Aquamarine (2006) Poster


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Enjoyable "Tween" Film
christian1233 July 2006
Following a violent storm, a beautiful and sassy mermaid named Aquamarine washes ashore and into the lives of two teenage girls. After Aquamarine falls for a local, hunky lifeguard, she enlists the girls' help to win his heart.

After watching the trailer for Aquamarine, I was expecting a horrible movie. Instead, I got a decent "tween" film that should appeal to its target audience. The film proves to be mildly charming and enjoyable for adults with a few fun characters and scenes. The premise is pretty familiar and the film is a little by-the numbers. However, screenwriter Jessica Bendinger is pretty good when it comes to harmless fluff and she at least tries to stray away from the familiar path. Of course she gets help from a good cast and the combination makes the film quite entertaining.

The main reason why this film works well is because of its young and charming cast. I don't really like JoJo as a singer so I was expecting her to give a bad performance. To my surprise, she shows a lot of charm in the role and she is actually quite engaging. Emma Roberts gives an okay performance, nothing special. However, her character is kind of dull so maybe that's why her performance isn't very interesting. Sara Paxton gives the best performance as Aquamarine. Her performance is a little familiar but still pretty funny.

The most engaging aspect of the movie is the relationship between the three girls. Of course the premise is far fetched but the relationships are realistic and it helps make the film more enjoyable. Despite this engaging quality, the film is still only average for me. I liked it but I didn't like it too much. The pacing was too slow, especially during the first twenty minutes. There were also a few "girly" scenes that almost completely lost my interest in the film. After the movie had finished, I got a lukewarm feeling. The ending wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be and the entire thing really wasn't that memorable. Aquamarine is a nice movie to watch but it doesn't leave a long lasting impression on the viewer unless you're part of the target audience. In the end, Aquamarine is harmless fluff and it's worth checking out. Rating 5/10
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JoJo Surpises Me
hollywoodgirl-118 March 2006
I promised my sister I would take her to a movie for her birthday and buy her popcorn a few weeks ago, and today was the day we settled on. I was pushing for Failure to Launch or She's the Man, but my sister was determined to see Aquamarine. So fifteen dollars later we were all nestled in. The movie starts off extremely slow and was, in my opinion, painful to watch. I must admit I was much more entertained with thinking of ways that I could sneak in to The Hills Have Eyes, which was playing at the theater across from ours. But in the end I stayed for the movie, giving me plenty of time to think over my criticisms. I think Emma Roberts (timid and diminutive Claire) may be a rare star who started out acting fairly well and is getting worse. I thought her early Unfabulous days were good, but now I can barely stand to watch the show. Her over-the-top mugging drives me insane. I wasn't expecting much out of JoJo (bold and strong Hailey) at all. I knew it wasn't exactly fair writing her off for being a singer, but that's what I did. And I was extremely, pleasantly surprised. She did a great job, I thought. I wasn't expecting much from Sara Paxton (the titular mermaid Aquamarine) judging by the painful "I see we're going to have to take this slow: Mer Maid" in the trailers, but she ended up doing okay. All in all, it wasn't a great movie, but it picks up in the second half and finishes well, so it was a pretty decent way to spend almost two hours on a cold Saturday afternoon. Although next time, I think I'll pick the movie.
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Aquamarine: A Perfect . . . 5
VivaLaVieBoheme13 March 2006
I took my nine-year-old sister to see this movie today. It was between this movie and Chicken Little, and she admitted she wanted to see this more, so that was fine with me. Remembering the display of ultimate mediocrity that was A Cinderella Story, one of the last movies we saw in the theater together, I was prepared to hate and be bored by this movie. That is to say, I went in expecting crappy dialogue, a predictable yet forced and contrived plot, and acting that ranged from mediocre to awful. Its having below a 3.0 on IMDb (compared to A Cinderella Story's 5.2) certainly didn't help matters.

And I have to say . . . I was pleasantly surprised. Not because the dialogue was brilliant, the plot was novel, and the acting was amazing. It was just all better than what I expected. Okay, a lot of the dialogue was pretty cheesy, and you can see the "plot twists" coming a mile away. But I have to admit, I chuckled out loud a couple of times, and as for the acting, it wasn't NEARLY as bad as what Ms. Duff had led me to expect from these young women. Actually, this movie turned out to be, dare I say, slightly charming at times, and even when the mermaid annoyed me with her unfunny quips about life on land versus life in the sea (which was at least half of the time she was on screen), the other two main characters were actually fun to watch together. They're not future Judi Denchs in the making, and probably not even future Keira Knightleys or Natalie Portmans in the making, but I'd GLADLY choose them over Hilary Duff any day of the week.

And this is the real reason why I'm commenting here. I can understand that if you didn't go into the movie knowing how tweeny it was going to be, you would loathe it with your entire soul. I don't really know how that would happen, considering who two out of three of the leads are, but still . . . if that's what happened to you, I understand. But come on . . . this movie was not worse than A Cinderella Story, so please, let's stop rating it as such. A Cinderella Story was less charming, less unique, and less valuable in the "What Lessons Can We Learn From These Characters?" Department than Aquamarine by a long shot.

So, do I think this was a good movie? Well, I'm 21, so that's pretty much impossible. Like I said . . . thin and predictable. But is it a BAD movie? No. It accomplishes what it sets out to do. My little sister loved it, and I can see why. Therefore I give this movie not a 10 or a 1 but a 5, that is, a rating of perfect mediocrity. If you know a girl between the ages of 8 and 13, feel free to take her to see it, because she'll probably love it, and honestly, you're not going to mind it all that much. I promise.
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feel-good film
mattkratz30 May 2006
This movie was obviously aimed at the teen set, but I found plenty to enjoy in it. The story concerns two girls (one of whom is about to move with her mother to Australia) who find a mermaid. The mermaid informs them that they can have one wish for finding her. They must decide what it is. Also, Aquamarine (the mermaid) must find love within three days, or else her father will make her marry someone she does not want to. She thinks she loves a lifeguard hunk the girls also have a crush on, but he initially does not return her feelings.

There are several well-done scenes, including a bathtub scene, a dinner scene,a shopping mall scene, and a bike-riding scene. All in all, I think this was a charming little movie and recommend it.I think the girls were well cast and the mermaid scenes were cute, charming, well-made, and funny. You might like it.

** 1/2 out of ****
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WANTED: One Tom Hanks and one Ron Howard
canisminor_28 February 2006
I wanted to like this film in more ways then one. For starters it's a film starring two 13 year- old girls and a mermaid and to praise it would be to trump my objectivity as a critic, because, being a 27 year-old male, I may not be its target market. Also, it's directed by first-timer Elizabeth Allen whose previous credit was a dark comedic short addressing the volatile relationship between an insecure boy and his glass eye!


Yes, I had high hopes that morning as I strolled into a theater teeming with pre-pubescent teens (my "peeps" I called them) and as the lights dimmed on their spastic chatter I thought to myself, "Is it possible that Aquamarine could be to Elizabeth Allen what Big was to Penny Marshall!?". If so, my peeps were in for a treat! They too could come of age to the modest charm of a whimsical tale of adolescent obsessions; they too would laugh, love and learn from intelligently, understated insights on experience.

Yeah, well, it wasn't and they didn't; but I'm not bitter. To make it up to them I even smacked a few of the brats on the head as we were leaving the theater and whispered "that's life, deal with it!" into their ear.

Allen's film follows two best friends, Clair and Hailey, trying to make the most of the last days of their summer vacation and, in many respects, their innocents. You see Hailey's moving to Australia and the two must now confront life without each other's mutual support. But this is a mermaid film so cue Sarah Paxton sporting strategically placed long blond hair (who also happens to be in great duress) to offer a solution to all their problems: hook her up with the toothy lifeguard and she'll grant them one wish.


While there are a couple genuine laughs, both tone and humour are inconsistent throughout as Allen struggles to find an identity for her film. Like when the girls find empowerment from receiving a makeover that destroys their individuality and leaves them looking like clones of the popular girls they hate so much? It also doesn't help that the script appears to be torn from the pages of teen magazines, with forced ideals lacking any sense of grace or charm. The result is a heavy-handed film that tries hard but stumbles all they way.

And though they may tell you different, my peeps deserve better then that.
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Good Enough
PennyReviews21 July 2019
Aquamarine was a nice, sweet movie. The twist in the ending was nice as well and original. However, the movie was packed with cliches. But, overall, it was enjoyable.
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A harmless fantasy with obvious appeal to its target audience -- tween girls.
punch8716 April 2019
A little bit Splash, a little bit Nickelodeon, Aquamarine is just as sweet as gummy worm bait and is guaranteed to reel in the middle school set who are itching to do something at the mall.
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Two teenage boy crazy best friends discover and befriend a mermaid
dawsonsfreak334 March 2006
I wanted to hate this movie. Everything from the constant squealing of "Oh My God", the stream of clichés and the sheer ridiculousness of some of the dialouge pointed in the direction of a complete waste of time. Somehow however, Aquamarine managed to win me over through charm and its child like determination to please. The movie centers around two teenage girls (Emma Roberts and JoJo) who are spending their last summer together before Hayley (Jojo) moves away to Austrailia. Their summer takes a surprising twist when they discover a mermaid (Sara Paxton) in a pool after a terrible storm. They spend the rest of the summer trying to help her find true love. Both Emma Roberts and Jojo are newcomers to the screen and do a surprisingly good job at playing bubbly girls without making the audience want to wring their necks 10 minutes in and though each have yet to develop their skills especially at showing a wide range of emotions, they certainly are charming and enjoyable to watch. Sara Paxton looks and talks the part and though this role wasn't one to exhibit any real acting abilities she embraces the part full on. Yes, Aqaumarine features a mean blonde girl and yes there is the "hot" guy but if you watch this movie for exactly what it is, a fluffy escape from life, then it shouldn't bother you. So if you are ever in the mood, wait until it comes out on video and don't pay 10 dollars on it, it is definitely a rental.
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A fun 'fluff' film, nothing special or terrible about it.
pinbyte3 August 2006
If I write a review about a movie, maybe it will stick with me... but generally I expect that I will have forgotten I've seen this one a mere two weeks from now. So why bother? Because again I find myself watching a low-rated movie that was fun to watch. I didn't expect I'd to be able to stay in the room while it was on.

It wasn't great, but at least it was not unbearable... not a comedy of errors which always makes me cringe. It was just sweet fluff... and if you can't take it, stay in the locker room boys. I agree with those who defend this movie because it is sure to please its targeted demographic, and won't be a total bore to an adult.

It offers a few good chuckles here and there, but nary a side splitter. Sure it is silly and only mildly entertaining, but at least it doesn't suck (as so many have said it does). Maybe those folks are afraid of their sensitive sides?

I have a tendency to grade on the bell curve, so a 4,5 or 6 is actually an okay all-around rating in my book. Giving it a 4 makes sense and will bolster its rating at the time of this writing. Giving it a 1 or a 10, as most have done thus far, makes the rating numbers meaningless. I cannot believe how strongly people feel one way or the other about this forgettable fluff (or that I am even bothering to write about it). Am I missing something?

Anyway, it should be noted that Emma Roberts performs her role as Clairedycat quite convincingly. Ariell Kebbel often written into b*ch roles does not disappoint when her character gets her due. You might also recognize Bruce Spence playing Leonard, though his role is ancillary.

Surely you can miss this one if you are an adult. But, if there is a pre-teen girl in your life, rent this movie for her... and be prepared NOT to hate it (you might even enjoy it).
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Cute teen comedy
pedrosmgfan21 August 2006
"Aquamarine" seems the typical teen romantic comedy, and it is, but I'm not saying that this movie is bad, because is not. This movie is cute, funny and entertaining. It is a good comedy about friendship and love.

All begins when two teenagers, Claire and Hailey discover in their beach club's swimming pool a young mermaid called Aquamarine, who has escaped from an arranged wedding. She must find a love in three days, to show her father that love exists. Then she falls in love with the lifeguard Raymond. Claire and Hailey help her to get Raymond because if they help a mermaid they can get a wish, so they use their wish to stop Hailey' mom moving to Australia.

The cast includes Sara Paxton as Aquamarine, Emma Roberts as Claire, Joanna "JoJo" Levesque as Hailey and Jake McDormand as Raymond. "Aquamarine" is a cute comedy full of funny situations and love and friendship scenes. Don't miss this movie, it's not a waste of time.
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jboothmillard26 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I read in Empire magazine the Top Ten Movie Mermaids, Daryl Hannah in Splash was obviously number 1, Ariel of The Little Mermaid was number 3, and this one was number 9, so I had to see why. Basically twelve year old friends Claire Brown (Emma Roberts) and Hailey Rogers (RV's Joanna 'JoJo' Levesque) are due to separate in five days when Hailey has to move to Australia because of her mum. One night there is a violent storm, and the girls take a look at their beach club swimming pool, and they are amazed by what has been washed up inside it. They meet and are amazed by mermaid Aquamarine (Superhero Movie's Sara Paxton), and the next day she turns up with legs saying that her fins come back when she gets wet. Aquamarine tells them that she is ashore trying to prove to her father, king of the sea, that love exists so that she doesn't have to go through a forced marriage. The girls agree to help her to get popular beach boy and lifeguard Raymond (Jake McDorman) to fall in love with her. Aquamarine says she will grant them a wish for helping her, so obviously they see this as their chance to stop Hailey moving away. The only problem with this plan is that spoilt, rich girl Cecilia Banks (American Pie Presents Band Camp's Arielle Kebbel) is trying to get her mitts on Raymond too. There is a point when Cecilia discovers Aquamarine's secret, but eccentric and compassionate caretaker Leonard (Bruce Spence) stops this secret being spread. Raymond does discover Aquamarine is a mermaid too, but her father is convinced there is love from Claire and Hailey loving her, and the girls save their wish for later, instead the three of them promise to see each other every summer. Also starring Claudia Karvan as Ginny, Tammin Sursok as Marjorie, Roy Billing as Grandpa Bob, Julia Blake as Grandma Maggie and Shaun Micallef as Storm Banks. If you are of the Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana and Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen generation, "girly girls", then this is definitely for you. Roberts and Levesque are your typical smile too much and giggle a lot pair, Paxton is attractive and fun as the half-girl-half-fish, but she's no Daryl Hannah, and there are some amusing moments, but it isn't my kind of thing more than once. Okay!
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How does this movie have a user rating of 2?
I took my daughter 5 and son 8 to see Aquamarine yesterday after school. I didn't go in expecting to see an Oscar worthy movie as many who rated this movie must have. Both of my kids really enjoyed the movie and I did as well. I thought the plot was good and the acting was pretty good as well. I liked the magical feel that this movie had and at least it lets kids use their imagination instead of just the same old boring stuff. How Aquamarine could ever have a lower user rating than Ultraviolet is a crime against humanity. I am glad that several of the user comments that I have read appreciate this movie for what it is, a movie for your kids and that the parents will enjoy also.
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Fresh young faces, good film for genre
Dkish2 March 2006
Aquamarine By Dean Kish For hundreds of years we have been fascinated with the nautical myth that there are beings in the oceans who are ½ fish and ½ woman. They are always young, beautiful and completely naive. Some classic films have captivated this obsession. The first biggest and most memorable film was the classic 1984 comedy "Splash" which really brought the myth back into the fore-front of our minds. Next was 1989's "The Little Mermaid" which stole our hearts and re-launched Disney's animation division.

Probably the most obscure reference and the most bizarre use of the mermaid myth was used in the short-lived TV series, "Maximum Bob" where an ultra right-wing judge (Beau Bridges) marries a psychic mermaid-performer (Kiersten Warren). There are a lot of scenes with Warren in an aquarium and dressed in her fish tail.

OK I have covered the biggest to the most obscure which brings me to "Aquamarine".

"Aquamarine" is a light-hearted preteen comedy about a naive mermaid, Aquamarine (Sara Paxton) who comes ashore to uncover the human myth called love. Helping her in finding this mythical emotion are two best friends, Claire and Hailey (Emma Roberts and JoJo), who befriend the mermaid. It turns out that the friends maybe separated forever when Hailey moves away. Aquamarine promises them a wish if they help her find true love so the girls, desperate to stay together, help her out.

This film is probably not a classic or will be fondly remembered in five years but for the audience it is aimed at it succeeds on many levels. I liked the performances of Emma Roberts and Sara Paxton. I even warmed up to JoJo a little.

What I kept saying as the film went on was how these three girls looked like junior versions of established actors. I felt that Paxton reminded me a lot of a younger Reese Witherspoon and Roberts reminded me some of her aunt, Julia Roberts. JoJo did also remind me of Lindsay Lohan but there isn't much of an age difference between them so you can't really say junior version.

I think that Paxton and Roberts have a lot of potential in their Hollywood careers. JoJo could have a career in film but does she have the ability to manage music and film like say, Hilary Duff. Only time will tell.

"Aquamarine" is a great little film if you have girls who are between 8 and 15 but other than that I can't really recommend it to anyone else. But you have to give it marks for succeeding so well in a pinch demographic. (3.5 out of 5) So Says the Soothsayer (
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Great for young girls
sunshinemandy2611 March 2006
My fiancé and I could not help but laugh at the ridiculousness of this movie the whole way through. Very rarely does a teen movie THIS cheesy come along...I had hoped it would be smarter than it was.

That said though, it is full of really great messages for the little/young girls who would mostly go to this movie, including: you can be pretty AND keep your clothes on, tanning does not necessarily make you pretty, friends should always come first (BEFORE boys!), some crushes are unrealistic but its OK because they're still fun!, sometimes the best choice is the hardest one to make, etc. etc. etc.

It really does have a very sweet theme about for our friends, our family, and healthy, realistic teen love. I can't wait to take my four little sisters who are 11, 9, 7 and 5, and I have no reservations about doing so. They will LOVE it!!!
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I loved it!!
TheycallmeMunchkin21 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie!!! It was fun and the acting was great. My favorite part was when they call Raymond and she screams into the phone. I laughed so hard. I also liked how they make Aquamarine so clueless its funny. I thought Cecila, the bad girl, wasn't mean enough, She was pretty mean, but I think one more thing she could have done that could top it off. What bugged me the most was that the tail was so unrealistic. I knew it was a robot tail even before I saw the movie. There was some scenes where she was actually wearing a tail, but very few. JoJo was surprising. I didn't think her acting would be very good, but I was wrong! It was awesome. They picked the right Raymond as well. He looked kinda older for the ladies, put he sure was hot! I loved this movie and watched it over and over again!!
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Calling Girls Under the Age of 10!!!
specklescit17 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie with the eight-year-old girl I nanny. The entire theatre was filled with girls under 10. I think there may have been 5 or 6 moms and me. Eventually her 11 y/o bro came in (after his movie, the Pink Panther, was over) and he was definitely the only boy in there. The movie as a whole was cute, but I found myself, as a 20 y/o college student, getting kind of bored. It taught good lessons about overcoming fears and learning to live life, and the importance of friends. Kylie really liked it and it sounded like the other girls liked it, too. The only big problem I had with it was that the whole plot revolved around love of a boy. The girls were obsessing over this boy and getting him to fall in love with them. It made girls look like all we are are boy-obsessed. Nice message to convey to the theatre full of 8 year olds. Of course, in the end, the girls learn that the most important kind of love is loving yourself and the love of friends, so the end lesson was meaningful. I recommend this to families with girls between 5 and 10, but any older and they'll be bored. And you should be prepared to watch the clock.
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Put it back on the bottom 100
srobi28028 February 2007
I can't believe I actually sat through the whole thing. This movie has the worst acting since Killjoy.

Here is a brief outline of the plot: The movie starts out with Jojo and that other chick sitting around on the beach, drooling over a skinny blonde-haired beach "hunk" who looks like he hasn't been to the gym a day in his life. Somehow, everyone knows him, and every single chick in the movie wants him. UH OH! Here comes the competition! The stereotypical "hot chick" and her best friends, who drive an ugly pink car. We soon find out Jojo's mom got the job of a lifetime in Australia, which means that Jojo would have to move and leave her best friend behind (oh no, I think I'm gonna cry). A huge storm comes, and fills their swimming pool with nasty water. Somehow, for no apparent reason, the little chick falls into the pool, and comes face to face with, yup, you guessed it, a MERMAID! This is where the "story" really takes off. Basically, they want to get the mermaid to fall in love with the "hunk".

This is a preteen flick with acting so bad, it makes the 80's look like the pinnacle of Oscar-worthy performances. This movie has all the clichés possible... the best friends, the "hunk" who everyone wants, the "hot" bad girl and her bitchy friends, the scary old man... you name it, it's in there. I took one for a lot of people by watching this. Consider my hour and 40 minutes a sacrifice to you. Please, don't see this movie. Don't make it so I suffered in vain.
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Caught in a net of fish
freakfire-130 May 2008
Where should I begin with this travesty? How about - that the acting was some of the worst I have ever seen. Not only was Miss Roberts, the current girl of Nancy Drew fame, not any good but neither was the other stars.

Mermaids looking for love smells of Little Mermaid. Mermaids in the tub and swimming in a water-tower smell of Disney-esquire novelty. I guess I am glad she found her love, but it was painful to watch while getting there.

Concluding my thoughts, don't buy this. It might be worth a rental at best to entertain some teenage girls, but it won't do anything for anybody else. Even many of the girls probably won't like this. "F"
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Makes A Big Splash For Pre-Teen Girls
FloatingOpera710 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Aquamarine (2006) Starring Sara Paxton, Emma Roberts, JoJo, Jake McDorman, Arielle Kebbel, Claudia Karvan, Bruce Spence, Tammin Sursok, Roy billing, Julia Blake, Shaum Micallef..Director Elizabeth Allen I admit never having seen Splash, but if it's a lot like this film only set in an earlier decade like the 80's or something, I'm sure that film is not enjoyable. I've seen Mermaids with Cher and that was also awful. Continuing cinema's love affair with beautiful mermaids and the "Little Mermaid" story, Sara Paxton plays Aquamarine, a real-life mermaid who changes the lives of two best friends forever. Emma Roberts and Jojo play the two friends, who must deal with possible separation as one of the girl's mother is resolved to move out to Australia for a high-paying job as marine biologist. The two girls make a wish that something will keep them together. Aquamarine shows up and soon she changes the girl's lives, making them stronger, smarter and altering their status from unpopular girls to the girls everyone roots for. Arielle Kebbel plays the mean-spirited Cecilia, whose father is a wealthy news reporter and whose goal is to humiliate the girls. Aquamarine falls for the sexy, hunky California surfer dude boy Jake McDorman. The Little Mermaid story is now acted out in present time as he discovers her secret (she is a mermaid by night, and human by day) but still continues to pursue her romantically. Possibly, this film is terrible but for pre-adolescent girls and or younger, this is a real delight. The girls do learn a lesson in friendship and loyalty. Aquamarine learns that love is not merely romantic but platonic. These lessons aren't really delivered with enough power as this film is mostly comedy. But this film is enjoyable and has its own merit, even if it is predictable in "Little Mermaid" manner. But what story hasn't been told and retold ?
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For 10 year old girls only
pmtelefon30 December 2018
I keep fighting with my now 16 year old daughter. She keeps wanting to make her 16 year old boyfriend watch "Aquamarine". Is she nuts? Is she trying to get him to dump her? No, she's just been a huge fan since this movie first came out. I did the same thing to her mother. I told her mom that I wouldn't marry her until she watched a John Wayne movie with me (she finally settled on 'McQ'.) "Aquamarine" is a dull, silly movie. The cast is mostly appealing but nothing about the movie stands out. They even waste the beautiful setting. If you're going to make a movie in Australia, do me a favor: Show it.
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Teen comedy but it puts you in good mood
SkullScreamerReturns7 November 2021
This is a romantic comedy aimed at young girls, but it's not bad even if you're something else. It's one of those cases where the movie is a bit silly but it is also so charming that it wins you over.

Even though there is nothing super amazing about the movie I think it's very solid in its own fild. The characters are likeable, the comedy is quite funny, and there generally is nothing that would especially annoy me.

The rules about when the mermaid has a tail and when legs were a bit odd but I don't think anyone who watches this expects realism or science fiction where everything is explained super deep...

If you want a light-hearted movie about innocent kind of love and friendship this will be it.
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Um I speak 26 languages,blah blah blah,were royalists blah blah blah, oh yeah I'm also a ditsy mermaid!
repoed212 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
this is probably one of the worst films I have ever seen. It really has not point. It's tag line "a fish out of water comedy" is false. Through the movie their may be 1 or 2 smiles, maybe even a giggle, but i wouldn't really categorize this as a comedy. Heres the whole movie in words....So two annoying girls named Hayley and Claire (what exotic names!) constantly go to a beach club where there's this bulimic "hottie" who they love who's name is Raymond. They go day after day to stare at him and at the mean girls breast and complain how big her's are and how their's are not....skip to that night. There's a big mysterious storm that just happens to blow a mermaid in the beach clubs swimming pool. the next day the girls see Raymond and decide 2 go out. CHEESEOVERLOAD,CUE CHEESEDEPOSIT!!!!!! Claire falls into pool, mermaid happens to be residing in said poop. she screams and heroic Raymond rips his shirt off to reveal his sexy bod (ya right) and he jumps in to rescue Claire. CLAIR IS SAVED(and good cause if she died this early this movie would be even worse). end day 2 cue night 2.....Claire and Haley are eating gummy worms and go tot the pool they see the mermaid and are frightened but act like they saw their other best friend 4 seconds later(for all they know, she could be a serial killer). they become best friends..end night 2 cue day 3.....they bond blah blah blah...they decide that aquamarine likes Raymond, so they flirt.....not frontally but in a way ...CHEESEOVERLOAD,CUE CHEESEDEPOSIT!!!!!! aquamarine falls of bike, heroic Raymond jumps out window, rips his shirt off (YES Again!!), leaps over banister, and rushes 2 rescue. mean girl shows up and of course the frigid mermaid tells her off which sparks a necessary hate vs.hate relationship between them.... end day 3 cue night 3....they stuff the fish in a water tower.end night 3 cue day 4.... theirs a street fair and aquamarine goes with guess who! Raymond, they bond blah blah blah..oh no! its 5pm,aquamarine and her inflatable dolphin that Raymond gave to here must be shoved back into the water tower!...end day 4 cue night 5...nothing happens....end night 5 cue day 6.... the girls are at a bus stop, they go shopping, aquamarine yells like a 5 year old... they go to a dance......aquamarine dances with Raymond, she has to go back 2 the water tower...uh oh, mean girls follow...mean girl 1 finds out shes a mermaid, sh4e tells the news but all they find in the water tower is the stupid dolphin Raymond gave her...I'm getting sick of this and you are too so lets just say this movie probably ends like it sounds it would.
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It was much better than I expected
luv2laugh76594 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was really surprised at the potential of this movie! I went expecting it to be another stupid poorly done fairy tale, but left thinking that it was so much more! The chemistry of Emma, Jojo, and Sarah is incredible, and it really is brought out in their acting. I never expected to see great acting out of emotions from them, but they made their feelings so real - which I never would've expected from them. thought a lot of any three of these actresses until now - but it was very good. If you go see this movie, expect to leave hoping that maybe one day you'll find a mermaid - it gives everybody a little taste of magic. Well done! Great for kids of all ages, I'm 12 and I liked it as much as my 7 year old sister.
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Not deserving of the 3.6 rating it currently has
hempick22 August 2006
I'm not going to lie to you. This movie is not great. Some of the acting is weak, some of the scenes are awkward, and some of the dialogue is trite. However, those parts of the movie only account for about 15-20% of the total running time. Most of the flick is fun and entertaining to watch.

I had planned to see this in theatres, but after seeing that it had a 2.5 rating (at the time) on IMDb, I decided not to go. However, I recently got a hold of a copy and was pleasantly surprised.

Yes it is a chick flick. Yes it is geared towards the "tween" demographic. Again, I am not going to lie to you. I am 24 year old male and I enjoyed it, so take that for what it is worth.

6.5/10 rounded up to 7/10.
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A intriguing analysis of feces
fartmonkeysrock12 March 2006
I saw aquamarine thinking that it would be about a mermaid or something. Having low expectations usually works for me but not in this case. The plot is this; a girl finds a mermaid in her pool and the hilarity ensues. That's really about it. I think that taking a crap in your pool and watching it for an hour and a half might be funnier and is definitely more entertaining. So save your money or bring your ipod if you are for some unfortunate reason forced to see Aquamarine. If for some odd chance my last wish was to see a movie before a shooting squad killed me and the only thing that they had on beta tape was Aquamarine, I would ask them to shoot me in the eyes so that the last thing I saw was a super heated lead slug as apposed to that crappy movie. Notice I said crappy; bringing up my previous point that if you decide against seeing Aquamarine it would be a equal alternative to watch a turd float around in your pools on mini trade winds and currents. (Note: having corn the previous night makes it much funnier.)
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