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Great goofy fun
conor_kiley21 December 2005
There is nothing about this movie that can be taken seriously but unlike the ugly mess "King Kong Lives" this movie is bright, colorful fun that adults will enjoy as a comedy while the kids will get a blast out of the crazy mayhem.

Just thinking about the plot makes me laugh and watching it is never dull, it has such a no holds barred silliness about it and the new DVD release is stunning. I had no idea just how impressive the look of the film was.

The complaints about the film are rather misguided in many ways and there is some serious confusion about it. The female lead Linda Miller was dubbed by another actress, so the complaints about her performance are a bit moot (though the combination of nutty dialog and weird delivery actually help the film for most since it is so funny).

Also this is not a sequel to King Kong Vs Godzilla, Kong in this film is a myth found to be real (and utilized to dig out a cavern for bizarre reasons that just get funnier the more you think about it).

As a last note for anyone interested in King Kong in any of his incarnations seek out Ray Mortons book "King Kong The History of a Movie Icon" released recently. He actually set aside a chapter of the book detailing this film.
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Watch for Madame Piranha.
OllieSuave-00712 April 2001
This movie is a follow-up to 1962's "King Kong vs. Godzilla." This time, King Kong was kidnapped by a mad scientist, who planned to use him to dig up Element X (a key ingredient for a nuclear bomb). Along the way Kong battles a giant sea snake, Gorosaurus (Godzilla's buddy) and a replica of himself called Mecha-Kong. The directing and special effects were OK, and the story was serviceable. I think that Toho intended to give this movie a James Bondish treatment, since "You Only Live Twice" (1967) was released the same year and actress Mie Hama, who appeared as bond girl Kissy in the 007 flick, appeared in this movie.

The movie could have used more suspense and human action. The monster scenes were OK, though some scenes, especially with the helicopters, were really cheesy. If Kong was almost the same size as Godzilla, I wouldn't think that he would be dwarfed by the Tokyo Tower (and having the ability to climb it). Nonetheless, I think the tower scene where the two monsters duke it out was a pretty remarkable special effect.

Four major problems I have with this movie are about the characters. First of all, Commander Nelson (Rhodes Reason) is supposed to be one of the heroes in the story, but he basically didn't do anything important. He lost a little Karate-fight to the main villain, and then played chess with him afterward while his two friends were confined to a below 0 degree cell! Also, his acting was plain. Second, Lieutenant Watson (Linda Miller) was a very annoying character and had such an irritating voice. However, her role is of some importance (especially in the parts where she told Kong to stop shaking the sub she and the crew were in and where she calmed Kong down while he was on the loose in Tokyo). Third, the part where Lt. Nomura (Akira Takarada) told an official he's Lieutenant Nomura (he's not in uniform) and asked to let him take command is a bit awkward. How would the official be sure he's who he claimed to be? Fourth, the henchmen in the movie were just stupid. To sum it all, the better acting actually goes to the two main villains! Dr. Who (Eisei Anamoto) gave an outrageously cruel performance. He's wildly funny, with his wild white hair and long black cape, and he's pretty darned skillful with the trigger. And, Madame Piranha (Mie Hama) steals the show. She's bewitching, spellbinding and beautiful. She is the true hero of the movie *spoiler* since it was she who destroyed Mecha-Kong's control system, thereby, defeating the robot completely. I wish she would have had a better fate in the movie.

The monster action was OK. City destruction was limited, though, and King Kong looked pretty dumb. The costume used for the monster was hideous, but still better than the one used in "King Kong vs. Godzilla."

Above all, this movie was very average - not the best from Toho. The plot lines really go all over the place. What made up for this movie was Akira Ifukube's great, haunting music score and Mie Hama.

Grade C+
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King Kong Escapes? Well, catch him then!
violencegang23 February 2006
As it states under 'Trivia', 'King Kong Escapes' was a tie-in to the Rankin-Bass 'King Kong' cartoon series, and to be honest, this film is very much a children's movie, featuring a cartoonish super-villain, a faintly ridiculous plot and comical fight scenes. This shouldn't be taken to mean that I hate the film, however. While it's not as good as Toho's previous Kong outing, 'King Kong VS Godzilla', it's still okay if you're in the mood for that kind of thing. I've never seen the cartoon, but the plot of this film is straightforward enough that you don't need to.

The film does have a number of flaws, the most notable being King Kong himself. I personally thought the ape suit from KKVG looked pretty impressive, but KKE's version is more than a little silly, particularly the face, with its wide, staring eyes and permanently open mouth, which makes Kong look like he's high. Also, the fights with the other monsters aren't overly impressive; the battle on Mondo Island (Kong had obviously moved from Skull Island after it was destroyed at the end of Son of Kong) with Gorosaurus is actually quite funny, particularly when Kong gets repeatedly drop-kicked, but the showdown with Mecha-Kong is a bit anticlimactic, particularly compared to the city-destroying smackdowns of KKVG and the best of the Godzilla series.

The plot is some silly gubbins about mining a radioactive element, and King Kong comes into the story after the evil Dr Who (not the time-travelling character from the long-running British T.V series) builds a robot ape, only for it to fail. He then kidnaps the real Kong, but he escapes (hence the title) and the usual Kaiju action ensues. The human element is rather bland, although this is probably the fault of the script rather than the actors. Linda Miller is the ersatz Fay Wray of this picture, her role generally consisting of being picked up by Kong and trying to save the big ape from getting into trouble. Rhodes Reason is solid if unspectacular, and Dr. Who makes a good, over-the-top villain.

Having said that, I do think it's a shame Toho never made any more Kong movies. Personally, I would have loved to have seen Mecha-Kong come back, perhaps in a Godzilla movie. Given that Godzilla battled so many monsters over the years, it might have been interesting if he had come up against King Kong again, maybe in a scenario that forced them to work together against one or more of the many monster that big G faced.
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Top 10 All Time Favorite Distraction
anathem210 November 2004
I've seen this film a number of times growing up. Most recently in '94. I can't wait to see it again! I loved it. Loved it all. The bad guy was scary when I was young but was down right hip when I saw it when I was older. The characters were pretty much weak and the story was weak but when "Kong" gets mad and starts kicking butt; I just enjoy the ride. I don't recommend this as a "feel good" movie. Nor is it a "cinema experience" of note. It is entertaining and fun if you're a "Kong" fan like me. The props and costumes are old school and cheap! Brings back all sorts of fun memories. The soundtrack was also cool too. Excellent inspiration for aspiring Avant-Garde types. I loved this film!
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Kong fights a Robot Kong. What's not to like? Warning: Spoilers
This is a funny movie. Let's start with the characters. None of them are memorable in any way. They're all a bunch of clichés and the actors are pretty bad. Some are over the top and goofy while others are boring as hell. The special effects aren't that good either. Before you go off accusing me of being some kinda person who hates the man in a rubber suit thing, I should inform you that the men in the rubber suits are the only good parts about the special effects in this film. Other that that all the the helicopters, the submarines, and even the giant snake look laughably bad. The story is a SORT OF remake of the original King Kong movie. The plot is this: The sinister Dr. Who plans to capture Kong from his home of Skull Island (I know they call the island something else in the film, but forget it it not like were going to remember that name anyways) so that Kong can retrieve Element X. Unfortudentally Kong will only listen to a woman that he saved from Gororsaurus a few days prior. In the end, this is an enjoyable little bad film, so see it if you want some laughs.
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Enjoyable! Better Special Effects Than "King Kong VS Godzilla"
bigjackfilms5 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
THE PLOT - When a mechanical replica of King Kong (Mecha Kong) is unable to dig for the highly radioactive Element X at the North Pole, the evil Doctor Who and his sponsor Madame X decide to kidnap the real Kong. Meanwhile, a team expedition arrives on Mondo Island and explores the jungles where they encounter Kong, fighting off various creatures. Kong develops a crush on the Lt. Susan Miller and our beauty and the beast portion of the film starts. As an insurance policy, Doctor Who kidnaps Lt. Susan as well as her boyfriend Lt. Commander Jiro Nomura and Commander Carl Nelson. They escape and free Kong who heads for Tokyo. Doctor Who and his minions follow him and activate Mecha-Kong in order to recapture him. Susan is then grabbed by the robot and is taken to the top of Tokyo Tower and a battle ensues between Kong and his robotic replica.

REVIEW - I will say this is somewhat better than King Kong VS Godzilla, but not much.

CHARACTERS - Susan is better than Fumiko (KKvG). Her character is stronger and more independent. When Kong captures her, though fearful of him first, she does care but takes to her own and doesn't go for Kong's moves, instead telling Kong how to act. Well she's a Lt. so, that's that. Nomura, again the bland main hero, same with Nelson. The villain Doctor Who is a fun villain, but we don't get much of a motivation on his actions, only because he's evil. Then there's Madame X, who gets more of a character development. She's not on the side of evil because she wants to be evil, she's there as an ambassador/agent of her country (which they don't explain where) trying to keep it safe, for some reason. Yeah not much character plot is explained in this movie.

EFFECTS - The special effects are much better this time around and while Kong looks better than he did previously with a bigger more detailed head and suit, it still doesn't look that great. For example when he fights the serpent in the waters of Mondo Island, you can clearly see the space between the mask and the suit, like an over sized mascot head. Mecha Kong looks good, but sometimes the metal looks a little bouncy. However the best suit effect in the entire movie is Gorosaurs, the T-Rex type that fights Kong. This is one of the best monster suits Toho has ever put out on film, and it realty shows. The fight is really fun to watch and entertaining as hell, although when Kong breaks the jaw of Gorosaurus there's bubbles? What? Did he have a seizure?

TRIVIA - The film was made this time not just by Toho, RKO and Universal (Yeah, Universal did the English dub for the Toho Kong films considering the huge court battles and challenges it would have with Kong in the future) the film was also released by Rankin/Bass, the studio responsible for those infamous stop motion Christmas specials, The Animated Hobbit/Return Of The King and The Last Unicorn. Back in the 60s, they did a King Kong cartoon show following the plot to Escapes in which the film came in later. Funny side note, after King Kong Escapes, Rankin Bass would return to Toho for another Kaiju like production in 1977 called The Last Dinosaur.

OVERALL - The film is quite enjoyable. Though it does drag at times, the story is good and the characters are bland but fun. It's a good movie to show your young kids, they might get a kick outta it and hey, maybe you will too.
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So-So Giant Monster film
vtcavuoto14 March 2006
The first thing that stuck out in my mind is that the costume looked much better than the dumb-looking one in "King Kong vs. Godzilla". It still is cheesy in a fun way. A UN sub stops for repair of the shore of an island, which is the home of Kong. Kong is captured by evil Dr. Who to mine a rare, radioactive element which a small country is going to use to make atomic weapons. Kong escapes and puts an end to Dr. Who's plans. The dubbing is average in some spots and very good in others. Popular voice-actor Paul Frees provides the voice of Dr. Who. Rhodes Reason(brother of Rex) is the UN sub commander. The action is typical of any Godzilla movie. The miniatures are very good as usual for this type of film. If you like Godzilla movies, you may enjoy this as well.
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Kong's soul is in this one
Nozz20 November 2010
I had to move this review over from "Kingu Kongu tai Gojira." Hard to keep the Japanese movies straight when the same monsters keep reappearing. I saw this one under the title "King Kong versus Doctor Who" (that's this one, right?) and cheap though the movie was-- and evidently completely unrelated to the famous Doctor Who of British TV-- I was impressed that Kong and his karma are faithfully characterized in a new story. The writers here understand that the thing about Kong is how his power makes him attractive to ignoble exploiters who, although he could crush them with a finger, have technology and craftiness that level the playing field for them against Kong, more or less. The "more or less" is where the tension of the story comes from. That and the second thoughts about whether civilization is using its dominion over nature wisely. In the original movie Kong was exploited by humans for entertainment; here he is exploited for labor and finds himself in the role of a John Henry whose strength is matched against that of his mechanical counterpart. The symbolism of the original film is not violated but only enriched.
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For Giant Monster Enthusiasts Alone
Space_Mafune5 March 2003
While there are some truly fun elements in this movie(The villainous Doctor Who makes for an highly entertaining adversary, MechaKong is a neat creation and there's some great Ifukube music), the bad unfortunately will outweigh these for most people particularly Linda Miller's absolute awful!!! acting and the sad moth-eaten Kong suit. This elements trust me will turn most off leaving only tried and true giant monster fans to stick them out.
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King Kong Escapes (1967) is a great entry to the Kong series!
Horror_Metal25 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
In what could have been called King Kong Vs. Meka Kong, Kong is captured by the evil Dr. Who to dig for diamonds when a robotic replica of him, Meka Kong, fails to be able to do so. King Kong escapes, battles Gorasaurus and I think a giant sea snake, then eventually battles Meka Kong atop a skyscraper which leaves Tokyo in peril. This was the second Japanese Kong film after King Kong Vs. Godzilla (1962) and is a great entry to the Kong series! Though not as good as the previous three Kong films, this film is action packed and sometimes seems more like a Godzilla film. I think I only saw this movie once as a young child (I was still a huge Kong freak back then). In a nutshell, King Kong Escapes is an amusing fantasy giant monster film and a worthy follow-up to King Kong Vs. Godzilla. Overall I would give it a 7 out of 10.
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Escapes From What?
JoeytheBrit29 July 2010
This is the kind of monster flick I would have loved as a kid – and I still enjoy it today. Nothing about the film has any quality, but there's a kind of enthusiasm in the telling of the story that is infectious, and some unintentionally funny moments that are quite endearing. At its best, the model-work resembles one of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson's off days.

The story begins on an expansive but austere submarine. Everything's grey. Machines line the walls and have one or two lights that blink occasionally, but other than that the props department was clearly on its annual leave when most of the film was shot. There's a couple of American actors at the head of the cast, but you've never heard of them. One of them is an actor with the unlikely name of Rhodes Reason while the other is a fetching little thing called Linda Miller who was either a model in Japan or Jackie Gleason's daughter. Nobody seems to be sure, but everyone agrees that she's a cutie. Anyway Rhodes and Cute Linda must have attended the same acting school, because they are both equally awful. They play the commander of the sub and presumably his secretary, and you'd expect them to become romantically entangled at some point during the film but they don't. When Cute Linda isn't fighting off the attentions of the big furry fella, she's trying to catch the eye of the Oriental bosun or co-pilot or whatever the second-in-command is called on a submarine.

It's sad to report that Kong seems to have let himself go since his glory days back in the 30s. His coat is definitely looking a bit patchy and it's clear he hasn't cared for his teeth. He's let his acting skills slide as well. Mind you, it can't be easy maintaining standards on a remote island where your only company is a crazy old guy running around in a grass skirt and scaring off visitors. In fact, Kong reminded me of that monster that used to rampage through a cardboard city in that ad for Chewits back in the 70s. Anyway, like the rest of us, Kong takes a shine to Cute Linda, and it has to be said that, after initial doubts, Cute Linda doesn't seem too upset about the fact.

There's an evil villain involved, a kind of Asian Raymond Massey with bad teeth and poor planning skills. He builds a giant mechanical Kong to mine for Element X but forgets to shield MechaKong's circuits against radiation. What a doofus. And he thinks he's going to rule the world? Well, no, he doesn't actually – he's going to sell Kong to a cute Japanese chick so that she and her bosses can rule the world, so not only is he a doofus, he's a doofus with limited ambitions. His name is Dr Who, but I couldn't see any resemblance. Distant cousin, probably
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An enjoyably silly Japanese giant monster romp
Woodyanders4 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Dastardly no-goodnik mad scientist Dr. Who (deliciously voiced with lip-smacking plummy panache by Paul Frees) makes a gigantic robot replica of King Kong to dig for rare and precious radioactive ore that's located in the bowels of the earth in the frigid Artic. (You can tell Dr. Who is essentially evil incarnate because he has precisely arched eyebrows and wears a flowing black cape.) When the robot Kong short circuits from exposure to the radiation, Dr. Who abducts the Great Ape and forces him to dig for the ore. Boy, does this entertainingly inane Japanese creature feature possess all the right winningly dopey ingredients which make these sort of movies such ideal delightfully dumb diversions: we've got choice ridiculous dialogue ("You would steal Niagara Falls for a drink of water"), crisp widescreen photography, lovably lousy dubbing, a totally absurd plot, a lush and stirring orchestral score, exciting monster fights (Kong mixes it up with both a towering Tyrannosaures Rex and a huge snake-like sea serpent before engaging in a lively no-holds-barred ape-to-automaton confrontation with robot Kong in Japan), and endearingly chintzy (markedly less than) special effects (I especially dug the Tonka toy miniature tanks and the ratty Kong costume). The cast play the sublimely stupid material with admirably straight faces: Rhodes Reason as a stalwart navy submarine captain, the cute Linda Miller as Kong's spunky human love interest, and the lovely Mie ("You Only Live Twice") Hama as a seductively wicked villainess in cahoots with Dr. Who. Overall, this honey sizes up as a great deal of infectiously asinine fun.
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A delightfully cheesy and fun Kong film. What's not to love?
kevinxirau23 January 2014
It would seem that the Eight Wonder of the World isn't just popular in America. After clashing with his biggest rival Godzilla, the big ape made another appearance in Toho Co.'s long line of kaiju films. Originally, King Kong was supposed to star in a film where he does battle with the sea monster Ebirah, but was ultimately replaced by Godzilla and the resulting film was "Godzilla vs the Sea Monster". However, at the time there was a Kong TV series, so Toho decided to loosely adapt that into film instead. The result was a fun kaiju thrill ride that is known to this day as "King Kong Escapes".

Plot: Somewhere in the North Pole lies a secret base, where lurks the nefarious criminal mastermind Doctor Hu (spelled Who in America, not to be confused with the TV show of the same name). Under the employment of the mysterious Madame X aka Madame Piranha, he builds a robotic version of King Kong to harvest a highly radioactive material called Element X. When Mechani-Kong proves less than reliable, Doctor Hu goes to the prehistoric jungles of Mondo Island to kidnap the real Kong to harvest the Element X. However, the great ape escapes (get it?) and with the help of his newfound human companions who discovered him on the island, King Kong does battle with his robot double in a giant-sized fight to the death in the heart of Tokyo.

This movie is cheesy and the acting is on par with the Adam West "Batman" series, but that's why I like it. The human characters stand out at least and have distinct personalities, from the level-headed Commander Carl Nelson, his trusted companion Jiro, and the beautiful Susan (Kong's love interest). Doctor Hu is a fun villain, over-the-top and being delightfully despicable (even if he has some ugliest bottom teeth in history). The effects are the standard guys-in-suits and miniature sets that are to be expected by Toho and, for the most part, they look good. The music by Akira Ifukube is also nice, great to hear and adding to the thrills and great action scenes throughout the film.

Now for the monster roll call! Kong looks kinda silly, looking a little more like Donkey Kong without the bow tie, but he definitely looks better than his appearance in "King Kong vs Godzilla". The filmmakers at least got his gorilla proportions right and he can still show emotion and character. He has the same roar as before too, which itself is cool. Now, a robot version of the ape might sound ridiculous (and it is), but Mechani-Kong is a good nemesis for his flesh-and-blood counterpart. If it weren't for Mechani-Kong, there wouldn't be a Mechagodzilla, so props to this movie. The mighty dinosaur Gorosaurus makes his first appearance in this film, putting up a good fight against King Kong, a homage to the original 1933 version. Gorosaurus would later have a role as Godzilla's ally in the hit kaiju classic "Destroy All Monsters" and gain a small bit of fame. I guess prehistoric reptiles gotta stick together, especially with those dang dirty apes around!

King Kong Escapes is an unforgettable kaiju film that definitely surpasses the dreadful "King Kong Lives" any day by a mile. It's full of nice characters, cool monster battles, fun cheesy effects, a memorable score, and a silly story too good to resist. Even if you're not a kaiju fan or a Kong fan for that matter, definitely check this one out for at least a few good laughs and thrills.
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Toho Kong verses Dr Who
vampi19603 July 2006
As a kid i watched this one over and over on Wor-TV new york,sure its corny and silly,but entertaining in a different way the original was. i just happen to like the early Japanese Godzilla and friends movies. this one is poorly dubbed but so bad its good,it sure beats the 1969 mighty Gorga.there's Kong,a jumping t-Rex,aka;Gorosaurus,a sea serpent, a robot replica created by a mad scientist named Dr who(not the good English Dr who,but an evil scientist that resembles a Japanese version of count Dracula.its all guys in monster suits destroying miniature sets. its silly but hey this is Saturday matinée stuff,goofy fun brought to you by;Toho studios.the ones who gave us Godzilla,Mothra, Rodan,and the triple headed King Ghidrah,not to be missed,5 out of 10.
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Fun, likable movie
Typing_away1 September 2002
I've seen "King Kong Escapes" several times on American television with English dubbing, commercial interruptions, scenes omitted, and full-screen format. Despite all that, I found "King Kong Escapes" to be a fun, silly, enjoyable fantasy movie. One criticism I have is that the fight between Kong and robot Kong was too short.

Many reviewers have complained about the annoying voice of Linda Miller, but this was actually the voice of another actress. For some reason, the producers decided to dub Miller, even though she spoke English.

I recently purchased a DVD copy of this movie on eBay, with the original Japanese dialogue, uncut, in wide-screen. The script is slightly more mature and sensible, and the Japanese dubbing of the English speaking actors (Rhodes Reason, Miller) is done very well. Even the Japanese version is silly, though. But like I said, silly in an enjoyable way.
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contrived kong sequel
funkyfry15 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Sadly, the print of the film we were going to watch burned in the fire at Universal Studios last week, so we were stuck with video. That could even be a metaphor for this second-rate King Kong movie from Toho studios' stalwart director Ishiro Honda. Essentially it's a warm up for "King Kong versus Godzilla". It even uses the idea of a Mecha-Kong, like Mecha-Godzilla. Of course the movie climaxes with King Kong fighting Mecha-Kong on top of the expo tower in Tokyo, but if you didn't know that already then maybe you're in the age group that this movie was intended for.

The cast is headed by a guy named Rhodes Reason who we had never heard of... glancing over his list I see mostly a lot of scattered American TV credits, so it's interesting that they dragged him all the way to Japan so that they could have a nominal American hero. The real hero of the movie is the more sensitive Japanese commander played by Akira Takarada, who I recognized from Hiroshi Inagaki's iconic version of "Chushingura" (47 Ronin) and also from the original Godzilla films by Honda. I'm sorry Rhodes Reason whoever you are, but this guy has way more screen presence and you can bet that everyone wants him to end up with the cute little blonde, played by Linda Miller. We laughed at the way Reason would always find a way to interject himself between Miller and Takarada, who it seemed like she kind of preferred. Of course like all Kong leading ladies her primary relationship is with the King himself. She discovers a nice trick: if you talk to a giant ape really..... really.... slowly..... he'll understand what you're saying. And if you're a blonde gal, that means that he'll do whatever you tell him to do. That fact is not lost on Dr. Who (Eisei Amamoto) and Madame Piranha (Mie Hama) -- representing a "nation which shall not be named" -- who plan on using her as bait to get Kong to dig up mineral deposits that are trapped at the North Pole.

Yes, this is truly the plot of the whole movie -- apparently only a giant ape is going to be capable of digging out these minerals which can be used to make super powerful weapons. Dr. Who builds Mecha-Kong to get it but the circuitry gets in the way, so they decide to go for the real Kong. Kong himself seems momentarily infatuated with Mecha-Kong, a story element that might have made the film more interesting but wasn't followed up on.

By the end of the movie, the cute blonde has shouted "Kong" or "King Kong" in her chirpy voice so many times that when the two heroes tell her to let him go at the end they're speaking for all of us. Basically this movie squanders whatever majesty was possible in the Kong character by making him a heroic and friendly figure much too early, just like the newest version of the story. Kong is just a guy in a suit in this movie, and they show quite a lot of him to the point where the goofy face becomes impossible to take seriously. It's a nice looking movie, I'm sure it satisfies the demands or desires of fans of this type of thing, which is really more of a wrestling film than a monster film in a lot of ways. The monsters don't ever really scare in these films, they just jump around and push each other around a lot. It's not a worthless movie, but it's extremely predictable and formulaic so for anyone under the age of 10 or so it probably will only be entertaining as comedy.
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Japanese King Kong fights robot version of himself.
Aaron13752 August 2009
Yes, there is a difference in American King Kong and Japanese King Kong. Japanese Kong is much bigger and stronger and would be ashamed to be taken down by planes. Also, he would not climb the Empire State building, he would most likely annihilate it. He is back after his fight with Godzilla to once again save the day to some extent. It has been awhile since he last grace the screen since that fight, but somehow he manages to get tangled in a plot by some madman to dig up stuff in a mine. This madman already has the formidable MechaKong at his disposal, but MechaKong is incapable of digging in said mine thanks to something down there that causes it to malfunction. So they capture the real monkey and somehow hypnotize it to dig for them. Still you know in the end there is going to be a showdown between Kong and his mechanical counterpart. A fairly decent movie from the company of Toho, however I will always like Godzilla the best. Still, they have enough monsters and some pretty good fights to keep one entertained. I do believe this was Japanese King Kong's last movie, which is a bit sad, I would have loved to have seen a reemergence during the Hensei Godzilla movies and had Godzilla get some revenge for that earlier loss. MechaKong is rather cool, but not as cool as MechaGodzilla, mainly because MechaGodzilla just had way to many cool weapons and was a way more impressive fighting machine.
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A bit shaky, but it is what it is.....
CLewey4428 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Let me be frank here, I'm not dogging the film really, it's just, it was EXTREMELY Cheesy, which makes it great in a sense. And I love all 'Zilla flicks to include "Rodan", "Mothra", this one and whatever else Toho did. But this costume was really bad. His eyes were as blank as a piece of printer paper, and his posture had me literally laughing out loud. One scene in particular stands out. When he comes out of the cave and looks up at an airplane or chopper I think.

Also, he seemed a bit smaller than in Godzilla vs. King Kong. The scale-job done on this is pretty pitiful, which again makes it even more fun to watch I guess because you can't take this movie seriously like you would "Green Mile" "Schindler's List" or "Silence of the Lambs". I recommend this because I think anyone's kids would love this, as I did growing up watching all of the Godzilla flicks or just an old fan like myself.

It is better entertainment than the newest installment done by Peter Jackson and maybe more entertaining than the 1933 version simply because it is a bit slow and depressing by the end of it. I do sort of have a closet liking to the 1976 version the best of all King Kong movies. This might be a distant second or third. I own it, so should you if you like the old Godzilla movies from the 50's, 60's, and 70's.
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King Kong does exactly what the title says in the most awesome of ways
BandSAboutMovies19 October 2017
After 1962's Godzilla vs. King Kong, Japan had not had enough of the big ape. After all, Kong was the first beast to both defeat and not be killed by Godzilla. Four years later, Toho paired up with Rankin/Bass, the creators of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and The King Kong Show, a cartoon where Kong battled aliens, monsters and mad scientists. Interestingly, the designs for that show were by Jack Davis of EC comics fame. The show was the first cartoon produced in Japan for American audiences and was so successful, Rankin-Bass partnered with Toho for a first film called Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster (or Ebirah, Horror of the Deep which is a much better title). Rankin- Bass rejected this movie as a starring role for Kong, but a lot of moments throughout point that the script was barely changed when Godzilla entered the picture. He's revived by lightning (Japanese Kong, for some reason, gets power from the cloud…err, clouds) and the big lizard is in love with female character Dayo, which is also a Kong trait.

Finally, Rankin-Bass consented to this film, featuring Dr. No. No, not the Bond villain, but a character from the cartoon, here played by Hideyo "Eisei" Amamoto, who you may know as Dr. Shinigami/Deathgod from Kamen Rider. His voice is from Paul Frees, who listeners will recognize from many a Rankin/Bass holiday special. Interestingly enough, the German distributor of Toho's movies often used Dr. Frankenstein's name to sell these new monsters, claiming that he was creating all of them. So in Deutschland, the doctor goes by Dr. Frankenstein to try and tie all of these together. What does this have to do with the Frankenstein monster in Frankenstein vs. Baragon (1965) and his spawn in War of the Gargantuas (1966)? Absolutely nothing, thanks for asking!

Dr. Who's boss is Madame Piranha, who works for an undisclosed country that wants weapons. She's played by Mie Hama, who would go on to play Kissy Suzuki in You Only Live Twice (1967). Dr. No has invented a mechanical Kong that malfunctions just before getting that oh-so elusive Element X. Instead of rebuilding the robobeast, No decides he needs the real Kong. Again, you may ask why. You are permitted after all. However, I have no answer for you. These things just happen in these films and you shouldn't be watching a kaiju movie if you're looking for logic, dear reader.

Meanwhile, Carl Nelson — our hero — and his sub get to Mondo Island, where Kong lives. Almost instantly, Kong falls in love with Fay Wray analogue Lt. Susan Watson and prepares to fight Gorosaurus (who shows up again in the greatest of all Toho movies, 1968s Destroy All Monsters!). For some reason, this beast fights like a kangaroo, but Kong gives him a headlock takeover and demonstrates a kaiju form of MMA ground and pound, punching the rubbery dino again and again until a giant mutant Big John McCarthy moves him away. Just kidding. Kong beats his chest, picks up the girl and the humans just watch and wonder what to do next. They find a very Commander Scarlet mini-sub and Kong gives chase, finally being delayed by a sea monster.

Actually, come to think of it, Carl Nelson is thisclose to Admiral Nelson, commander of the mini-sub Seaview on the TV series Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1964-1968). Coincidence?

Here's why I love this movie. In this scene, Kong's head has grown to way larger than before proportion. Continuity be damned, by the next scene, as he catches up to the big sub, his head is back to normal and his eyes are not bugging out. Everyone finally figures out that Kong will listen to Susan and all is as well as it can be when you're dropping anchor off Mondo Island, which one assumes is relatively close to Monster Island.

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Kid-friendly, and if you want something realistic and serious then run!
FilmExpertWannabe24 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Heavily due to the success of King Kong vs Godzilla, Toho wanted to keep Kong around. The first project was Continuation: King Kong vs Godzilla, a direct sequel to the 1962 cash cow that -adjusted for inflation- was easily the highest grossing Godzilla film of all time. That project never came to fruition, but Toho later collaborated with Rankin/Bass in hopes of making a small series of Kong films. The first project was discarded by Rankin/Brass but didn't die out completely; Toho simply swapped out King Kong and replaced his role with Godzilla, which was released as 1966's Godzilla vs The Sea Monster. The script that actually did succeed was this one, King Kong Escapes.

With that bit of history out of the way, this movie is really aimed at a younger audience, so if you want something more serious, I'd kindly recommend you look elsewhere. The plot is totally ludicrous, with an evil mad scientist (that apparently is filthy rich) that wants to mine "Element X". Naturally, you'd build an enormous 35 meter mech named Mechani-Kong, right? It's interesting that when you mention a giant Japanese robot monster you'd be inclined to think of Mechagodzilla, who amongst giant mechs is far more popular than anything the world over. And yet, this here Mechani-Kong was in a movie nearly a decade earlier.

Speaking of monsters, we should probably start with King Kong. He looks terrible, almost like a joke. Will kids mind? Probably not. Mechani-Kong actually doesn't look bad. The giant snake would've been fun to have had his brief encounter with King Kong extended a bit, and I wonder if the 1976 King Kong remake was inspired by the snake used here rather than the dinosaur of the 1933 original. This film just seems to have given birth to a number of things, whether it actually did or not. We can't forget about Gorosaurus. He looks pretty good, and his kangaroo kick was fun stuff. Corny as heck, but fun. This is also actually the first film for Gorosaurus at Toho, although he's better known for his role in the much more popular Godzilla franchise, most notable being 1969's Destroy All Monsters.

This is a fun movie, something you could buy for your kids or just enjoy on your own as long as you understand its intentions. I bought the film and enjoy it. I can't give it high marks for a number of listed reasons above (did I mention King Kong seems to understand English/Japanese as long as the female lead speaks slowly and loudly enough?), but I still recommend it if it sounds like something you could appreciate, quirks and all.
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Kong's new adventure
ultramatt2000-116 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Possible spoilers.

Since I was a kid I always wanted to see this film. My chance finally came when it got released on DVD with KING KONG VS GODZILLA, due to all that hoopla over Peter Jackson's remake. Anyway, this film pays homage to the 1933 RKO classic. Such as the combat with Gorosaurus (a tribute to the T-Rex fight in the original), the battle with the Giant Sea Serpant, Ooumbihebi (an homage to the Elsamosaurus in the original), the hermit yelling out gibberish where the only word you can understand is "Kong" (an homage to the natives in the original) and the helicopters flying around Kong (a la airplanes) climbing the Tokyo Tower (a tribute to the Empire State Building). But here's what grates other Kong fans. Kong and the girl are being friends. WTF?! In the original Ann Darrow was always scared of Kong. With this film, I think this is where Dino Dellaurentis got his idea for his remake nine years later. Now Mechni-Kong or Mecha-Kong, he looked goofy but tough.

His roar sounds like Kong's except echoey. Kong being in the hands of evil villains, I think this is the idea that ended it up in Dino Dellaurentiis unmade sequel, KING KONG IN Africa, where Kong gets resurrected in Frankenstein-like manner, works with evil villains and eats up Dwan. Thank goodness this sequel never lived to see the light of day. The film is based on the 1966 cartoon by Rankin-Bass, called KING KONG. With this film a new policy was made: One monster should climb the building, not two.

Akria Ifukube's score is great.

Originally this (goofy-looking) Kong was supposed to fight Daidakoo the Giant Octopus in OPERATION ROBINSON CRUSOE.

Then the octopus was replaced with Ebirah and it changed to OPERATION ROBINSON CRUSOE: KING KONG VS EBIRAH. If this film was made the only scenes ever to pay homage to the original was Kong's fight with the giant condor (his fight with the pterodactyl). Luckily that film never got made and it ended up as GODZILLA VS THE SEA MONSTER in 1966. I was reading a book that dates from 1971 and it talked about the upcoming science fiction and horror movies. Some lived to see the light of day, such as the U.S.


I found one film that was coming out called KING KONG: FRANKENSTEIN'S SON.

What's this? When I read that title, what came to mind was that this title was given for the German release of the film. Well, that film was never made.

The film was released in Europe in the 60's. It was released in Poland in 1971, and in Sweeden in 1972. Back in Japan it got re-released in 1973. In 1976 it was re-released in European countries in 1976 due to all that hoopla over Dino Dellaurentiis' remake. This film is a must-see for all you Kong and kaiju fans. Fun for the family. Rated G, but contains some violence.
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Lacklustre kaiju sequel
Leofwine_draca13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In the 1960s, King Kong found a new lease of life – in Japan. Firstly he fought Japan's most famous monster in KING KONG VS. GODZILLA, a film that famously had a different ending for Japanese and US viewers – in the Japanese print, Godzilla whooped the giant ape's backside, while in the USA, King Kong came out on top. Five years after that film was made, Japan released a sequel, KING KONG ESCAPES. Sadly, the giant green lizard isn't present this time around, leaving Kong to battle a giant mechanical version of himself (unoriginally monikored Mecha-Kong).

KING KONG ESCAPES is a pretty poor example of the Japanese kaiju film. Aimed solely at kids, these films came out in their dozens in the '60s and '70s in Japan, and centre pieced city-crushing bouts between multiple monsters as their major draw for battle-hungry children. KING KONG ESCAPES looks like it's going down a similarly enjoyable route, firstly by introducing the massive Mecha-Kong, and then reprising the original KING KONG antics as we meet the giant ape fighting of dinosaurs and sea serpents on mondo island. Sadly, that's as far as the film gets before it stalls, and the rest of the movie is a talky bore. The final bout between King Kong and the robot version of himself is a particularly disappointing showdown; only one building gets razed, and then we're back to the gravity-defying pummels atop a giant pylon that we've seen time and time again.

This film was made with an eye on the massive American market, which is why – unusually for a kaiju flick – there are US actors present in the cast. Unfortunately, they're all pretty rubbish. Linda Miller, the teenage heroine who was dubbed by another US actress, is utterly irritating as a Fay Wray imitator and you'll be longing for Kong to crush her in his grip. Rhodes Reason, a western veteran, is uncomfortably out of place amongst the futuristic sets and primitive special effects. It's left to the Japanese cast to give solid performances, whether it's the lovely femme fatale Mie Hama (YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE) or the hilariously overacting Eisei Amamoto as the villainous Doctor Who (must have seemed funny at the time). Akira Takarada is something of a kaiju regular – his most recent was 2004's GODZILLA: FINAL WARS – and he's dependable as the guy who'd be the hero in the non-American version, but who takes a back seat to the Western actors here.

Of course, the film is packed with special effects, and Mecha-Kong is an impressive creation. Less impressive are King Kong himself – whose glazed-over expression and moth-eaten costume give him the appearance of a druggie – and the toy helicopters and hover crafts which appear to have been constructed by a five year-old. It's not that the film is bone-crushingly bad, because it's not; it even hits a high occasionally, like during Kong's tussle with the slippery sea serpent. But it's nothing we've not seen before, and all the ideas here have been done better, elsewhere; there's a stale, tired air to the proceedings which make it hard to sit through. And this is from a kaiju fan. Seven years later, somebody remembered Mecha-Kong, and hit upon the idea of Mecha-Godzilla. Thus the film GODZILLA VS. MECHAGODZILLA was born.
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KONG sized fun!
luchian25 April 2006
This is a monster movie that truly has everything you'd want from the genre: A man in a rubber costume, a bunch of destructible environments, an insane villain in a cape and a heroic trio that border on a love triangle... Not forgetting the secret base, the insane plot and the multitude of henchmen in the trademark white gloves.

There is monster on monster action, campy dialog and such a wonderful feeling of childlike adventure and exploration that'll make you feel like you're a kid again as you watch the movie.

I couldn't help but smile through the whole film and after viewing it I just wish more of the monster movies out there could be this good.

Probably Ishiro Honda's best monster movie. Go watch it!
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weird king kong spoof with many toys
r-c-s3 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not so bad as many let believe. Mind you, end credits show: 1967. Of course today, after seven dozens of Bond & Bond-like movies, plus 9999 sci-fi/fantastic movies we can say we've seen pretty much anything, thus this movie looks a bit weird. In perspective it wasn't so bad, nor so outdated. Bond stuff was rather new at the time, hence the Bond sets, the villain scientist out to conquer the world with henchmen dressing all alike, in cahoots with a sexy Asian spy woman from an undisclosed financing country. Then we've a trio of perfectly 60ish heroes: the macho captain (a Bond-like character ), the pretty (cute she was indeed) blond nurse in love with the Japanese first mate. Then we have a remote island, a frantic islander, dinosaurs, the villains out to get Kong for some dirty deed, men in suit wrestling each other and another TOHO cliché: a robot similar to King Kong, long before the 1970's mechagodzillas. Another reason why such movie looks outdated & ridiculous, yet it isn't per se. Of course there are many scenes with toys (too many ), the acting isn't much of anything and the plot is torn between one's classic monster movie and some Bond movie/spy story. Not the worst monster movie. of course it's a spoof of the 1933 KK movie, thus comparisons shall end unfavourably. a nice movie for a quiet evening.
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Goofy monkey movie
jamesrupert20144 March 2018
Inane, live-action derivative of the Rankin-Bass "King Kong" cartoon (1966) fusing Japanese kaiju aesthetics with Bond-like spy shenanigans. Although the Toho production is directed by Ishiro Honda with music by Akira Ifukube and special effects by Eiji Tsuburaya (all known for 1954's "Godzilla"), this juvenile outing is far from their best work. Briefly, 'supervillain' "Dr. Who"* (an over-acting Akira Takarada) builds a robot King Kong to mine a rare radioactive material. When this doesn't work out, he ape-naps the original Kong to dig, which also fails and eventually results in a showdown between the two giant simians in Tokyo. Filling in the gaps is an intrepid American submariner (Rhodes Reason), his heroic 2IC (Akira Takarada), and eye-candy nurse Lt. Susan Watson (Linda Jo Miller), all of whom travel from the tropics to the U.N. to the arctic to Tokyo, always managing to be the thick of things. Not much in this movie works. Neither the miniatures nor the optical special effects are very effective, especially the interactions between the humans and the apes (such as when Lt. Watson is picked up or dropped). Similar to the suit used in "King Kong vs. Godzilla" (1962), Kong has a cartoonish, rubbery face and arms that change lengths (long and ape-like when standing or walking, short and man-like when climbing or fighting). Mechani-Kong is slightly better (but not as impressive as the various MechaGodzillas Toho has fielded). The other two kaiju in the film, a giant sea-snake and "Gorosaurus" are not bad, and the fight between the great ape and the latter, while a little overly-kinetic, is typical Toho for the era (Gorosaurus' 'jump kicks' presage the disemboweling kicks of the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park, 1993). The script and the acting (especially by the American leads and by Takarada) are abysmal. English speaking Linda Jo Miller is dubbed and given that the dubbed voice is awful, I can't imagine what her natural voice must have sounded like (although given the fatuous lines she delivers, it probably wouldn't matter). Her principal role is 'helpless screaming female': despite being a nurse and a Lieutenant in the Navy, she dives for the nearest male comfort when encountering an injured man and is introduced to the UN as "Miss" by her CO. She also establishes early on in the story that Kong (like all foreigners) will understand English if you speak slowly and loudly (a key plot point, as Kong's ability to follow instructions is essential to both Dr. Who's evil plan and to his ultimate, righteous comeuppance). Generally, while perhaps a notch above the cartoon from which it was spun, "King Kong Escapes", IMO, is one of the lowlights of Toho's kaiju legacy and watchable only by hard-core fans of the genre (or of 'camp'). (*no official relation to "The Doctor" although perhaps intentionally similar in look to William Hartnell's contemporaneous character).
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