Until September (1984) Poster

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Romantic Paris
manxman-14 November 2002
A Harlequin Romance type of movie about an American horticulturist marooned in Paris who encounters a married man when the group she is traveling with departs for other countries with her visa. Endlessly contrived situations that break up/make up the relationship between them - however, the charm and acting skill of both leads, Karen Allen and Thierry Lhermitte, together with countless nude scenes, succeeds in overcoming the deficiencies in the script. What the movie is missing most of all is a forceful subplot, which would have added a greater degree of complication and reasons for breaking up and making up. Both leads act well. Hard to understand why Karen Allen never became a bigger star. And interesting to see Thierry Lhermitte, sleek and groomed, in a romantic role instead of the comedic roles he usually plays. And of course there is Paris - which never looked lovelier, more sophisticated and charming. (What time does the next plane leave?) Not a great movie but enjoyable to watch on a rainy afternoon.
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Love of an American lady with a French man
esteban174730 September 2002
This is another romantic film with an interesting plot, which one can consider original. A lady missed her plane and at this moment had the opportunity to know a French man. They became attracted each other immediately, love and fun started, but it was to stop. The film shows the way a French man treats a woman and how she responds positively to this relationship. The film contains well developed romantic and sex scenes.
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Until the Movie Is Over
TedMichaelMor4 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Karen Allen is the only reason to watch this otherwise awful movie. With the exception of "Eye of the Needle", Director Richard Marquand seemed unable to make good movies. I don't know why; he apparently was intelligent and well-educated. In spite of romantic fantasy, beautiful locations, and attention to details, the film builds from cliché. It never develops its narrative. This is not even a good soap opera.

The French actor Thierry Lhermitte seems particularly wooden here, which is strange because he was excellent in "An American Werewolf in Paris", an excellent film. He cannot carry the role of a leading man. You keep waiting for someone worthy of Ms. Allen to show up. No one does.

The score by John Barry sounds almost copied from classic French films. The score has a nostalgic sense that makes one think of good French cinema. The cinematography looks imitative of good French movies. Some of the images make you want to shout for something to emerge from the narrative. Even if Mr. Marquand ought to have been able to make an intelligent film, there is nothing intelligent or engaging about this mess. The only reason to watch this movie is to enjoy looking at Karen Allen's adorable smile. The high 2 I give this movie is because I had a crush on Ms. Allen back when she made this movie.
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I've waited 22 years for Until September to be marketed
RKFM26 June 2006
I've loved this movie for years. It automatically swept me off my feet. What a lovely thought...to jet off to France and meet your own Frenchman (smile). I loved the quality/photography. I't just a perfect love story on all counts. I can't believe it's now 22 years old(now being 2006). I tried to buy this movie a few years ago, but was told then that it was very expensive at the time, and rare. Good things come in time, and it's now available on DVD. I'm for one, very happy. This fine gentleman (Thierry Lhermitte) is a very good actor, as well as the ever talented Karen Allen. I plan to order a copy of the DVD and add it to my love story collection. If you haven't seen this one...you should.
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Worth watching for its two lead actors.
Hey_Sweden1 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The beautiful Karen Allen, always such an ingratiating presence in everything that she does, does a lovely job in this rather predictable, and forgettable, but engaging romantic drama. She plays "Mo" Alexander, a horticulturist from Missouri on a European vacation. She gets stranded in Paris, and is soon spending most of her time with Xavier de la Perouse (Thierry Lhermitte), a dashing French banker. Although it's initially against her better judgment (she learns fairly early on that he already has a wife and kids), she and Xavier have an affair, and come to fall in love with each other.

Directed by Richard Marquand ("Eye of the Needle", "Return of the Jedi", "Jagged Edge"), this film is no great shakes in terms of its genre, but it's still quite easy to take. Marquand and company do shoot this on some pleasing French locations, turning it into something of a travelogue. The music by John Barry is not exactly subtle, but it is undeniably effective in its manipulation of the viewer. Janice Lee Grahams' script makes sure to put some roadblocks on the path to true love, and gives us some amiable supporting characters such as Philip (Christopher Cazenove), Xaviers' co-worker, Nitza Shaul as Philips' wife Sylvia, and Hutton Cobb as American musician Andrew.

But make no mistake, this film depends very much on the talents of its two attractive leads. The romance is not a desired end, at least for a while, when one realizes that Xavier is kind of a slimy guy, but you still have little doubt as to how this experience will likely change him. Both Allen and Lhermitte are a delight, and prospective viewers may also be intrigued by the fact that they get naked a fair bit (but stop just shy of going full frontal).

"Until September" is pleasant to watch, and thankfully doesn't spend too much time getting to its conclusion.

Seven out of 10.
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An anti-romance
jolrei10 November 2006
True, the setting in Paris is great. The actors are fine. The story is a twisted morality play. Is it supposed to say that if you want someone badly enough, it's OK to hurt everyone else along the way? In a real romance, you sort of want less cliché than the man who has become bored with his wife and is willing to dump his family, and the woman who is OK with encouraging him to do this. So what if they are decent looking and if Karen Allen shows off her body? The characters are still self-absorbed and reprehensible. Maybe the moral of the story is "you get what you deserve". I give it a 4, only for the fast scan potential through the "male interest" bits.
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Could we have a non-stereotypical Frenchman?
heckles1 March 2007
This movie isn't terrible, really. Somebody commented that Mo is the type of American Europeans snicker at. But there are those, and not necessarily Anglo-Saxon yahoos, who do not care for Frenchmen; and the Xavier character isn't going to sway them.

Let's consider his stereotypical Frenchman attributes:

1). Cynical - very cynical. Check.

2). Reedy, underfed appearance, check, despite:

3). A great appreciation of cuisine. Check.

4). Lukewarm work ethic. Check. (Forget the fact he is supposedly a rich stockbroker, from watching him in the film he seems to put in ten hour workweeks.)

5). Beautiful wife, check. Despite that:

6). Loose interpretation of the marriage vows. Check.

7). Big sexual ego, which says an American girl owes you sex if you buy her dinner. Check.

Whether Mo is a hick or not, there's no reason for her to fall for this smug European twit other than the script dictates so.

On the other hand, as other male reviewers have, I did enjoy seeing Karen Allen's cute, petite body. I'll give the movie four stars; two of them are for that.
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I hope they don't get much worse
jn1356-14 March 2007
Any movie that has nude scenes of Karen Allen and I'm still so bored I walk out, that is a stinker!

Karen gets stuck in Paris, and befriends a sissily-handsome French man with whom she is having sex soon. Of course he's married, ("But, cheri, why should that be a problem?") What could be an interesting clash of cultures is (believe it or not) just dull. I walked out.

Maybe the movie got a lot better after I left; but it would have had to have gotten a LOT better to make up for a rotten beginning.

My advice, if you find yourself in this, run, do not walk, for the exit. Save your time and your energy. Most assuredly save your money. It's a shame the production company didn't save its money.
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Very romantic, this movie captured my heart
azhart4 August 2004
I saw this movie in the theater when it came out, and it really stuck with me. Then I caught it again years later on late night TV, and recorded it, and fell madly in love with it. Although it has some silly parts, it is mostly a very engaging romance between a young American woman and a dashing French man, whom she met by chance when dropping in unexpectedly on a friend in Paris. In the late 80's, I would frequently watch this movie on a Saturday night when I wanted to just relax with some coffee and watch a film that totally took me away from everything. I would desperately love it if they put this on DVD someday. This may be a "chick flick", but oh what a lovely one. Catch it if you can.
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Karen can't save this.
paul-214821 April 2024
I love Karen Allen. I'm not sure why she did this film. Lhermitte is awful. He gives a paper thin, soulless performance. It's unfathomable, that her character would fall for a shallow, married man with two kids and already one mistress on the side. His character says that he doesn't love his wife, but he obviously did at one time. So, he is just a character that maybe doesn't know how to love. I understand that he is French, and he is playing a stereotypical French douche bag, who can't be satisfied by one woman. That's sort of my point though. Why would an American farm girl fall for an adulterous bore of a man?

I'm very protective of Karen. Lol.
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Cheese! With one big exception
cpg-226 July 2005
Quelle Fromage! The lame plot! The contrived situation! The Karen- Allen-one-note-"acting"-factor! My husband was so annoyed by her character...stereotypical, boorish, self-centered American tourist. But this cheese-fest is saved by Thierry Lhermitte, who -- until now -- I thought did only genuinely funny (current) French comedies. He is great in those. How did he wander into this sub-par movie?

In this, Lhermitte is the most strikingly elegant window dressing I have ever seen. Just... jaw-dropping. What this man does for a suit is nearly illegal. I only hung in there through the whole wretched thing because I could not take my eyes off him. Other than that, Until September is a forgettable C-minus.
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One of the worst films ever made!
odie81324 December 2011
I love a good love story..... but this is just terrible! First of all, Karen Allen is too "butch" to be believable in this role. Her French lover is an egomaniac and totally non-sexy. Sure he lets the camera show his naked rear, but he is boring in every other way. I can't believe the dialog in this film or the "plot." Stupid, stupid, stupid. Where did they find the financing for this horrendous version of Hepbern's classic film "Summertime" set in Venice? I could not stop watching because it was so bad! This film set the entire country of France,Karen Allen and whoever else was involved in any way back! When it finally ended ("died") I just thought: "There are probably people sobbing over this 'love story'." They should go plant seeds like Karen did before ending up in France!
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van7319923 March 2017
So glad movies are not like this anymore......lol lol lol......sooo corny and completely unbelievable. Karen Allen is not right for this role.....painful to watch but yet I do....French guy is very attractive but robotic in this role not a good actor either.....soundtrack sucks......the only good thing is the sets/ takes place in France... this movie two thumbs down, very amused by this movie not disappointed but entertained by how cheesy it is, guess that was the 80s.
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Awful, just awful don't waste your time
moten20014 May 2020
Granted, this movie is from the the early 80's when a lot of films made then don't age well. However this one is among the worst. The Karen Allen character is over written as too hypersensitive. This story is cliche and predictable. The scenes of Paris were the best part of the film.
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great romance
mik-1925 October 2000
I saw 'Until September' two or three times in the mid-80's, and have been stalking video stores for it since then. With no luck. It's a fetching and poignant love story between two very charismatic actors, and a telling, at times both funny and dark, juxtaposition of two cultures, American brashness and French sauveness. Not to mention the romance and the sex. A truly wonderful, delicately directed and acted film.
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To see Karen Allen is the only reason to see this otherwise a routine movie
jordondave-280855 April 2023
(1984) Until September DRAMA

Professional gardener, Mo (Karen Allen) becomes stuck in a Paris airport missing her travel group, forcing her to stay in Paris until her travel documents have been straighten out. She then decides to return to one of her friend's apartment who is supposed to have gone away 'until September'- hence the title. It is during, then she finally meets and builds a rapport with the owner's son of the apartment complex, Xavier (Thierry Lhermitte) whose actual profession is a banker who can speak several languages including English who happens to be married man with two children.
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A film to remember...
shreeree17 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was a beautifully shot movie that remains in my memory after all these years.

In UNTIL September there is a sensuality that makes you want to hop on a plane to Paris and have your own "affair to remember". These lovers allow you to crawl into their skin and experience every beautiful and painful moment of the time they had together. It was film that brought out the voyeur in me. Some scenes so painfully raw you felt you should look away from it.

if you are a romantic at heart. You will like this film and it will linger on your mind long afterward. You will even have fantasies of possibilities yourself. The scene with the French Toast is something I have always remembered and I watched this film back when it came out in 1984. These two actors had believable chemistry. It's hard to find the talent today of what was produce in the love stories of the 80's. Officer and a Gentleman. LOL Do I need say more.

Enjoy with your significant other and immolate what you see. It will make for a romantic fantasy affair of your own.
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Karen Allen's greatest and sexiest role
davidemartin9 September 2001
Karen Allen should have been a star. This film is proof. She handles an incredible range of material and emotions, from light soap opera to deeply passionate scenes. She also displays that beautiful body in some exquisite fully nude scenes (happy sigh).
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Until September
greagles27 May 2004
In my opinion most movies are only good to watch once, maybe twice and therefore I do not have a video library, but "Until September" forms a notable exception along with "Dr. Zhivago". I have watched both movies numerous times in the 10 years that I now own them and know I will watch them again! I just love the passion and romance they convey.

I am happy there are others like me who find Until September a delightful movie. I first saw it as it was shown on TV late at night in the early '90s. I taped it so it unfortunately had commercials throughout. I was pleased to be able to rent it from a video store and see it in its entirety which included the very tastefully done nude scenes. I just loved the movie so much I finally ordered it from the Internet.
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One of the great love stories
nina_steel_media7 September 2002
Why this title is no long in print is beyond me. This is one of the great love stories. It was truly wonderful, with great direction and acting. So much so that you really feel you know the characters...and how often does that happen in a movie now-a-days. Although some may no have liked it due to the sex scene, I think the sex scene was well done and very real. But the best part was when Thierry Lhermitte was trying to find Karen Allen at the airport...I was right on the edge of my seat! I really what them to find each other. If anyone from MGM/UA ever reads this please bring the film out in DVD...PLEASE.
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At long last - "Until September" makes it to DVD!
Tazmiafl9822 December 2004
For any faithful followers of the movie "Until September" good news is available! If you are not already aware, MGM/UA has decided to release "Until September" on DVD.

The release date is set for January 25, 2005 and hopefully this date will not be delayed in anyway! When I heard the news...I personally checked the MGM sight www.MGM.com to verify the information.

Sure enough MGM is reporting "Until September" is now available on DVD. What a nice 20 year anniversary gift and a nice new photo cover to boot for the DVD.

Well done MGM/UA! While this has been a long time coming....it's certainly very much appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!
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until September
snookies8016 July 2005
I watch this over 10 times.I say this movie is excellent because if you really watch this movie you see why he want the other lady.Also the movie was told in a excellent way given the length they had.The movie had great passion.I recommend the movies before sunrise.I also recommend the sequel before sunset.I am happy i finally bought the movie until September.I hope they make a part two with the same people but older wouldn't that be interesting after 21 years.I love this movie because it gives you that warm feeling inside.This movie makes me sigh and sigh.I recommend before sunrise because it is similair to until September.
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Wonderful Romance in the City of Lights
Tazmiafl984 March 2004
I saw Until September back in the 80's and still enjoy watching the movie... even today! Until September makes one still dream that anything is possible when it comes to the matters of the heart! The movie also showed just what promise Thierry Lhermitte truly had in store for his audiences and while I have never watched Karen Allen except in this movie and one other - I thought she was excellent in Until September. I also agree that this movie by "United Artists" should be released on DVD - it's simply unjust not to! I have written to make inquiries to that effect but alas, have received no response to my emails. And while this movie remains as "OOP" you can find it regularly on Ebay but be prepared to pay handsomely for the movie. Recently the going bids range from between $50 - $100.00 even for prior rentals!
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Loved it, loved it, loved it!
windi9-112 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
It was very romantic and funny. Xavier was so handsome!! His eyes were so blue. The romantic scenes were great and the ups and downs of the relationship. The ending was a bit 'far fetched' but hey, it's a movie! I want to know where I can buy a copy of it.
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Spoilers! Until September
speedo5812 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
At first I was uncomfortable with the infidelity theme. However, there are subtle clues that will enable you to put aside your Puritanical judgment and see that there are contributing circumstances and there really is a love growing between Mo and Xavier.

Mo is genuine, impulsive, self-sufficient horticulturist who was divorced by her husband because he didn't love her anymore. When she becomes stranded in Paris after her plane leaves without her she thinks of Chantal, a friend from her college days who has an apartment in Paris.

Xavier is a international banker caught in a loveless marriage of convenience to a reserved housewife because it was decided that it was beneficial to both of them to be in and stay in the marriage (presumably by their parents). Xavier has stayed behind in Paris while his wife and children (a boy and a girl) go on vacation until September.

It turns out that Chantal has also gone on vacation until September, as Mo learns from Xavier when she mistakes his apartment for Chantal's and him for Chantal's husband. When he turns and she sees him full face for the first time, he is so gorgeous that it makes Mo catch her breath. She tells him on the spot that he has the most beautiful eyes she has ever seen. He mistakes this as a come on instead of American forthrightness.

Mo leaves in a pouring rain to look for a hotel, with only the clothes on her back, since her luggage was flown on to her ultimate destination. He catches up with her with an umbrella and shows her the location of a hotel. They attempt to go out to dinner but the restaurant is closed until September. He says he will cook dinner for her and attempts to act upon her perceived come on. Mo is infuriated and accepts invitations extended by a fellow American, a musician. Xavier follows her, and she spots him watching her from a distance.

We also learn that Xavier's bank is in trouble and there is a meeting of the bankers to try to gain a loan from a Saudi entity, but there is to be a week's delay in the decision, so Xavier invites one of his banker friends to dinner. His friend laughs laughs and asks why Xavier doesn't use that opportunity to spendwith Xavier's mistress, Natalie. Xavier says under his breath that Natalie left him. He accepts the friend's invitation to join his family at their château.

Xavier then asks Mo if she would like to accompany him to the banker friends château and she agrees. The banker's wife makes clear that they don't like Xavier's wife. Xavier and his friends are impressed when Mo demonstrates humanity by dancing with a midget with whom none of the other women would dance and resourcefulness when the friend's daughter is injured.

Mo and Xavier realize that they are in love, but Xavier is reluctant to upset his marriage. Mo books a flight back to America. Xavier, meantime, has phoned his wife to summon her back home; she asks him if the bank is as bad as ever. When she arrives at the apartment, he confesses his feelings for Mo to her, and they are shown clasping hands and his eyes scanning all around the apartment as if memorizing it.

Xavier goes to the airport, asking for a ticket to New York. Mo is heading to the satellite area of the airport to board her flight for New York. She hears him call out for her to wait for him and turns and runs down the up escalator, they embrace, kiss and the movie ends, leaving us to suppose that they live happily ever after.
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