The Starlost (TV Series 1973–1974) Poster


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I can't believe how this classic gets constantly panned
robertjm11 August 2021
Haven't watched Starlost in a long long time and then discovered there's a Roku channel with all the episodes available, so I'm binging it this week. :-)

What is crazy are all the bad reviews saying how bad the series is; especially the SFX. This was produced in the early 1970s using a process called Color Separation Overlay. Basically an early version of green screen (but it could use ANY color the producer wanted to). This was the same process the BBC's Doctor Who used at the time.

The main lead, Kier Dullea, was in 2001: A Space Odyssey, and many of the episodes had recognizable character actors (Frank Converse, Simon Oakland, Sterling Hayden, Lloyd Bochner, Walter Koenig, etc), so it's not like they were no-name players.

Are their points where it dragged? Sure. But, it's kind of a 16 part slow burner, as they try and save the Ark. Definitely worth watching through at least once for any sci-fi lover.

Any review should not be written without mentioned Harlan Ellison's issues with the series. Issues so much, that he put the name "Cordwainer Bird" in the credits, rather than himself, so that he wouldn't be associated with the series. FWIW, a cordwainer is a leather shoemaker. His opinion was that the series was mangled by those that actually produced it. Makes me wish I could find a copy of the original script(s) to read. FWIW2, he didn't like Star Trek's Journey on the Edge of Forever. I read his original script and it was nowhere near as good as what was eventually given the Emmy Award, so take his thoughts with a grain of salt, perhaps.
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Access to "the straight dope."
Sierra_Buttes20 February 2007
There is a LOT of inaccurate info in these comments.

It can probably be attributed to memories changing over time.

Yes, there was a Bible (The Word), but the producers all but tossed it.

Harlan Ellison wrote the award winning script that was hacked to bits, which is why he is listed as Cordwainer Bird.

See for yourself:

It does look really cheesy as an adult, which is why it should be remade...awesome premise...

The episodes not in the box set are available...only three episodes from having all **16** episodes. Keep Looking!
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Above Average
coles_notes2 April 2024
Created by writer Harlan Ellison for CTV, we follow the Earthship Ark, a massive spacecraft far flung into the universe hundreds of years after fleeing a dying Earth. Presumably inhabited with billions, the Ark is made of many biosphere domes, each their own isolated civilizations fostering some culture, technology, or industry to future generations once the Ark can find a new replacement for the lost Earth. We follow three leads, escapees from a more primitive religious dome as they wander the ship's halls and slowly discover its history and unpredictable future. The format follows a fairly expected framework, with the three generally moving from dome to dome per episode, with each then presenting some dilemma based on the precepts of that dome, a la Twilight Zone mixed with a bit of Star Trek. Harlan Ellison himself, the creator known for much darker sci-fi, namely I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream, would have likely hated that description of the final product. He quickly left the show prior to the first even airing due to the network "dumbing down his narrative", which does come through in what we get, but it also was 1973 network television, so what can you expect. The world building and overarching structure of the series was great, and while definitely cheesy and apparently not quite what they'd hoped, the costuming and special effects are all fun and honestly well enough done for the time. The acting isn't always the best, nor is the writing, but none of its necessarily bad. Slow paced, with a tendency to be a bit soapy and overdramatic, its short enough that for sci-fi lovers, especially of this era's sci-fi, would recommend. This show can certainly be... of assistance.
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the pros & cons of the starlost
powersroc26 October 2004
The Starlost had the potential to be a classic science fiction series as it was created by the superb writer Harlan Ellison. The premise was intriguing: earth is abandoned by the humans that have poisoned it in various ways. A great spaceship arc is constructed and a series of domes house various cultures. At some point in their journey an accident occurs killing the crew, the domes are sealed off, and in time the different societies within them come to believe only in their own world and are unaware they are part of a massive starship.3 individuals from a dome with an agrarian community discover the truth, along with the fact that the ark is on a collision course with a g-class star.The series revolved around their attempts to save the ark. unfortunately Ellison came into conflict with the producers & writes extensively about this in an intro into the book based on the series, Phoenix Without Ashes.The fact that the show had a shoestring budget did not help either.This would be a wonderful premise to revive with Ellison on board, and the state-of-the-art special effects now available.
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You can Watch this Show....
sagerave25 March 2017
Wonder of wonders....I found this series in ROKU's channel store! While it may be low budget, the premise and all its little metaphors are timeless. It was taped but is a fine example of green screen techniques used before the advent of cgi. It's also nice seeing Dullea before his 2001 Space Odyssey appearance.Since it is on ROKU, it may also be available through specialty stores.
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Great concept, but a lot of bad writing and lack of continuity Warning: Spoilers
I loved this series as a kid and it's still fun to watch today. The cheesy sfx and sometimes famous guest stars are still great to watch.

The only think that always bothers me even when I first watched were the plot holes and contradictory story elements. There was supposedly and accident that killled off the crew 400 years previously, but there's a team of immortal kids who serve as a backup crew but were completwly unaware they were in need. There are ark-wide medical teams, police forces and astrophysics teams that are still in high organization, but these teams don't communicate and none of the ark's bio-domes seem to know about the others and no one but the protagonists are doing anything to try to prevent the ark's collision course. It's like they picked random sci-fi stories to the setting of the ark and just acted them out with no overarching story thread. I liked the protagonists, but they were sometimes a little too naive with no special abilities and got caught by the bad guys a little to easily sometimes. Overall a decent classic sci-fi series. Worth a look!
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Great concept, cheesy execution and still fun!
ruffrider15 September 2006
I was in my my 20's when I saw the pilot episode in 1973 - a story about an Amish-style community, some of whose young inhabitants defy their elders then stumble upon a portal into a much bigger world. The reactionary little town turns out to be just one pod in a gigantic spaceship, built to save samples of the Earth's populations - a Noah's Ark to transport humans to another world when the Earth is threatened with extinction. The concept was completely unique and though I only saw only a few episodes the memories stayed with me over the years. I finally acquired the entire series (16 episodes) on DVD last week and watched it end-to-end.

I still find Harlan Ellison's concept intriguing, and that's what kept me watching a series that's been so maligned the bad press alone probably scares off most viewers. It's cheesy 1970's TV, all right, with the actors plopped down in the middle of colorful and completely artificial-looking chroma-key sets and all the buildings in the various life pods look like 18-inch-high models sitting on tables, but still I wanted to see what our 3 intrepid heroes Devin, Rachel and Garth would find in their efforts to save the giant ship.

Often the show looked like it was made for kids (each pod seemed to contain an evil dictator, who ruled over an "empire" consisting of about a dozen people), but I hung in there, all the time wondering what might have been with good writing and state-of-the-art technology. "The Starlost" still seems like a concept worth doing right - maybe even on the big screen.

One thing that troubled me was the simple lack of logic, even on the show's own terms. The premise of the series was that it was up to 3 young people to save the giant starship, who's control section and crew were long ago destroyed, putting the ship on a collision course with a star. If a way could be found to correct said course you'd think all would be well and the series could be concluded, right? Not so fast! In episode 14, 2 scientists help Devin, Rachel and Garth fix the reactor(s), enabling the Starlost to avoid its most imminent danger, a comet. At this crucial juncture, with the ability to change course at hand, does anyone, (scientists, heroes, producers or writers) say "hey, while we're avoiding the comet, let's just reset the course so we won't be heading for the star any more and SAVE THE SHIP?" Not with a contractual obligation to produce 2 more episodes they don't, so the series plods on through 2 more episodes then stops dead. I wonder if anyone realized they might have simply repodered the episodes to make #14 the last one and use it to wrap up the series.

To sum up, you may find this series campy fun, in spite of all its shortcomings - I did, but I had to make a lot of allowances ...... and swallow a lot of cheese.
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The Creepiest Family TV Show Ever Made
Steve_Nyland3 October 2007
Forget about "The Twilight Zone" or "Outer Limits" or the classic "Doctor Who" years with Tom Baker: CTV's THE STARLOST is the creepiest, most subtly disturbing television show ever made for general audiences. The background story about how the show came to be reads like a Nazi War Criminal Tribunal transcript: Harlan Ellison -- not exactly the most laid back person in first place -- is suckered into helping to create an epic television show set in the future, with space ships, laser beams, intergalactic voyage, combining the best talents of the era (Douglas Trumbull, Ben Bova, "Star Trek"'s alumni of superlative writers) with state-of-the-art technology, to be filmed in London for a worldwide audience hungry for creativity that had never been seen before. The scope would have dwarfed "Star Trek" with an emphasis on real science, astronomy, physics, engineering and a fearless sense of speculation about what could be out there in the universe.

Then it all fell apart: The budget was drawn & quartered, the production syndicated, to be made on the cheap in Canada with a production staff of unknowns who were not trained or equipped to handle such a project. The story premise reduced to the lowest common denominator and the talent marginalized by the stupidity of those who only saw it as another way to sell toilet paper, frozen dinners and underarm deodorant. Blatant misrepresentation of intent finally drove Trumbull and Bova from the sets, and finally Ellison announced he'd had enough. Before the first pilot episode was ever taped he'd demanded that his name be removed from the credits lest the producers reap an undeserved bounty off his well-respected propz. Hyped beyond any possible ability to deliver what it boasted, the show premiered in 1973 to abject indifference from thunderstruck audiences who could not fathom what the point of it all was, mixing 3rd rate television production techniques, bizarre illiteracy of both form and content, and bare-bones production values that were put to shame by that which it attempted to mimic.

Without Ellison's guidance the show became a sort of working example of how NOT to approach the science fiction genre, at the same time dumbed down beyond belief and yet defying any sort of accepted formula. Punctuated by bizarre, ultra-cheap quasi-minimal production design, brain dead writing and lunkheaded conceptual inconsistencies, it is a unique, remarkable failure of humanity attempting to do something great and yet stubbing their toe on the wainscoting with each step. It was canned almost immediately with the basic conflict of the last remnants of humanity in search of a new world on a giant, derelict space ark unresolved. They are still out there, somewhere, lost and unable to find their way home due to indifference, greed and incompetence.

And yet what a show it IS in the form of the precious 16 episodes that were made, 10 of which are available now on a DVD box set from Britain. It's the creepiest television show ever made for family audiences, nightmares of it's basic concept of three lost humans moving from compartment to compartment on an unbelievably huge, lumbering, abandoned "Earthship Ark" haunted me for thirty years. Most of it isn't very good in the traditional way of looking at television, but as a kind of kitschy, ambiguous and hopelessly retarded entertainment it's truly one of a kind, for which we should probably be thankful. Harlan may not wish it so but THE STARLOST remains a remarkable example of humanity at their most clueless, with the potential of what could have been eclipsing that which was.

I will let others describe the details of the premise, what interests me about the show is how utterly rudderless, forlorn and misdirected it all feels looking at the remnants 30 years later. If you want a more accurate look at what the show COULD have been, make sure you read the book adaptation of Mr. Ellison's "pilot episode" story, PHOENIX WITHOUT ASHES, which opens with a really eye-opening 20 page account of the hell he went through just to get this much accomplished. By all accounts he is to this day bitter, caustic, and openly hostile about the experience, and I agree that an authorized present day attempt to re-visualize his concept is entirely appropriate. Not a "re-make", since THE STARLOST as it is known today doesn't really officially exist. It was taken away from him and made stupid by those who pulled the strings; The idea is still worthy.

None of which, by the way, is meant to denigrate the efforts of those who stuck around & gave it the good old college try. It's not their fault. They did their best and just happened to come up empty, though some of what survives to this day is remarkable: The principal leads (Kier Dullea, Gay Rowan, the perpetually gruff Robin Ward, and William Oster as the endlessly helpful computer "host") were very well cast and gave their all, and the guest appearances by some of the best & brightest of the day (the late Lloyd Bochner, a misplaced Walter Koenig, "Space: 1999"'s Barry Morse, priceless Ed Ames, and John Colicos who even makes the word vegetable sound like a Shakespeare sonnet) are wonderful. Trumbull's special effects don't come across well on the small screen but are entirely practical given Bova's scientific guidance. Superficially the show resembles "Doctor Who" though far, far less profound as realized.

If it had been made right by honest visionaries who were interested in amounting to more than the sum of their parts it could have gone on for three or four seasons at least, perhaps even fulfilling Ellison's proposed story arc of the three heroes eventually repairing the ark and setting it on it's way again. Yet as an unfinished sketch of that idea it exists like a half remembered dream, haunting because of it's fleeting nature rather than hampered by never having been finished.

8/10. In spite of everything, 8/10.
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What Might Have Been...
arion110 July 2005
Like all of Harlan Ellison's writing, the original concept is staggering.

Take dozens of disparate cultures (Amish, old Chinese, Futuristic, etc.) and isolate them in self-supporting domes 100 miles in diameter. The domes represent the various cultures of Earth, and are intended to be planted onto a new planet because Earth is dying out. Each culture is just one part of a huge spacecraft on a multi-generational sublight trip to another star system.

Now comes the problem. During the voyage, something breaks down on the steering mechanism and the ship veers off course. The people in the domes forget they're on a starship.

Hundreds of years later, an Amish child is hoeing in the fields and accidentally strikes the door-opening mechanism, and he finds his way into a hallway which connects the domes! He can't explain what he's found to his fellow Amish because they have no A Priori experience with something like this.

Added to which, the ship is now on course for a black hole! Somehow, a way must be found to awaken the various cultures, teach them about the nature of reality, and save the ship.

Done properly, this could have been an amazing show! Regrettably, the TV executives decided (as TV people often do) that "audiences are basically stupid" so they dumbed it down, gave the computer an artificial personality (that sounded like a telephone operator on quaaludes) and basically ran the show into the ground.

Harlan Ellison changed his name on the credits and bailed out, refusing to compromise his integrity. Bravo for him!!!
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If by "cheesy" you mean "primitive," sure
bevansaith20 March 2011
A lot of reviewers choose to bury "The Starlost," but I'm here to praise it. This four-DVD collection of all 16 episodes of the show may be one of the most awaited releases ever — at least among a certain crowd.

The Canadian television series is largely known as being a high-profile disaster — not a financial one, but a creative one, thanks to the loud mouth of legendary science-fiction writer Harlan Ellison, who created it. Ellison had a bad break-up with the show's producers (after writing the first episode), and he began to cry artistic compromise, brandishing the finished product as just south of loathsome.

The show — run in Canada in 1973, followed by a late-night stint in the United States on NBC — has been an obscurity since. In that time, it gained a reputation for being a lifeless, cheap piece of junk, a laughable disaster deserving ridicule. Does it deserve that legacy? I don't think so.

The set-up is inspired. The show begins in a weird Amish/hillbilly community called Cyprus Corners, where Devon (Keir Dullea) finds himself on the wrong side of the town elders when the girl he loves, Rachel (Gay Rowan), is promised to his friend Garth (Robin Ward).

Rebellious and shunned, Devon makes his way to a site of local worship — a dark cave protected by a massive steel door. He manages to get past the door and discovers that his world is merely one biosphere of 53 on-board a giant spaceship called the Ark, which was launched from Earth 500 years before. It is now without a crew and hurtling toward a sun. Eventually, Devon, Rachel and Garth all find themselves wandering the ship, moving from biosphere to biosphere in an attempt to find someone with the ability to correct the doomed course.

This journey sometimes results in stories that are pretty intriguing — check out "The Goddess Calabra," which has Rachel captive as the only woman capable of breeding in a biosphere ruled by cryptic religion, or "Gallery of Fear," which has the trio stumble upon an art gallery where their memories become part of the installation. Other times, the story can be admittedly a bit silly — witness "The Beehive," in which the travelers discover a biosphere of giant bees. It's hardly ever boring though.

The show is realized via clunky but sincere performances and sets that look good but suffer thanks to the use of video, which adds little ambiance to the surroundings — scenes are often just way too well lit. The production is comparable to British science fiction of the same era — often it looks better than "Doctor Who."

"The Starlost" seems less like a professional television production and more like a spirited public-access show, but that's really part of the charm. Slick production values often mask old ideas and this shows' contemporaries — "Battlestar Galactica," "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" and "Man from Atlantis" — only drive that point home. "The Starlost," by contrast, was a low-end maverick among standard television fare. If it doesn't quite match an episode of the new "Battlestar Galactica," it certainly beats every episode of the original one, and that's the comparison that counts.

Admittedly, "The Starlost" is not for everyone, but I found it to be every bit as eccentric and diverting and exciting as it was to me as an 8-year-old. If shallowness is the biggest scourge of much of today's screen science fiction then "The Starlost" stands up very well. The DVD set is a great bit of video archeology.
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Stiff acting, cheap sets, mildly interesting plot, but still sf on TV
mhlong15 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I discovered StarLost when it was first broadcast, late at night. Recognizing Keir Dullea immediately from 2001: A Space Odyssey, I found the plot interesting, the acting fairly stiff, the sets basically cheaply done. Yet, here was a 'live'-action television series post-Star Trek about space and had what looked like an interesting plot (and didn't seem as pretentious as Space1999) .

Basically, Earth had been destroyed and near the end, the world (at least the US, for most the people seemed to speak the same language), built this gigantic space 'ark' with spheres connected by tubes. Each sphere held a community that seemed to be plucked and plopped into this sphere and shut off with no outside contact. I suppose the plan was to move as much of Earth culture in-tact to another habitable world and start anew with a significant part of the various cultures little affected by space travel and ready to continue the human experience.

The story starts with Keir Dullea's character (Devon) in one of the spheres, some fundamentalist religious community (like Amish). He wonders about something more outside the sphere and thinks there must be a way to find out. (no concept of stars or galaxies exists to these people). Being at odds with the elders who seem to have dictatorial control over the peoples' lives, he also loves this young woman, Rachel, who is promised to someone else, Garth. It's decided he's a trouble maker and should be restrained (or worse). He escapes and starts his search for a way out.

Stumbling upon a hatch door by accident, he makes his way into one of the connecting 'bounce' tubes, learning to 'bounce' to the next sphere. Along the way, he comes across a computer monitor that has a man's image who occasionally answers some but not all of his questions.

Going back to his sphere, he tries to convince the others of what he has found but is considered a real problem and is not believed. He gets Rachel to join him and Garth goes after them to bring our hero back to 'justice'. The remaining episodes are their adventures as they go from sphere to sphere trying to find out what's going on.

I saw a few episodes again about 5-10 years ago when it was re-broadcast somewhere, seeing about 10 or 12 of the 16. I had several problems with the show and even more when I read Harlan Ellison's (aka Cordwainer Bird) account in one of his books and his original script.

First, the three characters eventually team up as Garth begins to understand what is going on. Garth went from antagonist to just a hanger-on. I assumed the reason for him was for tension – two men competing for a woman. But that plot device disappeared rather quickly. Mostly he just glowered, doing little to further the plot.

Each sphere these characters visited was similar in many ways to the one they came from, totally self-contained and basically unaware of any other sphere or the space ship (apparently there had been more generations of lives during the space travel then expected). Part of the plot revolved around the fact that the computer monitor was constantly saying that the space ship was on a course to plunge into a star and be destroyed but it never said how long until that would happen. Also, the command bridge apparently had been destroyed at some time and the secondary bridge was uninhabited causing the space ship to wander.

Our characters went from sphere to sphere and came upon problems that needed to be solved. At the end of each episode, they left each sphere a better place, but with that sphere still practically cut off from any other. Not once did anyone say, Hey, what IS out there? Can I join? Nor for the most part, did our trio ever seem to find someone smart enough to maybe find the controls and divert the space ship from possible catastrophe.

One episode had our trio coming upon a docking port - and a small scout ship with several people on board - which at that moment returned from some expedition. You would think the ship's commander of that would want to know the situation, forget whatever issue was the 'problem d'jour' and go immediately to the secondary bridge and take control. Nope. Our trio had to help them solve some very mundane problem, and I think the scout ship left again. Our trio even came across a highly advanced society who had gone nuts over schematics and things, but eventually left them to solve their own little problems and pushed on.

Finally, the real issue I had was with Harlan Ellison's whine about the show, which can be found in several places, i.e. Strange Wine. I read his original script which he seemed to believe was the best ever written, which really wasn't much better then anything else on TV at the time. Also, he whined that the TV representation of the space ship was laid out in a grid like pattern, but his idea of something like a grape cluster was so much better. Please, who really cares.

Actually if you want to read a better story (which Ellison must have read but never gave any mention of), read Heinlein's novella, Universe. Almost exactly the same plot, but handled a little better and far more believable (and written much earlier).

I have fond memories of The StarLost because so little else in the SF genre was available as the impetus from the success (or buzz) of 2001:A Space Odyssey was now in serious decline. However, with the cheap budgets, mediocre acting, and behind the scenes fighting, I'm sure the show did nothing to help further the cause. We had to wait for Star Wars to put SF back in popular standing.
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Ellison's Folly?
possum-33 May 2005
After many years of not being able to see this program, but only being able to hear the scathing opinions of others about it, in particular those of the series' originator, noted SF writer Harlan Ellison, I was anxious to actually see it for myself.

And when I finally did...? Well, I actually enjoyed the 10 or so episodes I could see. Yes, the production values were very small, but shows like 'Land of the Lost' or 'Doctor Who' (which Ellison has said he actually likes) have made very enjoyable, watchable programs on similar budgets. Frankly, an interesting story is the first requirement, and trivia like sets and special effects are, at best, secondary. Castigating the show for a low budget is easy. But the shows I saw were primarily enjoyable, and I liked watching them even with particular flaws here or there or a less enjoyable episode now and again.

How much of this reputation for the show is of people simply jumping on Ellison's bandwagon? He has famously trashed the series, and has every right to whatever feelings he has on the subject. But his opinion is formed on the basis of what he originally wanted, and the experiences he had while working on the project (which, as much as they are known, are simply HIS versions of events). What effect could that whole experience have had on his opinion of the show? And why should his opinion have any effect on mine, formed simply on the basis of the program itself? I wonder how many people have formed their perspective of the series based on Ellison's recounting of events and his own view of the series. How much of Ellison's opinion has built those of others? Does it have its flaws? Most certainly, sizable ones. And it is certainly a low-budget production with poor episodes. But is it the worst show of all time, as many people seem to see it? I don't think so. It is, in many ways, enjoyable.
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Interesting for its time
whotobe6 August 2012
I took the time to watch the series and I understand why Harlan Ellison distanced himself from the project. The production was similar to a cross between Saturday morning's "Land of the Lost" and "Doctor Who" during the Tom Baker era. It is too bad that the budget was so low. The show could have been so much more. With the technology we have today using computer graphics it could be amazing. The most noticeable "bad graphics" are with the Color Separation process or "green screen." That technology alone has become pretty seamless today in such programs as the current Doctor Who, Sanctuary or Warehouse 13. Harlan Ellison was a brilliant writer and the story has great potential today if someone would produce it.
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I missed some comments on "The Starlost" for years !!!
gilsonl-119 September 2007
I read a post from someone in the USA that summarizes what I think. How can a awful series could rest vivid in mind of too many people ? The answer is : Because it is good in essence !!! Great job ! I am hoping that some visionary remake "The Starlost", really. This series was presented in Brazil in 1978, and I remember that the boys on my neighborhood liked to discuss the episodes. I remember clearly the first episode, mainly the moment when Devon touched the "sky". Of course that time I did not see this appeal like this, but now I can see that the authors took care to create many dramatic scenes inside the sci-fi movie. As the other person told, nowadays, with such developed special effects, this would be a very interesting remake.
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Old Canadian Sci-Fi --- good or bad you decide
digitalzomby31 December 2019
I remember watching this on TV in 1973 and thought it was a really bad Canadian Sci-Fi show, but I kept watching each week thinking it has to get better. BTW I'm one of those Canadians.

OK jump to 2019, 36 years later I go and buy the DVD from VCI hoping some magically sci-fi thingy happened to make me like it.

NOT... every episode is exactly how I remember it... BORING and everything everybody says is just psycho mumbo jumbo nonsense with a lot of numbers thrown in to make the viewer lose a little bit of grey matter every freakin episode!

Every actor had a dumb look on their face, like they would rather be in a mall shopping for bell bottoms than being on a sound stage... AND the scripts were dreadful and ridiculous... I would rather just head into the sun and get it over with!

I am glad to have actually watched it again to let me know I haven't lost it from watching it all those years ago...

I can sell my DVD now to get it out of my life.
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I made it through 8 episodes and then gave up
dien7 October 2016
Being a sci-fi fan I was looking for a new sci-fi show set in space to watch. The Starlost was recommended to me on a forum. I was happy to find it online a started watching.

The sets looked promising (for a 70s TV show), the premise(though not entirely original) gave promise to countless possibilities (different worlds to visit on the ship and in space) and there was even a hint of mystery. So what went wrong? Well, I could not get beyond two things: first, incredibly wooden acting mixed with 70s style of camera work. Long shots of people looking out of window, going down a corridor, etc. I had to fast-forward in some cases so as not to fall asleep. I was losing interest fast. You could see cuts where the actors were waiting for the director to say "Act!" and they started acting. So baaaad.

The other thing were the stories: I understand that sci-fi is about ideas, values, decisions, and not about action in the first place, but some episodes were unwatchably slow with terrible pacing. Character motivation came out of nowhere and was never explained (some were evil simply for the sake of being evil). People come out of nowhere and are suddenly there (what the heck was with that police force?) Undeveloped ideas, some of them pretty good, lead to viewer frustration.

After 8 or s episodes I asked myself why I was doing this to myself and stopped watching. This could have been a good show even in the 70s, but this was not the way to go.

I rate this 3/10 simply for the effort and the intriguing premise.
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I thought it was kind of cool.
meltedbrain28 February 2001
Of course I was only 8 years old at the time. But in retrospect, the storylines, weird synthesizer music and general atmoshphere were wonderfully creepy. Yes it had super-cheap production values but what could you expect from Canadian TV in the early 70s? The highest budgeted entertainment of the day would have been Hockey Night in Canada or the Irish Rovers Show (remember that one?).

The Starlost is a giant Ark ship hurtling through space on a collision course with a star. The earth has long since been destroyed and the ark ship itself was crippled by a meteor collision several generations into it's long journey. The technical people are dead. What is left are multitudes of biospheres, each with different sub-cultures of human "tribes", all cut-off from one another. These descendents of the original travellers have lost all knowledge of their journey and history. None of them even know they are on a space ship. Their biosphere is simply their home. You have to admit there is something mythic about that premise. I thought it was a nifty idea.

The series follows the adventures of 3 inhabitants, Devin, Rachel and Garth, who escape their biosphere, slowly find out the truth of the Ark, and travel from dome to dome.

I remember catching a few reruns of The Starlost in the early 80s and it was still as good (relatively speaking) as I remembered it. The use of those super-cheesy chroma effects did add a certain other-worldliness to the production that is hard to describe. It was as if it was so bad that it was actually effective (or almost). Certainly if this was redone today with a bunch of flashy, overblown, modern cgi, all the spookiness and creepyness of the original series would be diminished.

I think the reason why this series actually worked for me is because it had that "Space 1999" theme of being disconnected, alienated and lost, while scrambling like mad to get back to "somewhere" more connected. There is something metaphysical and tragic about that set-up which I guess appeals to introspective individuals.

I also liked the way that almost every episode ended on a down note, with the trio jumping to yet another Dome filled with raving madmen of one sort or the other.

Anyway, too bad this series seems to have disappeared. It would have been cool to watch a few episodes again. But I guess the original videotape that it was shot on has since decayed! :)
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Romeo and Juliet lost in space...
poe42617 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Cordwainer Bird" (not to be confused with "Cordwainer Smith," another gifted fantasist) wrote about his efforts to get THE STARLOST up and running in his superb collection STALKING THE NIGHTMARE; author Ben Bova even turned the sordid tale into a novel, THE STARCROSSED; and the end result, a cheesy shot-on-video series that makes even the early DR. WHO and the original DARK SHADOWS (bloopers and all) look like High Art, rates a pass. Only die-hard fans of Mr. Bird will find this alleged entertainment even remotely interesting: this is a clear-cut case of "the bland leading the bland" (as Bird himself might say). The Starlost itself looks like a leftover from Trumbell's SILENT RUNNING (another underwhelming experience in its own right). If ever a TV series deserved a second chance, it's THE STARLOST. Better still, A BOY AND HIS DOG or BRILLO (or any one of a score of other stories by "Cordwainer") would make for great ongoing shows.
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Regrettable trash
mhorg201821 July 2020
Now I abhor remakes, but this show, a total waste of time and effort, with some of the worst acting in television history (I won't even mention the sfx) screams to be remade and done by an intelligent bunch who will treat it correctly. As for the original - pass.
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How to best describe this show.
JoeB13120 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine the special effects of Tom Baker Era Doctor Who. Then imagine that without any of the charm, writing, imagination or devotion the people who worked on 70's era Who had.

So the premise is that a huge space ark is flying through space for hundreds of years, except no one on the ark actually knows it is a spaceship. Each dome is it's own culture. Our Heroes come from the Amish section, when our lead, played by 2001 Keir Dullea, discovers there's a whole new world out there.

He also discovers the ship is hurtling towards a star, because of course it is.

He spends much of the show arguing with the ship's malfunctioning computer, because, hey, that was kind of his thing.

I can only assume Harlan Ellison's initial concept was less goofy, and he disassociated himself from the show by using his pen Name "Cordwainer Bird" (His equivalent to writing "Alan Smithee".)
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This idea's time has come.
jives29 July 2005
OK, so everyone thinks the production values were terrible, then why after 35 years, does this series still exist as clear as a bell in my mind? It was amazingly thought out and the possibilities for plots were infinite like any good sci-fi series. Of particular interest were the "bounce tubes". A travel method that involved jumping into a tunnel that had no gravity and being sucked to the other end. I couldn't wait for each time the characters did that! The show was filled with "wow" moments like the view of the destroyed command center, and the view out the the window at the incredible length of the ship. Note: The ship in this series was recycled a few years later as the ship in the movie, "Silent Running".

I desperately hope that there is a television producer out there that is looking for an idea to remake. With modern computer animation and a cast of a few talented young stars this could easily be the Star Trek of the new century.
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Big Disappointment-Too Cerebral I Remember
otisarea11 April 2019
I remember when this show aired on Saturday nights on Ch4 in NYC. I was a little over 10 years old, and was a big fan of Lost In Space, by then, and Sci Fi week on the 4:30 Movie on Ch. 7 in NYC , weekdays. From what I recall, I could virtually hardly understand what was happening every week. Something had happened to the ship, and they spent every episode in a different part of it, trying to figure out, 'is this where the controls are located?'

Virtually no 'action,' in terms of the typical sci fi, land on a new planet, special effects fest, typical of say Lost In Space, Star Trek, or even Forbidden Planet, or The Day The Earth Stood Still, type of plot line. From what I recall, special effects were virtually non existence. Being I'm 40 years older now, it may be time to view these again, and see if my opinion has changed.

I gave up on the show very quickly; maybe after 3 or 4 episodes. And those I m not sure I watched in their entirety.
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Beside being terrible the story line is plagiarism
tanstaaflneaz11 August 2017
The concept and basic story line of this abomination is plagiarized from Robert A. Heinlein's novel Orphans Of the Sky. The "special effects" were laughable even for the 1970's. Placing Keir Dullea as the star was an attempt to cash in on his role in 2001 Space Odessy. Move along folks. Nothing to see here.
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Poor poor Starlost
trapper-601-3480626 December 2009
Well its 12-06-2009 And I just got done watching episode 16 of the I write this I am hearing the endless loop of "My I be of assistance". I remember watching this show on TV... It is a shame the shows concept was not given more work and a better budget... I'd love to see it remade.... As others have said, the acting was poor, and the sets were nothing to write home about, but the never-the-less I found the idea of 200 mile long broken down ship interesting... Just think how much fun that would be to explore..And what a really good writer could do with it...What would say a Lucas do with such a platform to build upon. Just think of all the little details that could be build into such a story. (10 lines required really? how silly is that?)
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Great idea if.........
sp2734320 April 2001
IF the shot had used film instead of video tape, IF the supporting cast around Keir Dullea could act, and IF there had been some better scripts. The show had three good episodes; the first: "Voyage to Discovery", the second: "Lazarus frim the Mist", and one of the last "Farthins Comet". In all there were only 17 produced before the plug was yanked in the winter of 1973. I remeber how much I liked the show, and had it had a little more money spent on its prouction it might have lasted a bit longer. As it was shot on video tape, which degrades over time, I doubt any of the shows still exist. If they indeed still exist it would be great to see it on the Sci-Fi channel. I thought The Ark (the spaceship) was totally cool, and believable from the concept of the show. I read on the website devoted to the show that some one is trying to restore the Ark studio model back to as it originally existed!
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