering tycoon father Hamilton Camp, Frances Fisher as helpful therapist Dr. Theodora Cushing, Cristi Conway as Harry's sexy'n'sassy beautician paramour Louise "Honey" Parker, Paul Benedict as the pompous Dr. Victor Loeb, O'Neal Compton as the amiable Sheriff Denby, and Victoria Hass as spunky tomboy Deputy Charlotte "Charlie" Spooner. The rather rinky-dink (not so) special effects possess a certain tacky charm. The obvious cheesy outdoor sets likewise have an endearing artificial look to them. Both Nicholas Pike's spacey score and Russell Carpenter's bright cinematography are up to par. A cute diversion.
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