Santo vs. the Vampire Women (1962) Poster

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Aye Caramba Santo! Your drawers are drooping!
evilskip24 December 1999
In the late fifties a horror genre burst onto the Mexican screen:masked wrestlers as super heroes.They were a huge hit in Mexico.As usual K Gordon Murray snapped up the American rights to these films.Most were sold directly to televison as saturday afternoon kiddie fare.These were pretty cool when we were well under 12.

The best of the bunch was Santo(called Samson in American prints).Santo was actually a wrestler who kept his identity private until 1982 when he was 65 years old.

You don't have to like wrestling (and I don't) to enjoy these films.Now if you enjoy pure,100% grade A cheese then this is the film for you.Just fast forward through the wrestling scenes (except for the bout an hour into the film where Santo's opponent is killed and replaced by a monster).

A coven of some extremely crusty faced vampire women become hot mamas after a blood ritual.Their queen wants them to kidnap her successor so the queen can go to Hell and live with her hubby Satan.(Sounds like a real stormy romance).The queen to be is the unaware daughter of some idiotic professor.

Well the vampires and their 3 male vampire slaves(all wrestler types)generally bite necks and raise havok.After a couple of botched kidnapping attempts the professor calls in the man in the silver mask,Santo!His real identity a secret, the man in the silver mask,droopy drawers and flamboyant cape tools around in his little sportscar to kick vampiric butt.He also has a cool lab/hideout that the professor can reach via radio/tv.Neat!

After several fights the daughter is kidnapped and taken to the haunted hacienda to be prepared for the blood ritual.Santo arrives in time to get his arse kicked.He is chained next to the girl who will be queen.Will Santo somehow save the day?Will he ever get rid of that wedgie in his tights?Doesn't that mask itch?

This is just dumb fun.The haunted house and the lair of the vampire women is a great spooky set.Lots of mist and cobwebs. The vampire women are very easy on the eyes.The idea of a wrestling superman is a real hoot.Go a few rounds taking punishment that would kill any human,win and go kick some monster arse.All in a days work for Santo!

As usual the lousy dubbing hurts this film.There are a lot of plot holes as well.Vampires appearing in mirrors and the male vampires look like they're out trick or treating.The wrestling matches except for the last one are seemingly endless.

Consumption of your favorite beverage will enhance your enjoyment greatly.Go into it with an empty head and you'll be entertained.Isn't that what it's all about?
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An enjoyable mess - lots of energy, not a lot of coherence
lemon_magic30 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
All I know about the cult of "Luchadore"/Mexican wrestling is what I gleaned from reading Gilbert Hernandez in "Love And Rockets" more than a decade ago, so when I happened onto this particular nugget via Mystery Science Theatre, it was disorienting. The idea of masked wrestlers as superheroes seems pretty out there. Still it actually makes some sense when you consider that El Santo and his compatriots a) wear tights, b) wear masks to conceal their identities and c) are tough muscular hombres with preternatural wrestling abilities. Who better to be street level superheroes? And before anyone in the States makes too much fun of this movie's sheer goofiness, remember that our culture is responsible for "Gilligan's Island", "Ozzy and Harriet" and Sid and Marty Kroft.

On to the actual movie.

As promised by the title, Samson (actually "El Santo") fights vampires to rescue a young lady from her fate as the new Queen of the Undead. Well, not so much "fights" as "wrestles". And he doesn't really fight the vampire women - he mostly tussles with their thuggish male assistants. (Vampires are apparently immune to bullets, but luckily they are susceptible to sunlight, crosses, and front suplexes.) The plot moves along briskly from scene to scene. This is so that you don't have a lot of time to think about some of the plot holes and inconsistencies...such as vampire cults that forget to put shutters or curtains over the windows of their castle to keep out the sunlight. And the way El Santo manhandles three vampires at once during several outdoor mêlées, but one of the three almost kills him during a one-on-one wrestling match (by 'using karate' on him). Or that Samson/El Santo pledges to protect the young woman, but can't be bothered to actually hang around, so he's always pulling up in a convertible at the last moment and leaping on the bad guys. (You think it would be easier and more effective to actually BE THERE with the victim when the vampires make their move). Or the fact that the vampires are proved to be EXTREMELY susceptible to the sight of crosses, but it never seems to occur to anyone in the movie to actually carry a crucifix.

I suspect that this was another case where K. Gordon Murray took a fairly decent (if cheesy) film and sabotaged it with a 'English version' plot and editing job that didn't mesh with the original, sapping it of much of its coherence and integrity. (admittedly, we're talking about a Mexican wrestler film here, not "The Man Who Would Be King").There is also some unfortunate voice dubbing - El Santo is OK (if somewhat stentorian), but the Professor in particular has a fruity baritone better suited to an animated cartoon character like Dudley Doright.

Still, this was a lot of fun to watch - there were some pretty good sets and lighting and camera angles, the women were pretty hot, the hero was noble and brave, and I can see how a young Latino audience would think that a masked muscle-man who drives his own sports convertible and travels around wrestling and fighting evil would be the shiznit. If I have a chance to see another "El Santo" film, I'll take it and see how it holds up.
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What's Everyone Complaining About?
Mr. Pulse25 November 2000
I don't get it! This movie makes sense to me! A bunch of vampire women (who I also suspect to be lesbians) desire to make a queen out of a not-so-fetching woman. They attempt it several times and while they fail, I guess they are grating on the woman's nerves (You'd be upset too if the undead kept bugging ya), so she calls on Santo, a famous Mexican wrestler to stop the undead and protect her. Makes sense to me! What's yer problem?

This movie is a cheesy delight. As my friend explains it, mexican wrestlers of this era were even more revered than the ones we have here in the US today, so they got their own movies. Personally I'm glad, cause I doubt I would ever see a vampire get taken down in a belly-to-belly suplex by a guy in mask, tights, and cape, if not for this movie.

I didn't even realize til just now that the movie was on MST3K. I missed the episode I guess, but regardless, you don't need their help to enjoy this movie, it is so ridiculous and cheesy on its own that even at 2 hours in length it is still a campy delight.

For goodness sake they call on Santo like he's Batman, there's even a Comissioner Gordan type character who has a hotline directly to Santo in the car. I also dug the vampire chicks who had really dry skin (bad air circulation in coffins) until they got their hands on some blood...suddenly they got really hot. Now that's my kind of movie.

Just a word to the wise. Anytime a vampire squints and then unsquints at you, they are going to use their power. Way too many people fall for that, we need to stop that. Just a friendly word from me. But enjoy Santo Versus The Vampire Women, it's a fun flick.
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The best mexican movie ever made
santo-95 August 1999
Back when the wrestlers wrestled for real, back when vampires were scary and erotic, back when women were REALLY SEXY, there was "Santo contra las mujeres vampiro". With a popular superhero, a very, very, very sexy vampire queen (I'd let be myself bitten by her)and an hour plus of really good entertainment this is easily the best mexican film ever made. The childish special effects and poor performances of the actors just make it a jewel of surrealism. If you are looking for a masterpiece of nonsense, search no more, this one is for you.
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"I didn't shell out the extra money for the bat-chasing option on this car and NOW I need it.!"
Smells_Like_Cheese6 September 2008
Wow, this is seriously one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life, I've seen some bad movies, but Samson vs. the Vampire Women is in a class of it's own. Now from what I understand Sampson is sort of like the Superman of Mexico, he's their hero, I always honestly thought it was a joke with the Mexican wrestlers, thanks to this movie, I'll be having nightmares for weeks, seeing that ridicules costume, no offense to fans of Samson, just God, that was such an outfit! I did see this through Mystery Science Theater 3000, thank goodness for Mike and the bots because I don't think there was any other entertaining way to get through this movie. But the only thing I can say about this movie, is that it's so bad that it turns around once again into the good/bad zone that makes it so laughable and you actually find yourself enjoying it, it's the vampire version of Goodfellas.

A vampire woman has awakened and discovers that it is time to find the reincarnation of the queen of the vampires. She awakens other vampires to find the girl and their group will grow strong again. But the girl that they are after is being protected by her family and friends... and SAMSON, a Mexican wrestler who for some odd reason sometimes runs away from the bad guys and just flips them on their backs. But with Samson protecting her... well, I'm sure that she has an average chance of getting out of this bloody situation.

Samson vs. the Vampire Women is pretty stupid, I mean we go from a vampire story to a wrestling match that has nothing to do with the story, it's like watching a movie with Paris Hilton and then in the middle of it cut to her sex tape just because that's mainly what she is famous for. If you are going to watch this, unless for some odd reason you are a fan of Samson, I would recommend watching it with the Mystery Science Theater 3000 gang, they make this movie much better, I just cannot believe some movies get the green light, this is definitely one of those movies, but at least it made for a great episode that will have you dying of laughter.

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Boring and stupid.
13Funbags22 June 2018
This movie is about a Mexican Alfred the butler who has a machine that can see anything in the world, much like the Chinese guy in that wrestling women movie, and a vampire woman who needs thugs to bop her victims over the head. The vampire women literally have nothing to do with the movie.
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Terrible...but also very most Santo films.
planktonrules26 December 2018
Oddly, the title for this film when I found it on Roku was "Samson Versus the Vampire Women" and they call the hero 'Samson' throughout the picture*. This is odd since the Samson films were made in Italy...and this is a Mexican luchador film starring el Santo...not Samson! Now seeing Santo fighting against the undead is NOT unusual, as he made quite a few movies involving werewolves, aliens, vampires and Frankenstein! But the title is totally misleading and stupid.

The film begins with vampire women being awakened and released from her grave by some weird lady in bad make-up. You then notice that ALL of them sport very bad make-up...with clay-like gloppy make-up and enormous fangs. Fortunately, after some incantation, the make-up vanishes...revealing hottie vampires. What follows is a tale with vampire ladies trying to steal the soul of a lady upon her 21st birthday...until our hero, Santo, springs into action and ends this menace.

"Santo vs. Las Mujueres Vampiro" is a stupid but fun film....much like all the other Santo movies I have seen. Of course none of it makes sense and a masked crime/undead fighter is ridiculous...but also funny and surreal! Worth seeing...particularly if you are a bad movie buff like me.

*During the wrestling sequence, you can clearly hear the crowd cheering 'Santo, Santo!' again and again! I guess they forgot to change this as well.
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The fight that goes on and on and on.............
brogmiller20 September 2021
Directed, I use the term loosely, by someone named Alfonso Corona Blake, this is just one of a seemingly interminable series featuring a masked wrestler whose status as a 'cultural icon' must surely remain one of life's mysteries.

The most memorable features here are those belonging to María Duval, Ofelia Montesco and Lorena Velázquez.

Films of this type are of course certain to have their devotees but that this ineffably naff and feeble opus has garnered so many positive reviews is deeply depressing.

Should a much earlier reviewer who has declared this to be 'the greatest Mexican movie ever made' still be with us, I suggest he broaden his horizons.
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Where To Begin?
Calaboss6 March 2010
When it comes right down to it, the "masked Mexican professional wrestler Vs. karate-chopping, wrestling, vampire/werewolf" movie genre has a fairly large void that this movie tries hard to fill. It's a very bad movie, of course, but the "so bad it's good" factor is huge on this one. I'm glad I didn't smoke pot before watching this because death by laughter would surely be the result.

I won't even try to describe any of the scenes, but rest assured, each one stands on its own as a testament on how not to make a movie. This isn't Casablanca, people.

Now, on to the merits of this film:

1. This is the very best Mexican wrestler Vs. vampire movie I've ever seen (although it should be noted, it's also the ONLY one, so I guess that makes it the worst too).

2. It features some extremely good looking Mexican women, which is definitely NOT a bad thing. However, no explanation is given about how one of the vampire women, who was awakened after 200 years, came across her horn-rimmed glasses. (I detected the distinct odor of "Producer's Daughter".)

3. I saw the English dubbed version and the dubbing wasn't that bad.

All in all, it will depend on your mood whether or not to watch this. If you're up for some fine film making, take a pass. If you're up for some lifelike cartoons involving men in capes and masks doing a lot of fake fighting, dive right in.
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A big, heaping serving of cheese
bensonmum222 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've only seen a handful of the Santo films, but Samson vs. the Vampire Women is so far my favorite. It's a cheese-filled extravaganza. The state of Wisconsin is jealous of the amount of cheese on display in this movie. What do you expect when you mix Santo, the masked Mexican wrestler, with a bevy of beautiful vampires? I don't know about you, but I expect pure, delicious cheese.

Going through a plot summary or analyzing the positives and negatives seems a bit silly with a movie like Samson vs. the Vampire Women. Instead, I'll try to hit on some of the more fun, but bizarre, moments from the movie:

1. Even though he's called Samson by everyone in the movie and the title lists him as Samson, someone forgot to tell the crowd at the wrestling arena who seem overly exuberant in chanting "Santo!"

2. Apparently, Santo has a closed circuit television camera mounted to the front of his impossibly small sports car.

3. You simply must watch the dubbed version. The dubbing is so bad that it adds a whole other dimension to the movie.

4. Mexican vampire women are the hottest.

5. Santo has an uncanny knack of showing up just after the person he's protecting has been kidnapped. Why not just stay put and be there when the bad guys make their move?

6. Why does Professor Orlof ask the police for their help throughout the movie? They seem to be incapable of even the most routine of police activities.

7. Don't feel bad about fast forwarding through the incredibly long and dull wrestling matches. It makes watching Santo that much more enjoyable.

8. It's odd that Santo can do battle with three vampire goons and come out on top, yet when going one-on-one in a wrestling ring, he gets the snot beat out of him.

There are more, but you get the idea. Watching Santo is best done with an open mind and the notion that nothing is to be taken seriously. If you do this, you're bound to have a good time with Samson vs. the Vampire Women.
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"Follow me! We'll search for human blood!!"
richardchatten2 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film begins and ends extremely well, but in between becomes a draggy police procedural in which the vampire women remain largely in the background confined to their lair while only their High Priestess Tundra goes out into the field to suck blood and stalk heroine Diana Orloff. Tundra's appearance at Diana's window sufficiently spooks her father Prof. Orloff to get on to his video link to Santo rather as Commissioner Gordon used to contact Batman on the batphone; with Santo himself resembling a sort of blue collar Caped Crusader who wears only the trunks and cape and nips about in a nifty little sports car.

In the hands of cameraman Jose Ortiz Ramos and production designer Roberto Silva it all looks good, especially Ofelia Montesco as pouting High Priestess Tundra - easily the hottest chick in a film full of them - and María Duval as the virtuous young heroine Diana, who gets disappointingly little screen time. Unfortunately there's far more screen time given to Santo - who we twice have to watch in the ring taking ages to floor his opponents - than to the vampire women; who Santo only takes on at the film's very conclusion. For the rest of the time Tundra is flanked by three beefy henchmen (one of whom turns out to be a werewolf!) who handle all the rough stuff instead of the vampire women themselves until Santo finally sees them off in their lair in a climactic vampire holocaust that justifies sitting through the talky preliminaries. (If Tundra and her girls had thought to put blackouts on the window of the crypt and kept track of the time as dawn approached Santo would have perished on the slab to which he'd been chained, Diana would now be leading the vampire women; and I for one would have been well satisfied at that outcome.)

One puzzling question remains. Was that a pair of spectacles the blonde vampire woman seated at Zorina's feet when she's giving Tundra a dressing down was wearing?
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Now that's entertainment...
poe42613 April 2002
I remember watching this one when I was a kid, and covering my eyes whenever things got a little too spooky (only to peek at it from between my fingers, of course). Then there was Mil Mascaras, wrestling on American television, in the mid-70's. Professional wrestlers- in particular, those wearing masks- were the next best thing to superheroes: they displayed the physical prowess of a superhero and, in a series of movies lensed in Mexico, fought every type of monster known (and unknown) to Man. The combination of masked pro wrestlers and monsters was a natural. (And, in fact, childhood memories of El Santo and Mil Mascaras inspired me to create my own pro wrestling superhero, THE AVENGER. I wrote and drew a series of black and white comics featuring The Avenger several years ago, and he even appears on The Homepage Of The Dead website, in my story THE ISLAND OF DR. ROMERO.)

SAMSON VS. THE VAMPIRES is as entertaining as they come. Beautiful sets and sustained suspense, solid performances, underrated direction- it's all here for anyone interested in being genuinely entertained. Much has been made of the "cheesiness" of this movie. Is STAR WARS any less "cheesy"? Or the vastly overrated LORD OF THE RINGS? (Or the much-talked-about upcoming HELLBOY movie?) If you like superheroes slugging it out with vampires, this one's for you.
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Viva El Santo!
MartianOctocretr53 March 2007
You haven't seen fun camp and delightful cheese until you've seen an El Santo movie, and his match with a bunch of beautiful vampire ladies is probably his best.

Since Lucha Libre (Wrestling) is very popular south of the border, El Santo (or Samson, or The Silver Masked Wrestler etc) was the master of caped comic book heroes in Mexico back in the 60's. This movie boasts not only the typical Santo plot: a wrestling match at the beginning, a pretty girl being menaced by bad guys, a professor who knows how to stop the bad guys, a second wrestling match with a concealed bad guy masquerading as a wrestler trying to kill Santo in the ring etc., but it also has some cool old-school Gothic style undead evil mistresses. And some beauties they are too: Lorena Velasquez (a look-alike to a young Liz Taylor, except prettier) is the effectively sinister vampire queen who is looking for a successor.

It's a lot of late night horror movie fun, the kind the "live monster" hosts like Elvira and Vampira used to show. You can't help but love the stilted, translated dialog done in laughably out-of-synch dubbing, endless fighting scenes (the kind where people fall down even when a punch misses them by ten feet), a slowly unravelling master plot, and cheap special effects. This is a "must see" for fans of campy horror films.
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A whole series?!
ericstevenson2 July 2016
I was pretty amazed to find out that this movie is actually one in a series that has about ten entries! I guess these guys really do have MST3K to thank for telling everyone about this one crazy entry. The main flaw with this movie is that Samson doesn't even appear until halfway through the movie. I'm glad I at least knew what the guy looked like before watching this. This movie also suffers from being dreadfully boring. It seems like half of this whole thing could have been trimmed.

It's so annoying to see the drawn out scenes early in the film. How long does it take to just open a coffin? The effects are laughable, especially with the bats. I'm not even going to bother explaining the plot. The title tells you everything that you need to know. I guess I can appreciate all the people working in this weird series. At least at the end, it gets laughably bad. It's just absurd and pointless even by the standards of B-movies. *
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You love it and you know it!
clowns_n_cookies15 January 2004
A simple question...

How do you make a B- vampire movie more interesting than other B- vampire movies?



To the creators of 'Samson vs. The Vampire Women', my hat goes off to you. Few people could turn a bad movie into a down-right deliciously horrible one so effortlessly. That is a talent in of itself.

The acting, dialogue, and storyline are recognizably trite from scene one, but the premise is still fairly easy to follow. Vampires + reincarnated vampire sacrifice + spooky castle = a vampire movie. Then... suddenly out of nowhere... a mysterious masked wrestler pops up halfway through the film. Why, you ask?

To stop the vampires, of course!

This is Samson the wrestler, and it's his destiny to conquer evil. He wears a mask, sports a shiny cape with leotards, and drives around in a convertible! "But why a Mexican wrestler for the hero?" Well... because it's never been done before! That's why!

I must admit, these laughably bad B- movies are really a guilty pleasure with me. You really learn to appreciate their sheer stupididty... so long as you don't take them seriously. In any case, I'd recommend this movie to anybody. You have to see it at least once to believe it.

It begs the question, "Who felt that this story needed to be told?"

1.3 out of 10!!!
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BandSAboutMovies12 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Known as Samson vs. the Vampire Women in the U.S., this is one of four Santo films that were dubbed into English and released north of the border. Blame K. Gordon Murray, a distributor of Mexican films whose movies mainly played children-friendly weekend matinees or late night TV thanks to American-International TV.

A coven of vampire women awaken in their crypt after two centuries of sleep. Their leader, Queen Zorina, just wants to go back to Hell with her husband Lucifer - man, I love this movie - and to get here there, Tundra makes a vow to take the granddaughter of a woman who escaped her evil grip.

The only person that can save her is Santo, as his grandfather once saved the day all those years before. To get there, he's going to have to fight a werewolf and then all of the vampire women, who decide they need to see Santo's face, but the fun comes up and they all explode into flames. The silver masked man jumps in his convertible and drives away, satisfied with killing monsters for today.
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Despite the decent climax, the deathly slow pacing ruins this one
Leofwine_draca7 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The third of the Mexican wrestling movies picked up by K. Gordon Murray for US television (the others being INVASION OF THE ZOMBIES and SAMSON IN THE WAX MUSEUM), SAMSON VS. THE VAMPIRE WOMEN is more atmospheric but even less action-orientated than the other two, trading numerous run-ins with henchmen for an extremely slow pacing, with lots of lingering pans across creepy, cobwebby rooms, dark crypts, and cheesy rubber bats flying about on strings. As such, the film is only for the die-hard Santo fan. Anyone else watching from a modern perspective might well find it dull, clichéd, and utterly predictable.

This time around the villains are a bunch of sexy female vampires, who lurk around looking through windows and occasionally transform into ugly old hags (surprisingly efficient make-up effects are utilised here). They also have a couple of male zombies (including one weird alien-looking bald type) to do their bidding, which is mainly kidnapping and strapping prone victims to stone slabs and then draining them of their blood. Unfortunately the viewer must wade through dozens of minutes worth of exposition, badly dubbed dialogue about nothing in particular, some excruciating musical numbers and some minor characters being offed before he gets to the good stuff, which is almost worth waiting for.

We first meet Santo about thirty minutes into the picture. Amusingly, our doctor protagonist attempts to call him on one of those flat television screens all Mexicans seemingly have in their homes, only to find that Santo is away at a wrestling match! Later, the vampires send an undercover agent in to attack Santo, and a lengthy match ensues before the bad guy turns into a hairy werewolf and runs amok in the audience. After numerous encounters with the villains, the admittedly strong finale is set in the vampires' crypt, where a devastating ray of sunlight turns most of the bloodsuckers into burning ash, at which point (the coolest moment in the whole film) Santo runs in and finishes off the rest of the evil ones with the help of a fiery torch.

Sadly, the film offers little flair or excitement for one's money and the deathly slow pacing never seems to pick up until the very end. On the plus side, the set design is of a good standard, especially with the vampire's crypt which is very atmospheric. Sadly the low budget means that this is the only detailed set in the whole movie, with the rest of the action taking place in parks, wrestling rings, and people's houses. The human characters lack interest and the film spends far too much time concentrating on their activities when a look at the vampires and Santo himself would be far more interesting. As for Santo, he proves to be reliable as ever although his presence is sorely lacking in the opening stages and he needs far more screen time in my humble opinion. As such, this curio is for collectors only, and if you've never heard of Santo my opinion is to not bother.
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Was not much of a fight versus those women at the end.
Aaron13756 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film is from Mexico and features the fan favorite wrestler Santo. So of course, this movie is going to have people saying that this film is good, we Americans just do not understand it and blah blah blah. Some seem to think that just because it is foreign it is somehow good, but let's face it, this film is the equivalent of one of those horrible Hulk Hogan films we make. Sure Santo may be popular in Mexico, but that does not mean a film he is in is good or that he can act or the story is somewhat tolerable. The only thing tolerable in this wreck of a film is the vampire ladies after they get all pretty. For the most part though when the film is not plodding along it is showcasing Santos' wrestling skills which for me is even more boring than the plodding along!

The story has a coven of vampire women and their three wrestling vampire men plotting to kidnap a woman and making her the new vampire queen. They still have the old queen, but a new one is needed because I suppose the old one gets bored of being queen or something. Well a professor wishes to protect his daughter, who is the next in line. He asks for an inspector's help and promptly dismisses the man several times during one conversation. Meanwhile, the coven has chants and this and that and about halfway in the movie Samson shows up (Santo). Why one would want a wrestler to protect them is questionable against vampires, but I suppose it makes sense seeing as how the vampire men are all wrestlers. Well Santo is not very effective, mainly able to just flip people away, but he somehow manages to get ahead in the game and burn all the vampire women alive as they close themselves into their caskets...basically helpless.

So the main problem is the pacing. The film is so slow and when there finally is action it is simply people being flipped around. This does not make for a good movie no matter how you slice it. It is laughable that a wrestler can match up with a vampire, and even more laughable how he burns the women vampires alive at the end. Wow, how heroic of you, Santo, or man in silver mask. We are even treated to a wrestling match during the film, we do not need to see this in the middle of a vampire film! Mexican wrestlers are hailed as heroes in Mexico and perhaps a little kid from that country can see the appeal, but I do not as I do not like wrestling and do not hail them as heroes.

So the film is mainly a bore. The only thing making this film a two instead of a one is the very attractive vampire women. The one doing most of the work is the best one, reminding me of that girl in the Roger Corman film, The Undead. I find it funny how they kept acting as if the girl they were after to become the next queen was super beautiful, when she was okay, but not nearly as cute as most of the vampire women. So if you are into Mexican wrestling and can enjoy a very pointless plot and non epic final showdown, give this one a look see. However, I would advise you look away if you ever see it on.
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Featuring Tundra, my second favourite female Mexican vampire after Santanico Pandemonium.
BA_Harrison20 March 2022
I'm a huge fan of trashy cult movies, but I can't say the same for Mexican wrestling, which makes the Santo series a bit of a mixed bag for me. Santo vs The Vampire Women is a lot of fun when dealing with the titular bloodsuckers themselves, but whenever the undead action pauses for a prolonged bout of grappling in the ring, I struggle to remain invested.

After two hundred years asleep, vampire priestess Tundra (Ofelia Montesco) emerges from her coffin, looking a little worse for wear; the moon works wonders, however, its rays transforming Tundra into a ravishing, raven haired beauty (Montesco is a total fox!), ready to face the world in search of Diana (María Duval), the young woman prophecised to succeed Zorina, queen of the vampires (played by Lorena Velázquez). But Diana's father, Professor Orlof (Augusto Benedico), isn't about to let that happen, the scientist enlisting the help of Mexico's top luchador Santo (or Samson, as he called in the dubbed version) to battle the vampires.

The gothic elements of this movie are delightfully cheezy yet surprisingly atmospheric, with a creepy old castle (do they even have castles in Mexico?) festooned with cobwebs, a dusty crypt crammed with coffins (home to Zorina's vampire women), and lots of hokey rubber bats on strings. Tundra is a memorable vampire babe, rivalling the beauty of Hammer's finest, easily bending puny men to her will. It's just the fighting I have a problem with, Santo's wrestling in and out of the ring clearly used as padding, the plot not strong enough to fill a full hour and a half on its own. If you love lucha libre, then you'll probably have a good time with the highly choreographed body slams, arm locks and head butts, but I find it all rather tedious.

4.5/10, rounded up to 5 for tasty Tundra - just don't look at her in a mirror (these vampires have reflections, and it ain't a pretty sight!).
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The essential Mexican Wrestler movie
AlbertoAbreu29 March 2002
In the late 50's and early 60's Mexican wrestling was flowing with renewed popularity. El Santo, The Man in the Silver Mask, was the most popular wrestler at the time, a true idol of the masses.

So somebody at some point decided to make "wrestling movies" transforming popular wrestlers into superheros (after all, they are masked and caped, aren't they?) and pitted them against criminal mobsters, evil scientists and in one occasion, a martian invasion.

Of course these movies are on par with the best (and worst) of B movies of the time, but this particular movie is considered an icon, receiving awards in Europe and Asia.

Today this movie would only inspire chuckles and outright laughs, but its a nice history lesson of the time when caped and masked men were in the imaginations of millions of Mexican kids.
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A classic of mexican film
El_Chango21 July 1999
if you want good acting, a good story and great special effects, stay away, but if you want to have fun watching a masked mexican wrestler kick vampire butt, this is the one for you!

This is probably the most popular film starring legendary wrestler El Santo, a true classic.
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The Quintessential Santo movie
jluis19847 March 2006
In a dark mansion deep in the woods, a clan of vampire women awakes of a 200 year slumber to complete a cycle. Thorina (Lorena Velazquez), queen of the vampire women, must find her successor before returning to hell, so she sends Tundra (Ofelia Montesco) to kidnap Diana Orlof (Maria Duval), since she has the mark of the chosen one. Diana's father, the revered Professor Orlof (Augusto Benedico) has been waiting for this moment, and with the aid of his friend, the mysterious Santo (wrestler Santo himself), they will try to stop Thorina's plan.

This is the plot of the film considered as the best in the infamous Mexican wrestler sub-genre. "Santo Contra las Mujeres Vampiro" was the forth in Santo's career as an actor, and it sets the basis for his future films as his movies started to move away from the action genre and got closer to the realm of fantasy, horror and science fiction.

The wrestling sub-genre was a mixture of action films & superhero comics taking as main characters the famous wrestlers of the time. Santo was without a doubt the most popular of them, so he starred on a long series of films as a mysterious man devoted to justice. While in his earlier films he battled crime lords, soon he started fighting the supernatural creatures (mainly because horror started to be popular), and this film is the perfect example of that.

While this movie contains the typical flaws of the early Mexican b-movies (low-budget & cheap effects), it excels in other aspects such as the acting, and specially, in the beautiful Bava-influenced cinematography. The Gothic surreal look the movie has owes a lot to the Universal films of the 30s and the school of Mario Bava ("La Maschera del Demonio" comes to mind). The film has a visual composition that no other Mexican movie could surpass on a very long time.

The acting is very good for a movie of its kind, and the script, while very campy, tells a very entertaining story. Ofelia Montesco steals the show, not only with her stunning beauty but also with her powerful presence on screen; a presence only beaten by Santo himself, who with only a few lines but a lot of action demonstrates why he was the best. A word of advice, DO NOT get the dubbed version, since the awful dubbing makes the film a lot cheesier than what it already is.

Of course, as I wrote above, the movie's biggest flaw is the poor budget, resulting in very cheap SFX; also, the action scenes are a bit too long. On the top of that, it has dated badly and now it looks very kitsch. However, Santo's charm remains untainted and makes the film a jewel of entertainment.

With this film, Santo the wrestler/actor was transformed into Santo, the iconic cult figure; and his film persona grew to mythical proportions. While this is not an award-winning film, it makes an enjoyable experience and the best way to experience the Mexican wrestler sub-genre. 7/10
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Atmospheric Cheese
Apearlo11 October 1999
I mean the above as a good thing. Used for the last season six episode of MST3K, this Mexican wrestler film has good cinematography, an interesting plot, cool vampires... okay, so the girl's father has a goofy, dubbed voice and the wrestling scenes (one with a buff vampire!) might be tedious for some (like me). This movie has turned me on to Mexican horror of the 50's and 60's -- is that wrong?
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two genres for the price of - what? - you decide -
winner5513 March 2010
The Santo films, indeed the wrestling superhero genre as a whole, is unique to Mexico (I recently tried to sit through an Italian variant, Superargo, and wasn't impressed), and on that basis alone deserves more respect than it is usually accorded. Which is not to say they are good films, only that for Mexicans, most of whom do not have a lot of money to spend on frivolities, these films were important enough for them to keep the genre buoyant well into the '80s.

For a a US viewer, however, the films are oddities, no denying that. I find them fascinating in small doses, but eventually their cultural reasoning eludes me. They are most entertaining when they are at their most gratuitously irrational, so long as the pacing is kept reasonably swift (and the films often lag). For my money, the best of the Santo films I have seen is Santo el enmascarado de plata y Blue Demon contra los monstruos, which is wildly exploitative and inane, but the clips I have seen of Misterio en las Bermudas, together with what I have read of it, suggest that it is truly an epic of its variety.

In any event, here we have a fairly early representative of the genre, and I write this because I was able to see an English dub version, that appearing in the Mystery Theater 3000 series. I'm not a big fan of MT3K, the performers of which frequently think they are funnier than they actually are, but I admit they added some laughs to the experience (although I didn't need that song to a vanished continuing character at all). But it is the Santo film that really makes the viewing worth it.

It should be noted that for some reason best known to Santo's management and audience, a large chunk of his filmography has him battling vampires - he even battles Count Dracula himself on at least three occasions. Perhaps that's just as well - when he battles simple gangsters, as in his first film Santo contra cerebro del mal, the going gets pretty slow.

"Vampire Women" is an odd film and a silly film. It is odd because the first half is pure vampire movie - it is full of atmosphere, weird rituals and menace, and the usual blood sucking, etc. Suddenly, literally out of nowhere, Santo appears, and the film becomes an excuse for the masked one to thrash some vampire - and werewolf - butt, in and out of the ring.

It is silly because there is no coherence to how the myth of the vampire is used throughout the movie; one moment they can be seen in a mirror, then later not, the vampire becomes a werewolf then soon disappears in a fire-bolt at simply the sight of a cross on a church-steeple - The whole narrative seems terribly ad hoc - as if the script were written on the fly (and I suspect it was - although the first half has some money showing in its atmospherics, which are quite impressive, the second half looks pretty cheap).

Fortunately, this is a fairly short movie, and the pacing is pretty good. It is also representative of both the wrestling superhero genre and the Mexican horror genre, so may be a good beginning point for those interested in either. Great movie making this is not - but even without the MT3K commentary, it's actually kind of fun.
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Great and different plot - wrestler vs vampires : Pure fun schlock
skynetwilson1 February 2022
If you were expecting Dickens you will be disappointed but I was pleasantly surprised by the English dubbed version and there are just too many memes in this one not to enjoy it.

If you are looking to escape into a world where the bad guys are (really, really) bad and the good guys are working together to save the virtuous and pretty young woman from a fate worse than death then this is for you.

Fun schlock of the best kind :-)
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