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A Dark Time For America
chinaskee4 July 2001
This is one of the most powerful films that I have seen about the Japanese-American experience in the internment camps during WW2.The think that struck me from the very beginning was that these folk were just as American as any of us.They,too,were just trying to live the American Dream,until the policies of the US Government took their dreams away from them.History has a bad habit of repeating itself,and movies like this remind us that regardless of race,creed,or color,we're all just Americans.This was a bad time for US domestic policy,and hopefully a shameful policy like this will never rear its ugly head again in our country.
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A Difficult Movie to *Feel*
POPSCENE30 January 1999
I wish that this film could have been better--and it could have, in many ways. First of all the acting was quite good, particularly Tamlyn Tomita whose charm and beauty make for radiant scenes. And the sets/cinematography allowed for a good deal of authenticity.

However, the difficulty I have with the film concerns--as other reviewers have noted--a wandering and unfocused script. Although Alan Parker allows for an accurate (for the most part) and revealing look at life in the internment camps, we rarely see anything from Jack's (Dennis Quaid) perspective. What happened to him after he went AWOL? How long were they apart? Also, the difficulties that everyone had with the marriage between Lily and Jack are resolved without any discussion. She simply comes home from Seattle and all is forgiven? The cultural tensions and familial disputes were left behind in favor of a highly politicized second half.

In order to fit in the family conflicts and internment episodes, the romance between Lily and Jack is hastened to the point of non-existence in the second half hour. Therefore the audience had little reason to dread their eventual separation, and rejoice in their ultimate reunion.

Finally, on an historical note, the Supreme Court case Korematsu vs. U.S. (1944) upheld the constitutionality of the internment camps. The movie portrayed a victorious Supreme Court decision that allowed for all internees to return to freedom. However, the US government did not officially recognize the unconstitutionality of Executive Order 9066 until 1988, with a Congressional apology and restitution.

Overall, because of the highly-charged emotional potential of the subject matter, I had expected a film with a little more feeling. And if a director/writer is going to make a political movie to illuminate a dark period of American history, he should at least get his facts straight.

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Stalag USA
deanofrpps22 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In 1941 Japan launched a surprise attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor and caught thousands of Neisei in between two worlds. Come see The Paradise is the story of the Neisei (Japanese immigrants and Americans of Japanese descent) who were removed to the interior from the West Coast. The film is loosely narrated by Lily Yuriko McGann née Kawamura, a young Nisei married to a white American. Notwithstanding the marriage, both she and her daughter Mini McGann (Elizabeth Gilliam; Shyree Mezick; Caroline Junko King) are interned under difficult conditions.

The film strives for a degree of balance in that it does present those who out-right favored Japan and fomented trouble in the camps as well as those loyal to their adopted country who volunteered for service in the armed forces.

There are several gaps in the film: Mini McGann as the daughter of a white father, couldn't have been legally detained. Jack McGann would have been entitled to an exemption from the draft as a sole custodial parent.

Alternatively, with Jack in the Army and Lilly McGann locked up, in those times a grandparent Jack's parents would have been legally responsible for Mini's care and support. How did grandpa Gerry McGurn (Colm Meaney) get away without ante-ing up? The film does not explain what happened to Jack McGann alias Jack McGurn (Dennis Quaid)during the war. There is a suggestion that past union activities caught up with Jack and that he was jailed instead of being sent off into combat.

In 1944 that would have seemed unlikely as the US running short on man-power was already draining its prisons into the army. In any event, the unions had been legalized nine years earlier in 1935 by FDR. Former Leftist activity was not regarded as a bad thing during the war years when the Soviet Union was America's ally. The anti-communist purge would await final victory in the war.

The movie erroneously claims the US Supreme Court ended internment; to the contrary it not only approved internment but also condoned taking away a reserve commission that had been awarded to a Neisei.

But despite the minor lapses in the historical aspects of the account, the film is compelling.
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A precursor of The Siege, a WWII Romeo/Juliet w/ happier ending.
Flickfan-330 July 1999
This movie has faults--don't they all. Have found it very helpful in teaching a variety of concepts to sophomore and junior English students. The scenes showing Lily and her family forced out of their homes by Americans, marching to the train station in total silence except for their haunting, now-forbidden Japanese music are always received with great concentration and silence by my classes--a high tribute to Mr. Parker's ability to let a picture speak for itself. Come to the Paradise offers a refreshingly different viewpoint of a critical point in American history for those of us who prefer a little something to chew on besides popcorn at the movies.
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An Enjoyable Film That Is Not Without Its Problems
eritchey-4632223 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As the title of my review states, I enjoyed Come See the Paradise and feel as though it represented Japanese-American internment well, but the film did make some choices with which I do not agree.

The film did well in depicting internment. One thing that some Americans may struggle with is being critical of the country many call "the land of the free", but this film does not shy away from criticizing the United States' decision to unjustly intern those of Japanese descent during World War II. This can be seen when Lily argues with white camp officials, calling the camp a prison and when Charlie, an American citizen who barely spoke any Japanese, repatriates to Japan after the war, disgusted with the internment. Seeing a Hollywood film about American citizens encamped could open viewer's eyes to an ugly part of the United States' history and serve as a warning that freedoms can be infringed upon and that we must do our part to stop anything like this from happening within the United States again.

The film also did a decent job at showing how the camp interrupted the lives of Japanese-Americans. The Kawamura family had a thriving movie theater and a beautiful home, but all of this was taken away in an instant with encampment. Although the aftereffects of the camp are hardly explored, the Kawamura family members do not have their lives to return to in Los Angeles, showing how a camp experience can impact people even after liberation.

All this being said, the film did have its problems. Although the portrayal of these camps was realistic and critical, not nearly enough time was spent showing camp life. There was far too much buildup to encampment; I hardly think that there was much reason to start in 1936. I am also unsure if there was a need for the character of Jack. The camps were the experiences of Japanese-Americans and people of Japanese descent, so I believe the focus should have been solely on them without the inclusion of a white male character although I realize that without Dennis Quaid, the film might not have accessed as wide of an audience as it did.
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not bad melodrama, good performances, decent substance
Quinoa198417 June 2007
Of all places, I remember seeing this film in an English class in senior year of High School (something to do with civil rights, not really to do with the quality of writing per-say), to give all the sides to the problems of equality in the American experience. Come See the Paradise does chronicle a crucial blunder during the second world war- the kind of lesson to be learned from it that does need to be learned in regards to the present- though I could imagine a better film being made at some point on the subject. This is the big chunk of it, anyway, the one that would get spoken of if passed along to someone as a one-line note. But there's also a romantic plot to it, relating the experience so that it's personal and not just an abstract form of a nightmarish reality.

Dennis Quaid and Tamlyn Tomita play the romantic interest of the picture, Quaid playing a regular Joe who comes to work at a movie theater in Little Tokyo, meets the boss's daughter played by Tomita, and soon they fall for each other quite deeply. But as it's forbidden by the girl's father, they still try and sneak away anyway to have their love. Then come the internment camps, the camps created as a homegrown quasi concentration camp for the Japanese, where in Lily is once again with her family, away from her great love. It isn't exactly the most sunny of entertainments, and Alan Parker's writing is nowhere near the level of finesse and maturity his direction has, but there could be a lot worse as far as bludgeoning-over-the-head movie-making. I can also see, from my recollection, that it is understandably one of the least seen of Parker's films.
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Unnecessary parts to the plot
angelcasillas-4113025 March 2018
This movie tells a story that often many Americans do not recall. When we think of camps, we usually think about how Americans were heroes who liberated Nazi camps during the second World War. However, this story lets you observe the many aspects of Japanese internment and how many American citizens were imprisoned by the way that they looked rather than for having committed a crime.

I find the first half an hour or so unnecessary. You are introduced to a Japanese family and their business, and Dennis Quaid's character. His character is actually pretty unnecessary in the movie. He does not really contribute anything to the plot besides being married to a japanese girl. Of course, this was rather odd at the time since the Japanese were considered the enemy, but that is pretty much it in my opinion. The movie could have retold the exact same story and saved us about 45 minutes in telling us about Japanese internment without the use of his character. THis is not to say the movie is bad, but it is pretty long for no reason other than to include an american that you are supposed to be inclined into liking.
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romance in difficult history
SnoopyStyle3 January 2015
It's 1936. Jack McGurn (Dennis Quaid)'s wife had gone back to Ireland after losing their unborn child in an industrial accident. He is an union "sweatshop lawyer" who gets run out of Brooklyn after he disagreed with burning down a theater. He comes to join his brother Gerry in L.A. and eventually gets a job at a Japanese theater in Little Tokyo. He falls in love with the owner's daughter Lily Kawamura (Tamlyn Tomita). Her father forbids her and she runs away to get married in Seattle. It was illegal in California at the time. He gets into trouble trying to organize the cannery plant that he works at despite her objections. She goes back to her parents right when Japanese forces attack Pearl Habor. The police arrests all the first generation men. Jack rejoins his family in L.A. The family is interned and Jack is drafted.

The movie moves deliberately. It takes its time to show the cultural differences and give the romance some space. It's a bit slow but it works as an old fashion romantic film. It doesn't really heighten the drama more than a simple melodrama level. The running time is over two hours long and probably would work better with less. This starts as a fine love story about Jack and Lily but that drama fades into the background in the second half. The camp part of the movie becomes more about telling different aspects of life through the family members.
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One of Alan Parker's most beautiful films
CherokeeJack300023 January 2004
"Come See The Paradise" is a forgotten gem of a film that takes place during one of the United States' darkest and most shameful times. At the onset of World War II, Japanese-Americans were put into internment camps This injustice lasted for several years. Alan Parker's fictional film takes place before, during and after this time. It tells the story of Jack McGurn (Dennis Quaid), an Irish-American labor organizer who falls in love with Lily Kawamura (Tamlyn Tomita), a young girl who lives with her large family in San Fransisco. Lily's father (Sab Shimono) does not agree with the romance, which forces Jack and Lily to elope in Seattle. Jack gets into some trouble with the law while picketing, and Lily, angry that Jack has not changed his ways since the birth of their daughter, Mini, takes the child back to her family's house. Soon after, Pearl Harbor is bombed, the Kawamuras are shuttled off to various camps (except Mr. Kawamura who is believed to be a traitor), and Jack is forced into the army.

Like many films, "Come See The Paradise" is about the strength of love. The fact that it uses this period as a backdrop sets it apart from the rest. The chemistry between Quaid and Tomita is amazing. Just watch them together when they meet for the first time and they kiss. It's simply stunning. Quaid has rarely been this good, and Tomita is obviously relishing having a lead role. In most of her films she's listed as "(somebody's) wife". Films like this and "The Joy Luck Club" prove that she is one of the most talented and under-used actresses.

Some have complained that this film uses an "American" character to tell the story of a "Japanese" family. As if any non-Japanese audience members would not be able to understand, or relate to, the Japanese family. The Quaid character is called "un-American" because of his labor rights stance. The family is called "un-American" simply because they are of Japanese descent. Even though the children were born in the United States. So what exactly does it mean to be "un-American"?

Side note: this movie has not been released on DVD. I anxiously await that day.
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Not Perfect, But Then Again, A Tough Movie to Make
minjoo-007071 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It is always difficult to find and acknowledge fault in one's own history. In that sense, Come See the Paradise was a surprisingly historically well-portrayed film, considering that it is a movie made in the US about Japanese internment camp. The movie did justice to the historical tragedy that Japanese Americans had to go through, but also made it acceptable for a larger American audience. It touches on several historical facts, such as the formation of Japanese Citizen League, the loyalty question in the questionnaire, and different experiences of Japanese Americans and the parents who are aliens. A compromise was necessary in order to produce this movie, which I believe was cleverly done.

Nonetheless, excluding the historical side, if we just evaluate the movie as another Hollywood film, I have to say it is generally terrible movie. The acting is very awkward and the lines made me cringe from time to time. Especially the scene in the Chinese restaurant where Jack and Lily first have lunch together was too cheesy that it was far from being romantic. Moreover, some parts of the plot seems irrelevant to the general storyline. For example, the fact that Jack was involved in the labor union business seems to have no connection with the rest of the story. The movie is slightly messy before the characters get interned in the camp, which happens relatively later in the film than I expected. I personally enjoy films that are coherent throughout, but this film was not one of them.
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Come See the Paradise (1990)
efishbin24 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While the main plot line focuses entirely too much on the love story between Jack and Lily, there are some parts of the film that make it worthwhile.

There was some redeemable aspects of the film. The setting shown after the Japanese were put into the camps was particularly powerful. We were able to see the vandalism and racism targeted at them during the weeks before internment, as well as the ghost towns left behind when they were forced out..

Some of the stereotypical responses of people who are put in camps were displayed in this picture. The father, an older man with a great sense a purpose before internment, completely lost his way in the camp. In Santo Tomas, where Americans were interned in the Philippines, there were similar instances of important men crumbling under the camp setting. The mother, who was not allowed to become a citizen of the United States, was told she could not help make camouflage military nets, even though she just wanted to be doing something and was not working for pay like her daughters. Though boredom is not the worst thing a person interned could experience, it shows how restricted they were. She simply wanted something to do but was not allowed because she was Japanese. The son, Charlie, developed a deep connection to his ancestor's homeland of Japan though he had never even been there and spoke little Japanese. The targeting and persecution forced him to embrace and learn more about his heritage and ultimately return to Japan. And opposite him was the son, Harry, who joined the U.S Army and died in service. Harry, a rational man who tended to err on the side of caution, did what he thought was safest for him, though it turned out to be the cause of his death. The different outcomes of these characters shows the ways people can react to internment, even within the same family.
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Don't simply accept the Face Page description-see for yourself
tadeo3811 February 2007
The "Front-Page" review of this film gives the impression that it is not worth seeing "because the plot is wandering" and other unfair accusations. Instead, take a look at Roger Ebert's fine review under the External review portion of IMDb. I first purchased this film back in the days of the Laser Disc, and I know that my "ancient by today's standards" Pioneer player....and perhaps I'm in violation of copyright laws, but I am transferring all my laser discs to DVD, and I cannot possibly think of a finer film to witness the discriminatory laws that existed during the early days of WWII....even if the focus is on an Irish-American played by Dennis Quaid....and you must see the early scene in which he dances/sings to a Japanese song that he has memorized by his position as Projectionist in a Japanese-American theatre in San Francisco. And for those who might enjoy a Jarre/Barry type film score, this one is haunting and lovely. Ignore the reviewer and give this terrific film a chance, and I'll bet you'll love it.
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Not the best, not the worst
hrudolph-8535828 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film, though not as historical and educational as it could have been on the topic of Japanese internment camps during World War II, was not meant to be a historical documentary. The film depicts the lives of Japanese American citizens as their lives undergo immense changes with the beginning of internment camps. The main focus of this movie is the love story between Jack and Lily, however there are some historically accurate parts of the film worth paying attention to. The depiction of life right before entering the camp and then later in the camp is worth noting. Leading up to the camp we are able to see the racism these Japanese Americans had to face, with vandalism and assault towards anyone resembling a Japanese person. The movie then spends a short amount of time depicting life inside the camp, however we get glimpses of the struggles facing those encamped. For example, there is the struggle each person faces of which country to pledge their allegiance to. First off, they don't know who is going to win the war and pledging either way could present dangers to them later. Second, pledging to America may be hard since Americans are the ones interning them, however, they are American citizens and so pledging to a country some of them have never even been to may seem weird and hard to do. In addition, the film does depict the struggle to maintain identity in the camp, demonstrated by Lily's father. Overall the camp experience is historically accurate even if it only takes up a small portion of the film. This movie could have been improved in many ways to make it more historical, however I completely understand why it was made this way. It is a hollywood film made for a large audience, and this audience doesn't want a documentary on Japanese internment camps. The love story between jack and Lily was 100% necessary to attract a large audience because that is the type of thing Americans look for in a film. For the average American not watching this movie through a historical lens, I would say it's a decent movie. It's better to have a movie with some historical facts and other faults that a large audience will watch than a completely historically accurate film which will only attract those already interested in history. At least a good portion of people are now gaining a broad knowledge on Japanese internment camps.
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It could be worse I guess
vanillabean34925 March 2018
While I can't say I whole-heartedly hated this movie, I can't say I loved it either. In some ways, it attempts to make a difficult part of history more palatable for an American audience, and for this, I believe it deserves some commendation. However, to a large extent, the plotline of the film overshadows the historical events that it attempts to incorporate, and possibly even trivializes the hardships endured by people of Japanese descent during the 1930s and 1940s.

The movie itself is centered around a cliché, star-crossed love story, leaving the majority of the historical features of the film as bits and pieces that are seemingly tacked on to give the film its validity. More than half of the film is spent on (albeit, poor) character development and introduction of the main conflict. As a result, the parts of the film that deal with internment and other injustices faced by people of Japanese descent are framed inherently as secondary aspects of the story. Internment and relocation were used as plot devices. Tense racial and/or ethnic conditions within camps and society are played down to make Jack and Lily's love more plausible. In many cases, Nisei and Issei were faced with systemic and often violent anti-Japanese sentiments that posed threats to personal wellbeing. In the camps, conditions were unsanitary and, due to the material losses some people suffered when forced to leave their houses so quickly during the relocation process, many internees were not able to afford appropriate medical care. This aspect is largely glossed over in the movie depiction.

While I can go on about the issues I have with this film, I do believe it does a decent job of highlighting some of the important aspects of this period of history. Through the plot, Parker addresses the paradox of citizenship and loyalty, as well as other injustices and racism faced by the Japanese community during the 1930s and 1940s. Before World War II, people of Japanese descent were prevented from receiving citizenship by US immigration policies, but during internment, these people were also asked to swear loyalty to the United States, effectively challenging their identity as either Japanese or American. Similarly, there is some mention of the racism experienced by Nisei and Issei during this time, but it is often more generalized and even misguidedly incorporated into the screenwriting itself.

Come See the Paradise walks the fine line between being historically valuable, and unfortunately frustrating to watch. What it lacks in historical accuracy, it makes up for in typical, sappy, Hollywood romance. This film could not be confused with a documentary, but for those seeking an interesting movie to watch, this is a decent choice if taken with a grain of salt.
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Come See the Paradise an excellent film.
MovieCriticMarvelfan7 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
"Come see the Paradise" is an amazing film in essence this film does what Michael Moore and "Fahrenheit 911" do remind us of an ugly of American history commited by several abusive bureaucractic leaders imposing their form of corrupted civil governments and laws.

The film takes place during WWII and like "Snow Falling on Cedars" (another great story about the anti-Japanse movement during this time) is about an American, who falls in love with a Japanese women. The two fall in love regardless of their race backgrounds.

The girls fathers does not like the White Man, but eventually the family accepts him as partof the family, and this LOVE IS TESTED during the war.

Dennis Quaid stars as Jack McGurn a liberal Irish activist who is trying to believe form a union, now forming a Union back then was like being a Communist in this warp view of America. It was pure nonsense and people like disgraced military men like MacArthur and other abusive military leaders wanted to quite down people who spoke out against governemnt corruption. This of course has been the case across history , even movie directors like the late great Elia Kaza have been targeted. Back to the movie:

Tamyln Tomita as the love interest, Lily Yuriko , is absolutely great portraying all the anguish of a women in love, but then feels pain and sorrow when she sees her own people being put in Concentration Camps by the Americans and are given no rights, no real jobs (except menial low paying ones) and no hope.

(Spoilers) During one dramatic and painful sequence that has to be seen the father is arrrested for no reason and taken into custody, he is then released and is then labeled as traitor leading into a great depression which eventually hurts his spirits and he dies. Quaid deserves a great recommendation for his performance as one of a few Americans who sees whats going and realizes that this is wrong. At one point, like many men he is forcibly drag into the war, and then goes AWOL to see his love and her Japanese family to provide support its very touching still the US carries it's vendetta with the Japanese leading to Atom bomb being dropped on Hiroshima and the bombing

of Pearl Harbor.

If you don't cry watching this movie there is something wrong with you as "Come See The Paradise" by Alan Parker has great dramatic performance , a great score by Randy Edelman and a true life story that SHOULD NOT be forgotten.

The movie is also told primarily through the narration of Lily

the main character does giving us a very intimate and real

portrayal of the evennts unfolding onscreen.

Truly an amazing movie, in fact see it with "Fahrenheit 911" so you can see some historic, dramatic events that we as Americans should not forget and learn from.
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Unecessary Events in the Depicition of the Japanese Internment
bnair-1450222 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie "Come See the Paradise" was accurate in the fact that after the Pearl Harbor Attack, by the Japanese, the United States Government decided to relocate the Japanese into isolated internment camps in fear that some could be spies working at perhaps a bigger attack within America instead of on the coast. In the movie, Lily's family is forced to move out and forced into an internment camp without knowing why or when they will be released. Additionally, in the camp there were riots as well against the fact that the Japanese were ethnically isolated from the rest of society and Lily's brother took part in the riots with her family thinking that he wouldn't. In addition, Lily and Jack, Dennis Quaid's character, have had a daughter, who goes into the camp with her mother, while Jack goes into the Army, but not before one of the most lacerating scenes in the film, when Jack takes his little daughter to meet Santa Claus, and Santa refuses to let the child sit on his lap. "She's an American," Jack informs Santa, grabbing him, "and you will sit here and listen to what she wants for Christmas or I will kill you." "Come See the Paradise" has been criticized in a few places because it uses a technique that is common in movies about minority groups: A convenient Caucasian provides the point of view, so that the audience will have someone to identify with. The fact that it was told from this point of view does not sit well with me because the director is assuming a large Caucasian audience, which might not be the case, and the director also decides to include slurs appointed at the Japanese as well, which makes those that are Japanese watching this film very uncomfortable. So I think this movie was accurate. but in terms of audience liking it had a minimal effect on me.
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I gave it a 7 but wish it could have been better
preppy-323 September 2007
Movie about the Japanese internment camps during WWII. It starts in 1936 when angry union organizer Jack (Dennis Quaid) meets beautiful Japanese-American Lily (Tamlyn Tomita) and falls in love. They get married, have a child...and then the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. All Japanese people, Americans or not, lost their homes, their businesses and were shipped out to internment camps to "protect" them. It shows how the camps affect Lilly, her family and Jack.

As far as I know this is the only commercial film to deal with one of the more horrifying chapters in American history. Too bad it just isn't that good. It was made on a big budget with a sweeping music score and good performances by all (Quaid was just fantastic) but the script just wasn't that good. If jumps all over the place and it's hard to get a handle on what's going on. The flashback structure used in the film is confusing and intrusive. It starts off by Lily telling the child about what happened. They show the story, you're getting all caught up in the characters and situations--and then you're back to Lily talking to her kid. It pulls you completely out of the film. Also, all the Japanese characters seem to meekly agree to go to the camps. Wasn't there any anger at all? Any fighting back? I question how truthful that was.

As for the internment camps this is definitely a bleak chapter in history. It wasn't even taught in schools until the 1980s! Doing this film (which came out in 1990) was pretty risky and the studio seemed to get scared. It was barely released and the ads concentrated on the love story NOT the internment one. It played in Boston for only two weeks with next to no advertisements at a tiny little theatre--I managed to catch it before it closed. This film lost a ton of money. Director-writer Alan Parker said the studio agreed with him later on--that they had "f***ed up" (his words not mine) on the release. Still--it just isn't that good. I never once felt emotionally involved with the characters or situations. It gets a 7 as a good attempt at a very difficult subject.
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Good, but could have been great
grantss8 June 2015
Good, but could have been great.

Details one of the shadier acts in US history - the internment of Japanese-Americans in camps during World War 2.

Quite moving. You share in the injustice of the situation.

However, pacing is uneven. Spends much time building up this event (not overly so, though) but then speeds up towards the end, skipping some details and diluting the effect.

A more powerful movie would have concentrated more on the internment camps. A bit too schmaltzy too.

Good performances all round.
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A Historically Inaccurate Love Story
hritchey-4070928 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Come See the Paradise is another typical Hollywood depiction of a rarely mentioned event in America's complicated history. The movie does its job of creating an emotional reaction and one that makes you feel sympathy for the characters and their situation, but in terms of historical content there are some inconsistencies. My biggest question after watching this film is the necessity of including a love story amongst a topic that could constitute its own movie. In my opinion, the notion of holding people in a camp against their will should constitute enough emotion that a romantic interest is not necessary. Sure, the love story adds an aspect of intrigue and brings people to the movie by playing up the romantic storyline, but, in actually, the depicted relationship is wildly inaccurate in a historical sense. An interracial couple such as Lily and Jack would have had immensely more struggles in their daily lives. The fact that they just walked into a wedding as a couple and nobody said anything to them would have been highly, highly unlikely in the 1930's. Likewise, the couple would have had trouble procuring service at a restaurant, getting a hotel room and even going out in public without garnering some quizzical looks. I understand the necessity of including a love story for modern audiences, but to someone watching with the intent to analyze historical content this can be more of a distraction than a delight. I believe that the scenes taking place in the camp could have completely stood on their own without the appearance of Dennis Quaid's character. Conversely, the movie was fairly accurate with other historical details related to the life of the Kawamuras. The recreation of Little Tokyo was filled with impressive props and attention to detail. The reference to the Japanese Citizen's League, Question 26 concerning American loyalty and the No-No boys were a sight for weary eyes at that point in the movie. In the end, nothing can be done about the fact that, overall, this is a Hollywood production and the main goal of the movie is to put people in the audience. In terms of historical accuracies, there was good attention to detail in general, though the love story is an unnecessary aspect of the film. The main redeeming aspect of this film is that it spreads the story of Japanese internment to Hollywood's audiences, but why must this be done through an aspect of love? Isn't the narrative of life before, during and after internment enough to create a film worthy of Hollywood?
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Great movie about Asian American culture!
carameljunky7 October 2001
I really loved this movie. It was informational and had a beautiful storyline. I generally don't get my knowledge from movies because they are often very inaccurate but I know this one is based on facts as I have done some research about internment camps for a class paper. I know that the story between Jack and lily is entirely made up, but all the historical events aren't. Also, I feel that movie directors and studios should make more movies with Asian characters and about Asian in America because I find it very interesting. I am not Asian, not one little bit and I am getting tired of seeing always the same kind of people on movie screens. I know that the studios have come a long way but they need to make more movies like this one, and believe that there is an audience (not obviously Asian) interested in seeing them. If you have not seen this movie, get some popcorn, unplug the phone and enjoy.
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Take a breath
twalls-5481112 September 2023
While the things that went on during this time period, anyone who is NOT 85 years of age TAKE A BREATH!!!. Unless YOU lived during that time period you DON'T have an opinion. Did you fight during WW2, did you live during WW2, the US did not know who was a threat and while it was extremely unfortunate that this happened, the first casualty of war is innocence. The arm chair quarter backing is utterly disgusting. Take 9-11, and the subsequent 20 years of war afterwards. Did cooler heads prevail of did NO ONE know who was a threat. I get sick and tired of anyone younger than 85 years of age casting judgement!!! Over the policies of the time. Japan just killed thousand in pearl harbor WHILE negotiating for peace. What did you expect the US would do....just say OH WELL??
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A Hollywood Depiction of Life Changing Events
ntaylor-2856324 February 2018
Come See the Paradise is a Hollywood dramatized historical film. It incorporates aspects of historical facts, but alters it greatly in order to make it more relatable to the average American. What does that mean in terms of the film? Well there must be a straight, white male lead because who can relate to Japanese Americans? This creates a noticeable flaw in the film as a whole. Dennis Quaid's character felt unnecessary, stereotypical, largely one-dimensional, and empowered by an overly noticeable sexual energy. Additionally, for a hefty film time of two hours and eighteen minutes, it felt as though only ~thirty of those minutes were spent inside the internment camp itself. It wasted so much time attempting to humanize these characters, and create backgrounds for them that it became confusing as to what type of movie we were watching. Although I appreciate the dedication for attempting to flesh out these characters more, most of this development could have been taken place within a camp setting. I did appreciate the depiction of portraying an interracial couple during a very racist time period. It was interesting to see how the Japanese family reacted to the situation, and seeing the expectation that Japanese women had in terms of their love life. It would be more important and realistic though to portray how society reacted to this couple. In 1940s California, people would not be accepting of a Japanese-American couple. This was a time where Japanese, or even other East Asian immigrants who appeared Japanese, were at times assaulted on the streets. The film touched on this with the racist Santa Claus, but this even had issues with it. Because of the film only depicted the racism through this one scene, it appears as though only a few Santas were racist, when in reality it would have been a majority of Santas! In reality, this couple would struggle to live their lives due to societal racism. They would be unable to eat at restaurants without complaint, see films, raise their daughter, etc. This was not depicted in the film. In fact, the film dedicated more time displaying how the Japanese family disapproved of the couple compared to society, that it made it seem that Japanese were more racist towards Americans, than Americans towards Japanese! This is an inaccurate depiction that severely hurt the films credibility.
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Fine, but not perfect
Pro Jury14 April 2001
During WWII, Japanese Americans are stripped of their property and sent to prison camps in California. Also seemingly taken away is the family life of an American man and his Japanese soulmate.

This is powerful material and COME SEE THE PARADISE does well as a first attempt. Surely, sooner or later more talented directors will revisit this bit of history and hit a home run.

Few movie fans know that STAR TREK's George Takei (Mr. Sulu) lived with his family in these California concentration camps during WWII. Both his father and grandmother died in them.

As ROOTS showed us the reality of slavery in America, as GERONIMO taught us that the taking of the West was an ugly affair devoid of justice, as the DEAR HUNTER told us that the troubles of Vietnam were deeper than reported on the evening news; COME SEE THE PARADISE gives us an imperfect glimps of some of our darkest mistakes of WWII.
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Dennis Quaid: attractive but unecessary
anninapluff25 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I think this film does a decent job depicting the experiences of Japanese Americans during World War II. The movie spends a lot of time establishing a pre-war normalcy that is uprooted in the later parts of the movie. Lily Kawamura's (Tamlyn Tomita) family is well established and prominent among Japanese American elite circles. They are educated and well dressed and prove themselves to be just like any other American. Japanese Americans were just like any other Americans. Yet the contingencies of war took that all away from them. The movie in the beginning does capture a bit of the tensions between non-hyphenated Americans and the Japanese Americans, mainly through the interactions with Lily's father (Sab Shimono) and Jack McGurn (Dennis Quad). What the movie best achieves though is a depiction of life within the internment camps and the costs of upheaval for many Japanese Americans. Lily's family is forced to give away everything and depart from their home in San Francisco and partake in the forced internment. This tears Lily apart from her now husband Jack, which is certainly emotionally distressing but the whole love story between them is so painfully awkward and horrible to watch that it is hard to fully feel any emotions one way or the other. I think Alan Parker would have done a better job focusing a bit more on the internment experience rather than this irritating love story. With that, the internment experience showed the further trials that Japanese Americans had to face. They were asked to remain loyal to a country that took everything away from them. The film shows the internees struggling to reply to the infamous "Loyalty Question," question numbers 27 and 28 on a survey that all internees had to take. The question essentially asked them to either declare themselves to be fully committed American citizens, and potentially fight for their country or: "Will you swear unqualified allegiance to the United States of America and faithfully defend the United States from any and all attacks by foreign or domestic forces, and forswear any form of allegiance to the Japanese emperor, to any other foreign government power or organization?" These sort of questions had immense repercussions for those who answered no, as we saw in the movie when Lily's brother was sent to the Tule Lake internment camp with the rest of the "no-no boys." The tensions between the Nisei and Issei generations held a lot of sway in the film as well, another aspect that was well represented in terms of camp life. Overall the film depicted a complicated time in American history but lacked in the romance aspect of the film.
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Don't Come See this Disappointment
acanaan-2525323 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Come See the Paradise" is nothing short of an insulting representation of what occurred in Japanese internment camps during World War II. While there are some redeeming qualities, it is masked by the incredibly awkward sexual interactions between Jack and Lily and the racial insensitivity. It is incredible that anyone who reviewed the film before letting it be shown in theaters would think that making a joke about Chinese people eating dogs was appropriate for the context of the film. One of the main questions I have about the film is why Dennis Quaid's character was necessary and if the director thought Jack was necessary, why did they not include the interrogation of Jack in the movie? This would have increased the quality of Jack's character tenfold. The red scare was a huge part of the time period and to reference it without developing the topic further was very confusing. There are only two semi redeeming plot lines that occur during the film that can somewhat accurately portray what it may have been like to be in a camp: Mr. Kawamura's rapid decline in the camp and Charlie's turn towards Japanese allegiance. Mr. Kawamura's rapid loss of self-respect and sense of self is an accurate portrayal of what happened to many people within camp systems because it showed how camps systematically could break people's psyche. Charlie joining the JCL, shaving his hair, and being sent to Tulley can be seen as a representation of the transformation of self within the camp. Charlie, having lost a sense of purpose within the camp system, found a new purpose by directing his allegiance to Japan. Many people have little knowledge about Japanese internment camps and this movie had the opportunity to introduce people to camps in a way that was representative of the camp system but failed to do so. The audience doesn't even see the camp until halfway through the film and the buildup to the camp is focused mostly on the relationship between Jack and Lily. Overall, I wouldn't recommend anyonesee if this movie unless the purpose was to point out why Hollywood is unable to do movie about camps well.
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