Charlotte's Web (1973) Poster

Debbie Reynolds: Charlotte



  • Charlotte : Trust me, Wilbur. People are very gullible. They'll believe anything they see in print.

  • [at the meeting, Charlotte is looking for a new message to write in her web] 

    Lamb : How about "Pig Supreme"?

    Charlotte : Mmmm... no good. It sounds like a rich dessert.

    [Templeton walks past with an apple core towards the trough, and Charlotte glares at Templeton] 

    Goose : How about terrific, terrific, terrific?

    Charlotte : Cut that down to *one* terrific, and it will do nicely. I think "terrific" will impress Zuckerman.

    Wilbur : But Charlotte, I'm not terrific.

    Charlotte : You're terrific, as far as I am concerned.

    [Templeton, while holding an orange peel in his mouth, smacks Wilbur's face with his tail and walks off to the trough] 

    Charlotte : [after glaring at Templeton]  And does anybody know how to spell it?

    Goose : I think it's T, double-E, double-R, double-R, double-I, double-F, double-I, double-C, C, C!

    Charlotte : [Charlotte's remark, from shock back to the goose]  What kind of acrobat do you think I am? It would take me all night to write that.

  • Wilbur : I didn't know you could lay eggs.

    Charlotte : Oh yes. I'm versatile.

    Wilbur : Does versatile mean "full of eggs"?

    Charlotte : [chuckling]  Certainly not. Versatile means I can turn with ease from one thing to another.

  • Templeton : [reading the clipping]  It says "Crunchy."

    Charlotte : No, that's wrong. It could start Zuckerman thinking about crunchy bacon.

    Wilbur : Ohhh!

    Charlotte : [sternly]  Wilbur, I forbid you to faint!

  • Wilbur : I think you're beautiful.

    Charlotte : Well, I am pretty. Nearly all spiders are good looking. I'm not as flashy as some, but I'll do.

  • Charlotte : [after Templeton ignored and distracted Charlotte's meeting, he continues to look for food as a cat approaches the fence]  Why don't you try over by the fence, Templeton?

    Templeton : Huh?

    Charlotte : [innocently]  Lurvy dropped half a sandwich from his lunch there.

    Templeton : Why, thank you, Charlotte!

    [goes over to the fence, the cat sees him and tries to pounce over the fence; he flees and the cat leaves] 

    Templeton : [calling]  That wasn't nice, Charlotte!

    Charlotte : Perhaps next time I call a meeting Templeton, you'll see fit to attend.

  • Charlotte : The autumn days grow short and cold; / It's Christmas time again. / Then snows of winter slowly melt. / The days grow short, / And then... / He turns the seasons around, / And so she changes... her gown: / Mother Earth... and Father Time.

    [words are slowly being reduced to a whisper] 

    Charlotte : How very special are we... / For just a moment... to be... / Part of life's... eternal... rhyme.

    [passes away] 

    Wilbur : Charlotte? Charlotte?


    Wilbur : CHARLOTTE!

    [breaks down sobbing] 

  • Charlotte : Chin up, chin up / Everybody loves a happy face / Wear it, share it / It'll brighten up the darkest place / Twinkle, sparkle / Let a little sunshine in / You'll be on the right side, looking at the bright side / Up with your chinny-chin-chin.

  • [Templeton returns from a night of overeating] 

    Templeton : [hiccups]  I'm back.

    [Charlotte and Wilbur glare at him] 

    Templeton : What a night! Never have I seen such leavings! Everything well ripened, seasoned with the passage of time and the heat of the day... Oh, it was rich, my friends, riiiiiich!


    Charlotte : You ought to be ashamed of yourself. It would serve you right if you had an acute attack of indigestion.

    [Templeton hiccups agains and pats his stomach] 

    Templeton : My stomach can handle anything.

    Wilbur : Templeton, if you weren't so dopey, you would have noticed that Charlotte's made an egg sac.

    [Templeton gazes toward the ceiling and sees Charlotte's egg sac] 

    Templeton : [hiccups]  Hooray for Charlotte.

    Wilbur : She's going to become a mother. For *your* information, there are 514 eggs in that peachy, little sac.

    Templeton : [sarcastically]  This *has* been a night.

    [Templeton crawls over to Wilbur's pen and hiccups again] 

  • Templeton : What are you doing?

    Charlotte : Working.

    Templeton : Why so late?

    Charlotte : I'll be lucky if I'm finished by sunup. Go to sleep, Templeton.

    Templeton : Good night, Charlotte.

    Charlotte : Good night, Templeton.

  • [after the goose's eggs have hatched] 

    Wilbur : Congratulations! How many are there?

    Goose : There are seven.

    Charlotte : Seven is a lucky number.

    Goose : Luck has nothing to do with it! It was good management and hard work!

    Templeton : [looking at a solitary unhatched egg]  Why didn't, uh, this one hatch?

    Goose : [gloomily]  It's a dud, I guess.

    Templeton : What are you going to do with it?

    Goose : [sternly]  You can have it. Roll it away and add it to that nasty collection of yours! Be careful - a rotten egg can be a regular stink bomb!

    Templeton : [patting the egg]  I know what I'm doing. I handle stuff like this all the time.

    [Templeton rolls the egg away and buries it in his hole] 

  • Charlotte : Do you want a friend?

    Wilbur : Yes! I want a friend, but I want to live, too.

  • Charlotte : Salutations.

    Wilbur : Salu-what?

    Charlotte : Salutations.

    Wilbur : What are they? And where are you?

    Charlotte : Salutations are greetings; it's my fancy way of saying hello.

  • Charlotte : Humble. Humble has two meanings: it means "not proud" and and it also means "near the ground." That's Wilbur all over.

  • [a fly lands in Charlotte's web] 

    Charlotte : Just a minute, Wilbur.

    [she climbs up and wraps the fly] 

    Charlotte : He'll make a perfect breakfast for me.

    Wilbur : [shuddering]  Ooooh. You mean you eat flies?

    Charlotte : Why, certainly. I eat anything that gets caught in my web. I have to live, don't I?

    Wilbur : [nervously]  Why, yes, of course. Do they taste good?

    Charlotte : Delicious.

    [Wilbur gags in disgust] 

    Charlotte : Course, I don't really eat them, I drink their blood. I love blood.

    Wilbur : [gasps]  Oh, please don't say things like that.

    Charlotte : Why not? It's true.

    Wilbur : But it's cruel.

    Charlotte : Well, you can't talk. You have your meals brought to you in a pail. Nobody feeds me. I live by my wits.

    Wilbur : It just seems an odd sort of diet.

    Charlotte : Do you realize that if I didn't eat them, bugs would get so numerous, they'd destroy the earth? Spiders are really very useful creatures.

  • [repeated line] 

    Charlotte : Now go to sleep, you'll see me in the morning!

  • Fern Arable : [Templeton's rotten egg has been squashed under Wilbur's trough]  What did you DO, Avery? Ewwww!

    Avery Arable : [running away]  Good night! What a STINK!

    Templeton : [Templeton emerges from his burrow sniffing the air and reacts with disgust when he sees the source. He walks over towards Charlotte]  It's a good thing for you I saved that egg, Charlotte.

    Charlotte : It certainly is, and I'm grateful to you, Templeton.

See also

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